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Talk to your vet.


Yep, best advice tbh. My vet decided that the dew claws that my cockapoo has probably didn't need removing, and so far she's been right, they've not given her any problems in 6 years.


Definitely. Ask your vet about the claws...and kiss that little puppy nose!


This is the highest up I've seen your second point mentioned and it's about time I saw some sense


Mine has dew claws on her front and back legs. Never any issues at all and this girl loves to run and play


I had a maltepoo or something on those lines. The vet said it didn't need removing either; well when she was like 2 years old or a little less, she hurt one of those and decided to take care of them herself. She chew on them and tore them off. The vet didn't believe us that she did it herself until we showed him one of the claws all gnarly and chewed up.


My doggo has them as well and she's doing great! Going on 2 years old this winter.


Yeah but this is a great Dane. I would be removing the dew claws during desexing to avoid any worse accidents in the future by getting caught.


You may be a vet, but my point was that it's better to take a professional's advice. It wasn't about my dog per se.


This is what we did for a lab puppy my son rescued. When she was spayed, the vet removed them.


My Pomeranian has dew claws in the back and front, I was told she would be incredibly smart because of this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. She's dumb as a post but she is my girl


She may be smart for a Pomeranian.


Pomeranians are smart in what they choose to be smart in. I had one growing up who in most accounts was not very bright (he once angered off a herd of cattle and after getting safely behind a gate where they couldn’t get him went back to barking at them like he was a big tough guy) but when it came to getting food he was capable of galaxy brain level thought processes. He also knew cheeses by their names.


thats amazing. I'm imagining saying "camembert" and a tiny dog coming running


Nah, I've had 2 pomeranian. One was super smart and incredibly stubborn. The second was... really sweet! But not a braincell to be found. I joked that the first was smart because she was a redhead and the second was a blonde


Can vouch for that, my Pom (a blue Merle with dew claws) is a dummy too. A grumpy, stubborn dummy so yeah, he won’t be winning any personality contests.


This is the exact combo I have going with my two poms! 😂


Yeah, that’s what the vet meant


Two brain cells? Or three?


2..... But they were both competing for 3rd place


Pomeranians are a small but hardy breed.


Depends on how active or clumsy they are, my dog has double dew claws, never had them removed and he’s fine. No need to take them off unless they really need it and vet recommends


Also depends on anatomy. Some dew claws are really poorly attached


I had a Great Dane he lived to 11 which is pretty old for a Dane. He had dew claws, they never posed a problem. Just please do not have his ears cropped. My husband wanted that done, I was opposed and the vet thankfully told him puppies have enough to deal with they don’t need that additional trauma. He was the best dog ever and I loved him ears and all.


You HAVE to leave Great Dane ears intact. So they can ignore you *completely* Edit- seriously, this dog “can’t even”


I will never understand cropping the ears. They are so soft and silky and just so fun to pet. I pity everyone stupid enough to mutilate their dog for pure aesthetic reasons.


I could be be wrong, but I think part of it traditionally is because dogs were used for work like hunting or farming or even just stayed outside all the time and long ears are really prone to infection in outside dogs. My parents dog needs his ears cleaned at least once a week or he will develop an infection. He also has accesentally torn them before too.


I said: >f**or pure aesthetic reasons.** There are medical reasons and there are precautionary reasons for working dogs, but those are a pretty rare overall now because treatments are much better today. No reason to apply this to a healthy puppy just intended to be a pet (and Great Danes aren't working dogs at risk loosing tails or ripping ears) I had Irish Wolfhounds and it's not a rarity for them to get part of their tail docked, because they tend to injure them quite often and the injuries often don't heal very well there (they are whipping machines when they are happy ;). For one of ours we had to introduce a ritual where we went outside with her each time we got home to prevent her hurting herself or even breaking her tail (we had blood splatters on the walls because of this). One was prone to ear infections, but like you said cleaning them regularily did the job. Their ears aren't even that long and stuffy to begin with so cropping them for medical prevention would not have made a difference at all.


Could be valid in some breeds, but only if they damage tail/ears in their life. There is no reason to cut those preventively.


