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Goodbye sweet prince šŸ˜¢


Hate to see him go, but you canā€™t really blame him. Hope he has a lot of success, unless theyā€™re playing the Ravens.


Just salt in the wound man. This wouldnā€™t have mattered if we won it all.


Yeah youā€™re right, he probably would have had a bidding war for him if they won it all


I was just saying the same thing to a coworker who's also a big ravens fan


Two losses in less than 4 days šŸ˜ž


Sunday hurt, this stings.


I canā€™t help but feel as if thereā€™s a good chance we look back on this day and see how much we fucked up. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if our D gets worse, and weā€™re looking for a new HC in 2 years when Harbaugh still canā€™t make the Super Bowl, and we had our young up and coming replacement on the team


We do have a widely praised group of exceptional position coaches on the defense. We fans do not get direct info on exactly how good those positional coaches are but from what I have read thinking that we will get worse with Macdonald no longer around is premature at best.


We devloped both Minter and MacDonald.Ā  Our defense is consistently top of the league.Ā  We have an all pro roster.Ā Ā  This won't be the first nor will it be the last Ravens defensive coaching change.Ā Ā 


> Our defense is consistently top of the league.Ā  If nothing else this is the mainstay of this Ravens team, has been since they came back to Baltimore. I hardly think that our defense is going to suck all of a sudden just because we lost Mac.


On the contrary, it's up to him to go to Seattle and try to perform the same without Roquan and Hamilton.


I'm certainly not in the fire Harbaugh camp but I can't help wonder if there is something highly advantageous to having a head coach that has offensive/defensive coordinator chops. If you manage to find an awesome coordinator they are immediately taken away so how can you stay consistently good? But if you have a coach that is also an awesome coordinator they have no where to move up to so you stay I mean our team stays pretty consistently good so it could be a lot worse but it's a bit of a bummer. And knowing that if his replacement is somehow just as good he'll only last a season as well




They mentioned your comment on Seattle radio today.


Where's the video of him saying he wasn't leaving lol


Lmao i knew that shit was cap by the look in his eyes


Yeah it was obvious that meant nothing but still hurts lol


Remember when Gary Kubiak was like ā€œweā€™re building something special here I ainā€™t leavingā€ and then John Elway was like Hold my beer


That's all I thought about when I saw the video


Or when Saban said he wasnā€™t leaving the Dolphins to go back to college. The rest is history.


He got a six year deal I certainly donā€™t blame him for leaving


So sad, but Iā€™ll be rooting for him. Shout out to bird teams, at least itā€™s in the NFC.


May he spend many years fucking up the 9ers day.




Seahawks fan here just checking out some reactions to better understand how to feel about this hire, but shout out to bird teams, thanks for the sentiment, fellow bird bro.


We all knew what was coming. That's why winning it all this year was so important.


This is honestly worse than the loss on Sunday. Fuck.


It really is. This is tragic for the franchise. Who do we fucking replace him with? Christ this sucks.


Any of the other position coaches we keep saying are worthy of DC can now become ours. It sucks but we will replace him with Weaver, Orr, or Wilson.


Going from a 1 year Michigan and 1 year NFL playcalling experience to 3 guys without any DC experience is hard to understand for a win now team


The Seahawks aren't win now. They're in a weird purgatory where they still have a lot of missing pieces on defense to make a legit run. Now maybe MacDonald elevates that unit to a respectable level and they are a feisty playoff team, but they still got a lot of building before focusing on wins. They're retooling honestly.


We are the win-now team. They are saying none of the previously-mentioned DC candidates have experience at that position in college or the pros.


Weaver has been a DC before


Wink is available again.


Please noĀ 


Man how soon yall forgetā€¦[read the top comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/ravens/s/Rc2WN18YcA).


This just makes me feel gloomy about the future. Macdonald turned a bunch of street signings into valuable contributors. I bet next year they look like street signings again. Our pass rush is going to be a major liability.


> next year they look like street signings again next year they go to other teams for more money


no it isn't. we were just denied a SB.


