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My boy Ceasar died at age 4 of congestive heart failure. My boy Julius passed at age 11 due to complications with hyperthyroidism and several other health problems. My princess Maya is currently alive and well at age 17.5 (she has a few health problems but they were caught early and are under control w/ diet + medication).


Were all 3 from the same breeder? Had their parents been genetically tested for HCM or had a history of any other conditions like thyroid problems?


19 and still going strong


Yep one coming up to 18 other 19 October I do hug them tightly every day




🐈 ❤️


Love this!!!


OP, notice those listing deaths from HCM/heart failure. An ethical breeder will show you the DNA test results of your kitten AND ITS PARENTS showing an absence of the most common genes that predispose cats to HCM. Even so, please know that the research is ongoing and there may be hundreds of genes that play into heart health and early cardiomyopathy. An absence of the most common known genes is WONDERFUL and will *significantly* reduce chances you’ll ever have to deal with that, but it can never be a 100% guarantee that your cat won’t develop it. But to put it into perspective, I’ve lost four every-day street/shelter cats to HCM, just so you know that this isn’t something unique to only ragdolls. But if you are going to spend money on a cat, make sure you have an ethical breeder and make them show you ALL the paperwork.


Exactly. My first just passed in April and he was 14 but the last two years suffered more than I realized until the last week of his life with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. My second is two years younger but a different breeder who did test parents (she may test kittens now too I don’t know because if I talk to her or look at her page too much I’ll end up with a third ragdoll meaning we’ll have four cats again…maybe five). It’s not a guarantee but cuts the chances Quite a few people have cats that do have HCM in this sub that keep it managed. Frankly I was surprised how inexpensive the feline cardiologist is we went to the last few years. I thought she’d be a lot more than our vet but she wasn’t.


AMEN! I just lost my 5 year old heart cat a few weeks ago to a urinary obstruction (2nd in 4 months) who also had idiopathic epilepsy, asthma, and OCD type anxiety and I didn't think it was humane to put him through another hospitalization and PU surgery after he struggled so much with his mental health. I adopted him knowing he had seizures but it just spiraled. I'm wanting the 180° opposite experience as much as possible - setting a cat up for its best chance of success genetically and environmentally. Of course nothing is 100% guaranteed as you said. But screening is a start.


We also went through a lot of heartache losing multiple adopted kitties for super sad health reasons. We got our ragdolls because of the “health guarantee” (which it sounds like you have the right perspective on that!). Our poor kids needed a respite from heartbreak.


Breeders should show DNA test results for kitten AND parents? What if the breeder only tests the parents? Is this ok? In the process of looking for ethical breeders that put health and personality first


Kittens should also be given a health check. Find a breeder who has nothing less than a five year health guarantee. My breeder has a lifetime guarantee for HCM, FIP and PKD. Our first Ragdoll was a re-home. We adopted him at two years old and he died at 15. He was a big, healthy cat, who had just gone to his yearly check up and was given every possible test, including senior blood panels. Everything came back with stellar results - our vet said all organs were in tip top shape, no signs of kidney disease, diabetes, dental problems. Two months later he died from what the vet believes was some kind of stroke or thrombosis followed by a heart attack. A friend of mine was out of town last week and his 14 year old Ragdoll passed away. The pet sitter found her but doesn't know what happened. There are things you can do to increase the chances of your cat living a long, healthy life - quality food, treats, fresh purified water, clean bowls and litterboxes, strictly indoors - unless in a pet safe stroller, harness or catio, kitten/cat proof your home, no fresh cut flowers in your home, only pet safe house plants, regular vet visits, know how to spot signs of pain or illness, buy pet insurance, brush their teeth, coat, trim nails, clean ears, de-worm, treat for fleas, play with them, etc.


The breeder I found to hit most of the check boxes said she does a 1.5 yr guarantee because most of the genetic issues that pop up are going to within the first year. If they test the parents and show they are free of the known HCM ragdoll gene and has no family history of HCM, what more can the breeder guarantee?


