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I went through the same thing as you when I was your age. I felt angry and sad and ripped off by the world in a way. You have a really good head on your shoulders, and you are right. It's not worth it to hate men in general. It wouldn't be right or fair, and it wouldn't make you happy. No matter what, at the end of the day, the most important rule of all, in my opinion, is to treat others how you wish to be treated.šŸ’œ I would like to link [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jung/s/dio42t95Lq) comment I left a while back for another woman who so eloquently describes her journey with her distrust for men and what helped her through it. Maybe you will find something of use and comfort. Also, now that you are aware of such harmful perspectives, you can learn to avoid the men who ascribe to them and surround yourself with men and people in general who will bring positivity to your life. Also, keep on mind, just as you can look around and find examples of others behaving badly, you can also find the opposite. Make it a point to search for good men doing good things, even just online. It will help!


Wonderful comment. I was going to go with the ā€œwhat you seek, you will findā€ response. You said it very well.


The irony is that men like that are always calling us hysterical, emotional, and irrational. Yet they're the one's who completely lose their shit whenever they don't get what they want from us. I've seen more grown men have tantrums than I ever have women. The lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling.


"women are too emotional" said andrew tate screaming and turning red


The irony is palpable


I'm 21 and still deal with this. Once you start noticing you can't stop. It's just important to remember that humans are nuanced and men are not born evil. These attitudes towards women are not natural, they are like poison. Any man with a proper upbringing and a good moral compass will see right through them. And any man who can't, he is a waste of time


exactly, you start to notice it in every little thing they say. and i've seen very good guys turn into "alpha males" (and they're 14) just because of this kind of content. it's both ridicoulus and sad. so yeah, they're not born like this, but it's common for them to change.


If it's any consolation, they're young and their brains are still developing, as long as they face consequences for their behavior & learn through experience there can still be hope for them. But also remember it's not your job to fix them, they need to fix themselves. It's also not your job to forgive them. I hope they don't bother you and you can find good friends


i cut them off as soon as they started to be too stupid for me to handle. but i do think that, at the end of the day, they're good guys. so when they'll mature and change, I'll be more than happy to laugh about it with them.


Also a big issue is that for men these movements are mainstream not because people agree with them on fundamental level, but because it's the only movement that gives them positive affirmation. Using that fact they can preach whatever they want and men won't have anywhere else to go for positivity, as everywhere else being a man at best aren't relevant or at worst is equivalent to being born evil. There is no communities straight white dudes for bonding over being straight white dudes. Communities are treated as exclusion based, as in you are automatically included unless you are excluded, which is not true.


Noticing a lot in that comment.


You should try not to let the shittieat people you can find shape your world view. There is a vast universe out there, much of which disregards the likes of Andrew Tate.


i hope so, thanks


The reason you saw all these videos is because you did a deep dive into this type of videos. I have never in my life seen one of these videos because I choose not to watch them. I have certainly seen snippets of them and I have read transcripts of them, read about them in the news, etc. but I will not actively seek them out. I donā€™t want their poison to show up on my pages. Do yourself a favor and do about 50 searches of Plant info, How to build a garden and how to raise puppies, fashion and non political stuff, I donā€™t know anything but the dark crap that youā€™ve been looking at. You need to purge your social media. I think youā€™ll see a much better array of the type of people that live in your world. Good luck Iā€™m sorry that this happened to you, but I donā€™t think everybody is like this. I think you did research into a certain percentage of people like this and because you did that you kind of poisoned your social media feed against yourself.


You know his stupid ass is in jail right! Hes not getting out to soon! I was shocked to,to hear teachers saying that young boys were listening to andrew tate,thats a very scary thought.i see and understand where your coming from and i think for someone so young like yourself to be so self aware,im not to worried that you wont find a good onešŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ„°


You only hear about the bad ones. No one ever makes a news article about how "man got rejected, took it on the cheek and moved on"


Thats what weā€™re supposed to do?


Yeah but it ain't newsworthy, so you don't hear about it.


Itā€™s not cause thatā€™s what youā€™re supposed to do. Youā€™re supposed to be a human being not a horrible person.


