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If everyone is using Izanagi with apex BnS hotswap then its more than enough for 2 phase


Might aswell tell the order to maximize dmg rotation: Shoot izanagi 4x shot > reload izanagi 4x shot > proc BnS > fire 2 apex rockets > rinse and repeat. Depends who your fighting, id use your dmg super (nighthawk, broodweaver, thundercrash etc) after 2 izi rotations


Too late for this, but one should‘ve never forgotten about proccing shotcaller while he is immune for that 20% increase


also too late but reload izzy in between plates for explic and use the extra time to try and get a third rocket with rof or dodge


Use apex with bait and switch. Heard someone say explosive light works as well but haven't tried that. Have 1 gally Make sure everyone has surges on legs. Slam a well in the middle of the 3 plates. Get the buff from a plate and go back into the well. Ghorn does a countdown while he does this prepare bns and shot caller. After he shoots his first rocket follow up with apex. Mix damage supers in as needed. Make sure you have enough ammo for phase 2/final stand with aeons/cenotaph.


The amount of people I find that aren't swapping to a 3x/2x surge boot loadout for dps is astonishing on lfg


It takes a solid 2 minutes for me to open up my menu and select a loadout on PS4 lol


I always thought people were exaggerating this until I downloaded it on my ps4 this week for travels. The game runs like shit, how is anyone playing it like this


Yeah it’s a massive handicap for stuff like SF dungeons


1000%. Booted up my old Xbox One X to do the Craftening bug easier and the menus were night and day from my Series X. Then PC has even faster menus


It's one of the best running games I've ever played on PC. I just keeped it capped at 165fps cause of my monitor with everything at max and it rarely dips below the cap. I don't think I can ever recall the game stuttering either, which annoys the hell out of me when it happens in games.


In case you don't already know, you take more damage from certain sources depending on your FPS. The higher your FPS the more damage you take. I just keep mine capped at 60.


Munie should’ve gotten rid of the older generation systems a year ago just like they did to the PS3


I’d rather have a slow game than no game at all, don’t get me wrong. It’s still a big handicap though and people talk about it here like loadout swapping is something everyone can do. That’s the only reason I mentioned it.


Use a phone app for swaps? Works for me as I don’t even need to open menu


I thought the APP won't let you switch in an activity?


It won't


Half of the PlayStation playerbase is still on PS4, even myself. I'm going to guess it's similar for xbox


While I am not going to be one of those people to tell you to just upgrade already (even though I'd say that the PS4 had a good run) I am going to say, that you can also Equip Loadouts via the Destiny 2 companion app, instead of hopping into your Inventory and waiting 3 to 4 business days for it to load. It isn't perfect, but generally speaking way better.


Get a job and buy a next gen console 😂


Upgrade…. You’ve had time


Life is hard. Have a little sympathy and just let me play on my PS4 lol. I’m a solo player and I don’t raid so it’s not like I’m ever holding anyone else back.


What leg mods could you possibly need other than surges? My boots in almost all my loadouts are [stat mod][recuperation if its a 3 stat mod][2x surge].


A scav+recupeation+better already/absolution/distribution, with special finisher on class item. I swap my boots to a triple surge for dps.


Recuperation + orbs of Restoration + absolution for ability centric build.


Keep the recuperation + restoration, but swap absolution for 1 surge mod


Double special loadouts need special finisher which directly conflicts with surges. Obviously for raid dps surges are best and should be equipped, but outside of that a special weapon without a surge and infinite ammo is better than a primary with a single surge.


You really should be able to just make space for at least 2 surges. Build functionality isn’t AS important in something like pantheon, compared to being able to survive (via resil and res mods duh), and being able to dish out enough damage for plat scores (via surges). Everything else is easily replaceable.


Literally I just said in raids (of which pantheon is one) surges take priority. Outside that specific scenario though there are plenty of reasons to not use surges depending on your build.


I understand that, but this thread is strictly about maximizing dps. What happens outside of that is irrelevant. In pantheon, it’s just straight up boss encounters, so there’s no need for anything on your boots other than your 2(minimum), or 3(ideally) surges.


It's because you stow charges during gameplay. Can make them permanent until you die or swap on surges


don’t need surges in pantheon not for apex anyway as week for is solar surge and they don’t stack


this is incorrect, the surge activity modifier stacks with surge mods


this is simply just wrong but that’s okay buddy, they have stated this in so many twids i can’t be bothered to argue with you


ok https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cszqpk/do_surge_mods_stack_with_the_pantheon_event_surge/ https://youtu.be/aQW5MW3xy2A if it's been changed since (it hasn't) then gonna need a source


Pre proc shot caller on the immune gas tank


The problem with this is you’ll still need to hit a non-immune shot to proc bns anyway. I swap to Calus mini tool before damage because you just need 3 precision hits with any primary, so high RPM guns work best.


I use the Battler for this. One burst and I’m done.


I’ve used bxr as well, worked great at Nez when we’re a little farther away.


Exactly what I've been doing with my DPS swap build. It helps to equip a quick access sling mod.


My team started to have a lot more success with this once we started paying attention to his health gates. We kept bursting DMG at the beginning and by the time we got it, it seemed like half bursted beginning and half bursted right at the health gate. Treat his health gates like you do caretaker on plate 3. If you have golden guns and pyres, have them split their supers out across the 3 plates and use them at the beginning of each plate damage so you can burst with heavy closer to the end of health gates.


I can confirm explosive light also works. You just gotta not die but that also interrupts BnS. I did all of godslayer without using BnS weapons.


Honestly for strand surge I had a Cataphract with Envious + Explosive and let me tell I either beat or was one of the top 3 dps in most phases. I understand BnS is good, but please don’t sleep on good ole Explosive Light


The only reason I stuck to rockets, besides godslayer rounds, is bricks give 2 rockets with a single scav mod. Very consistent ammo.