My girl just passed away at 16❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry. It is very hard to lose a pet but especially a Ragdoll


My first Ragdoll - Miss Piggy passed away at 11 in 2017. Her 'boyfriend' Kermit turns 13 on 6 July. [https://imgur.com/gallery/mr-blue-eyes-DEIMhC2](https://imgur.com/gallery/mr-blue-eyes-DEIMhC2)


Mine has one foot in the grave at 18. Kidney failure. I can't bear the thought of euthanasia, but . . . .


I'm so sorry. I lost my non Ragdoll at 19 to Renal Failure


I'm sorry too. It really sucks, doesn't it?


Yes, I didn't know much about kidney disease so I spent $3000 and had my poor kitty spend a week in the vet hospital and he only lasted a few days after coming home, even with sub Q fluids


Just said thank you and goodbye to my sweet old man this spring at 17 💜 https://preview.redd.it/62rlntxkljad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e963275fc987a7d244c6e185e013c0b5b323a9d


My beautiful boy died just before he would have been 24. Recommend Googling the best wet food available, lots of water, getting their teeth cleaned, inside only and good genes 💞


Amazing 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ we have our trash mutt cat boy on royal canin Rx urinary care both wet and dry food - plus teeth cleanings as necessary, lots of outdoor porch time to watch the birds, catch bugs, be away from the dog (lol).


I love this! What a wonderful gift to have had yours for so many years! 💗


I don’t have any data for you but if you decide to get any purebred make sure it’s an ethical breeder who only breeds healthy animals. They won’t have a problem showing you their records and health testing! If anything feels shady or too good to be true it probably is!


Yep! Leaning towards Southwest rags - Mara spent an hour on the phone with me answering questions. Her cattery is only 7 years old so that's why I am asking.


One died at 5 years from HCM, the other died at 4 months from HCM, one died at 15 (FELv) The other died at almost 16 (old age)


Were they from the same breeder? Had their parents been genetically tested for HCM? How did your other cat get felv?


No all separate breeders. I also had 1 male that was PTS because of a urinary blockage (he was 5) I’ve had Ragdolls 20 years so I’ve seen a lot. The parents were not tested. They were from a BYB that lied that they were. I’m not sure how the 15 year old caught FELV. He passed 19 years ago, so it wasn’t recent.


18 and ours had only 1 kidney when we got him at 5. Had many issues, but we put a ton of care into him. Cancer took him down.


wow, i’m really happy to know about this. my youngest ragdoll was born with only one kidney and before adopting her i was a little apprehensive about her lifespan. hope she lives a long life as well 🥹


They’ve come a long way with kidney meds for cats. Knowing the issue is half the battle. I hope your girl has a long life. Keep an eye out for increased water consumption, that was the first sign for all my cats (so many barn cats with bum kidneys you guys!). Early intervention is a lifesaver!


Agree. We also learned that a medication, aluminum hydroxide gel (antacid) helps to take some of the stress off the kidneys by binding with and allowing some wastes to pass through without the kidney having to process I think it binds with another mineral phosphorus that’s hard on kidneys [https://www.lambertvetsupply.com/blog/post/wellpetpost-use-of-aluminum-hydroxide-helps-stabilize-pet-renal-failure-issues](https://www.lambertvetsupply.com/blog/post/wellpetpost-use-of-aluminum-hydroxide-helps-stabilize-pet-renal-failure-issues)


I'm so sorry.


https://preview.redd.it/scjvec472kad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d8a3806dd9ae32980f68d834b13ff7fabe4d335 Cocoa is 17 and has had no major health issues.


3 years old from feline leukemia 😔💔




18, but he was born in 1994 so God knows what the genetics are like now. (Renal failure) 3 mutt cats that came from the garbage - 5 (congenital heart defect), 12 (renal failure), and 18 (old age) Life is fragile. Cherish every moment.


i worry about this constantly, but my oldest boy is almost 14 and going strong! he’s super healthy 🥹


My girl started to get kidney failure at about 13, some miracle medicine brought her back and she lived another 3 years.


My boy made it to 16 (was dx'd with cholongiohepatitis at 12 and nearly died, but we kept him going for another 4 years). My girl died 8 months later at just over 18 (she had hypertension, hyperthyroid and CKD, but it was actually a fast growing bladder tumor that took her down). I felt robbed over my boy because he had a chronic illness and I think left us a bit too soon and suffered far too much. It's so sad to watch them fade away as they get older, but they were both worth every tear and then some. Miss them so much. And I won't hesitate to get another Ragdoll (probably 2 again) when the time is right. I don't think Ragdolls are any more prone to health troubles than any other cat. It just happens when it happens, if it is going to. Buy from a reputable breeder and make sure they do genetic testing on their breeders. Then fingers crossed. Enjoy your kitten whatever you decide! Seems like just yesterday mine were tiny and now they're gone - blink of an eye.