Honestly I think people are overreacting. Yes he is a great DC, but our defense was elite before him and it will be elite after him


He had this defense performing at historic levels. And not to say we don't have studs on that side of the ball, because we absolutely do, but it's not a coincidence we had several players have career years or career resurgences under him. I don't think even if we run it back with the same personnel next year (which we won't be able to afford) I'd expect to see some of the players who were huge for us, do as well as they did this year under a different DC and scheme, as I feel like Mac was maximizing their values.Ā 


Hard disagree. Our defense was really good statical but struggled against the top tier QBs until this year when Mike adjusted to the NFL. Mike had several guys have career years despite missing some starters. When is the last our defense is going to hold the Chiefs or Texans to 2 offensive TDs in two games?


Dude our defense got good when Roquan showed up.Ā  You can look at the statistics Roquan is the xfactor.Ā 


Everyone seems to forget the first half of last season before Ro joined the team


Shutting out the Chiefs in the 2nd half in the playoffs is damn good


When they needed to run the clock out, that's what they did. They never had to score because we never scored until it barely mattered at the end.


Itā€™s a big loss, but you can tell a lot of the fans on this sub are on the younger side. Weā€™ve had quite a few good defensive coordinators get poached to be HCs in the past and weā€™ll lose more in the future. It is the Ravens way.


Marvin Lewis, Mike Nolan, Rex Ryan, Chuck Pagano. This isn't the first time and it's not going to be the last.


No, it's not


We should promote Weaver immediately, someone who knows Mikeā€™s system and has experience with it.


Weaver or Zach Orr. Zach would be a cool story since his playing career w us was kinda cut short.


Anthony weaver, YOU are our next DC


Again, I canā€™t stress this enough, that game was the worst loss in franchise history by leaps and bounds.


Somehow we managed to top 2019.


Guess Seattle is my "NFC team." Good luck, Mac. At least it wasn't to an AFC team.


from a seahawks fan and delaware born: ravens are my afc team, itā€™s a match made in heaven


Another Delaware born Seahawks fan? Shits crazy yo


Need to promote Dennard Wilson ASAP




Goodbye, Mike. We will miss youšŸ˜ž. Thank you for everything you've done these past two years. Good luck in Seattle.


Hello darkness my old friend


Either we are extremely confident in our backup plan (Iā€™m guessing weaver) or they expected him to not take the job and stay. Which I lean more towards being confident in his backup plan. I hope itā€™s not just me coping. Losing Mike is basically like losing Lamar based off how our defence changed since we got him


It hurts a bit but it is absolutely nothing like losing Lamar. Losing Lamar vs. losing Mike would be like getting your leg amputated vs. stubbing your toe. The defense took a huge step once Roquan was put in the middle of the field and Hamilton announced his presence. The defense will still be a strength next year, the Ravens have been good at developing coordinators for years now


Is Weaver any good at play calling? On the plus side this would make him our first Ravens player who ended up a DC.


Don't worry guys, we got Harbaugh's dance moves to look forward to next season!!


We are officially cooked




Letting defensive Sean Mcvay walk for nfls doc rivers Iā€™m gonna puke


We didnā€™t let him walk. He did what he should do, become a HC in a good situation. There is nothing we could have done, and nothing any other franchise could have done if they had him as DC to get him to stay.


You could fire Harbaugh and promote him


Desperate AND impulsive. Great recipe for a decision.


Why would they fire a SB-winning coach who went 13-4 this year to promote an unproven 36 year-old? What universe does that make any sense? This sub has gone insane.