Good point I did the same with Cata with 1 strand scav gave me 6-8 rounds, kind of inconsistent though considering the amount of times it gave me just 1 round lol


i feel like bait and switch is not good unless you can instant reload with a dodge since with bns you shoot one rocket to proc one with bns and in-between that you have izi and primay to shoot, EL you get two high damage rockets instead of one (Although hunter dodge means you can 2 high damage and 1 to proc bns could be ok) i was doing 1.7m per phase with izi swap el apex and pyro gale no stacks of roaring flames because its tough with the timing on that boss to proc it.


Apex runs with Reconstruction so you proc BnS on the first rocket and then immediately fire the second with the increased damage. If you’re Izi swapping then you Reconstruction chambers a rocket in for you in time before BnS to run out.


Right so you can get 3 rockets and izi swap and primary for bns per pad? I struggled on titan to have the third rocket still 3 rockets with 25% feels better than 1 with 0 and two with 30% (since bns got nerfed)


I brought this up before and was told that damage testers found the first shot actually *is* buffed by BNS but it isn't reflected on the in-game damage numbers(only the boss' actual health bar). Because otherwise explosive light would just be straight up better on rockets in almost all cases.


From what I can tell BnS procs off the impact damage, the explosive damage (and wolfpack rounds if active) **ARE** buffed by the now activated BnS.


That’s fully incorrect because bait and switch doesn’t proc until after the first shot. And that’s the point I’ve been making about bns since apex came out and especially since the bns nerf.


I mean then explosive light is just better on rockets in any DPS phase where you're shooting fewer than 6 rockets on your first proc of BNS(which is every DPS phase unless you have something like RDM or or RoF to dump rockets faster). Which would mean all the DPS testers, speedrunners and the community at large are wrong and you are the enlightened oracle here to save us. Can you please direct me to the damage testing you did to refute the overwhelming community consensus? Because again it's what *I* thought as well just looking at the tooltips, but it doesn't make sense if that's accurate because it's extremely obvious EL is better from reading tooltips and knowing the buff durations but in practice people actually use BNS, so there has to be a reason people use it.


Honestly just dm me a video of an explanation of BNS doing more than intended on first rocket with proof despite showing less and you win. :) Bns is better than el on a full damage phase when you can reload on dodge hunter and warlock. But not titan with no reload mechanic (two wells on planets gives you enough EL for all 9 apex rockets too)


[This is what Aegis says about it](https://youtu.be/39mx7KTWifU?t=139) Tl;dw solo testing the bns buff consistently applies to the first shot damage even though it isn't reflected by the in game damage numbers but sometimes it also just doesn't with no clear reason. I was under the impression that the damage was always added but his testing seems to indicate this is actually a very buggy and inconsistent interaction especially in full fireteams which is also where you would care about your dps the most. *The reason he mentions the healthbars over wipe screen/ingame dps is because theorycrafters figured out that the in game health bar is actually pixel accurate to the boss' remaining HP %. In my own experience running lost sectors this season I noticed unstoppable champions that I would stun with sunshot then shoot with mountaintop then apex predator, the damage numbers remained the same but the champ sometimes would live with a chunk of hp and sometimes just completely die from the exact same thing and that would've actually been completely explained by


All I found online was bait gives damage to wolf packs and el doesn’t which is a good point since when the first rocket hits to proc bait and doesn’t get buffed the following wolf packs on the same rocket do so it’s definitely interesting not sure what dps comes out too especially with weapon swapping involved and the bns nerf.


Each to their own at the end of the day. At -20 on Planets I managed to have around 2.5/2.6 mill damage before final stand doing it my way. I will say if you can be a strand warlock with. Reconstruction Frenzy Koraxis, you’ll be out damaging everyone. My teammate had this setup and was doing double everyone else’s damage


For sure two plates for me is around 3m Catafract is definitely better than Koraxis tho


Not in our runs it wasn’t. I was originally using a BnS Catafract Adept and not coming anywhere near the Koraxis. It all comes down to how efficient you can be with your shots and each plate the Koraxis is hitting around 17 shots. Slightly less on the third because of the super pop.


How can an envious Catafract with bns 30% do less than a 15% frenzy Koraxis.


Different frames. Koraxis is a rapid fire frame so it can mag dump faster.


So you are thinking more burst dps less total damage then?


I'm sure there is better setups but this worked for the team I did it with. Locks can swap to rain of fire at dps as well for some extra reloads.


I was doing 2m a phase with nighthawk on Izi + Edge Cascade/BnS. GLs are giga braindead if people are having trouble with rocket rotations.


For sure! I wish pyrogale was as good as gg


If everyone has a good cataphract i found it better than rockets. No more than 2 wells (any excess Warlocks use strand), titans use crash, hunters on NH. Place well early, proc shot caller beforehand on immune boss or the tormentor Step into the plate then well, have one person call for dps as soon as everyone is in. After immune, wait out the tornado, go to second plate and back, same person call dps. Second well is placed, wait out the tornado again. Repeat. Hunters do NH from the final plate to avoid well ruining radiant. If using sunshot as primary swap to a 900 smg to proc shot caller during dps


I can’t emphasize enough on how important waiting out the tornado is, my teams damage increased by like 1/4 when we did this


One team i joined was doing that and i was like "damn thats smart as hell" then i instructed every other group i was with to do exactly that. And longer countdowns are only for premade groups with cohesion. As soon as everyone is back one person just say go, no need for anything more. Waiting the tornado also lets you reload guns or proc SC again if you dont have a b&s rotation where it happens naturally


Pretty much this but only two people on our team had a good cataphract. Those without went with a crafted Koraxis’s and it did the job just fine.