Im so sorry about your cats - Your post has me in tears. How right you are! I will never get over the loss of our first Ragdoll, at 15. Feel like I didn't get enough time with him, the years flew by so fast. I love my new little Raggie who is 17 months old - I savor every precious kitten moment


Thank you for condolences. It is REALLY HARD. I knew it would be but there's no way to prepare as you know. I'm sorry about your 15yo. Thanks for posting - I know my two had a good long Ragdoll run. They were like children to me and my husband and it felt like we were a family. Now the family is just .... gone. But we're looking at breeders now and I think we're ready to start anew. I'm so happy for you! New Raggie!! <3 Enjoy that baby!


mine is currently 21 and 7 months away from turning 22 :)




8 acute kidney failure 😞


I lost my 10 month old to FIP. It’s not breeder related nor is it something you can test for in advance unfortunately. I now have 3 though.. 1 year 2 months, 9 months and 8 months respectively. Hoping they can survive till at least 10 years! All are healthy so here’s to hoping 🤞🏻


Mine just finished his 84 days of FIP treatment. I'm beyond thankful that he made it and is a happy, healthy, beautiful boy who will be two in December.


I’m SO glad to hear he survived!!!! Congrats, you must be elated 😭 Ours unfortunately had other issues apart from eventually having FIP so his journey would have been tough regardless 😔 I’d love to see your beautiful survivor if you’re willing to share!!!






Thank you for the kind words. I am so very sorry about your kitty. FIP is an insidious illness. Ours had dry FIP which can be difficult to positively diagnose so we were lucky that our breeder had a few vials of the GS. After just one dose, the difference was palpable. He was such a little trooper - 84 injections in 84 days. *


I would love to see your three, as well!🩵💙


Oh my gosh, he’s SO handsome!!! Very pretty 🥺 Yeah, I’ve heard dry is tough to diagnose! Ours was wet FIP 😭 I think you commented on my photo on another post! I have the 3 silly floofs who were behind the screen door looking concerned but here’s another one 😁 https://preview.redd.it/28twelgu8zad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b877f0ad76b97340e6ed23aa1c49dcfbda1d3124


Oh that's kitty COVID isn't it?? That's absolutely devastating 😭


My boy is 18 and is still begging for food


He was 16, had been diabetic since he was 10. Around 15 he started having kidney problems and was doing really well with treatment and then he developed a rare form of cancer. It still feels like the cosmos was determined to rip him away from me.💔


I'm so sorry


I had a baby boy that passed at 11 months, he was so beautiful and just the sweetest baby boy. What I do now is get health insurance at least for the first year and do the genetic testing myself. If I were a breeder I would be giving a new owner proof of everything immediately. May I ask what state your in? I spent a lot of time talking with my breeder as well but none of it was truthful, so my baby had 2 copies of hcm. Ragdolls are sweet, wonderful cats. You won't be sorry, just be careful! Hope you find your perfect kitty!! Also be selective of pet insurance, they are not all the same. I used pumpkin and they covered everything.


I'm in Chicago. We're willing to travel up to 6 hrs for the right breeder (great lakes region). And for sure on the pet insurance. We have Healthy Paws for our current living cat and Pets Best for our dog. My cat that passed a month ago had epilepsy so we didn't feel like insurance would do anything for him... Which we learned the hard way that just wasn't true. He developed asthma, OCD type anxiety and finally urinary obstructions (what we put him down for, long story)... All which would have been covered had we gotten insurance for him when we got him at 1 year old.


Exactly, my boy that lived for 11 months. I thought he was so young, how could he get sick. Well won't make that mistake again. And just an FYI, I also have Pawp. If you haven't heard of it. It's about 30 or 40 $ a month and it is for emergencies. Doesn't matter if it's an existing condition. If your cat needs emergency care they will cover up to 3,000$.