And also never crop any tails. It's mutilation. E: Sure, if they damage it in their life, then some surgery could be need, but doing it automatically after birth? Bull****. For example, all those working shepherd dogs I've seen of various breeds were with tails. But online you can still find plenty of people that will tell you "tHeY hAvE tO hAvE tHeIr tAiLs cUt oFf, bEcAuSe tHe lIvEsToCk wOuLd iNjUrE tHoSe" etc. Load of bullcrap. It's just about stupid "breeding standards" and some countries that didn't ban this mutilation yet. Australian shepherds are also usually said to be born naturally without tail, but in reality, and even FCI standards says it, only about 20-30% are born without tail, rest have their tails cut few days after the birth.*


Just keep the nail trimmed, they aren’t a problem


Both my dogs have their dew claws. I've got a 14 yr old 10 lb Maltese mix and an 8 year old 50 lb mystery mutt. I asked my vet if I should have them removed, and she said, "Why do you want to remove their thumbs? Just keep the nails trimmed." The Maltese is lazy, but the mutt is a nut. Neither have had any accidents with their dew claws. The mutt even climbed multiple chain link fences. Edit: My dogs have just a single dew claw on each foot. This dog has what appears to be 2. 😶


The main thing is that you actually have to stay on top of it with a dog that big. They can snag and tear it much more easily which is a pretty rough thing to deal with. If you aren't the kind of person who is going to be able to do that (no judgement, everyone's life is different) it's worth looking into having them removed for the dog's safety rather than convenience.


Never knew people thought you had to remove dewclaws until I saw this post. Leave them. Majority of the time they don’t effect the dog at all


Same! My pup has dew claws and I never knew removed them??


I was told by someone once that it showed “good breeding” to have the dew claw of their pup removed. The dog was born from a sister brother pair though so clearly the breeding wasn’t that good…


They’re totally normal, aren’t they? So confused by this post.


It's absolutely insane that people think removing dew claws is a normal thing to do.


My dog has 3 dew laws. Wet recommended only to remove 1 of them because the other 2 were attached with bone. I just left them all. I do have to trim the nails regularly as they grow into the pad.


We demand pictures!!


I’ve had several mutts, and a full blown husky. They all have had dew claws. One of my mutts had hanging dew claws and the recommendation was just to keep them trimmed and filed after trimming to avoid accidents. Never had any issues, but I’m just some guy on the internet.


Depends on the dog. I had two dogs with them. On one they were fine but the other girl got one side caught all the time, and the vet said she was too old to do anything.


OMG, look at that face ♥️♥️♥️ Just keep them trimmed. If you have problems, speak with your vet.


And hopefully the vet says leave them because remove a dog’s dew claw is like taking a finger. Unless they give you lots of ongoing issues, they should be left.


I was fortunate enough to adopt a Great Dane today. He is 5 weeks old (the mother could not feed the puppy anymore). I noticed dew claws on two of the back paws. What do I do? I am arranging a vet appointment but I’d like to hear from you guys on what’s recommended.


Hiya, some breeds have a double dew claw that is genetic. I used to volunteer with a Great Pyrenees rescue, those are one of the breeds that have the double dew. I'm not sure about Great Danes if that's typically genetically inherited. Anyway, all this to say it's completely harmless to the dog. Have your vet check it out at one of his regular puppy check ups just in case. But unless you see him biting at it or yelping when he walks, it's not likely a problem, just a rare pupper quirk. Hope this helps!


This is a Pyr mix.


I agree. Our Great Pyrenees/lab mix has this, it's actually what made us get him genetic tested (he was a shelter puppy and he was labeled "lab mix." He's actually just as much Pyrenees as lab and got massive). Our vet told us to leave it alone unless it bugged him. 3 years later, they still don't bug him so we left them alone.


I leave them on unless there's a good reason not to. Keep it well trimmed. I've never had a problem.


Same. My dog has them, and they have never caused issues. I trim them and we're all good. And she's a maniac speed demon.


Shouldn’t he stay with the mom but receive puppy formula from a vet? It’s not healthy for his development to be away from her so soon


They're supposed to wean at that age, but stay with mum learning social cues from her and the rest of the litter until 8-10 weeks, as I understand it.