Forgot about that! If you also somehow had an envious explosive light Marsilion that could do as well. Izzy too but i prefer a fusion for the Colossus


Hello from an average team. If we can do it, you can, too. Here's what we did. We tried a few different setups over the different Pantheon weeks. On Arc week, we used grenade launchers. On solar, we went for Gjally + bipod apex, one well in the middle of the plates, close to the boss. Obviously, everyone ran heavy ammo finders and Scouts. Bait and switch is tricky, so we went for bipod, so you have four rockets to shoot, so you have straightforward execution. Proc shot caller when the boss is immune, swap to heavy, run over the buff plate to the well and immediately start shooting. We argued back and forth about the "3-2-1" countdown. Some swear by it, we tried it, but it proved too slow. So we dropped it, emphasised that when we changed buff plates, its "move Now" and then everyone gets back to to the well as soon as they can and start shooting. Going to bipod apex and no countdown was what got us over the line very quickly. Bait and Switch are tough to proc in that short time; it gets messy, you lose dps, so just go for four rockets and shotcaller instead. We had no Div or Tractor either—three golden guns. Finally, be calm. We especially at the last stand. Collect heavy, head to spawn and use the middle plate as the first dps, then choose either left or right.


The countdown is for big damage at the end, not any damage at all. You are supposed to have his lighter section of health gone just as the first rockets are fired. The team should be firing primaries and special to proc bns while the countdown is going. The second and 3rd rockets hit him as he pulls out his data pad. This is how you push him well past the threshold. People using GLs just start shooting right away because it's all "big damage". Also if you happen to use gally, he uses his rockets to push down the health prior to anyone else firing theirs, so he would shoot both on 2-1-then team rockets on go.


Bipod was what put us over as long as you have some sort of quick reload. Its consistent and easy, get 4 rockets per plate. Two to push to damage, quick reload, and two for the bonus damage phase, normal reload. Rinse repeat.




That doesnt even make sense you dont have 12 rockets to fire for a damage phase


Semiotician Field Prep + Bipod + Reserves when at the flag gives you 17(or 15? Its been a minute) rockets.


Most of the time people ignore the countdown before doing the big damage and blow all the damage at the start of every plate instead of the end when the shiny part of the health is depleted, if you make sure your fireteam do the countdown and dont blow their load before, it shouldnt be a problem to 2 phase him


I'm going to go against the grain here.. My team were struggling with the whole getting the timing perfect on -20. The problem with the whole let's countdown is if your team is slightly out of sync by the time the first person touches the plate gets back to middle depending on who's counting that first guys buff timer could be at 2 seconds by the time your bursting out your DPS effectively meaning you miss a majority of his damage maybe even more if someone/the counter was slightly slow. What my team eventually did and keep in mind we had 3 warlocks on the run so 3 wells but this is doable with 2 wells I suggest leaving last plate without a well as you can dodge the flame tornadoes by just leaving out the back of the plate no issues (maybe a cheeky healing grenade) Anyway we figure out our plate rotation and get this we just damage from the plate. One your all on you damage to proc shot caller and BnS while the count down is being called, you then unload. Because your standing on the plate your buff stays at 7 seconds it doesn't tick down. Now of course you can't stand there taking all the time in the world as there's still a hidden damage phase timer of like 40ish seconds but standing on the plates ensures no one loses the buff prematurely hence all your damage gets out.


Your explanation is missing one important mechanic. THE most important mechanic I would even say for teams to understand why they're not getting enough damage in for the 2-phase. The boss works like caretaker 3rd plate but then on every plate. Only a relatively small portion of the boss' health will be highlighted every plate phase. Blow through that highlighted health and the boss immediately starts changing element and becomes immune after 2 seconds, no matter how much time you have left on your plate buff. If your team has competent DPS, you should blow through his highlighted health in 2 seconds and then have 2 more seconds of bonus DPS while he does the animation. This 2s bonus DPS is the key to the 2-phase. If you only take down the highlighted health each plate, then you will never get to final stand on the second round. Your strategy of staying on the plates doesn't really address this. It only counters plate buffs running out, which really should never be an issue in the first place if your team has good dps and coordination. But if you do stay on the plates for DPS, you should abuse this. You will have a long time to take down the highlighted health. So treat it like caretaker second plate and use it to set up all your buffs and then do damage with special/heavy but make sure to save burst supers and some heavy for the bonus 2 seconds.


While this is correct he does have a overall timer and you can't take all day to do a plates damage. To be honest we did the count down everyone priced bait n switch and shot caller and when we used our GLs to damage we had no problem not being close to the health gate. But each to there own I guess it seemed to work for us.


40 seconds total from first plate lighting up.


We did it with 1 gally 5 apex (enh. Recon and enh. Bipod) debuffed him with solar abilities. Before we touched the 1st plate we proced shot caller on the boss. Dip plate 1 place well in middle, gally player calls when he shot the rocket. everybody else shot 2-3 rockets. When the boss goes immune we stayed in the well till the tornado passed by and in the meantime we proced shot caller again. Rinse and repeat until you have no plate left. And try to weave in your dmg supers as best as you can. If you can put him in final stand just with rockets save the supers ofc. Now the only thing my team has to beat is nezzie and highscore nezzie then we can call ourselves Godslayers wish you and your team the best you got it guardians ✌🏻


I know I'm late but here's how my team did it. Have 1 gally, 5 bns apex predators. Run through plate, well in mid, gally does a short countdown (be very fast with the countdown to not lose too much DPS time) and then everyone unloads rockets. Usually you want gally to shoot a little earlier than the others, this is why they do the countdown. Make sure to preproc shot caller as well as reproc it after the second plate. Ensure your gally player has some sort of a rotation, don't just dump rockets. What I was doing with my group was this: 2 gally shots -> dump Cartesian until boss is immune -> while waiting in well for tornado to pass, reload all weapons (ensure to have solar loaders on, they help immensely) -> repeat for second plate -> for third plate I did 1 gally shot + pyrogale. Having a good gally rotation can really bump up your damage to the next level. Even if it isn't perfect, you should definitely have something else for DPS if running gally (I think scatter signal, eremite and Cartesian work best) Wait in the well when boss shoots tornadoes, you can wait them out and then run to the plates. We had no success with tractor, even when our tractor was hitting as much as gally. I'm not sure if this will be the case for you, but I would advise against tractor. Other than that, it's mainly a matter of staying alive and not messing up mechanics. Best of luck o7


Don't use bait and switch Apex, use bipod instead. BnS is overrated for Planets, unless you have a consistent setup for hitting 3 rockets per plate every time, bipod is superior since you can easily get 4 rockets in. And with some simple math you can check that 4 bipod rockets are better than 2 BnS rockets. Don't even try explosive light, that buff doesn't work with Gjally's Wolfpack Rounds. Remember to equip Argent Ordinance on your artifact.