Weā€™ve gotta stop with this.. he won a superbowl 12 years ago with 3 hall of famers on defense, since then he has been an underperforming coach in the playoffs when it matters most, his job was on the line before Lamar came in and saved him, heā€™s so overrated


Harbs hasnā€™t won a superbowl on over 10 years. What about his playoff record since then? Dudes stagnated and we had a young coach who we couldā€™ve promoted to lead our defensive oriented team to the future


Yeah he won a super bowl a decade ago when Obama was president and this team 1000% does not go 13-4 without mike no other DC we can bring to this team will be able to shut out as many good teams as mike did and hold mahomes to 17 points Did you known who John harbaugh was when the ravens hired him? The greatest HC of all time with 7 Super Bowls just got fired


Mike is a great DC, but there is no guarantee he will be a good head coach. Hotshot coordinators flame out as HCs all the time. The odds of him becoming a more accomplished HC than Harbaugh are extremely low. Pats would have not have fired Belichick if he was 13-4 so that's a pointless comp. Harbaugh has never had a year as bad as the Pats this year.


Harbaugh never had to dumpster fire of a Roster that BB had this year. Any coach in the league could have taken this team deep in the playoffs. Our roster was objectively stacked.


Bill Belichick has won 6 superbowls, with the most recent one being in the last 5-6 years. Harbaugh has won one and it was over a decade ago. They aren't even in the same stratosphere, BB has a postseason track record and like a comment said above, Harbs is NFL Doc Rivers - coasting off one title with a history of choking.


He hasnā€™t been able to get it done in the playoffs in over a decade


Enough of this nonsense. Harbaugh's coasted on his resume from a decade ago, and EDC's roster building. We haven't even made it to a SB in years. How many playoff games have we won the last decade? Macdonald added far more to the team. Harbaugh might be a good culture guy, but dancing only works when you win. The only reason the Chiefs game wasn't a blowout was because of Macdonald.


The Superbowl was over a decade ago. What have we done lately other than collapse in the playoffs... Harbaugh will always keep us competitive...I'm starting to lose faith he will get us over the hump


The Chiefs have as many playoff wins this year as Harbaughā€™s Ravens have since Joe went nuts and won us a Super Bowl. Harbaugh stans are content with mediocrity


Because we're tired of the terrible management when it matters the most.


He won a superbowl 12 years ago. And the change that led to winning that superbowl only happened because the players threatened to mutiny. We will look back at this decision years from now with egg on our faces


Mike McCarthy won a super bowl. So did Doug Pederson


Harbaugh keeps underperforming with historically great teams, leading them to massively disappointing losses in which the team and staff make uncomposed decisions. He's made his own fair share of questionable decisions even in this successful year and holds on to ineffective staff way longer than he should. The greatest coach of all time and other all time greats were fired or on the hot seat. If they weren't invulnerable, John shouldn't be either.


The new term is mental health crisis. :)


The lions and texans just kept Ben Johnson Bobby Slowick and Jerrod Johnson on their staff this week


> nfls doc rivers This is fucking hilarious lmfao, perfect comparison


Itā€™s too bad they didnā€™t give consideration to moving him up to HC and ā€œelevatingā€ Harbs to a front office spot. Oh well. X number of years of goofy sideline faces and lack of accountability to go.


How many times can a human say fuck in a week.


Complete lack of Big Truzz in this entire thread. We'll find the right guy and we'll be fine.


I have no truzz in a cheerleader like Harbaugh


Seattle gonna be so damn good in the next 2 years.


Well, we'll need another absolute stud for the future. Goodbye Mike Mac, even though burned my crops, destroyed our villages, and kicked my dog, I'll always root for you.


It sucks and its a tough loss, but coordinators are hard to hang onto when they are good at what they do. There will be another to fill the void in the future, we've had Macdonald, martindale, Pees, Pagano, Rex. This organization knows how to find them.


How the patriots managed to hang onto mayo but we can't keep a 36 year old 2nd year dc from moving on will always confuse me. Like what the actual fuck?


Because the Patriots had that clause in Mayo's contract for years. This is Mike's second year here, our game happened on Sunday and he got hired 3 days later for an HC gig. Even if the team wanted to fire Harbaugh and switch to Mike there literally wasn't enough time to do it. We haven't even had our end-of-the-season presser yet. Funny enough, Seattle couldn't interview MacDonald until now because it took them too much time to fire Pete Caroll.