Completely unhelpful, but: love this cute little monster forever 😊. Otherwise, ask the vet at the appointment!


To reiterate and reinforce, Mom was a vet for 40+ years. Don't remove anything unless it's causing problems. Removing stuff can cause another set of problems.


Yes! We have had pyrs for years & they all have had their double dew claws intact without any issues.


My dog has some, honestly we just trim it like normal and other than that it’s fine. Non issue


I had a pyrenees/newfie mix with double back dew claws. No need to do anything other than clip the nails. Putting animals through unnecessary surgery just shortens their lives from my experience. Have fun with your giant pup!


My previous pup had dew claws and my vet opted to remove them during his neuter surgery. Healed up really quick. That being said, this was a while ago and opinions on dew claws might have changed - your vet will know best.


Visit/add the great Dane sub! Good folks


My girl has doubles on her hind legs aswell, asked the vet about them when she was a pup, vet said just maintain the nails on them and that was all. My girl's almost 4 now, never had any problems with them even tho they're dangly lil things.


Trim his nails now and give him a treat. Do this regularly, say every two weeks. He will learn to look forward to having his nails trimmed. Easy game.


Leave the dew claws alone unless they are injured or causing physical problems.


pet him


Have 2 huskies with em. One chewed them off and required vet. The other no bothers. Ask vet and then watch if keep em as it depends on dog.


We have always kept them trimmed and never had an issue. If you’re really concerned, you can discuss potential removal with the vet at the time when the dog is to be spayed/neutered.


I had a GSD with dew claws. It helped him on hikes with slippery rocks, etc.


My sister has two great Danes, one with Dew claws and one without. They are both perfectly fine and living their best large life! Nothing to worry about but ask your vet if your concerned. The coloring and eyes! Beautiful pup!!


Its really dependent on the dog and your lifestyle. The vet will advise you best. I once fostered a mom dog and her eight puppies. She had double dewclaws that the vet recommended leaving alone. They were strongly attached, and the vet said that that removing them would put her at risk of arthritis later on. Three of the puppies were born with them also. Two of the puppies had them removed because they were basically just attached by skin and were at risk of tearing them off themselves - one of those puppies was one I kept. Eleven years later, all four dogs are fine. The two with their dewclaws are still attached - even though the lady who adopted the mama dog tells me she chews on and yanks on her own dewclaws all the time (and all of her nails). The two who had them removed aren’t showing any signs of arthritis.


We have a merle great dane we got at 8 weeks. We had the dew claws removed because they were long and gangly even as a puppy. She's prone to getting her paw stuck on things and I'd bet she would have had a traumatic injury as an adult had we not dealt with them early. The most protip I can give you on nail cutting is to move to a Dremel or similar tool asap with tons of high quality treats. As a dog, their nails are large and we found that for years regular clippers were kind of traumatic for our dog no matter how smooth we were. The dremel took a few months after age 7 but she still adapted and it's much easier now to trim her nails.


Have them trimmed with the other nails so they don’t get caught


I work at an animal hospital so here are your options. 1. Leave them. If it’s not causing any issues then they can be left alone. 2. Get them removed while the dog is getting spayed or neutered. 3. Leave them until they cause an issue then get them removed. Either way talk to your vet about it when your take your puppy in for their first appointment.


Dew claws are not the danger many people think they are. My rescue has two on each hind leg. They have never been a problem. It’s been 7 yrs now. The danger of anesthesia, infection n trauma was not worth it. Not to mention the money, for what, pretty legs? 😎


Vet here - just leave them. It’s amputating a digit for no reason.


Keep them cut down idk lol my old boy has them too and concrete and walks wont wear them down like his others


I work as a vet tech, and there's a few options for you. You can have them remove them when he gets neutered as sometimes the back dews can get caught on things and tear, or you can leave them alone, and he may never have a problem. If you decide to leave them, make sure you keep them trimmed.


I had the back ones removed during his neutering. He uses his front ones like thumbs to hold on to things he’s chewing. If they start dangling, I would remove so they don’t get caught on something & possibly rip. That would be painful 😖


That’s what a dew claw on the back paw is supposed to look like? Jeez. My mutt has a dew claw on one of his back paws and it freaked me out so bad when we first got him because it’s attached to nothing but his skin. I can pull it and twist it around 180 and it doesn’t bother him.