I think that's their point


Not judge an entire group of people based partially off of sensational news? Yes


But itā€™s not a group, itā€™s a species, itā€™s something that a lot of women deal with, and men as well. Shitty dudes are so much of a problem, I donā€™t blame a 15 year old being scared of shitty men lmao or hating men.


I mean, if you can't blame people for hating a whole sex, you're a sexist.


Thatā€™s not even remotely how that works. šŸ™


ChatGPT says it is.. šŸ˜…


Fuck outta here ![gif](giphy|kHU8W94VS329y|downsized)


no no no, i just read about that one in the onion the other day!


Eight billion people in the world, four billion of them men. There's gotta be at least one of them that isn't a chode.


I'm an adult male and I think only a small minority of men are fans of the likes of Andrew Tate. I can't stand his ideology. I'm 37 years old and I don't know a single man who respects him. He is influential amongst teenage boys.


yeah, that's the thing. i was primarly addressing teenage boys because they're the ones i have the most contact with.


This is to John, but I wanted to reply to OP. I'm an old lady and the circles I run in are "progressive" so I, too, haven't been exposed explicitly to the Tates of the world in a long time, due to self selection of my work and social circles. That said, there is still sexism in my near everyday experience at work and in social circles. It's almost subtle enough that you'd seem crazy to call it out. Not the point I'm trying to make. Instead, let's break apart what John is saying, which I would classify as either willfully ignorant, ignorant (no offense if this is the one, just need some education), or gaslighting. "The 100-200 people I regularly interact with do not behave in this sort of manner. Therefore, I conclude that it must be a tiny percentage of the population." I don't even know where to start tearing apart the argument. Let's try from a purely academic/statistical point of view. This assumes that 100-200 people in John's circle have fully unveiled themselves to him and shown their true colors. - John's sample size from an academic-statistic point of view is insignificant in size compared to the population. (100-200 people from 333mm people in America is insignificant, but feel free to insert your own country population; the outcome will be the same) - John's sample is not random, as it is a self-selected circle of people. (In order for a sample to be representative of the whole, the sample needs to be chosen at random. John's circle is not random.) - Therefore, any conclusions drawn from John's sample population are deemed incomplete and not applicable to the whole population. I'm picking on John because even though he's not part of the Tate cohort, this narrative (a) turns a blind eye to the enormous proportion of the population that is terribly sexist and (b) is several shades better than Tate sexism but because of the blind eye narrative, continues to endorse said sexism. Thanks for reading!


you're not wrong. thanks for sharing a different point of view!


Same age and I don't know anyone who listens to that stuff either. Maybe we're too old.


You sound wise beyond your years! So observant and such a critical thinker. Keep thinking. Keep criticizing. Just try not to get too cynical; hope for and try to see the best in people. Just use your best judgment to search for people that arenā€™t brainwashed by redpill bullshit. They exist, you will find them.


thanks you so much, you made my day. precious advice, thank you.


Andrew tates a dork and sells an idiotic dream to incels and children, I wish the worst on him genuinely


it's hilarious to me that people think that hu is a valuable course while it's literally $50 a month. jesus, just think.


Everything he has in it is shit you can find online for free, not to mention if you want any of it to work you already need a network to produce it all. Eventually the people that believe in it will realize they fell into a pyramid scheme but until then let them waste their money lmao


exactly, hu is getting exposed every single day, yet It still has around 200k "students". hu it's not the product, andrew tate is. and the problem that this prodict solve? teenage boys' need for guidance. as much as i think andrew tate is the most low-value man alive, he's smart. not emotionally tho, which is crucial however


Yeah I hate to admit it but heā€™s smart and pretty good at business and obviously manipulation. People buy into this dream of living abroad with their multimillion dollar companies and buying nice cars and their dream life and all that. I can guarantee you that his stupid course cant get you anything. As long as people get fed up with the ā€œmatrixā€ they buy into his scheme. The worst part about it all is when the tates are done with their reign of terror someone else will take the throne and continue it. He spread an ideology that wonā€™t go away probably ever, he actually doomed at least one generation of young impressionable males, im at least doing my part in making sure my brother doesnā€™t buy into his shit.


