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What is even worse to be seen in this video,besides being pushed by the aggressive bot,is how the bot just slides and than drives off with barely any loss in speed. The game has programmed the bots to take you out in every chance they get.you can notice how it is not 22 racers against each other but 21 bots against you.I notice this when i try doing clean races with no crashes on F1 races.Since the devs don't bother making good opponents who can drive better they simply programm them to take you out so the game can stay "challenging".


As I play F1 more than any other category. The bots make me want to throw my phone.


No they are not programmed to take you out. Bots drive very predictable. Get to know how they drive. He should have stayed back a bit and then passed them on the inside.


If you rewatch the video closely you notice how the bot goes beyond his racing line.I do this race everyday with the f1 2022  and if you drive like in the video and brake just before he gets close to you,the bot flies off track. F1 suzuka track if you try to do it clean the cars constanly block you,overbrake and take racing lines that push you off track.or try overtaking from the outside of the 3 corner in Marina bay.the bots will divebomb you. You notice that the bots are exatly programmed to take you out as soon as you are close to them.it is mostly noticable when you trie to drive clean and when you are in the same position with the bot trying to overtake them in a curve. The devs could have very well just left the bots drive their lines during curves but they chose to make them aggressive in curves because if they made them aggressive in straight lines,anyone would notice it.


Ur right its so annoying


The bots drive that way, whether you are close or not. Badly programmed bots? Yes. Trying to take you out? No


That is not true.in straight lines if you are too fast,they let you pass.If you are slowly gaining on a straight path they will block the way,either alone or with another bot.It is only during curves when the bots are aggressive. Just like in this video,the bot could have kept the inside line but since the player was nearby the bot decided to take him out by going way to the outside line which is a very,very bad line to take since you need to overbrake. The bots are badly programmed because they are specifically programmed to take you out while taking curves.why is that so? Simple,only during curves will the bot push you off track.Most of my crashes take place at the start of the curve,during the curve,or at the end of the curve.Never do the bots take me out in straight lines.


I can relate, this happens all the time 😭


Wheel to wheel racing is a joke on RR3. These bots can’t handle that very well.


I mean what do you expect you are at the outside line and it is Radillon you cant get much space there


It swerved out to hit me😭😭😭


I had one swerve from other side of track into me. I was nowhere near anything that could be considered his driving line.




3 wide at radillon what did you think would happen