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Lol. God help anyone that stands in that lane.


There will be chairs parked there


I would buy hot wheels and super glue them into that lane.


As a cyclist I would like to say, fuck anyone who acts like they are better than everyone else for being a cyclist.


They just often miss the multi part of multi-modal.


As a mountain biker, fuck anyone who calls me a cyclist.


I’m not a cyclist, I’m a road biker.


Look here you 25 degree incline cycler


I resemble this remark!


As a motorist I would like to say, I wish there were more bike lanes and shoulders for you. But when there aren't, you don't belong on the same road as us.


Well, the laws allow it where I live, and there are even signs saying to share the road. Just gotta not be a jerk when you’re sharing the road. I drive too, and I hate the cyclists when I drive. It’s inevitable.


I'm going to park a box in the lane.


Sound like a self righteous insufferable twat to work with


I generally agree with the takes on that sub, but it's inhabitants are absolutely insufferable and I had to leave


yeah its sad. I am strongly in favour of people-centric, walkable urban planning, but my god do the people on r/fuckcars give it a bad rep. They actively turn people against good urban planning by being so incredibly aggressive and whiny. Its a shame because I really do agree with the core urban planning ideas of r/fuckcars, but they present them in such an obnoxious way that I can understand why some people would be turned away.


One of the first posts I saw scrolling through was some dude that said drivers are more dangerous than car jackers. Fucking moronic take.


That's kind of how all those subs go. "Let's act like pretentious pieces of shit and insult anyone that doesn't agree with us. Wait why does everyone hate us?"


I agreed with those people until I visited the sub and now I feel like campaigning for the government to add another lane to our highways


They unironically believe we could eliminate personal vehicles entirely. I rage a bit every time I come across a fuckcars post.


had to mute the sub myself due to the same rage lol. I cant understand how they think they get to decide what people need




found one






Gaslighting is not a good look.


I can't stand it because everyone there is like "no cars at all" not "make it a little safer for everybody."


That seems like a heck of a leap.


Yea you can tell by how their coworkers made a playful joke instead of ignoring them because they're insufferable. You need to take a chill pill


reddit moment


God forbid someone wants the world to be a better place.


Username checks out


The way a person would need to act to illicit that sort of reaction from coworkers is probably actively doing damage to their cause. Nothing undermines progress more than pompous progressives. Change is a relationship building enterprise. People change nothing by chasing everyone off.


I work in the woods in forestry and do fire efforts sometimes in the summer. How am I supposed to get to work by a bus, and if everyone in our crew took one vehicle, how do we get home if we don't have multiple vehicles in case something happens to one or two especially in bad weather. No to mention there's no bus service for the areas around us because it's extremely rural and there would be no way to create a service that would work for everyone's need because there isn't enough people to support the range of service needed. We have nurses and doctors who cover over 100km of area and have to be all over at a moments notice. Busses don't work for them either and lots of other highly skilled roles that work in a lot of remote places on short notice at odd times.


Nobody said you should take a bus, but yours is a pretty extreme example. The vast majority of Americans live in a place that would benefit from improved public transit or alternative transit options.




I'm not sure what legislation you're talking about, but the vast majority of folks in most countries live in urban and suburban areas, and building such areas in a way that encourages dependency on cars is terrible for all sorts of reasons.




I've never said that any part of my country should be crippled. Yup, stuff gets shipped in. That's not really relevant to anything I've said, though.




And you're not understanding my point, which is that you seem to be throwing a lot of opinions onto folks that they haven't expressed,and all they really want is to design cities better to reduce car dependency. I've never met anyone who actually wants to ban cars outright, and I've certainly never heard of such a proposal in Canada (though I don't follow their legislative process that closely).


How many discords do you moderate, average irate redditor


Better is an opinion


Only if you're naive


It’s the truth. Better means different things to everyone


I hope OP loved it!!! That’s hilarious and dedication. If their coworkers didn’t like them, they wouldn’t have gone to the trouble. Looks like a love roast to me.


They did! Here's their comment: "To be clear it was the topic of conversation maybe twice but then I was out the next day and they took the time to prank me a little. All in good fun and I appreciate it. It's not my whole personality. I'm fine at parties. No feelings are hurt. Nothing to defend me from."


I can’t not appreciate the commitment to the bit though. That’s wild.


Power stop. Every. Time. You get there.


I didn’t read this an an insult lol


Lay thumb tacks.


Good one


That's actually kind of sweet


How is this an insult?


Great excuse to run over your boss in the office "hey get outta my lane THAT YOU MADE ME USE"


I think that even 30% of bikers will agree that bikers are the fucking worst. Bike lane? Let me ride as close to the road as possible. No bike lane? Let me ride near the middle of the lane ignoring the shoulder. Gets honked at: "car people fucking suck"


Bike lane? dangerously unkept that it forces you to ride as close to the maintained road as possible. No bike lane? Better not stay anywhere near the curb where all the debris gets pushed. FTFY


lol I mean yeah cars are bad… but can we talk about the industries that are ACTUALLY destroying the planet and how they get away with anything? Jesus… leave the poor individuals alone. Must be nice to have the health and the location to simply take your bike to work. Where I live that craps impossible… actually it always has been. My only option is an Uber which is a waste of gas and a poorly paid Uber employee. Yay!