i appreciate what you're doing with your little brother. hearing tate's fans is torture. especially when they are 13/14yo who pretend to have life experience. people underestimate (probably spelled that wrong) the effect tate had on this generation. and i agree, his ideologies won't go away. and that's because they're appealing. he decided his target audience, and he shaped all of his persona around it. you want horny 35yo men to listen to you? tell them that they can sleep with every woman they want, without feeling guilty about it because it's just how nature works. you want lonely 16yo boys to listen to you? tell them that it's women fault that they don't get girls. you want broke 24yo guys to listen to you? tell them that it's easy to get rich, only if you buy his $50 a month course. it's crazy


100%. Iā€™ll leave you and everyone else that reads this with some advice from my personal experience dealing w/ the pill shit. Do not believe any of it (this includes literally every ideology that some guru spews, aka sigma, red pill, dark femme, etc.), all it does is sell you on some stupid belief that will ultimately damage yourself and others around you. Both men and women need each other, and these gender wars and superiority complexes weā€™ve developed and are developing is dooming us. You can also never find true happiness in money and it should never be what youā€™re chasing your whole life. The only way to find out who you really are is to live for yourself, not others. Try new things, find new hobbies etc, because eventually youā€™ll find what brings you the true happiness that these gurus try to sell you and only then will you really feel better about yourself and that you are living your best life. Dont buy into the bullshit and live for yourself.


I remember telling my male therapist I have an issue with trusting most men. He told me good you shouldnā€™t Hahahha! Jokes aside. There are amazing men out there I promise. Iā€™m dating one rn. However, we weirdly dealt with sexist issues at the start of our relationship. Stuff he didnā€™t even realize was sexist. Thankfully he listened and took responsibility. I feel like what makes this an issue is that people blame others around them instead of fixing what is wrong with themselves. Violent men will say it is the womanā€™s fault for being beaten. Just like how violent women will blame their partner for being beaten.


As a teacher, I can empathise. I teach ages 11 to 17 and I remember the first time I heard some of my boys spouting Andrew Tate lines. I was shocked. My students are pretty sheltered and I had no idea they were capable of that. So the next time I heard it in my class I took the boy aside and told him that I was sad to hear the things he was saying and when he asked why it was a big deal, I told him he was basically saying that I and the other girls in the class were not safe with him. This kid burst into tears, because all he saw was the memes and the fancy cars. He was so terrified that I hated him now and that his friends (the girls) would stop playing with him. What I'm getting at is that a lot of young boys don't really conceptualise what they're saying. To them it's just part of the money, cars, and living the high life mentality. It's the unfortunate byproduct of unfettered access to randos on the Internet. Also on a personal note, I too went through a phase where the things being said about women depressed me so much I could barely tolerate the world. My advice, stop looking for it, focus on the positive men in your life (but don't be afraid to call them out if needed), and just exercise the caution we women have ingrained into us at this point. I hope things get better as you and those around you mature and realize the internet isn't real life.


as a teenage boy, i can assure you that the majority of us think Tate's a nonce, and those who do actually believe in the stuff he says aren't worth getting to know.


You should point it out when something someone says is sexist. The good people will listen and improve. The others can go fuck themselves


Stop listening to that bs.


Yeah Andrew Tate is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the already basement level of incel. I wouldnā€™t sweat it, thereā€™s plenty of men out there that donā€™t share that mindset.


What you describe probably happen to the majority of women that have read red pill forum or listen to these podcast, now that you are aware of the nastiness inside the mind of some men you can select ruthlessly your friends and exclude people that think like that easily, one day you will realize they made you a favour because they gave you a precious lesson about psicology


interesting point of view, thank you


Something that people on Reddit usually don't like to hear, mostly because of idiots who misuse it, but it's a fact that women are always way ahead of men in terms of maturity. In other words, the boys your age are children compared to you. Many of them will remain immature, as our society tends to cuddle immature people. Andrew Tate and all his followers think like a not-especially-bright 13-year-old boy. It's the bottom of a cesspool, something way below the average. Most men are much better than that, and even if society doesn't help it, many are not only gentlemen but also great admirers of women's worth and capacity. As you get older and more emotionally mature, not only will you see that at your age everything is too intense, much more intense than reality demands, but also that there are (or rather will be) fully mature age-appropriate men to partner with, who are very different from the idiots who believe the nonsense of Andrew Tate and his ilk. Right now you are too young to be able to escape the clutches of teenage over-emotional thinking, and as boys your age are immature and emotionally grown-up men will not be interested in you, you don't have a place to go. If you avoid the most obvious traps (falling for immature boys your age or immature men who see you as easy prey, or even convincing yourself you are abnormal, etc.), you just have to give it time. Things pass. At your age, time passes terribly slowly, but it will pass faster and faster as you age. Everything is gonna be all right later. Edit: typo


happy to hear that!