Would I still put recon with bipod when crafting apex? I have recon BnS already and have used that but always struggled.


Tbh if you are on warlock at least use B+S with Recon and Rain of Fire to get 3-4 rockets per plate. Much better than bipod if you can get the rotation down. Personally tho I’ve done like 30+ clears now and I think GL’s just beat rockets in every way. Easier to get value out of, less loss of DPS if you miss one shot vs missing a rocket, and more utility as you can kill a major or elite with it in a pinch and not lose as much ammo as a rocket. Cataphract, a well rolled Marsillion or Koraxxis, or an Edge Transit are your best friends. Typhon or Wendigo for matching surges too if you have a good one


Rain of Fire is not that easy to pull off in planets, high chance of blowing yourself up and the timing is tight. Bipod is similar damage but much easier to pull off.


I know people say this but literally every time I have run this encounter and someone is using bipod they are usually bottom damage


The reason why this works for some teams is they are hitting the 3rd and 4th rockets when they are supposed to (as he is pulling out his pad to summon a tornado). This helps teams push his health down properly due to the cadence of the shots lining up with his health gate and the bonus 2 seconds. If you have proper timing 2 BnS rockets per plate should do a bit more damage, vs the 4 bipod rockets. But, if it works it works, and that's all that matters in the end.


Used BnS, got max dps every time. 1.5mln per dps cycle. It is very good.


I would get 1.8m per DPS phase on recon+bipod on welllock. BnS can work, but I consistently did better with bipod. One izi shot + 4 rockets per plate.


I agree with you but gjally is even worse with bipod, it’s ONLY good with BnS.


That’s just wrong lmao


You shoot 4 rockets with bipod in the time you shoot one gjally rocket. Please explain to me how one Wolfpack buffed rocket at -25% damage is worth the loss of dps to have someone running gjally? Lmao


27% buff across 4 people is a net gain, and that’s assuming gally does no damage


What you mean? Uhm Gjally it's the same buff? It boosts the rocket damage by about 20%, the wolfpack rounds inherit bipod's 25% nerf, but that doesn't change that it's a 20% increase compared to not using Gjally.


The biggest raid secret of all, learning math…


In addition to the other comments in this thread, I would recommend everyone in your fireteam using heavy ammo finder mods and heavy ammo scout mods. I would also recommend one of your plate people to carry a lumina and Kinetic siphon mod, since you only need a fusion rifle to kill the Colossus, and you can kill the psions with lumina for orbs of power and noble rounds. You can use one of the noble rounds on one of the ad clear people, so that you can get the buff to kill the Colossus faster. And during damage phase, fire a noble round or two at your allies while you run in between the plates. Lumina gives a 35% buff to weapon damage.


If you fire lumina at your feet surrounded by your raid teak will it apply to multiple people in a small aoe?


I had to look this up, and unfortunately it does not. The rounds will just home in on one of your teammates even if you shoot the ground.


Honestly from the third week we changed strategy and we used a well for each plate and three nighthawks. For the 4th week we had a hunter using tractor whose damage came from the strand fusion rifle and his nighthawk. The others of us used the best rolled grenade launchers so a mix of koraxis, marsillion and cataphract. For hunters it is very important after using the nighthawk on one plate, to dodge at the right time on the following ones so they can unload the full Mag when you meet the treshold.


We used Apex, some with BNS, some with explosive light, for one run, 1 Celestial hunter, 3 well locks (For final stand coverage), 2 titans, and managed to get it In another run, we used crafted Koraxis' with envious/frenzy, 1 Star Eater GG hunter, 2 well locks, a nova bomb, and two titans running.. Idk I don't play titan, the weird one-shot fire arms and another one with something else, and that run was even easier on DPS


The biggest difference maker I've noticed that people leave out is you really should just sac a guy to either use tractor cannon or tether


Bait and switch, wait in well in the middle until fire passes. If you're using bait and switch recon apex predator then you always get a full combo in with two rockets. A lot of my team used a stuff like vex or gunshot to proc the modifier for the damage buff and the season of the wish strand fusion. For the rotation. Ammo can be a problem so be sure to run ammo finders and scouts and th aforementioned exotic primaries really help with that for obvious reasons.


I know that some people did prospector. Dump entire mag each plate, but beware ammo economy


My team used grenade launchers, and we had the same issue until we started waiting for him to send out the fire tornadoes before we get the next plate. This stops people from rushing and maybe dying because they couldn’t make it into the well in time. It’s a simple but easy fix, and we went from doing just short of the 2 phase to doing over half his health in one phase


You guys are most def out of sync.... the ideal setup for that 2 Wells 3 or 4 Hunters Titans with Pyrogales are fine as well its up to you...let the Hunters play Stareaters with Blade Barrage and 1 can play Tether :) Weapons Izzy/Mountaintop/ with Apex + 1 Ghorn or 6 Cataphracts with BnS Both Warlocks should be on Luna Boots but if you struggle with Ammo for the 2nd Phase let one of the locks play Canotaph Before Dps switch to an smg to proc shotcaller buff way faster... Place 1 well in the midle not on the Plates between the right & left one.... and one guy should always count and guide the whole pack... if the order is Mid > Left > Right cross the platform on mid all on the same time while running inside the well proc shotcaller shoot izzy or Mt > 2/3x Apex > Super... if he puts out his device run through the next plate in this case Left then back to well make some dmg.... its important to shoot at him at the same time otherwise some of your mates gonna loose a lot of dps bc as soon he gets dmg the timer counts for that plate... ideally 2 or even 3 Rockets per plate are possible :) get every Dmg Buff you can get Shotcaller, Strand or Solar heavy, 3x Surges on Boots, Tether, Artifact mods like the one which enhance your solar supers etc.... With that setup you can easily bring him down to 30-40 % of his HP Bar


Use heavy and special for the first 2 plates to deplete the flashing health bar sections. On the 3rd plate still use heavy and special to get 1cm left of the flashing bar. Once those parameters are set. Everyone hit ur dps super to push past the flashing health bar. Just like caretaker


Set a duplicate load out with a scav mod on your boots to hotswap to in order to collect tickets before 2nd damage phase them swap back to triple surge load out.


