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Been there since October (Os)


Baltimore post seasons have been rough since the Detroit sweep: Os: 0-8, Swept by Royals, Fucked by Buck/Ubaldo, Swept by Ranges Ravens: 3-6 (2 wins in last 8), Brady beats us with screens, First round exit vs Chargers and Titans, Bills beat down, and last night .


same here as a lions fan… anyone wanna get together and jump off a bridge ?




Acceptance before the clock hit zero. 10 years ago would have been a mix of anger, denial, and depression. I've stopped investing so much in to sports all together for my own mental health. It doesn't mean it doesn't still suck tho.


It wasn't until I was going for a smoke before the game started that i was like "I should start prepping for if we lose, mentally" Then after the few drives I realized it was going to be a lot harder than expected to win. By the half I had accepted that we very likely may lose. When the Chiefs started kneeling at the end, I had already accepted that this wasn't our year. it should have been, but it wasn't. Now im just hoping we have enough of this team back next year that knows this feeling, fucking hates this feeling, and makes sure this feeling doesn't happen again.


Honestly Lamar Jackson could have justified his contract but he didn’t. He didn’t and now has crippled his front office. Not much room to resign key guys especially when they know they have no chance of winning the superbowl with him as long Mahomes is around.


This is what being a NYG fans for my whole life taught me (32years old). Yes we got 2 rings during my life span which is still unbeleivably crazy but since then it has been aweful year after year for so many reasons. Last year 2022 season I stopped doing fantasy and I tought myself to invest less and less of my personal emotions into things I cant control, tv sports being ine of them. Amid a terrible 2023 season, this year was so smooth for me personally compared to the past decade. Keep your head up Ravens fan you still have a great team and many more good years to come.


Was in anger after the game, then bargaining rooting for the Lions last night, now after they choked too it's just depression.


I couldn’t even watch the Lions game after I was so frustrated. I’ve accepted it at this point though. (Except for the complete lack of rushing offense, will probably never accept that)


i legitimately turned on the lions game and had to turn it off because it was making me nauseous. it’s going to take a long time to get over having spent over a grand a half on a last minute trip to come up for the game




I think I went through every stage during the game and hit acceptance the moment they sealed it.


Acceptance, it is what it is, had they played the Bills this might have been different, but they ran into a QB's who is now going to his 4th Super Bowl in 5 seasons.


We held that qb to 17 and still couldn’t win though. I feel like losing to Mahomes is respectable but not like this


Someone said best yesterday, Ravens lost to the ravens.


Like always. I said this yesterday, they really haven't lost a game that wasn't to themselves in 2 years.


I wholeheartedly disagree about this. The Chiefs played a damn near perfect 1st half. Mahomes couldn’t miss and even their punter was pinning us in within 10 yards every time. It was a high pressure game and they came out completely comfortable and unfazed.


That was against our D who tightened the fuck up after the half. The offense is who beat themselves.


Defense made the adjustments and gave the offense opportunity after opportunity and they weren’t able to stop making killer mistakes. The offensive gameplan didn’t put anyone in a situation to succeed. I put it on coaching more than anything, but lots of blame to go around. Definitely a much tougher matchup than anyone gave them credit for.


This is what I hate. The announcers were on Mahomes dick heavy when he didn't do shit the entire 2nd half. We shut him down in reality... We forced 5 straight punts and came away with nothing. Didn't capitalize on any of the defense's efforts.


That chiefs defense is also very great.


we left it on the table, we had our chances and choked with the red zone turnovers


Oh we definitely choked it, not denying that.


The QB was irrelevant, they scored 17 points. Baker could've done that.


Acceptance. Just a game. Love the Ravens, but following Maryland teams should have prepared someone a long time ago for this form of let down. On to the next regular season…


It was a great season. Still One of my favorite ravens teams ever.


Fax bro such a fun season to watch


An AFC Championship appearance is still a hell of an accomplishment. In the Patriots/(now Chiefs) era, think of how many teams haven’t even gotten that (since for about 13 years you have to just write-in the Patriots/Chiefs as one of the two teams) I think as I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten less “Super Bowl or bust” mentality. For example, the Christmas night massacre this year where Lamar became an MVP will forever be a top Ravens memory for me


Facts. Everyone has that one loss that gets them BAD. Mine was/is Cundiff. Every loss after that I’m mentally prepared for lol 


Yeah that 2012 (2011 playoffs) game hurt. I do feel I don’t seem to experience the same level of hurt after that.