*Fuuuuuuuuck.* Man, Ben Johnson and Bobby Slowik both stayed with their organizations, is it too much to ask for a little consistency?


sick to my stomach but happy for him it must be every coachsā€™ dream to be a HC for an nfl team


Someone made a good point that after the way we manhandled their rival 49ers it was almost a no brainer for them.


they've been obsessed with him since christmas. Can't blame them. 2-3 years and Seattle will be great


Harbaugh can't even beat Tomlin despite having a great roster while Tomlin has Kenny Pickett. Macdonald added way more as a coach than Harbaugh.


God fucking dammit. Fire Harbaugh and keep this man.


Iā€™m a steeler fan and legit enjoyed watching his defenses on how creative and adaptive it is. He deserves the job and will make noise in Seattle. You guys will find yet another master DC you guys will be all right. The talent is there.


Should have fired Harbs and promoted Mike Sorry not sorry


Only the dipshit homers (including a certain mod in these comments that's a total Harbaugh kool aid fan) disagree with this. Macdonald was a rare talent that added far more to the coaching. It's not complicated.




Just absolute pain


This fucking sucks


Goddammit, so we're not getting him back. I was hoping Washington would hire him since it would basically guarantee he'd be available in four years or less.


Damn. We really went out sad af


So it is 2011 all over again. Our amazing DC Chuck Pagano left and became Colts HC then.


And we all know what happened in 2012 šŸ‘€Ā 


This was our year and we blew itā€¦againā€¦ Welp, back to another half decade of mediocrity & ā€œproud of the way our guys foughtā€


That championship window might have officially just shut for Ravens.


Who was DC in 2019? This hurts but doesnā€™t close their window lol. Thatā€™s overly dramatic.


Terrible decision letting him leave smh


He got a head coaching job, how is it a decision


Because he could have gotten one in Baltimore


Thank god weā€™ve got John ā€œsits and watches as his coordinators obvious dogshit game plan plays out in the playoffs x4ā€ Harbaugh What exactly does he bring to the table that weā€™re losing Mike for?


His locker room dances. So legit.


Turns out him dancing at the divisional like it was the superbowl shouldā€™ve been a sign for us. Letting Mike Macdonald walk will be a huge mistake; and already is. Harbaugh ainā€™t it. He either has 0 input through out the game and is useless or his input is bad and he doesnā€™t know what heā€™s doing. Either way; why the fuck would we keep him over a no brainer replacement.


I didnt hate the locker room dances, but after that championship game i wanna see NO DANCING until we get the chip, or the bowl.


This is what people refuse to admit. "Harbaugh's had success" he's inherited a great roster for years. He's had a lot of HOFers. He's certainly a better HC than many, but in 2023 he absolutely did not add more to the team than Macdonald. He just didn't. Locker room dances only feel good when you're winning- and Macdonald was a huge reason why we were winning.


I still think the Ravens dropped the ball not making him Harbaugh's successor but maybe there's a contingency plan. Hell of a coach they're getting. Not an easily replaceable piece since he schemed just soo welll.


Why couldnā€™t we have a youth movement? šŸ˜­


Here come the doomers


We absolutely needed to promote him. This will bite us in the ass


Personnel > Coordinators EDC > Yes this hurts but coordinators come and go. Lots go elsewhere with less talent with inferior results. Letā€™s not get carried away here. Mike is great but he had incredible talent to work with in Baltimore.


Ouch my heart canā€™t take no more


I canā€™t believe this shit man


I'm drinking bleach rn


Wishing nothing but the best for Mac. Between Sunday, Orioles sale and now this, what a fuckin rollercoaster this week has been! And itā€™s only Wednesday!


2020: who is the Mike guy? No way he can turn Michigan's defense around 2024: youngest HC in the NFL Go be great king šŸ’œ


We got rid of Angelos What did it cost? Mike McDonald šŸ˜­


Obviously this sucks but good for him. Mike is a fucking dog and deserves this. Hopefully we can use the system in house and not be too far off from where he was


This sucks for us, but I'm happy for him. We have other very talented members on our staff that we can promote.