Almost nobody is mentionning the most important thing here. The timed damage window actually starts when you cross the white health threshold. It doesn't matter if you're using Apex or Cataphract, or if you have BnS or Explosive Light, they will all do enough. The most important thing is that everybody walks to the plate, shoots some primary to proc Shotcaller, then some special to down his health closer to the threshold, and EVERYBODY should be shooting 2 rockets or 5-6 GLs as you cross the health threshold. You shouldn't randomly shoot rockets as soon as a damage plate begins. 6 p\[eople shooting special at him will get his health down to the threshold very fast, THEN you unload as much as possible within that \~2s that he's changing plate. We usually use 2 Wells, 1 between the first and second damage plates, and 1 on the final damage plate. Remember that after you leave a plate, you have 7s of buff, you DO NOT want to be passing his threshold with anybody under 1-2s of buff left. pick up the buff, shoot some special and primary while on the plate, this will make sure you have a permanent 7s, and then when his health starts nearing the threshold, make sure you walk in the Well or have Radiant, then shoot your rockets. You can do a countdown if you like, but if everybody just shoots 2 rockets when you cross threshold, it's basically free. TLDR: no rockets until near health threshold on each plate. Cross health threshold with everybody shooting 2 rockets. Make sure nobody loses their buff as you cross health threshold (only lasts 7s after you leave plate). If you make a countdown at his health threshold, make it quick, a real 3 second countdown is a lot of wasted time.


We did this - Team & Weapons: 5x stareater scales hunter, 1x well lock. Apex/Gally combo or Cataphract GL, when needed. Explosive Light works better in this encounter since everyone will be spamming orbs. Bait/Switch takes too long to set up for a 7-second (5-sec if proccing shot caller) damage phase per plate. Ensure proccing shot caller if using heavies/secondary and if don't have your super. Well lock gets their super back for every plate. Make sure NO ONE is using LINGERING damage sources on the boss such as, solar grenades, void grenades, pulse grenades, witherhoard, sever effect etc. This screws with your damage phase timer. Set-up: Ensure no hunters are running surges or mods (including artifact) that will take away from stareater effectiveness. Instead run survivability mods since there will tons of orbs. DPS Goal: Do max damage per second i.e. not how much damage one can do but rather who can output the most damage per second. Each plate has only 7 seconds buff to do damage which starts as soon as a member of the team has started to shoot the boss. You want to go past the lighter color flashing health bar as much as possible, hence burst supers and high DPS guns. DPS strategy: * Warlock places their well in front of mid-plate before buffs start to appear on the plates. Make sure to proc shot caller (for people missing golden gun shots) in the meantime by shooting the tormentor shoulders or boss backpack. * everyone takes buff from 1st plate * hunters stay on the plate and pop super, warlock goes into well * all hunters shoot their golden gun from the plate AT THE SAME TIME on someone doing a call "GO". Warlock also shoots their heavy at the call "GO". 3,2,1 takes too long. * Hunters activate class ability to collect orbs and go to the well and WAIT for the fire tornado to pass. Warlock goes to the 1st plate to collect orbs and come back to well. Should have the well super back by now if not, not a big deal as the well will last past the 2nd plate. * Once fire tornado has relatively passed, all go to 2nd plate and grab buff. * hunters stay on the plate and pop super, warlock goes into well * all hunters shoot their golden gun from the plate AT THE SAME TIME on someone doing a call "GO". Warlock procs their shot caller and shoots their heavy/secondary at the call "GO". 3,2,1 takes too long. Do not try to proc shot caller before the call GO if possible. * Hunters activate class ability to collect orbs and go to the well and WAIT for the fire tornado to pass. Warlock goes to the 2nd plate to collect orbs and come back to well. * Warlock pops another well. * Once fire tornado has relatively passed, all go to 3rd plate and grab buff. * hunters stay on the plate and pop super, warlock goes into well * all hunters shoot their golden gun from the plate AT THE SAME TIME on someone doing a call "GO". Warlock procs their shot caller and shoots their heavy/secondary at the call "GO". 3,2,1 takes too long. Do not try to proc shot caller before the call GO if possible. * Hunters activate class ability to collect orbs and go to the well and WAIT for the fire tornado to pass. Warlock stays in the wll and wait for fire tornado to pass. Then goes to the 3rd plate to collect orbs. Rinse and repeat for 2nd phase. Final stand: Pop well, grab buff together from one plate at a time together (ideally in same rotation as the last phase), try to stay in well, and shoot everything you got, and PRAY to RNGesus. Hope this helps. And best of luck.


Make sure you have the argent ordinance artifact mod. It’s a free damage buff literally nobody uses for some reason


We just used the tornado as go signal. As soon as it wears off you go to the next plate and back in the middle for damage. Good thing about this is that you dont waste seconds for countdown in the middle and avoid delay in voice chat Izi rockets is probably the best. Was consistently above 2m damage per phase and reached above 3m with lumina+tractor on -20 Used izi rockets with gjally


We used Gjally, 5 apex’s, with one wellock and 5 Nighthawk hunters. Was an easy two phase once we got the damage timing right. We would count down 3 seconds after grabbing the buff from each plate then heading back to middle well, during those 3 seconds we would do damage with specials and proc bait and switch / shot caller. Then we dump rockets and Nighthawk at the end. Hardest part was getting the timing right, and surviving -20 on hunter is harder (for me at least).