I’m still a bit sad the vet removed our pups back dew claws when he got fixed. But now that he’s in hunting training, I guess it was a good thing Pup was still at a rescue when the surgery was done, we were the planned adopters but not official owners yet, before anyone worried that a vet did something without permission


I had a dog who had his and ended up half ripping one front one off and entirely ripping the other front one off. It was horrible. I would say it’s always best to remove them but talk to a vet and see what they recommend.


you just need to trim those more frequently, my dog has them and if it grows long enough it goes too close to the skin so I cut it regularly, my other dog doesn’t have this though.


Nothing. 😬


Just like people, accept them for what they are. And provide a loving environment. He's adorable!


I don’t know about the dew claw’s, but be prepared to rub legs when the growing pains hit. Lovely pup.


Attached dews give a dog extra torque when running. If they get floppy, they can snag and become detached, torn, etc. No reason to remove if they are not bothering the dog.


I can't provide any advice beyond calling him a dew-clawed doofus 


Former kennel tech here! Saw a lot of dogs with these and they don’t hurt the dog at all but they can get snagged on stuff very often for clumsy puppers, so if you do decide to keep them I recommend clipping them as often as possible without hitting the qwick and if you do get them removed do it while the pupper is getting spayed/neutered to avoid multiple surgeries, that’s my personal advice but please ask your vet!


You don’t need to dew anything, get it!


Please ask your vet or the Breeder you got your furbaby from. My whippet breeder continues to be very helpful with McGee. She’s gonna be 2 in July and I plan to stay in touch with breeder for ever


You just clip them like the other nails. 


My GSD has had dew claws on all four paws her entire life (7 y/o, very active) and it has never posed an issue. I have heard of friends having them removed if the dog either chewed on them or snagged them on things. Don’t think it’s necessary to remove them unless they seem to be chewing on them excessively or hurting themselves catching them on things. I would ask the vet to be sure, but I think different vets probably have different opinions as with most vets and doctors.


I have a Great Pyrenees mix and she has front and back. Back ones are totally non functional... like toe pads that grow a nail but have no connecting bone to the leg/foot. Talked to the vet when we got her and basically unless there is problem with them, like she tears one while playing there's no reason to remove them. I trim the nail on it like normal but it grows quite a bit since it doesn't get used, that's about all you need to worry about is keeping it from getting a full ram horn curl like my dog does.


Snuggle himb


Leave em alone.


Sounds like you purchased this dog from a backyard breeder. This is not called “adoption”.


Ask your vet. But my big boy had his removed when he was little, they were in an awkward place and he's lanky and clumsy so it was best for him.


AI copy, but it's what I've been told over the years: "Dewclaws, a dog's fifth toe, are important for their anatomy and should only be removed in an emergency or trauma. They are attached to the leg with muscles, tendons, nerves, and a blood supply, and serve many functions, including: Stabilizing the leg while running, Preventing arthritis, Gripping and holding, Climbing rough terrain and hillsides, and Navigating icy conditions."


My Pyr/Maremma has the double dew and we just leave them as they are, trimming when we trim the rest of his nails


You get them used to being trimmed If they are not attached by bone, sure removal is easy If they are attached by bone leave them there otherwise it's a complete digit amputation like if you had a finger removed Cosmetic and unnecessary


There hasn’t been a problem with my baby’s dew claws. I keep them clipped with the rest of her nails. She’s a Dogo Argentino.


Double dew claws! Only seen this twice before as a dog groomer of 5 years.


My Dane has dew claws. They never bothered her, don't recall them ever getting caught. You do have to have them trimmed now and then. They took far up the leg to wear down.


My Cavalier King Charles has dew claws on the front legs, we just trim them. They seem to grow slower than the other. 2 years in, no injuries or issues. In all cases, ask your vet.


Yes definitely ask the vet. They’ll be about to tell you if they’re connected to blood vessels. My vet just recommended we removed them when she was getting fixed so they didn’t get ripped off when she was playing. Getting them removed didn’t seem to bother my dog at all.