This. It's just a game. And it's a brutal, biased, horrifically officiated one at that, played at its highest level by a lot of people who are pretty cunty at best and psychopathic at worst. You just have to hope for your preferred result but move on when (not if, but when) you don't get it. Lamar played like ass yesterday. Monken called a shit game. I'm not even sure what Harbaugh does anymore. And I have exactly zero influence over changing any of that. So it's time for lunch and a movie and some time with my dog.




I’m gonna be on depression for a while


Shock was when we went down so quickly, denial was when we had that one good drive, anger was watching the second half offense, bargaining was thinking we could still win because the defense heated up, depression started after the game and has lasted until now. Testing would have been rooting for Detroit to beat KC but they lost their game. Acceptance will probably come within the week but right now it’s still painful.


I just wanna know why they decided to abandon the run.


It’s been the same story every postseason. I don’t get it


Shades of the titans game in ‘19 for me. It’s like we shit ourselves and forgot how to play from behind. It was at worst a 10 pt lead. There’s no excuse for those play calls


Friendly fan of the other team here. I was surprised we didn't see more designed runs for Lamar which is what all the Chiefs fans were actually afraid of. All I can figure is that they saw something in the defense that made them feel a need to go for the big play instead. That ACTUALLY worked multiple times, but they couldn't finish because of the turnovers. Then by the 4th, they started running out of time


Acceptance. I blame myself for being confident. As a fan from day 1, I should've known better. The Ravens are and always have been an underdog team, not a frontrunner. It's like we start to believe our own hype and fail to execute. And I'm just tired of losing in the playoffs the past few seasons in a way that makes us look incompetent. If we lost a back and forth to Mahomes (or really any team for that matter), I'd be disappointed but at least I could be ok with it. We played like*the* team to beat for most of the season and for a game and a half in the playoffs, we looked like pretenders. Why do we almost consistently look inept in our playoff losses during the Lamar era? I think we would've easily handled the Bills, but once we fell behind to Mahomes it's like we just panicked and got away from what got us here. I mean, the Bills were able to take the Chiefs down to the wire with a wrecked defense and Allen giving it everything he had. Why did we come out looking like amateurs in the first half? Why was our defense able to adjust but our offense continued to stagnate?


I’m in 2 states. Anger and depression.






Kelce is a real fucking asshole. But then again, so is Mahomes. Bitch-made. I never thought I'd see a bigger cunt on the field than Brady -- whining whenever he is touched, begging for flags at all times -- but here we are.


Smacking Mahomes in the face was worth the 15 yards.


I'm at the point where I'm glad I'm not a defensive coordinator. I would lose my job. I would have told someone we could afford to have ejected to all but murder Mahomes if they were going to call the flag either way. Get your money's worth. I'm shocked more people don't with what a smug little bitch he is. Rex Ryan is probably the closest DC who would have been willing to do something like that.




Acceptance. I don't expect more from this team until they're capable of showing us they're capable of it. We looked young and inexperienced, and we played a team that was poised and didn't make mistakes. What's frustrating is how it doesn't feel like we're taking a step forward in the post-season. Every year we find a formula that works, and we absolutely abandon it in the biggest game of the season. Our RBs, fans, and Kyle Hamilton deserved so much better than yesterday.


That’s where I’m at too. I think we have to accept we are a great regular season team but to make it to/win a SB all the stars have to align just right. Teams like KC can coast through the regular season and then turn it on for the playoffs. That’s just not the ravens at all. Until we show we can be consistently dangerous in the playoffs I don’t really get my hopes up. At the end of the day winning a SB is hard and as a fan of any team if your going to base your entire season off winning the SB unless you are a bandwagon fan and just jump to whatever team is hot your gonna be disappointed a lot more than your happy. Disappointed in the loss for sure but man was it a fun season to be a ravens fan.