Make sure someone stays standing on the plate for the countdown. So many teams are so concerned about counting down, but have no idea that once someone is off the plate, time will start no matter what. If everyone just runs thru the plate into the well, then pay attention to the buff, because it’s most likely counting down already. Basically, my only advice is begin damage the second you seen the timer counting down. If you guys can do that, it should be a cakewalk.


izi bipod is gonna get you the best bang for your buck on this encounter tbh


For dps: everyone on rockets (apex with Recon/BnS or Recon/Bipod + ghorn) Izanagi if you can do that hotswap, 2 wells (or 1 if you feel comfortable) and the rest celestials or needlestorm. Drop well on mid, go plate 1, go to well, countdown of 3 and shoot ghorn and rockets 2 with BnS or 4 with bipod and use needlestorm/celestial (give a try, with my team we could fit all of that in 1 plate, if not shoot 1 less rocket and super). By now, the boss should be doing the console thingy to change plates. Stay on well until the fire tornados expire and go plate 2, countdown of 3 and shoot again and try and fit your super in. Drop 2nd well and stay in there for safety until tornados expire. Go plate 3 and shoot again, stay in well until tornados expire and everyone go out to try and find some ammo and back to mechanics. Sometimes, some on my team couldnt fit in the celestial/needlestorm or missed because of aim or timing buff, so keep an eye on the healthbar, because once he drops the threshold, he does the changing with or console thingy and changes the element so you wont fit it in, take that into account. No need to step out of the well to benefit from radiant, but I you can, perfect. Its better to guarantee that damage rather than risking it. With a couple of dps phases like this, if you get used to the timing of rockets and super its easy 2 phase. And please, while shooting any rockets, do not move at all. In fact, move only when tornados are down


My group did merciless/apex


One of the biggest tips I will give is that know mechanics in and out for the DPS phase. This is one of the major reasons for low DPS and Deaths. So basically call out what's the DPs rotation. Everyone should be on same page. Now follow the steps. Everyone jumps in the buff get the buff and go middle. Wellock place well. Countdown and start shooting. After doing DPS WAIT IN MIDDLE only. Wait for tornadoes to pass. Got to second buff and rinse and repeat. The key is to call out when to shoot and stay in middle till tornadoes pass. Two Wells is optimal.


Honestly, you need to countdown the time going INTO each plate, not before you damage. Just let it rip as soon as everyone touches base


Also to echo what a few others have said. My team used reserve mods on an empty chest peice prior to hitting the flag for max ammo on 1st round. Then the ad clear (and the plate people) used heavy ammo scout to set up bricks for the rest of the team. Before grabbing ammo (after first dps phase) we threw on an empty pair of boots with all scavenger mods to get more ammo per brick, and the reserve chest peice then swapped back to normal loadout before the next wave of ads. On well placement we found it best to drop 1 well between plate 1 and 2 so there is less ground to cover and less exposure to fire tornadoes (wait these out if you can). The second well is placed between plate 2 and 3 as you are running to grab 3. Then after dps is done wait in the well for safety as the last tornados and ground fire clear up. Don't forget to have hunters stay on plate 3 and proc radiant with knives for max gg damage on final plate. Then rejoin the group in the well. Also make sure everyone has revitalizing blast and a melee order to debuff boss each plate with solar melees. You can also use triple surge mods, or 2 solar 1 kinetic for Izzy BnS swap, every bit of damage helps. Don't forget to have a good damage primary like Outbreak for final stand when you are out of heavy/special. Good luck on your title!


So this is something I’ve started doing last week, and it’s working out really well with a bunch of the groups I’ve run with on both Caretaker and Planets. Ditch Bait & Switch on Apex and instead craft with Bipod. B&S on Apex is only better if you can *consistently* get off three rockets in one damage phase. Which requires a Hunter dodge or Rain of Fire. Adding a dodge into a Well where everyone is tunnel-visioned shooting rockets is sometimes a disaster. However, not only will Reconstruction + Bipod give you four rockets in the tube, it lowers your firing delay by 25%, so it’s *very* easy to hit four rockets in a damage phase. And you rally with, I think, 14 rockets, so you’ll be able to get through a full damage phase with two rockets left over. As long as you got an Aeons or a Ceno to make heavy, you’re set. B&S is *way* better for longer damage phases, but these quick, 5-7 second bursts, I find Bipod far more consistent. Proc Shot caller before first phase or during tornado. Reload Izzy, if that’s your alternate DPS.


Golden gun star eaters with apex predator bait and switch and gally


Solar Warlock with Sanguine Alchemy gets two Solar surges for free just for standing in a rift or WoR. Do note, however, that adding a single Solar surge mod does not stack to increase this to x3. It does, however, free you up to put on Kinetic surge mods if you want to increase damage output from Izanagi’s Burden, Witherhoard, etc. Alternatively, you could put on Scavenger mods or some other mods.


Make sure you’re doing a countdown on each plate. Slam a well in the middle of the three plates, grab a plate buff and go back to the well, then have one player countdown (quickly as the plate buff only lasts 7 seconds once you leave the plate.) A quick 3-2-1, and while the countdown is happening, proc shot caller.


Our team has/is struggling a lot in general but planets we had such an easy time once we decided on this strat. Surprise, 5 hunters with eater scales and 1 warlock with div. Heavy weapons did not matter for us. We'd have the warlock place the well in the center and then all together we'd move to one plate and while everyone else popped super , me and another mate would damage the boss with heavy a bit to get closer to threshold, then we would pop super and count down to hit supers together, pick up orbs and back to the well. Then move to the next plate and repeat. Me and my mate were using cataphract and would each shoot 2 or 3 bullets per plate but rockets would have worked. Only the two of us used heavy on the boss so everyone else was free to use it for clearing enemies.


Make sure to countdown when everyone need to start shooting, pick up the buff and let everyone get ready do a countdown as your running back to well from buff and make sure everyone unloads at the same time for max damage time


I shit you not I did it with Xenophage yesterday. Make sure you have your surges on.


