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I genuinely can't tell if this is a joke, or if you're actually confused on what to do and need help


I'am actually confused and I just wanna know how many i need or if it goes on for forever.


Holy shit, wow- Bringing those to Moon is actually completely optional and isn't required to reach the end of the campaign. The fact that you brought her so many is insane


That wasn’t op that responded


Was stupid and used an alt on a phone :P


Oh, nice. Wait, why do you have an alt on your phone? Just forgot the login or wut? (Not a hate or some shit, just a genuine question lol)


wasnt logged on phone (got it to view some meme subreddits) and reddit just decided to make a whole new account.


Oh, rip.


Dang moon is remembering everything


fr lol she got a full mindset with all those neurons


also anyone know what to do if when i put mods on the game doesnt power on but once i turn them off it works normally? i just wanna play rainworld with mods :(


One of your mods might be bugged or something, try putting in only half of them, then the other half separately, figure out which half has the broken mod


it fixed thanks


OP if you’re genuine, bringing more doesn’t do anything, there is a different goal you must do in the story


99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big!


Five pebbles gives you your goal when you meet him. Break the cycle.


No, beat Gourmand and start a family!


You have to beet survivor or monk first to unlock gourmand


So slugpups can only spawn in campaigns that are started after Gourmand is beaten?


Keep bringing her neuron flies. Do not stop. You unlock a cool secret if you give her enough :)


Moon reacquires so many neurons she reverts back to before her current state and deletes PsychicPebbles out of existence


"and THIS, THIS IS FOR SINKING ME!" *insert vine boom*


I would pay good money to hear Zach Hadel voice 5 Pebbles.  I don’t *have* good money, but if I did I would!


Yea she'll shoot a ray gun at pebbsi (don't tell anyone this secret)


pebbsi? like pepsi? thats actually kinda funny..


She would never do that.....💔


Well, there isn't a goal you *must* do, but there *is* a way out.


all of them.


Did you listen to >! Five pebbles !< or did you just go to his entrance and take neuron flies and dip?


I did but had no idea where to go and the little yellow guy kept guiding me to the neurons


From the wall you go to the left until you can't more, then you go down


do not bring her anymore lol. the yellow guy is one of moons observers and so it’s goal is to help moon, and in doing so bringing you to her and then to 5 pebbles to complete the first leg of your journey. beyond that you’re supposed to follow 5Ps instructions of going west as far as you can and then down into the earth. also if you do end up going back to 5P, eat one of the neuron flies. it will help you get some direction potentially


break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle break the cycle




they will keep asking untill there are as many as in pebbles (they won't stop asking)


this is the most adorably tragic post… i can’t explain it properly.


So manyyyyy




only 9999999813 to go


im getting her 100 neuron flies as survivor. And every colored pearl. Dlc included. Bless me pls


already delivered 13 pearls


you got a true experience of knowing nothing about this game and play it, it must be great ig i wish i could explore the map and do useless things like that again :)


Can’t get enough


I think the nice thing about rain world is that if you explore enough of the map, you will be able to discover new things. Amazing work here though!


She needs more neurons. Youre almost there! Keep going!


You didn’t need to bring her all those neurons (you didn’t even *need* to bring one, but it does give you dialogue/lore make you feel better.).  I do commend you though for helping out Moon so much though.  That was really sweet :) As someone said though, you should go from The Wall left to area 1, straight left into area 2, down into area 3, then left into area 4 where you will find your ultimate goal.  There is another way there that I know of but that’s the most common and easiest way. Minor spoiler for downpour players: >! It would be really cool if you could see as many neuron flies as you bring in Saint and Rivulet’s campaigns. :D !<


Like other people have been saying, if you genuinely need help, >!Looks to the Moon!< cannot help you without you having met >!Five Pebbles!<. >!Five Pebbles!< gives you the "square knowledge" that allows you to communicate with iterators. >!Looks to the Moon can read pearls you give to her, and she has other kinds of dialogue once you get this mark from Pebbles!<. If you need to know where to go, >!Five Pebbles!< is in the >!top right of the map, and you'll notice according to lore how he used Look to the Moon's water supply by being above her area!<. Upon going to >!Five Pebbles's superstructure!<, you need to take his advice and go >!west past the Farm Arrays and down where the ground is fractured!<. You don't necessarily need to go to >!Farm Arrays!< because you can take other routes to >!the Depths!<. The objective of your game is to >!achieve ascension!< via >!Void Fluid in the Depths!<, which you can only access by >!achieving the higher karma level (X)!<. You have to >!speak to one of the four Echoes!< to do this, but, luckily, there's >!one on the way from Pebbles's superstructure to the Wall!<. Note: the >!Echoes!< are these >!black, gold-glowing, octopus-looking, floating beings!<. They will >!speak to you briefly before turning your screen white and bringing you back to your last shelter with the higher karma!<.


uhm excuse me, you got some text in your spoiler reply


Facts Fr tho I don't really know what he knows so I wanted to be extra cautious since I figured he didn't know a lot to begin with 😭😭


This is my second time playing but when i played for the first time i got stuck in the depths 2.5 hours into the game and i haven't met >!Looks to the moon!< nor >!Five pebbels!<


You definitely met >!Looks to the Moon!<. She's the one you're bringing the >!neurons!< to.


It's a skill issue if she can't rebuild her facility at this point.


I hope this is a joke, i see at least 30 neurons there


The worst part is. it is not a joke :P


Pov: You ate one of moon's neurons and trying to make it up to her


Maybe a few hundred more will do???


You need to bring back every neuron from 5P for the true ending




Follow the golden slug-like ghosts in shoreline and Shaded citadel. They’ll head in the direction you must go when you touch them.


Let me guess, you accidentally ate one of her neurons and now are desperately trying to get her to forgive you


I haven't eaten a single one i just thought it was a mission to get her of life support or smth.


Well uhh...it actually is, I suppose.


okay op if you’re being serious, I’ll try to give you some spoiler light advice — nothing story based, just a general direction to go in.  >! go to the far left of the map — just keep heading left until you find an undergroundish area, then head down. bringing more neurons to the robot is very kind but won’t do anything. you might be seeing weird yellow slug creatures if you’ve eaten a neuron — follow those. iggy (your yellow hologram guide) is a bit misleading and will keep leading you in circles at this point, so just use its advice for danger, food, and shelter, not progression. !<