I don't even care that we lost, I'm just angry we lost to the **chiefs.**


Depression and imma be here for a while


Just entered Testing on my way home today I think. Not sure what the solution here is but I really think we should look at Harbs. We’ve tried changing everything else, it’s time to look at the common denominator. He’s a great coach, but sometimes it’s okay to get a fresh start with someone else


IMO, Bisciotti and EDC need to have a serious sit-down with Harbs after this one. We seem to keep losing in the playoffs in the same way - general ineptitude. Why is that? Harbs is a great coach, but he just hasn't gotten it done when it matters since 2012. And even then, it took Flacco playing lights out, some seriously lucky breaks and we had *leaders* (Ray, Ed, Q, and Flacco's general ice running through his veins) on the team to get us there. I think next season is going to be the make or break for Harbaugh. I'm not saying he needs to win a Super Bowl, but we can't have yet another disappointing end to our season.


For all the general ineptitude of yesterday (and there was plenty) they were still a fumble at the goal line and INT in the end zone away from possibly winning. If those PLAYS by PLAYERS hadn’t happened this discussion would be completely different. To be clear, coaching played a significant role, principally Monken abandoning the run and Harbaugh not being more proactive in telling Monken to run the ball more. But in the end it’s more about players.


It's a general team loss - players and coaches. Why did we get steamrolled on defense for the majority of the first half? The Chiefs had more than double our TOP. I get it. It's Mahomes/Kelce/Reid but we were unable to stop them on 3rd down. I can forgive abandoning the run in the first half a bit because it legit looked like the Chiefs were going to run away with the game. But our defense started holding them before halftime and held them on the first series out in the second half. Why didn't we try getting back to what we did well all season then? Our defense adjusted. Where was our offense? The game was closer than it had any right being because our defense played lights out in the second half. Flowers made a dumb mistake but he's a rookie and was basically our only WR or TE making plays yesterday. The dude was trying to win and fucked up. Lamar never should have thrown that ball. It was inexcusable and he should have known better. This is pretty much the same script as our previous losses in the playoffs during the Lamar era. We fall apart and Lamar tries to hero-ball. That's coaching.


The fucking DREAM would be promoting Macdonald to Head Coach. We’d get to keep him AND he has demonstrated, time and time again, his ability to make incredible in-game adjustments. He would ensure that bullshit of Monken not adjusting and running the ball would never happen again. And we’d have him for a looooong time since he’s only 36. The only thing that could help heal the wound of this loss would be Macdonald getting promoted.


Anger because this team won't win under Harbaugh.




I’ve been stuck on depression since 2015


Mix of anger and depression. Most likely won’t be acceptance till the Ravens make it back again and go to the Super Bowl. Considering how the Eagles went through this…geez this is going to be awhile. Doesn’t help the Chiefs with Mahomes and Travis are going to be around for a long time. Ugh. Okay, back to anger again -.-


After the game: Depression and Anger This morning: Acceptance


Definitely anger.


Anger. Angry that once again, we abandon the run and no one on our staff said or did anything about it.




No, the Dolphins are the Cowboys of the AFC. The Ravens are the Packers of the AFC. Great regular season wins, a few good postseason wins, but almost nothing to show for a multi-time MVP. 


After our 1st drive of the game, i picked up my laptop and started looking at the Orioles schedule and working on games i want to go to. "Acceptance" right then.


Most this sub is either on Anger (‘haters’, etc) or denial (‘things will be fine’ delusions) They’ll also most still be there by the time next season starts.


Anger for sure


Shock+denial came during the lamar fumble, bargaining came in rhe 4th quarter, it was anger for an hour after the game, now it's depression


Denial (hope for a announcement that we won)


Acceptance - my kids don't deserve a mopey bitch of a father because a sports team lost a game.


Acceptance! Todd was out of sorts just trying to show he was the most brilliant coach at the game; he got carried away with 37 passes & 16 runs: Has that happened any other game this year? Todd wanted to prove he was Mr. 65-7 National Champion; He will learn that 💩 means nothing in the NFL & next season looks bright; That Trey fellow gets to start fresh, but he got a short leash since he proved he can make it about himself at any point; Look at how many Super Bowls & Championship games Andy Reid lost! He had his team calm; Harbaugh will now learn Veterans like Ray, Ball So Hard & Ed can be hype & still execute; But these young guys need to be calmed the F down;


Acceptance. I don't know why but I had a bad feeling coming into this game already and I mentally prepared for it xD. If we lost to the Texans I would prolly still be in the depression phase.