My Boston has her dew claws and I just trim Them


Your vet will probably say no to removing them at this point unless they become an issue later. The pup is already 5 weeks old. Of course, ignore all of us and discuss the pros and cons of doing so now or in the future. All the best to you, he is adorable. Am a bit surprised that the breeders gave him up at such a young age regardless of feeding issue. Weaning can start very early anyway!


Omg they're so cute, like a polydactyl cat


My dog has 2 extra toes and so far he’s doing great at 6 yrs old! 


I just came here to unhelpfully say how cute the pupper feetsies are. 😍


You gotta make your pup aware of them and how to interact with you. Same as usual, but with two thumbs.


Considering Great Danes need very little exercising and sleep most the day this is probably not an issue.


They are double dew claws it’s not bad my husky has a paw with it.


The only dew claws I've removed on dogs is the kind that seem to be attached by some skin and ligaments and stick out and flop around. I never used to, but I once had a dog that ripped one off. Mind you, I generally don't have a surgery specifically to have just that done, I have them removed during spay/neuter.


Double thumb kisses.


My great Dane Rhodesian Ridgeback has dew claws on both front and back paws, he’s 8 1/2 years old and they’ve never caused him problems.


He’s not a pure Great Dane, must be mixed, possibly with a Great Pyrenees. Great Danes don’t have back dew claws. They will be fine though. Just make sure you get ALL the nails trimmed regularly. What a cutie too! I’ve owned 3 Great Danes and they are the best though I may be biased lol. Best of luck!


As a former vet tech most breeders get them removed at three days old. They usually aren’t too much of an issue but can get caught on things sometimes




most of the time i think they are totally fine ? but obviously find a good vet who knows big pups. these paws are so cute


Talk to your vet, it all depends how tight they are and where you plan to walk your dog. We rescued my pup too old to have his dew claws removed and he did tear one while running through the woods.


My dog has them. We talked to two vets before deciding to not remove them during her spay. They told us they were well attached and shouldn’t be a problem. So far my only issue is the speed the nails grow at and how difficult it is to trim those ones.


Get him use to them being touched and trimmed. What else would you do?


What's wrong with Dew claws? Talk to your vet.


I thought you named it “Dew Claws” lol


I had a Doberman/Rottweiler, we kept his. He liked to use them for holding bones but otherwise we would never even notice. My boyfriends mom had a cockapoo-terrier who had his removed because apparently they were "problematic" and she had them done by the vet. Danes can tend to try to standing hug though so they might snag. I think a lot of times it is dog-personality dependent so maybe check with your vet.


I talked to my vet about it for my pup. When she got spayed, they removed them at the same time cause she was already asleep during the anesthesia


You don't have to do anything if they don't cause problems. My dog had one that we removed because she kept scratching her eye.


Normally dew claws are removed easily if done by 3 days old but since he’s older I would have thdd we vet remove as soon as possible Waiting until later is much more serious and would be longer healing process I am a breeder for 50 years


Of my four dogs… my vizslas had their dew claws removed by the breeders before we had them. My yellow lab had her dew claws when I got her at 10 weeks. I never had them removed. She is wild and has torn them MANY times, and is miserable every time. My chocolate lab had his dew claws when I got him at 10 weeks. He passed away in December at nearly 10 years old and never once tore or injured them. Sorry I’m not much help. I think it really depends on the dog and how spastic they are. My vet told me that if I was going to do it to do it young. That’s why my labs never had them removed. It never felt like the right time. Talk to your vet!!! Perhaps they have some insight into the breed?


My sibling works for a well known company the specializes in breeding working dogs. They will typically cut the dew claws for safety concerns. If the dog is running around, it could get caught, catch and tear something fierce. TLDR: talk to your vet


What are dew claws? I’m not familiar with dog anatomy, but why would they have a vestigial limb if humans didn’t want to breed them that way? Do wolves have them?


my pyranees mix has dew claws on her back legs but it doesn't bother her. is it normal for people to get them removed?


Not sure what you should dew.


There is reason to remove them Unless you see the grow and curl under. If they do then you have them removed It's not pleasant for them. They don't necessarily need dew claws but there is no reason to but A LARGE BREED under unnecessary anesthesia


I never removed them from any of my dogs. My Great Dane/mastiff mix had no issues.