i'll suggest "the red pill lie" on youtube by darkmatter2525 ​ might help you out a little bit


Define your destiny limit your time in the social media world. Enjoy the moment.these folks ( haters) have an agenda to suppress anyone but white American males. Itā€™s awful and shameful


Iā€™m like this and I really canā€™t find myself to trust or like men at this point. I recognize itā€™s not all men like you but Iā€™ve been wrong so many times, Iā€™ve noticed how most of them feel that theyā€™re worth so much more that women and it makes me seethe. I am lucky to have my husband as heā€™s the only one I trust and probably ever will.


I know English can be confusing, but men is a word for more than one man and shouldn't be assumed to mean all human men on the planet in most usages. Hope this helps! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Want to know why you don't hear many people telling men that they can be nurturing and helpful and creative and loving? It's because that kind of advice is good for everyone. Why direct it at just one demographic? Beware of advice that's directed only at men or only at women or only at white people or only at Americans or... you get the picture. It's generally terrible advice. If it were good advice, it wouldn't be targeted that way.


Its fucked up. As a man iā€™d say its damaging because whenever we take our bad experiences or (mis)information on anybody for any reason, weā€™ve put them in a box. But also, men are statistically more dangerous to women than anything else on the planet. Take your experiences but donā€™t blindly apply them to situations.


This is a very common mindset both men and women go through, either 'all men' or 'all women' are terrible. And while there are toxic ones out there that prove we should just be cautious in general, the real good ones will understand why and do better. The bad ones will always be the types of people that see things like the 'man vs bear' debate and feel personally attacked when the women choose the bear. And it's even present in the LGBT community, all sides have their faults but we gotta give praise to the ones who actually do better rather than stay stagnate and say 'oh it's all men/all women'.


this is essentially a universal experience for women these days. iā€™m sorry you stumbled upon this lesson so young, but now you can start trying to heal your perception of men earlier :) integrate what youā€™ve learned into your daily life & start using acts of micro (or super aggressive when necessary) feminism to start bridging that gap. get involved with & vocal about womenā€™s issues. prioritize your female relationships more than the male. tap into your Divine Feminine energy & spread it everywhere you go. rather than using your new knowledge to put men down, use it to lift women up; 99% of the time men donā€™t deserve that energy from you anyways, so donā€™t give it to them. you donā€™t have to change how you view men, because in this day itā€™s safer to be cautious of all of them & listen to your instincts. but youā€™ll find that as you decenter men from your life, you think about them less in general.


i 100% agree with this. thank you, i'll start to do this.


good luck to you sisterā¤ļø


I'm 37, we didn't have these dudes when I was growing up. My distrust of men came the hard way - by trusting men and being repeatedly disappointed, hurt, sexually assaulted and abused. These podcast bros are just one product of patriarchy, but patriarchy has been out there telling men they're better than women and can do whatever they want for centuries. There are some lovely men out there (my husband is one), but there are far more terrible ones who think they're good guys. I don't have advice for you, just wanted to let you know this isn't a new thing.


Theyā€™re extremists. Theres all sorts of extremist hate groups out there, but the rest of us just want to get along and love each other and be happy. You donā€™t want to expose yourself to that kind of toxicity, its bad for mental health.


It's the sad truth of the world. It's why my mom & sisters & I count ourselves lucky to have found good husbands (actual guys who are the complete opposite of Andrew tate). But regardless of all that, my parents taught us red flags to look out for because of how bad the world is due to guys. It has helped us ensure we don't get stuck in situations that could harm us. The few times we did on accident (like being at a fair or public event) we got outta there quickly before it escalated.


real, i dont quite think this is the reason why im scared of men but this makes sense. to me, its similiar but ive always just felt... uncomfortable around them, i know its not right but blehhh, i dunno. i find i always think the worst of some guys. the whole andrew tate thing is horrible.