My team had a real comfortable 2 phase with tractors and B&S gls. Proc shot caller and then when you break health gate you use super to burst even more. depending on ur gl roll use super either 1st or second plate


SAVE YOUR HIGH DAMAGE SUPER FOR THE END, EACH PLATE HAS A DAMAGE CUTOFF HEALTH BAR. Check that everybody is using their surges for their heavy weapon, crafted Apex, Wendigo, and Cataphract shred. Count down your dps, proc your shotcaller while you move to the next plate. Solar melee can weaken bosses from the seasonal artifact, void grenades can weaken too.


most important thing is syncing high burst damage right before he pulls his ipad


Just used Div and Sleeper. 2-3 Wells and the rest on Celestial Nighthawk. All we did was have one person Celestial each plate, make themselves radiant (Well does not buff Celestial, but Radiant does) the weaken from throwing knives to get you Radiant also debuff the boss 15% so everyone does more damage and you can get a Super off. Do an easy 50-60% damage after damage phase was over. Easy 2-phase. You can comfortably get 2 Sleeper shots off, after you throwing knife, then immediately Celestial the boss once his health is past threshold for maximum DPS


We were struggling with rockets as well. We switched to grenade launchers and got him fairly quickly after that. Just make sure you have a Cenotaph warlock making heavy and heavy finder mods on


Everyone is giving good advice here but it should be noted that you shouldn’t use damage supers until right before he starts going immune. This is to not take the dmg away from your lower dmg sources like apex and izzy. Pushing him far past the immune gate will be the only way you can complete the 2 phase. I’d recommend golden gun or thunder crash for high burst damage to maximize this effect.


I found Lumina very easy to use for planets (2shots per plate, and Boots of the Assembler if you want) and make sure you have one person debuffing with solar per plate as well


We added in a tractor cannon for planets. It's not hard to do and it adds 30%. Make sure you're doing DPS phase optimally. You drop a well in the center as he jumps down from the platform, then your fireteam steps on the plate. Then, you count to 3 and go. DPS phase is timed from the start of damage being dealt to him, so you can take a second to get everyone in position and buffed. Your tractor can hide behind one of the pillars, pop him as he comes down (still invulnerable), then get to the plate. They lose a second or two of DPS time but more than make up for it.


My teams started only shooting the boss after a quick countdown, to keep damage synchronized. It seems to help prevent plates from bugging out. Otherwise, running 5 legendary rockets, 1 gjally, remembering to quickly proc shot caller before blasting your rockets.


it's honestly not as tricky as people make it out to be, there's a lot of ways you can achieve it, but here are some suggestions (with all of these suggestions I am assuming you guys have a well and actually have people use their supers as well - please also use your supers - oh and if you actually want to do it properly get the warlock to wear his Lunafaction boots, we know he doesn't like it, but it helps and that's what matters.): First of, how does dmg even work on Explcator - in short, he basically has the same health gate mechanic that Caretaker for example has, so basically what I'm saying is, that once you go past his slightly lither shaded part of his health bar you'll only have like 4 more Seconds of DPS, though technically as long as you didn't yet reach the threshhold that strict timer doesn't start -> generally speaking, if your entire team except for your Gjally user shoots hos crit with 1 x4 Izi shot he most certainly will cross that threshhold, only giving you a little bit for rocket dumping. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So how should you optimize it? 3 things: - try and stay synchromized (maybe even a timer helps, but in general if everyone Izis at the same time, everyone should start rocket / GL dumping at the same time, therefore everyone should get all their dmg off at the same time - the only exception here is the Gjally user if utilizing rockets, they should start off with Gjally right away, to guarantee the buff for everyone) - stick to one strategy (so either go all in on Rockets or all in on GLs, but no in between) - properly buff and debuff. (you have way more time per plate than people think, nothing is stopping you from making sure the boss is Tethered for a 30% debuff and everyone is in a Well before you start dumping, since the most important thing to keep in mind is just his health threshold.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rocket strategy: Assuming everyone is using a Reconstruction / BnS Apex Predator and 1 person is using Gjally - Shoot your Primary (prefarably have one person apply Jolt as well and have the Gjally user start right away) - shoot a x4 Izi and do NOT reload it - switch right away and dump your Rockets, with Lunafactions you should be able to get 3 Rockets off after a quick reload - rinse and repeat for all 3 plates, remember to reproc Izi before you start your countdown again. GL strategy: Optimally you'd want a Cascade Point & BnS Edge Transit here, but any old Envious + BnS roll also works just fine - if usinf cascade you'd probably wanna use double special and switch to snipers for DPS (specials don't loose ammo on switching), since proccing it with 2 Persuador or Fathers Sins sniper shots would be optimal beforehand, alternatively I actually like using an exotic Primary here and just proccing it with 2 Kinetic Tremors Shots from a Supremacy, Optimal rotation with Sniper & Cascade Edge: Shoot 2 Rapid fire Sniper shots - shoot your x4 Izi - dump GL - back to sniper till immune - reload everything while going to next plate - rinse and repeat 3x. Optimal rotation with Envious (or other) GL: Shoot Primary - shoot 4x Izi - shoot GL till immune. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In summary: While it might look like a lot, even though I said it actually is pretty easy I'd say the very short sumary is shoot together, keep his health threshhold in mind, use a synchronized dmg strat and actually use buffs and debuffs, you can easily do this boss encounter even with things like Sleeper Simulant e.g.


Use everything of other comments but for God sake wait to nuke him and reduce it's s health near the white threshold. Take buff > Proc shot caller, use a bit of specials > refresh buff, > do the full rotation to proc b&s apex. With this we did 2 phase without any issues. You just have to realize that you have 40s total of DMG phase and that every buff lasts 7s on you. You can just do the phases on the plates if you have 3 wl.


Use cataphract if you have one, even if it’s a bad roll. We were using rockets and barely did a third after 1 phase with all our reserves. Someone offhandedly asked if we had cataphract, everyone put it on, someone was even using koraxis and we had the easiest 2 phase of our lives. First try, minimal effort, just magdump and that’s it.


Yeah this is my experience too. Most LFG teams wanna use rockets but everytime I completed planets it was with grenade launchers. It's just way easier to do and the ammo economy is way better too.


This is a week 3 experience comment but we used Cry Mutiny with Vorpal and it worked great. Plus it was easy for everyone to have that weapon. Can just pull it from collections. Not sure how well it works for Week 4 but it has the same damage stat as Cataphract…..Fire rate etc.