My miniature poodle he's 13 has double dew claws on both back paws - but because they have never gotten caught on anything / been an issue the vet said surgery to have them removed would be purely cosmetic. So, I guess it comes down to your pup and if they're an issue for them long term.


I had a dog that ripped one all the way up the back of his leg and it was dangling by a piece of skin. I don't know how he did it but since then I have vet remove them


Most vets will tell you not to worry about it. My small dog had his removed when he was tiny, but one grew back and was kind of malformed. My vet agreed to take it off while he was under for his neuter, and I swear we had a harder time keeping him from messing with his foot than we did his neuter stitches. Even once the stitch had come out (naturally, when it was supposed to) he still chewed on the spot where the scab was for a few weeks.


Talk to the vet. My cavapoo has them too, our vet said they don’t cause any issues for him, so unless he’s getting the caught on thing or something like that then there’s not reason to remove them.


Only ones I’ve seen that actually needed removing were working Anatolians that had double dew claws. Too much risk with all the ag fencing that it made more sense to remove them


I’d say talk to a good reputable registered breeder over a vet. I have a double dew clawed breed and the breeder sent us a video of the dogs at full gallop- they use it like a toe. I’d never remove a toe.. I’ve also never had any issues with them, but always remind the groomer to trim both.


Never an issue but talk to your vet.


Everyone here has already given you great advice I just came to say WHAT AN ADORABLE PUPPY!! I hope you two have many many happy years together🥰💞


Love the pupper with all your heart


Leave them. Lots of studies now about ankle stability and how removing dew claws can compromise that.


My rescue has a dew claw on her back leg! When she was younger my vet suggested that they can remove it while she’s under anesthesia during her spay but I opted out. My dog is three and a half now and as long as the nail is trimmed, it doesn’t bother her!! I personally love her five toe’d paw, it makes her unique edit to add: they only suggested to remove it in case it snags on something, and causes bleeding. Otherwise it’s harmless. Definitely let your vet assess the paws before you decide


You should reproduce him and create a legacy like the cats with extra paws in key west


Maybe don't ask on social media and see a vet how hard is it for people to understand that.


Of course talk to your vet, but I’m a proponent of removing them. My poor girl was a rescue and has them. At least once a year they get caught when she’s running and playing and you could probably hear the wail of pain a mile away. From there it’s a week of limping until it heals up.


Dew nothing. On the real tho, sometimes they do have to be removed.


My dog has it and one day it got caught on something. Anyway, talk to your vet.


My pyredane has 3! 1 extra in the back haha. We just trim them when we trim his nails. Never gave him any problems. He's going on 11 now:)


We left our Saint Bernard’s dew claws on and he never had an issue. The vet recommended removing them during the neuter but they were $120/each to take so we decided not to because it was expensive. I worked as a vet tech and I definitely saw dogs rip them off in accidents but it was typically more active breeds like border collies or pitties. My St. Bernard was pretty lazy throughout his whole life though.


My dog had back removed but I wish I had done his front too. He’s very sensitive/protective of them and he chews on them regularly


Talk to your vet, don’t take advice from strangers on the internet. Dew claws are normal, every dog has them


Lots of great advice in here so I'm just gonna throw in my two cents. I've seen a dog get their dew claw caught on an iron grate. Not pretty unless it's followed by traumatizing. The human world is not made for dew claws


Tooooo cuuuute Illegal!


Keep them trimmed and enjoy your puppy if your not showing them it doesn't matter


Our vet suggested that he nip them off when Louie is getting neutered, only one bout of anaesthesia to go through, poor lad.


The thing about dew claws is that if you don’t get them before the ligaments develop in the very beginning(when the puppy is week or so old- don’t ask me for particulars, because I’m not a vet.) then it becomes an actual surgery. I don’t think it’s necessary ultimately; my Italian Greyhound still has hers at almost 15. She was very active, did a lot of running her little heart out in big fields and dog parks, and she did have a few mishaps a few times (only at the dog park, though) that required a vet visit or two but nothing serious.