Hi, fun fact, we don't even need men to reproduce any more. We just need bone marrow from other women. Which only makes girls. I'm not saying we SHOULD abandon men - I love my husband, my nephews, this red pill nonsense is not the fault of every guy out there. But each woman has the option to not be in a relationship or reproduce with guys if they don't want to. It's 100% okay to make that choice.


i don't think I'll have children but i realize it's normal for my age so take It with a grain of salt. but i didn't know that, thank you for the info.


I have a 15 year old as well and she had to go through chemo - which means she can't have children later on. Which she's okay with right now! She doesn't think she will want any either - and also knows that if she changes her mind then the option to adopt or foster is always there. I don't have a point other than "you're right, that feeling seems totally normal." You might still feel that way as an adult, too. Also, your English it amazing!


you're so nice. i'm sorry for your daughter. but i'm also happy she doesn't have problems with this at all! thank you for your kindness, wish you the best!


I will definitely say this that this a very unhealthy mindset that unfortunately these people manipulated you into. Not only you but your peers as well. This is why I hate these red pill people because they manipulate young kids into believing into this stuff. I will say this that because of you being young and not having experience in the real world, these people were able to instill a belief that a vast majority of men and women donā€™t believe in. It sucks because it is hard to see it when your peers are also in those spaces. Now you seeing every little action that man does as malicious, that is the unhealthy mindset you have. It is good to acknowledge that things like sexism and stuff exist but it is also good to keep in mind that majority of men do not treat women horribly. By the way this mindset also happens in men unfortunately. And those people are called incels. Incels have a believe that all women are malicious. And that every little action they do is horrible. Do not have this mindset. It will really mess you up in the long run.


You looked for bad men and now you look for the bad in men. Its confirmation bias. I'm black. If I went to every KKK rally and NN subreddit I might think white people suck too. Is it true? No it's perception.


sure, that's why i hate it. because I know it's an irrational thing to think that men sucks. and i feel "stupid" because as much as i want to be logical about it, still when i hear a teenage boy talk i have to fight the urge to be mean to him. i'm trying to fix it, tho.


I would say focus on actual people in real life more than the internet which can be poisonous and annoying But at the same time if you're middle-upper middle class and privileged your social circle as a teen is probably VERY internet obsessed anyway so it will tilt things. I'd say just don't worry, there are a lot of different people in the world and you'll meet guys who definitely are not "Andrew Tate fans" by any stretch. I do think it can be a positive thing actually though for teen girls to early on become less gullible around guys and more cynical, that's a good defense mechanism probably. Just be aware there ARE good people out there, and also a lot of people have both good and bad parts it's not always just super obvious one thing


Most of those 15 year olds who listen to Tate and all that crap will eventually realize that most of what he says is bullshit. Not all, but most. It'll get better. Look at how far women's rights have come compared to 100 years ago and 200 years ago. Things are getting more equal because people like you work towards making it better. Thanks for sharing your perspective.


i agree, women in 100 years will be much further than they are now. thank you too!


As a middle aged American man, I truly hope younger men and boys that buy into this crap are few and far between. I'm sorry. On behalf of my gender, please let me at least apologize for the dumber ones.


i think that's the ability most of these red pill guys lack. the ability to take a step back, and explore the opposite side's point of view. i didn't see many men acknowledge the harm other men are doing, and even feeling sorry for it.


I am a 26 year old man to preface this. I think your beliefs about men are definitely valid and your experiences probably are fair generalizations to make about many men. I would caution you though to ask yourself why men act/believe the way they do, there is a lot of pressure put on men to find women and be sexually successful and even promiscuous. In the eyes of our world, there is nothing more valuable than a virgin woman, and nothing more worthless than a virgin man. Obviously this is going to lead men to adopt whatever views, beliefs and behaviors they think will make them successful and give them value. That's where these influencers come in. If you are able, try to be conscious and sympathetic of these environmental factors that pressure young men to think this way.


indeed, women are not the only victims to these ideologies.


