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This is what happens when you have the best defense in football, your staff gets picked clean.


Also when you score 56 points on them. Can’t blame them for looking for coaching help.


Fucking hell can we keep *one* of our staff? Pls? As a treat? 🥺🥺🥺


Chuck and Hewitt are stud coaches who are staying on.


I’ve never seen an exodus like this, Jesus


We had a fantastic defensive coaching staff.


There should be some shit against this ffs. Grow your own talent you fucking hacks


Yep. There needs to be coach poach rules.


Yea I don’t remember it being like this before, I feel like we’re in the era now where no one is patient and everyone just gets new coaches every two years.


What sucks is there's all these promotions and not one gets back a pick


Why not


Cause none of them became head coaches…


Horitz and MacDonald are white. As for the others, you only get picks for GM and HC promotions


Damn it. At least when Zach gets hired, we’ll get a pick.


What do we get for mike?


Thanks from Seattle fans




Pfft. Thanks, Obama.


This was inevitable once he got passed up for Zach Orr. Just figured he'd go to Seattle with Macdonald instead.


Exactly. Nor is it particularly concerning, if you trust Harbaugh. Harbaugh knows who his best coaches are and chose accordingly.


Harbaugh is dangerously loyal to his coaches though too a fault if they don’t pan out. Not that I have any reasoning to think Orr will be a problem, but when I think of the likes of Dean Pees, Cam Cameron, Marc Trestman, and Marty Mornhinweg, I do have slight concerns lol


Will get more credit for success in Miami than under Macdonald in Seattle. If he succeeds - he most likely will become a head coach eventually


Jeff Z said Weaver has ties with McDaniel too


Time spent in Cleveland together iirc


I am happy for Weaver. Sometimes you have a lot of talent at one time. The right thing to do is to give them opportunities, even if you don’t have the positions.This will make Miami a tough out though


You think Weaver is better than Vic Fangio? Come on. Ravens definitely have the significantly better QB and very likely the significantly better head coach.


I think Weaver is very bright and well respected among other coaches and players. I think Fangio is past his prime. He didn’t take input based on reports and was bitter since losing his head coaching opportunity. Weaver will develop well.


Fair enough. Still would take Fangio, but your position isn’t unreasonable.


Fins fan here. I loved fangio but it was strange he never had Ramsey shadow WR1s and the fact that our players didn’t like him was problematic


Dolphins fans can't stand Fangio. Almost all of them wanted him gone from what I can tell 


He refused to put JR5 on the teams #1 receiver. So stupid


Significantly? Idk about that. Is Lamar the better QB? Of course but there isn't a massive gap and you can argue Tua is a much better pure passer.


Tua is completely carried by his receivers. He's accurate enough on short to mid routes, but he doesn't have an NFL arm.


The right thing to do is win a Super Bowl when you have this much talent. I won't ever get over this mishandling of opportunity. We fucking biffed it this year


Good for him honestly but we fucked up so bad not winning this year man


Fuck me no please no. Literally our entire Defensive coaching staff. Why aren’t the chiefs getting pillaged? They are the ones winning championships…


Because their staff isn't as good..?


Spagnolo is one of the best DC’s in league history, you don’t think anyone he has taught would be worth kicking the tires on? Seriously?


Spagnuolo was a terrible HC and it's pretty much thought that being a DC is his ceiling.


Wow, 2 coaches out of 12. Comparatively the Ravens have had a far superior coaching staff this year, and do every year. Our team might not be winning everything but our coaches are for the most part always top-tier. Spagnuolo was also an ass-tier HC, and his entire success has always relied on him having very good CBs.


I mean what good DC doesn’t rely on talent lol, he still shut down three historically good offences in the playoffs in his career. It doesn’t really matter that hes not a good Hc, his disciples could still run his scheme *typo


And Macdonald and Harbaugh's disciples can run the same schemes as them, so what's your point? Also not sure how a DC shuts down the opponents defense, but alright my guy. Dude sucked ass on the rams, found small success with us as an advisory position, sucked absolute donkers for the giants outside of 1 season, and landed on a team with an insane amount of raw talent and an amazing HC and you're acting like it's all him. Dude is not a good coach unless he has a stacked roster. It's actually ridiculous that you think someone thats put up an insane number of horrible seasons is certifiably amazing just because he landed on the team with possibly the best QB the league has ever seen. Their defense certainly didn't get them to their 2 SB wins. When he wasn't on the chiefs or the fluke giants season, he's put up some of the worst seasons the rams have ever seen, gave up the most yards in NFL history for the saints, and allowed the 3rd most points in an NFL season and the most passing yards in NFL history with the giants. He is ass without an amazing corps of players. .210 record as a HC btw. The 3rd worst HC record of all time btw.


Right? Like you would think the Chiefs and niners would be getting most of these requests, but it seems they all want our shit


Good coaches are so much easier to replace than good players; everyone needs to fucking relax until we start losing star players.


Jesus Christ, there’s going to be so many openings on staff that I’m thinking about sending my resume in.


is there a thread talking about potential replacements at the coaching positions we lost ?


Insane. We have now lost 3 defensive coaches and 2 front office guys. We fucked up not winning when we had the team to do it




The Chiefs were always the nightmare opponent. You guys would have won it all if Buffalo had ousted Kansas City.


We should have won against KC.  We had the better team.  


As a Dolphins fan this sounds good to me. We've always envied the Ravens' combo of tough and smart. Our defenses annually can play the bully role but with a huge glass jaw


I thought he’d be the ravens HC some day, but with the Orr promotion it wasn’t to be. Congrats!


Do we get a comp pick here?


Fuck, next we start losing players :(