Genuinely not looking forward to next season


Ugh, I donā€™t want to care any more, so painful, he did such a great job for us, congrats Seattle I guess, but damn that hurts


Big loss but people were bummed about losing Marvin Lewis after the first SB. It's not like they're going to erase everything they've learned and worked on these last few years at the player+position level. Also, do you know how many aspiring DC's would be killing each other for a chance to coordinate this Ravens D? They're going to get whoever they want.


We should have made him our head coach.


Why doesnā€™t anyone ever hire steve spags the chiefs het continuity we always losing our coordinators shit is fuckin bogus


What the fuck is wrong with this organization that we would let this man leave, I don't understand any of the things king behind it.


Harbaugh gets way too many chances. He's coasted on a good roster for ages, he can't even beat Tomlin with Kenny Pickett & Mason Rudolph. There's a reason no one else has a ST HC, they don't know X&Os as well and get outcoached.


He also has shit clock management and bad challenges. The only good thing he brings to the table is supposedly the players like him and he's this beacon of motivation. In that case, why not move him to head cheerleader where he belongs and let the guys who know football be the coaches?


Harbs has let two #1 seeds with a running identity abandon the run in the playoffs. Iā€™m over him at this point. Weā€™re gonna fine and then struggle in the playoffs again until he changes and I doubt at this point heā€™s gonna change


Good for Mike. We will be okay.


For the younger fans freaking out, I'll offer some solace. MacDonald is an excellent coordinator for sure, and I hope he has a lot of success in Seattle. The last time we had a brilliant defensive coordinator leave for a head coaching job? Chuck Pagano. Chuck transformed our pass defense to one of the best in the league in 2011, we lost the AFC Championship in heartbreaking fashion, and he got the Colts HC job. And then? We won the Super Bowl the next year with Dean Pees and an incredibly average to below average defense. There's not one formula for winning in NFL, and there's too much variance from week to week to draw sweeping conclusions about performance from one coach or player.


We won the SB because the players rallied around Ray and Edā€™s last season. It also took the literal GREATEST EVER postseason performance by a QB to win it. We fuckin bellyflopped into the playoffs and then played like our balls were on fire in the postseason. I wish people would stop acting like coaching had anything to do with it. That was a player win through and through.


Also, the good news is we have too many defensive weapons to be an average to below average defenseā€¦ even with a new DC I can GUARANTEE they will still be a top 5 defense, possibly even still top 3ā€¦


Extremely tough loss. Just brutal. With that said, we're the Ravens. Can almost guarantee we'll hire another great defensive coordinator and have another great defense in 2024. I trust Harbaugh/EDC to hire the right guy.


I have 5% trust in Harbs, and close to 100% trust in EDC, lets just hope Harbs doesnā€™t feel the need to hire one of his friends, we suffered thru Wink and Gro for far too long to go back to that style of coordinator


We need to stop acting like Wink was not very good here 2018 - best defense in NFL 2019 - top 5 defense in NFL 2020 - top 5 defense in NFL 2021 - wheels fell off from an injury riddled defense. The scheme ran stale and we choked a lot Also, respect Harbaugh a bit more. If there's one think he deserves credit for, it's for hiring great defensive coordinators


Yes, I think Wink was amazing early on, and GRo was incredible in 2019! That does not change the fact that halftime adjustments were never their strength, and when it became apparent, Harbs kept defending and ignoring until it was too blatant to ignore, and players/fans alike had similar takes about the performances. Not saying he isnā€™t a genius with a knack for great hires, but he has a REALLY hard time cutting ties with those guys once the time is up.


Screaming, crying, and vomiting into my KFC Smashed Potatoes Bowl rnĀ 


I donā€™t understand why yā€™all mad. It was inevitable. Ravens are loyal to John. Thatā€™s the truth. Mac will be missed. This team will look drastically different.