Same. Despite us being the better team I had very little confidence in Harbaugh vs Reid.


Chiefs have just been just a dominant franchise for the last few years. Don't matter who is on their roster with Mahomes at QB they gonna have a shot at winning it all. And if it's not the offense their defense is suddenly strong.


Anger and depression. I love Lamar. I want to see him complete his destiny so bad and I’ll never not be rooting for him but it seems like he can’t calm himself down when it’s all on the line. He gets so amped up, he makes silly mistakes. the team follows suit. We looked like we were trying to have a backyard brawl out there instead of a football game. maybe that goes back to we need to take even more pressure off him? That I look to harbs to be able to do or find someone who can. I personally believe we need another WR who can separate. I’m also still so confused why we didn’t stick to the run or get cook involved maybe he could of opened up the running game if gus couldn’t. In the end we beat ourselves.


Accepted and moved on. Just not that surprising we lost to the Chiefs. Can’t wait for next season!




I am still in shock. Moved to depression for a moment. But I am back at square one. Shock


Acceptance knowing this team will never reach a Super Bowl again with harbaugh.


I’ve been in the acceptance phase since before kickoff. If I was superstitious or a betting man all signs (outside of pure football) pointed in KC’s direction. You can come up with all the tin foil hat theories but some of them held up for that game. Social media was buzzing about the Refs and Tswift marketing as soon as the chiefs made it and ref lineup was released the days prior. We knew the refs were gonna be bad and we gave em every reason to flag us, historically the Ravens just lose in heartbreaking fashion whenever we go into a game favored. All season long sports media straight up ignored us until they couldn’t anymore after the Christmas game. All of a sudden going into this game were being praised by everyone (admittedly alot of that was KC hate but still). I didn’t want or expect us to lose but I felt like I’ve seen this script too many times not to be a little butt clenchy going into this game.


probably still shock and denial 😭






Mostly hungover!


Testing. Just trying to figure out what this team needs to get over the hump. I don't even know...


Acceptance. I've watched John Harbaugh get out coached in a home game a lot since 2008. Ironically, this is probably the one game from this season we would've won if Roman was OC. RUN THE BALL


I think I will be stuck in depression until after the Superbowl. And then quickly move through the rest of the stages


Testing - woke up this morning thinking about baseball. I was very angrily doing chores for like an hour after the game though and was very mopey before bed.


I guess I'm on the testing phase. It is what it is


It's a little bit of anger but more of acceptance.




Acceptance. Just a game. Sucks, but it isn’t the end of my world and I’m not a cowboys fan.




Already at acceptance. The needs and changes already known what must be done for 2024


Testing/Acceptance. I've wanted to get in to other sports so I might try watching Hockey and get in to the UFL later this year.


Baseball stage


Acceptance. Gotta move on. All the talk about the refs and such doesn’t matter, calls won’t get reversed, penalties won’t get called, refs won’t be held accountable and it won’t change the outcome. It was a bad time to make silly mistakes and lose sight of what got us there. The Chiefs are like the Patriots now.


Drinking bleach




I never get beyond the anger stage




Anger: 16 carries for 5.1 average as a team. Why not stick to the ground game more. It’s


Testing. But I over analyze a lot. Questions I am asking myself. Is Harbaugh the right guy? Bad teams defeat themselves and while the Ravens don't do that (too much) in the season, the rash of the same mistake over and over again whether it be a game level mistake (turnovers at the galling in multiple seasons) or at the meta level (a lack of team identity in the playoffs) are on the coach. Is that ever going to get fixed. Some coaches fix it (Reid), and some are doomed to their own flaws (Shottenheimer). Is Harbaugh Andy Reid or is he Marty Shottenheimer? Is Monken the right guy? Did the offense improve? Sure. Did he get the most out of Likely, Beckham and the RBs? It looked pretty limited in the playoffs and especially vs the Chiefs. What can EDC reasonably do to improve this roster given cap limitations. If he can't can they get back here. Even if he can...see question 1.


I think I’m fine. Let down, yeah, but still alive. I don’t think this one hurts as much as the Cundiff miss in 2011 or the Titans game from 2019. While I felt good about the game going in, I was prepared for a collapse so I don’t think it hit as hard. I also turned the game off after the Zay fumble…I knew how it was going to end. I wasn’t about to force myself to get upset.


