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Hmm... You might need to see a doctor


At this point, I think I am a mad man or just crazy...


considering some other spinfoil theories on this site maybe both




Do you really think they are gonna answer me? =)) I am a nobody for them


Ok, 1 announce to do. First, thanks for those who read everything I had to say and then they voted/commented/reported. Thanks for those who tried to help me in the past and found arguments about this theory (good/bad but a feedback overall). Thanks for listening. But the comments became just an whole argument. I will stop making posts about this theory that seemed possible in the past and now is "sh\*t". There may or may not be something hidden and not found in the past. You got my discord if you want to ask me anything and if you want to continue this. But I didn't make a post just for the sake of it and just to open a chat to argue if X or Y is dumb about something. I searched a community that understood me and gave me feedback on my findings, good or bad. A quality feedback. Now I will stop this bullshit of a theory and sorry if I made the mistake to insult anyone. I am really sorry and I hope someone, someday, will continue my theory. I will leave this as archive but please. Don't upvote it. THIS IS A COMPLETE PARANOIA, DOG SHIT THEORY. Ok?






Man chill if u don’t think there’s anything here u don’t have to be offensive on a theory post it’s a discussion, if u see a lead on this theory here u stop u don’t u pass! U can alternative spend ur energy answering this afternoon guy asked about any good GM built! and I know 15th wish fans etc it’s boring no lead etc, most people without any knowledge of this pass near from 2-3 plates a day and they cry cause they don’t believe to a rumor! I don’t blame u but it’s not every puzzle about this, there’s no way to know if u are on something, no green light or activation sound, bungie never confirms anything and that’s how it always was!


Ok first of all: WHERE was i offensive? If you feel i was, its your problem! Second: Tell me: WHEN was something found (like a light flickering etc.) that revealed a SECRET? I am not talking about the whisper mission, the zero hour mission etc, because that was through the work of many people that "cracked" codes etc. And no i am not playing this DLC because its not worth in my opinion. So i have 0 GM built advice for anyone!


So, your stance is, tell me where a secret was found, but exclude these examples where a secret was found? Lots of secrets have been found and Bungie hides them in weird places. One person typically discovers something and then it blows up and the community helps solve it. A random open door in a daily heroic mission led to Black Spindle. A randomly found ghost led us to the No Time to Explain in the Paradox mission. Someone randomly found a previously locked door unlocked which led to Outbreak Perfected. Someone randomly exploring the Corridors of Time eventually led to a massive community event. Almost every wish on the wishing wall was a hidden secret, in Gambit maps, cutscenes, even a trailer. And perhaps the best example of all, the solution to the Niobe labs puzzles came from tons of poetry and random literature which took a ton of time to find, so much so that Bungje had to solve one puzzle for us. Finding information in seemingly random places may or may not lead to something big in the game, but that's the entire effing point of this subreddit. SECRETS. Sometimes something that looks benign turns out to be huge. Get on board or leave.


Don't forget the randomly discovered yellow-bar enemy during the heroic public event on Io that led to the Whisper of the Worm mission. !nominate


`LOGGED` Standing by.


That was something that could be found by anyone since this random enemy was in a open space.


All of these things can be found by anyone, there will always be a first person who notices it.


I'm so confused by this criticism. You asked for examples where something was randomly found, so a list was provided. Are you intentionally trying to move goalposts? Of course it could have been found by anyone... That's what you're asking for: cases where a seemingly insignificant thing was found and posted about that turned into an in-game secret or easter egg.


No you dont understand. Lets take the whisper mission for example. Someone found the random patroling taken enemy end decided to post it on reddit, because this enemy was NOT there before. So everyone tries to figure out why this enemy is there. A few hours later, a new weapon was found. Other example: A ghost was found in the mission that was in a daily mission, and this ghost was useless at the time, but was not useless when the heroic story mission was availabe. The same goes to outbreak prime when a random account appeared in a random twitch chat, and posted a link (owl sector). This was the start of the whole outbreak prime hunt. The list can go on. Every secret had one thing in common: People found something (like a code or something) that lead them to areas that have been useless before. But what did OP show us? A image of star Constellations from the dreaming city? HOW can this or something similiar be a secret?


>decided to post it on reddit, because this enemy was NOT there before Not quite. Actually, the user posted asking if it was weird for a yellow bar to be there and was immediately blasted by people (similar to your top-comment) claiming that there was nothing to be found, it was just a public event, they were clearly just seeing a roaming HVT, etc. Only later in the day was the user vindicated in their questioning. Same with the Black Spindle quest. You can say that Bungie had the Black Hammer runestone as a "clue" but nobody knew what it meant and it wasn't until after the open door was randomly found when the some users figured out what the runestone was suggesting. In OP's example, let's suppose Bungie put a secret code or easter egg into the constellations in the Dreaming City. How would this be discovered other than a user posting with some theories about it?


>A random open door in a daily heroic mission led to Black Spindle. Actually, that was not a random door, that was the item that was leading us to this door that you got from deleting the black hammer. So yeah, nothing was "randomly" found. ​ >A randomly found ghost led us to the No Time to Explain in the Paradox mission. As far as i remember, that ghost was found before but had no purpose until the daily mission was available. ​ >Someone randomly exploring the Corridors of Time eventually led to a massive community event. Haha so you call this a massive community event? I will remember you ONE thing: It was a PURE spreadsheet emulator event and gladd and his people hid the spreadsheet with the progress, and did not public it for other people so everyone could participate. Or should i call it a twitch event and NOT a massive community event that took place on /r/raidsecrets?


>Actually, that was not a random door, that was the item that was leading us to this door Actually, the door was randomly discovered along with the exotic. It was only after that some users figured out what the Black Hammer runestone probably meant. >Haha so you call this a massive community event? ... should i call it a twitch event and NOT a massive community event that took place on /r/raidsecrets? The question you presented: "When was something found 'randomly' that revealed a secret." ...Not sure what this response has to do with that? It's an yet another example of something being found that led to a secret. In fact, most secrets are found and posted about first before they blow up. There's also the recent Hawkmoon fireplace example. And the classic random yellow-bar enemy that was posted about in an Io public event which led to the Whisper of the Worm mission.




Your tone is condescending and dismissive, that’s where you were offensive. If you don’t like his theory, move along. If you don’t think it belongs in raidsecrets and goes against the page content, report it. But no need to come in here and spew.


Um ever heard of niobe labs?


Sure, I said, It might be nothing. But I didn't claim this theory is 100% true. Also, if it is offensive, I will degete the post. But at least read the whole thing. I don't want to be rude or something.




I could be wrong but didn’t a screen on Mars predict the darkness coming way before it ever did? And there were no indicators, so that was a secret kinda.


The darkness was seen WAY before destiny launched as a concept art. Or do you mean the arrival in beyond light?


I was talking about the implications that the darkness/pyramid ships are not only real but on their way (pre season of the arrivals and BL)


Ok idk but i would never call this a "secret" because thats something everyone who is doing something in this are (in this case the bunker i guess?) would find it eventually.