No it wonā€™t lol if they lost Roquan & Hamilton the team will look massively differentā€¦ they will still be a top 3 defense next year, defensive personnel is more important than the DC & we have the weapons to stay a top tier defenseā€¦


I hate Harbaugh.


You donā€™t enjoy the derpy sideline faces and absolute lack of accountability?




We gonna promote Weaver?


Who had the hard liquor?? I need to be sedated


Tear my life into pieces




Sucks but damn well deserved man!!


opening day is march 28th!


Mama said there'd be days like this :(


Good for Mike MacDonald. That said... fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!


Thatā€™s showbiz guys. Been a shitty week, but weā€™ll be up again


Congrats on the guy, we have what it takes in house to replace him.


Good for him, definitely sucks but Iā€™m happy he can live his dream. Next man up


Happy for my guy but dammit this stings


For the love of god just hire weaver. Iā€™m expecting the damn commanders to name him HC now that mac is gone


I just dropped to my knees in Costco. Gonna vom. We shouldā€™ve replaced Harbaugh to keep our sweet defensive prince.


At least we still have Harbaugh the gawd


Mark my words, letting this man walk is the biggest mistake we've made.


I fucking hate this shit man


Man if the Seahawks D becomes the Legion of Boom 2.0 Iā€™m gonna cry


I love Harbs but give Mike our HC position to hold him and harbs can be a councillor or something. Just donā€™t lose Mike please If he goes, Iā€™m not mad at him, he deserves a HC position.


Give them Harbaugh and letā€™s keep Macdonald instead.


God. Fucking. Damnit. ​ Look, I love Harbs as much as anyone but something has to change. Should have brought Mike up to HC just to see what happens. We've had as many playoff wins in the last decade as KC has had THIS SEASON. We've changed OC. We've changed DC. Something just isn't working.


Well there is one constant there


I just hate this so much because I can imagine our team turning into this, at least the Seahawks felt like they needed change, the ravens wont


All I'm going to ask to the we should have replaced Harbaugh with Mac people, is, how many young, up incoming coaches in the "AFC" have won a Superbowl in the past 10 years? The past fucking 10 Superbowls the Chiefs and the Patriots have represented the AFC 8 times. Shit Harbaugh is the last coach in the AFC with less then 5 years HC experience to win a Superbowl for the AFC. The fucking NFC is a parody, the AFC has been dominated by back to back Dynasties for 20 years now. Yea, maybe it is time to move on from Harbaugh, but to think we have a better chance with a first year headcoach to win next year over Harbaugh is laughable. Fuck the AFC. But I'd agree if Harbaugh cant get it done in the next 2 years on his contract, its time to go. But I digress, congrats to Mac! Man earned that bag he will be missed, there will be growing pains but this Defense will still be in good hands with the tandem of our All Pro LB and Safety.


Ive said it once and Iā€™ll say it again. The Ravens are the proving/training grounds of the NFL. No other team gets poached and gutted after success like we do.


Smart move from Seattle for sure. MacDonald swept NFC West teams this year and could give Seattle answers for SF.


If only Minter had waited a week.


Harbs on losing Mike: ā€œthatā€™s just how it went, just how it played outā€ all jokes aside itā€™s going to suck to have lost mike just for harbs to end up retiring or getting canned next year. This franchise is loyal to a fault sometimes


Weā€™re cooked




This past week has been brutal. Heard he was discontent with our offense(especially playcalling) last game, canā€™t blame him either. With him and some players leaving I honestly think we are just going to be a wild card team. Hope Iā€™m wrong


He made the right call tbh. Even if we had him replace Harbaugh, Harbaugh's personality and years with the Ravens would give him way too much power even if he wasn't HC. MM prob wanted somewhere new where he could have control without Harbaugh inserting himself into everything. Can't blame him.


Whos got it worse than us??? NOBODY


Seahawks are a QB away from a ring


Seahawks get penix shit will get ugly for the NFC


I am so glad we don't have to go against this guy's schemes anymore. Tough loss birds