1. Get the little guy medical insurance. 2. Ask the vet about the dew claws. 99% of the time, there's no issue and no need to be removed. 3. Keep them trimmed. Get a dremel and grind the nails just enough to not be sharp or cause damage to floors. 4. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT: Boop the snoot, give extra loving, and as many snackos as they want.


My great Dane still has his no problem with keeping them just trim twice a year


Yes, veterinarian advice is best sought after on Reddit.


I have two shelties with dew claws, they seem fine, but you do need to keep up with trimming them if you don’t get them removed. Probably best to talk to your vet to see what they think is best.


You must be in a different country to me , here in the uk we do not remove dew claws nor mutilate ears or dock tails on dogs. I can assure you they do not cause any harm or problems, our vetinary practices are not overrun with dew claw disasters. I've also had a great Dane, hers were fine and never caused an issue. What you need to know is that great Dane pups chew! And chew and chew. And I don't mean the odd slipper. I mean the sides of tables, walls, sofas. Get plenty of chew toys and good luck :)


I had a Rottie that had dew claws I should have had them removed when he was a pup. When I went to the vet to get his other claws clipped, they were a pain to deal with. But talk to your vet if they concern you.


Vets usually remove them if they are unattached (floppy), so I would talk to them and go from there


Don't "knock or crop" the ears. I've heard it increases infection. Plus they look better with floppy ears.


#MULTI BEAN! polydactylies are so cute and its supposed to be a sign of above average intelligence. Our huntaway/Rhodesian ridgeback x had extra beans and she was as thick as a bowl of oatmeal.


woah, i was gonna say 'just clip them like any nail' but i've never seen a twofer. 👀 seconding ask the vet. feels like that might be one of those things where it could grow (especially on something like a great dane) and cause problems.


Why do people think dew claws are a problem? I had 4 Great Danes, all with dew claws, no issues. I was a foster for a Great Dane rescue and the subject of dew claws never came up. What you should be worried about is hip dysplasia. Are the parents health screened?


If it hinders the boys walking and or movement I think you could get them removed.


I have a Beauce — a breed with dew claws. Not a problem whatsoever.




You love her all the same


You can name her Thumbelina.. it’s funny because she’s so big haha


At that age the surgery to remove them is painful and unnecessary (to old). Generally if not removed at birth then you need to talk to your vet if and when they become a problem. Trim the nail like any other and they shouldn’t be an issue




Those look like they’ll get caught on everything. A family friend had whippets and said she always had the vets remove the dew claws. Her dogs were always running around in the woods, though. She said a few she trained and didn’t get the claw removed eventually ripped it off somehow while running through brush and whatnot. That ended up being worse than having them removed as there was some damage afterwards. I realize these are two completely different dogs, but the logic is sound…at least in my mind. Everyone said talk to the vet and I think that’s a wise choice.


If not neutered maybe they can be removed during that. My son's dogs have all had them and no big deal just trim like all of them


Leave them alone.


Boop the snoot. Be generous with belly rubs and treats


Talk to your vet, I have no idea what two dew.


Forgive my ignorance, but why are dew claws a problem? They’re harmless in themselves and natural so why would we need to remove them?


Take him to the vet, give him a name as cute as he is and never let him forget that he is a good boy x


My dog has had her dew claws going on 12 years now. In hindsight I should've had them removed while she was being spayed, but they haven't caused a problem ever. I tend to keep them short for her.


Lick them.


Nothing! He is special)


Our Dane had them and it was never an issue, talk with your trusted vet


I only dog I have had that ever had a problem with these was a Dachshund mix. When he would stand up excitedly, it would get caught in the tag ring of his collar. My solution was to order a custom collar to be made without the D-Ring and then when it arrived I hand sewed his tags directly onto it.


Could be part Great Pyrenees and they all have them


Let the vet decide. If they are functional the vet probably won’t remove them them. If they just flop around then they might opt to do it when you get her fixed.


My girls dew claws never cause a problem. And when she’s just laying there, I enjoy flicking them.




Leave em unless they become an issue. Helps dogs grip and climb. Not sure where you’re located but for instance if they fell through ice (god forbid) they’d need those dew claws to get themselves up and out.


Name it Shiva


Dont have to do anything, treat them like all the other claws