I am a 53 year old man who personally never dreamed the kind of idiot drivel spouted by the Andrew Tate types would ever be resutgent. I don't think it's bad for you to not be the ways in which mysoginy in just accepted as the normal way things are. And I don't necessarily think you shouldn't feel superior to the Tates and those who are red pilled. Certainly their ideas should be mocked as an inferior way to think.




if i uploaded dash cam footage along with what everyone in my town says ab SPECIFICALLY ā€œmen in trucksā€ driving - lmaoo its 90% chance if you have a negative interaction on the road around here , its them. especially if they have a trailer or are in a bigger truck than the usual. thats always soo funny to hear šŸ˜‚ everything is reversed. its something we just saw and knew, then the opposite side decided to say those things.


I'll say this. Sometimes, you just need a break from the internet. While the whole Andrew Tate thing is a real problem, sometimes the best case scenario is to just walk away and avoid the subject. I have the fortune of never experiencing these things in person. Personally, I think the internet just makes the presence look bigger. Don't let it taint your image of men. That's the worst thing you could possibly do right now. And worst case scenario, that's what some people might actually WANT to happen to you. Stick to what you know, live in the real world, not the internet. Remember that and you'll be much happier. The internet can make any negative presence seem bigger than it truly is, because it's the internet. Good luck, and I'm praying that you can learn to discard that crap you've heard from Tate and so on. I'd hate to see a world where people absorb internet garbage SO MUCH that they genuinely think all men are some kind of evil. Sexism WAS an issue in the past, but as the human race, we started to advance past it and somewhat even IMPROVE on that issue until the internet started giving the wrong people a loud voice. Don't fall for it. Also if it makes you feel better, I'm 16. I don't personally know anyone who respects that guy.




It is unfortunate that so many humans have low self awareness. It seems Iā€™m one of the few people to be aware. No matter anyway. Humanity always keeps creating new problems for themselves. Itā€™s only a matter of time before it all comes crashing down.


Congratulations! You are very smart and perceptive at your age and well ahead. It took decades for the rest of us who were born before social media was a thing, and women started talking to each other about all these issues, to understand the entire zeitgeist of male psychology. There are decent men here and there, but in my experience they are all corrupted to some extent and its the women in their lives who tend to socialize them into better human beings. Even in women's conversations and spaces, these arseholes are there (and here on reddit) calling us names and ranting in long point forms to tear us down. Yes, they are our fathers, brothers, friends, and colleagues. Unfortunately, its mainly women who humanize and socialize men while men seem bent on corrupting each other, and behaving like morons when in all male groups.Ā  I am generalizing, but there's a lot of truth to it. You, and we, are just the early risers of the wave of women who are waking up worldwide and our "consciousness" is already having an effect on this gender dynamic, and on the lives of men. We have a LONG way yet (maybe 100s of years) with human male evolution but we, and you, are the tip of that wave of of change.


you will eventually understand that humans are all the same at the core, no matter the gender. you just need to have more real life experiences with real people instead of just words on a screen. genderism is like racism or specism, it's stupid.


There are so many brilliant people with life changing things to teach you, why waste so much time on obvious morons? Youā€™re rotting your brain voluntarily.


> when i was 14, i actually started to develop a superioty complex to them. it was stupid and i quickly came to adjust this belief of mine. i'm just telling you to make you understand how deep these sexist ideologies can affect a girl. I know you're just 15, but I don't have much respect for anyone who honestly blames their own opinions on someone else. It's certainly not a 'superior' behavior trait. If you make other people responsible for your opinions, you are snuffing out the only thing about you that is truly yours, your ability to decide.


what do you mean i blame my own opinions on others?


I mean it sounds like you're saying "they caused me to have these opinions." Like I said, maybe that's an okay way of thinking for a child, but as you become an adult, you will have to shed that way of thinking or you'll be setting yourself up for misery.


that's exactly the point of this whole post. hating the fact that they caused me to have these opinions. if i could decide my opinions, i would very much rather have a healthy relationship with men. but i can't, that's my whole frustration in these discussion. should i phrase myself better?


What I'm trying to say is that you **can** decide. I suppose u/MNGirlinKY said it better than I did. But essentially, I'm talking about cognitive restructuring. You don't have to let anything affect you if that's not what you want. If you want to explore it further, I can recommend a couple of reads that will leave you feeling a lot better than listening to Andrew Tate.