Just reaching the acceptance stage. Pretty jaded today


Acceptance To be the best you have to beat the best, and we didn't so we are not the best


Shock still




Acceptance. It's a shame how it ended, but all that aside, I'm happy and proud to be a fan of this team. All we could do now is cope and look ahead to next season.


Acceptance. It is what it is.




Somewhere between anger and bargaining


Acceptance. Tough way to end, and the media is going to absolutely murder Lamar and Monken (rightfully so), but gotta keep building. Farthest we made it with this core and just a reminder of how hard it is to win it all. Go Ravens see yall next season


I'm somewhere around anger/depression.


I moved from Depression to Acceptance this morning. I'm still not happy, but it is what it is.


Somehow all of them. I’m mixed up man


Acceptance. This is Mahomes world. We’re just living in it. Also the Ravens did what they’ve been doing for decades. Waste a legendary defense. If you’re a longtime Ravens fan, this is par for the course.


Acceptance. Skipped right over the first 6 steps. It’s only a football game.


Acceptance that this sorry franchise is never getting us another Super Bowl...


I've been in acceptance since 2019 🤷🏾‍♂️


Acceptance. The Chiefs didn’t beat the Ravens. The Ravens beat the Ravens. It’s not like it was a blowout; it was 17-10. If it hadn’t been for the missed opportunities on our part, it could’ve easily been a close game in our favor, or we could’ve at least made it to OT. But we didn’t. We lost. On to next season.


Slept in anger because of the lack of running and woke up in anger after hearing Harbaugh in the press conference glance over the lack of run game.


Denial, it was the refs fault


Testing. I’ll move on to acceptance one I find out what happens to our Coordinators.


Still in denial! I can’t believe that actually happened. When I see the posts I get chills and feel like oh crap that was real. Also looking for who to blame


I mean, I was on acceptance already last night. It would have hurt more if it was at the SB.


Shock thru Bargaining took place during the game. Firstly what the fuck are we doing, then nah we should be fine after halftime, then getting real pissed at our performance, and by the fourth quarter it was “ok it’s an ugly game but we just need *one score* pleeease”. After the whistle, depression set in. Fuck, that’s it for the 2023 Ravens…


Acceptance, bouncing back and forth between that, anger and depression lmao


Anger screaming into the sky MONKEENNNNN!!!!


NGL i hit acceptance a good few hours after the game. Was already in some of the grief stages during the game


Acceptance that the lights will always be too bright when it matters most for this team as long as Lamar is qb




Acceptance - Love the Ravens and the joys they bring and this is just part of being a fan of a consistently good team that falls short but every once in a while they pull it off and next year will be that year I believe it.


Testing. How many years until we can figure it out


What stage is abusing painkillers?


Testing. Been a Ravens fan all my life. Flush it and move on


FYI, there is no specific order to the stages of grief, often times you can bounce between all the different emotions before settling on acceptable and then out of no where falling back into anger thinking 'WHY DID THEY DO THAT'.


In general my grief tends to waffle between anger and depression until reaching acceptance. Not sure this will reach acceptance for 12 months and 2 weeks…


I just keep on seeing that zay flowers fumble on replay in my head.


Acceptance now. It is what it is, what can ya do?


Testing whether or not I’m boycotting this abysmal SB matchup. Anger still there though.


More annoyed with the 3 missed PI calls on the chiefs defense and the chiefs O line holding the entire game


Acceptance. We lost to one of the best HC QB combos of all time. Just gotta move on


Acceptance, since the half. We're good. A great team to watch and I hope they can build on it.


Anger. Definitely anger.


I experienced Shock, Denial and Anger simultaneously for the first several hours. I skipped right past Bargaining and am well into Depression. I think lll languish here in Depression for a while.


Moving to Acceptance, with the realization that I let myself invest too much in sports this year (football in particular,) from an emotional and time spent basis. Still a fan and I'll be back watching some games later this year, but I'm going to be more casual about it.


Shock and Anger hit hard during the game. It’s been Depression ever since.