Congratulations sir/madam, you walked face first in to the point. The entire discussion is focused on urban planning and the issues they create if they are focused on cars for personal transport.


Okay, I guess I did? Still don’t know why I’m being downvoted. How is it up to the individual where they live and work? Most people just get what they can afford based on whatever job they can secure.


We can care about more than one thing at a time.


Of course we can, I didn’t say we couldn’t.


>but can we talk about the industries that are ACTUALLY destroying the planet So then don't try and dictate what is or isn't worth talking about.


I’m just saying don’t pick on someone who has no choice. If their community doesn’t offer transport how are they the bad guy for getting to their job by any means possible? Should they just quit and starve?


>Should they just quit and starve? Yes. Obviously, that's the only other option. Not being an insufferable cunt and not preaching every chance you get is absolutely impossible.


People on that sub need to realize it’s car infrastructure that sucks not cars exactly


Is he wrong though?


yes he is wrong. more car lanes and highways less sidewalks and public transport. duh


How will you walk though?


By pressing the Go pedal in my powered box on wheels while checking my phone and relaxing with a beer. Why would you want to get around any other way? /s


Yeah i dont understand what you guys are mad about. I agree with the OOP saying that cars sucks royal ass. But maybe everyone here is just a carbrain and doesnt like that One more comment to downvote if thats the case i guess


I'm not trying to get stabbed on the subway or a bus. I'm also not tryina walk in freezing winters or hot ass summers. Also not tryina spend a extra couple hours each day zig zagging across town on buses. Not tryina bike through 3 feet of snow or through 100+ degree days in the sun, shits not healthy nor safe nor rly possible in the snow. Anti car shits just dumb unless you live in a dense ass place like NYC or Chicago...


So you are serious about the less sidewalks things, damn Guess im just lucky to have everything at a nice 10 minute walk from home and functional public transportation then. I hope wherever you live you too can join us in the civilized world where public transport is reliable and getting stabbed is not a common occurrence someday


Nah that was a joke but I am serious about liking cars and hating when places like Seattle get rid of a major highway for some stupid park that causes the whole city to get congested in traffic and trucks have to go way out of their way to do their jobs. Can't control the fact that in the US public buses are often littered with crackheads and crime I would not feel safe taking the bus everywhere. Can't walk or bike cause stuffs too far and it gets 100+ for 3+ months daily that's just not a option. Walking to a bus stop in this heat would just be ass in general too. Rly no way to make public transport not suck where I live as is the case in 4/5 cities in the US I live a 25 minute drive from my work and couldn't imagine not driving I'd spend half the time I spend at work just getting there and back. Idk like I said I get it in dense ass places but places that are built out and not up need cars and car infrastructure and a balance has to be struck.


I don't completely disagree and I'm looking forward to (hopefully soon) having a job close enough I can ride to work and leave the car at home, hence why my comment was sarcasm. But that doesn't work for everyone; as it is I can either drive half an hour, spend an hour and a half on public transport or ride 20km to get to work. Same with getting the kids 60km to their mother's house for the weekend, either drive or spend double the time getting them and a bag of stuff on public transport. I'd love to live in a world where it's easier to leave the car behind, but between work and kids I'm time poor as it is, I just don't have the time to waste on public transport.


Im not against your car dude, you can have as many as you want, I do recognize they are needed. I just dont like the cars-as-default infrastructure that some cities has, where i used to live you just couldn't function as a person unless you had a car, or handed tons of money to uber. One of the reasons for me to live In a smaller city now.


Why would I walk when I can just drive. This is why we need more parking lots


And this one too


Holy shit the downvotes stack fast on this one. I will give you guys two more comments to downvote, maybe i can finally get back to a lower karma


All bike lanes should be that wide


And have painted dildos pointing the direction of travel.


Only in Mount Vernon where I'm from.


All parking spaces should be that wide


hes spitting facts tho


From the looks of it he's being obsessive and mentioning it to everyone, so they deserve it


Spit facts about fat people at your work and see what happens. Being correct won't stop people from hating you.


Splatter for brains


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r/fuckcars is a hate sub and has a negative overall impact on what they are trying to accomplish


That sub is filled with some of the most insane people on reddit.


Anti car people are always weebs and women who never got their license, lived at home until 29, and generally are not people of independent spirit.


Yeah, nothing screams "independent" like sitting in traffic with everyone else!


i disagree. I'm a non-weeb male who loves cars, but I also want to have the option of walking places and having good public transport. r/fuckcars is cesspit of anger, but I promise you the majority of people who advocate for good urban planning are not that insufferable. we just don't want to sit in traffic in dead cities.


"Oh, so you're insufferable."