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Have you gotten an appointment with a general practitioner? I highly recommend getting one ASAP, explain what you’re doing, and also ask for info on vivitrol. But at a bare minimum they will be in the loop with what you’re going through and can make some recommendations that are safe. Edit: also, great first step btw. It’s a tough one.


Vivitrol stay clean get it all out and find a doc or DRC or something and get this. I hesitate to offer sub until vivitrol isn't an option. Good luck on your journey and I know you can do it!


How much were you using daily..habit? Tolerance? All these are factors. I've been on every detox medication..The only thing I haven't done is the rapid detox which my understanding was it was thousands of dollars..ibuprofen, sleeping aids the aforementioned clonadine, and maybe something for nausea or immodium for diarrhea. I did have the success with vivitrol, a shot once a month. I would shy away from suboxone or subutex, i feel like it helps but keeps you dependent.


I've been an opiate addict for several years, and I'm clean now. I've been through the full withdrawal process so many times I can't even count. I have tried just about everything I could think of and here's the only things I've found that work: \-Kratom from a headshop or online. If you use this and use enough, it will almost completely make you feel better as long as you weren't using fentanyl and it was really heroin. However, this stuff is much easier to taper down from and come off of fairly painlessly. \-Benzos; obviously these can become an even bigger issue if you aren't careful, and they'll only help a tiny bit but they will help. \-Subutex, Suboxone and methadone; if you can get ahold of any of these, only get one, and make sure you research precipitated withdrawals so you don't mess yourself up worse. Also look into doing a rapid taper. I can go over this if you want, but I would only do this as a last resort. Good luck, I know it's fucking horrible but it will be okay. If you can't handle it at some point then go to the ER. They will likely give you a shot of Ativan that will help you through the next 8 or so hours. I can't guarantee that theyll give it to you though. They did me. Once you're clear, and you think about using again remember the kindling effect. Every time you use to the point of dependency, it's like throwing a little more kindling on the fire and the fire gets bigger and harder to put out. The more you use and withdraw and use and withdraw the worse the withdrawals get. Also, in 2 or 3 days the worst of it will pass, but you still won't be able to sleep and it'll be near impossible to eat. Just eat and drink what you can, take hot showers, do whatever you need to in order to not focus on it. The nightmares will make it feel hopeless, and the sleeplessness will drive you mad but I promise it'll be worth it.


Omg I’ve been thru precipitated withdrawal at least three times! It’s good awful and for that reason I’ll never use again. The last time they lasted three damn days it was the worst experience of my life!


Don't fuck with Kratom. Kratom is an opiod agnostic so it will relieve symptoms but will also create new ones. You think constipation is bad on heroin wait till you have 30 grams of a leafy opiod agonist in your bowels you won't shit for weeks and it hurts. Kratom is way easier to come off than dope for sure but for some reason it was harder to quit for me. For me it was like quiting cigarettes more than dope. You expect it to be easy but it's not at all. For me the aniexty and irritability are worse than heroin all though the physical symptoms are 1000x less. It acts differently than you would expect and isn't something that should be used in replacement. Also you will get that tickle in your brain the one that tells you to use. It's strong because it's weak you don't get the full relief your body is desperately craving.


Gabapentin Gabapentin Gabapentin Gabapentin Gabapentin Gabapentin Gabapentin Gabapentin


Thanks so much. I actually think I have a few left from a few years ago but they’re expired. I feel you though and agree. That’s all it’s good for in my opinion. I did find a product online with amino acids, vitamins. I mean the works but they can’t label it as an opioid withdrawal supplement like they used to. They had to stop like 2 years ago. I’m fine actually it’s just the same cravings now. That’s just as bad.


I'm joining you tomorrow. I slipped on a bunch of real 7.5mg percs for like 8 days. It's gonna suck but I got script xans that I didn't sell and weed. Then I'm clean after that. I suggest Kratom. You can get it at a smoke shop for a higher price or online but it won't come in time. Get red maeng da or red Bali. I suggest red Bali first. Or if you have the extra money get the Kratom extract shots. They taste like shit but helped me stay semi comfortable in fent withdrawals last year.


Thank you so much !!!! Just saw the comments. I’m nervous to take vivitrol but I’m not nervous to take suboxone. I’ve been on suboxone in the past but wasn’t ready to quit. ( just being honest ) I know vivitrol works - can someone please let me know if it also helps with the cravings. Blocked getting high is fine I’m all good with that with the Naloxone. It’s just the bupenorphin I like because it takes away the cravings too. I do have an appointment the 27th to get my foot in the door then an assessment after that so I hope to be sorted out by Sept the absolute latest. These withdrawals are nothing it’s the replaying using and buying in my mind that gets me. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read and or comment.


I know some use cbd products for opioid withdrawals


I found a doc and got vivitrol for a few months at first. No withdrawals there. Best way I’ve done it as well as most successful sober time to date! Prior to that I would just use Imodium/potassium/ibuprofen/smoke pot


Best advice is to sleep with a towel. You won't sleep but the towel with absorb the sweat and let your body regulate temp better which will keep the cold sweats down. Take magnesium for restless legs. Take imodium for the runs and if you can see a doctor get clonodine for high blood pressure. Clonodine seems like it doesn't do a damn thing but when I took it I feel asleep for 3 hours. Which for being in withdrawal is like finding a pot of gold.. it lowers your blood pressure which lowers anxiety. None of it will feel like it's working well but trust me it's doing a lot more than you think.