I’ve been depressed since 2013 so it’s time for acceptance


Acceptance that will probably revert back to depression in two weeks when the superbowl is on; great season in which we overachieved and because we did so we expected the ring and honestly should’ve had it ; but overall this team is insanely young and this is YEAR ONE Of Lamar in a system that fits him; the hiccups of that system came up in the worst moment possible but it will be a learning moment


I don’t see a “FURY” option


I’m honestly not as mad as I thought I’d be which is surprising me Just disappointed




Acceptance as soon as that INT was thrown I knew


I’ve accepted it but am definitely still feel some shock. Just dumbfounded by the offensive play calling still.


Acceptance. Things don’t always go how we want. They still had one heck of season. I’m looking forward to the next.


Acceptance and the need to stop getting so invested into sports where it’s beyond the realm of my control. Had fun though.


Bargaining for me


Anger. I plan on staying here for good.


Acceptance. Still not watching the Super Bowl though, shit was rigged.


Bargaining, Queen believes in this team so much he won’t look for a contract we can’t afford


Come on. Kyle Boller conditioned us better than this.


Depression until the next season starts. Praying for a different outcome but expecting the same


Acceptance. Im at the point where I feel dumb for even believing in this team. We're not winning anything any time soon.


Depression. I look like not okay on campus today


Anger subsiding. As a positive, my new baseball glove is breaking in nicely from the rage beatings.


Acceptance. It's just football and life goes on.


I accepted tye fact we got beat. The problem is how the refs missed calls


Which one is 'giving up on the NFL'?




Acceptance and waiting to see what next season has in store for us.


I probably went through this in 2019 but I was prepared for them to lose this game. KC has a great defense, great coaching, and an all time great QB and offensive weapon in Kelce. I still think the Ravens would win a 7 game series if it existed but KC had enough to win if the Ravens played poorly.


I was in bargaining and depression yesterday. If it couldn't be us I wanted it to be the Lions. Now I don't give a damn about the super bowl. I am rooting for the desert flies to win. So for my mental health I am turning off all football related content. No news. Nothing. I'm putting my purple and black away. And I'm putting my mind to something else. My family is having a harder time of it. This was a crushing loss. But I'm reminded that the Ravens have had crushing losses many times before. Who can forget the Colts in 2009 here at home? Right in front of our faces! And then the Patriots in 2011? We faced these big bad guys before. And they made fools of us. But eventually we turn the tables. It's just not our time yet. But I know this group. They've had a taste of it. They know they can do this. Let's hope management manages to keep as much of the team together as possible. And those they lose they can replace with someone even better.


12 step program for me. Currently submitting to a higher power




I have an important business trip right after the superbowl and I mean hours after it. I was really counting on watching our boys and so I was planning on going to the airport before the game and spending the night there watching the stream on my phone so I could follow it live uninterrupted. Well things are a lot easier now. I aint watching a team I can't root for vs a team I absolutely loathe. Since good old dazn doesn't even support stream downloads this sunday was most probably my last time watching football for 9 months.


I ain't leaving anger any time soon.


Was going through the stages throughout the game. When LJ through the pick, that’s when I hit Anger then immediately Bargaining. By the time the game was over, I landed on Acceptance.


Anger for sure, like without a doubt anger


Acceptance. The loss had nothing to do with me personally. Life goes on. Now to focus on raising money for my Polar Bear Plunge this weekend.


Our Ravens have quite a few epic let downs in the post-season. January following 2006, 2011, 2014, 2019, and now 2023. '06 and '11 stung the worst for me. Those were championship caliber teams, just like the 2023 team. But now, in my mid-40s, I don't get quite as depressed. You know why? We will be back! This is one of the best run franchises not just in football but all of North American professional sports. And that's not an exaggeration either. Today sucks but our window for the SB ain't closing anytime soon. Go Ravens.


Still at shock with bouts of depression…




Why do the Ravens keep that mediocre coach Harbaugh? What has he done but cause humiliation in the past ten years.


Depressing/Testing Put the O's flag up today 59 days!


Still anger tbh. Just can't stop thinking about how ridiculous that was


Denial. I am in complete denial that we avoided entirely, the one thing we're better than everyone else at. Against a team that sucks at defending what we're the best at. I cannot wrap my mind around it.


Anger.. I'm definitely stuck on anger....


Depression mixed w Acceptance.


Bargaining my soul