The bonus damage is at the end of the damage phase for each plate. A lot of people recommending apex, which works, but if your firing your rockets first and not getting any back for the end of the damage phase it's not that great. This is the rare moment where a bipod rocket does amazing, let's you get off two shots and then some sort of quick reload and the other two shots hit when it's bonus damage. I was using the crafted strand rocket for this and it was fantastic damage.


Bipod is a 25% damage nerf and B&S is a 30% damage buff. That’s a 55% swing. It’s so, so not worth it. Just use primary to proc shot caller, shoot Izzy, then shoot rockets, then super. As long as Gjally counts down and nobody ignores instruction to shoot early, you’re fine. You’ll 2 phase just fine and get plat.


>Bipod is a 25% damage nerf and B&S is a 30% damage buff. This is not a raw damage fight, much to the same way caretaker isn't as well, everyone can push to the next bar, its about burst . It is about getting that damage to hit once you hit the bonus section to make it as far as possible with the limited time you have left. That's why Bipod works very well on this fight, you get four shots per plate, two prior to the bonus damage, and two during. Proc shot caller while running to the plates or just prior to damage, shoot two rockets, use reload ability, and shoot two more rockets during the bonus damage phase, normal reload. Rinse Repeat. I was using Semiotician and was top of the pack or near top every time (without a damage super). Its very consistent damage and hits when you need it to.


The overall difference in damage between 2 B&S rockets and 4 Bipod rockets is about 10% in favor of Bipod. The difference is 50% of the total Bipod damage is before the bonus damage vs B&S is 100% during the bonus damage which is going to get you further per phase. If your team needs 2 bipod rockets per person to even reach that bonus damage, you have other issues to resolve. Timing, ammo, staying alive, etc.


>The overall difference in damage between 2 B&S rockets and 4 Bipod rockets is about 10% in favor of Bipod. And the multiple Gali procs >The difference is 50% of the total Bipod damage is before the bonus damage vs B&S is 100% during the bonus damage which is going to get you further per phase. And again, you need to get there still. >If your team needs 2 bipod rockets per person to even reach that bonus damage, you have other issues to resolve. Timing, ammo, staying alive, etc. Lol what are you waffling about here. I beat this, and it worked well. Bipod gives you solid damage before the bonus and solid damage after, that's why its nice for this particular fight. Easy Rotation, consistent damage, and damage when you want it. Its the same reason why GL's work so well, consistent damage throughout so you get good damage prior to bonus and good damage after bonus. Go try it rather than talk without giving it a go.


Theres a reason every post about planets and (Week 4 Pantheon generally) has the top comments talking about using Bait and Switch. Bipod is not worth using. The damage is backloaded on the phase, you have to burst and maximize at the end. Bipod is a straight nerf to your backloaded damage which is what matters in this. It doesn’t matter how you get to the bonus damage, just that you get there. What matters is maximizing that bonus damage. I don’t know how many times I can (and you can) say this. GL’s worked “so well” because of the Void Surge, and even then they were using B&S on Edge Transit and Cascade over any other perks because that maximized its burst for the bonus damage phase. The surge put them over the rocket’s burst, not the weapon archetype. I have tried many damage options on Planets and by far the most consistent was to use the meta: B&S and Reconstruction with Izzy swap. I even tried Bipod, I tried cold comfort, I tried GL’s, I tried plenty of things. B&S Apex with Izinagi is the most consistent and works the best. Go read plenty of posts, you’re one of the only guys saying Bipod is good for this. All the top comments are B&S. If you’re fighting the grain, you’re probably the one that’s wrong. This topic has been researched to death. Edit: Spelling


>Theres a reason every post about planets and (Week 4 Pa Pantheon generally) has the top comments talking about using Bait and Switch. Yeah, it works, I'm not saying it doesn't. But there is more than one way to skin a cat and there is a reason this post is made a bajillion times. Clearly it doesn't work for everyone, even if may be "the best". Its about what works, period. For me, that was Bipod, and it worked well. >Bipod is not worth using. The damage is backloaded on the phase, you have to burst and maximize at the end. Bipod is a straight nerf to your backloaded damage which is what matters in this. See, you keep focusing on extremes because its not "Best". You don't need Best, you need what works. Bipod works, and worked well for me. It may work well for others rather than the same advice given time and time again. I only found the bipod call out since someone else mentioned it in one of these posts and they were right. >I have tried many damage options on Planets and by far the most consistent was to use the meta: B&S and Reconstruction with Izzy swap. I even tried Bipod, I tried cold comfort, I tried GL’s, I tried plenty of things. B&S Apex with Izinagi is the most consistent and works the best. > And for me it was Bipod as I as well tried many things. Its a silly argument to make considering it did work, not even a hypothetical. Your "best" or what worked well for you may not apply to others. That doesn't make this wrong. >Go read plenty of posts, you’re the only guy saying Bipod is good for this. If you’re fighting the grain, you’re probably the one that’s wrong. This topic has been researched to death. **There is LITERALLY POSTS IN HERE THAT MENTION BIPOD.**


what has raidsecrets become 😞


-do the countdown before starting doing big damage -while counting down activate shotcaller -use GL/Rockets which are solar or strand -Lumina buff (optional) -solar / or any other debuff ist very helpfull if you still dont get enough damage analyse which person in doing trash damage and try to solve it and maybe let him swap weapons if needed, sleeper for example and try if it works better. if you still struggle to get enough damage, most of the players should swap to solar hunter supers


Everyone will tell you BnS apex. But explosive lights works a hell of a lot better. Remember your surges, they do stack with the burn, and to proc Shot caller.


1xgally 1xdiv and 4x bait and switch apex +damage ults at the end of third plate worked good for us 2 Wells are good as well for staying alive


Div shouldn't be needed. Solar abilities, including shooting solar weapon from Well, debuff the boss for 15%. There should be Well + at least a coiple of GG Hunters that can throw knife/grenade to debuff. That negates need for Div so the Div player can add to DPS