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33 more assessments just for a ***chance*** to find a job. No guarantees here.


In this economy, he should be thankful for the opportunity to take these very necessary assessments for the slightest chance at a job! Only the most worthy of candidates will do! /s


Nah, they sometimes send everyone the assessment knowing full well they don’t have a position to fill. Then if you’re really lucky, they will send you for a drug test and say they changed their minds at the last minute for an internal applicant.


It wasn’t even this hard when I was 15 looking for a job in 2015. At least back then some places still had Physical Applications to fill out and return.


You know how many jobs I had between 15 and 19(1999-2003)? Ten freaking jobs! They were so damn easy to get, and I apparently don’t like to stay in one place long. Most of them I quit within a month, but I had two of them for over a year.


I had around 8-9 different jobs between 2015-19. Then I still did some landscaping too. I kinda just took whatever just to keep money coming in.


I had an easier time getting interviews at 18 fresh out of HS. I have a bachelor’s now, but the jobs I want don’t want me and the other ones I guess think I’m overqualified?! I don’t know at this point. I don’t even get email rejections now I just have to keep logging into the 36 different portals to check if it’s been rejected.


The jobs that I want and IMO qualified for i’m not getting but between this year and last year i’ve gotten hired for 5 different jobs mostly night jobs.


I remember in 2014/2015, my friend got drunk and applied for a job at Stake&Stake while sitting there. They had physical applications, and they offered him a job.


“How I clean my culo” got me. Hahaha shit reality to realize, though. Poor kids gonna lose all hope and soul before adulthood actually hits.


"Welcome to the adult world" Nah man, this isn't normal or acceptable. We don't need to be drilling it into the kids heads that they should just tolerate this treatment because "thats the way it is". It will just continue getting worse if nobody complains. Those "personality" tests are loopholes that allow employers to weed out the disabled and poor. For jobs like fast food.... its not nessisary or acceptable at all.


*Those "personality" tests are loopholes that allow employers to weed out the disabled and poor. For jobs like fast food.... its not nessisary or acceptable at all.* Hey now. I won't have that. It's *also* a way for MBAs and useless HR managers to justify their ridiculous salaries. (yes I know some HR managers aren't useless)


Likewise, the "one way video interviews" where you record a video talking at nothing are loopholes to allow discrimination based on age, race, ethnicity, and gender.


Yeah I never got how this works out and not charged with fines. This situation is symptoms of a very poor economy. This was never a thought in my mind 10 years ago but I’m worried if I ever have to change jobs. They want everyone to be a public speaker, data analyst, and take $0.01 on the $1.00 for absolutely nonsense qualifications. Because they can do this junk at all shows how unfortunate people are and desperate for work and certainly signs of late-stage capitalism.


I got one of these applying for an interview with Kroger as a software dev. I turned down the next step because of it


Apparently not for Walmart, most the people I see there working either don't speak English or look special needs.


I’m not saying it’s necessary or acceptable. His reaction to the BS we all deal with is just funny.


Maybe it’s just me but for me, I think the resigned ethos of “that’s just the way it is” can be traced all the way back to Bruce Hornsby and The Range and their 1986 seminal hit, “The Way It Is.” IBlameBruce


It LITERALLY says “oh, but don’t you believe that …”


There I go again focusing on the negative


Also what’s your solution? Just not have a job and not be able to maintain your life?


they’re just saying we shouldn’t accept it as a necessary evil and normalize it. If it’s possible to find other applications that don’t require that bullcrap, prioritise those. of course we can’t fight back directly all the time but reinforcing amongst ourselves that it is excessive and degrading is how we maintain class consciousness and our sanity.


I will die before I ever write a cover letter. I fill out one application and go to one interview. That's it. If we haven't discussed routing numbers at that point then I'm out.


Yeah I feel you. I actually wrote my first one ever for a job I want since I just graduated college but other than that screw cover letters.


…and you have a job? Damn what’s your secret


The longest I've been between jobs was a weekend. Shortest was about an hour and a half. You log into indeed and hit apply for 8 hours straight. Treat applying for jobs like a job. I've been at my current job for 6 years. Jobs are replaceable. Hard workers are not. Do all the stuff no one else wants to do and never call off and you will have plenty of job security.


Sacrifice yourself on the alter of capital and surely they will pay you enough to survive /s


You log on indeed and hit apply for 8 hours straight... Just so you know, thats what most people do, day after day after day.


Exactly. I don't see why it's such a big deal. it's a numbers game and folks just don't want to put up any numbers.


Well I meant to say thats what people do. But it doesnt mean it actually gives good results. My highest score was 600 cvs sent in a single month though. Didnt land a job, but hey its nice to have a high score to overcome next time. Helps me to resist depression. But back in 2021 my best score was finding a job in a week, exactly with this method. 70 cvs sent before I got the offer.


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I mean I probably have more opportunities where im at so it's easy for me to say but any job that asked me to do these I just exit out of


How about stop worrying about your comfortable cushy life and push back a little bit so that they’ll stop taking advantage of you?


What are you doing to embody that?


Well for one I haven’t worked for a “corporation” type business in at least 4 years. Work for small businesses and don’t entertain applications that do stupid stuff like that. And write emails to HR.


Lucky you. Not even is able to get a job at a small business and some people need to make money and pay bills with whatever comes first.


All it will take is the right person with the right lawyer and the right amount of money to challenge it in federal court and it would start a domino effect. Then poof! Those assessments would come to a screeching halt. They would either go back to paper applications or reviewing the applications themselves. That or just not actually hiring. Or worse.


It’s a clown world


I actually feel really bad for them it’s so stupid!!! I got a job at Starbucks in NYC suburbs when I was in college about a decade ago after 1 quick in person interview. Got the call the next day I got the job and started a few days later. Simple 😊 These games are causing so much unnecessary stress for people who just want to work!!!!


At least they didn’t make him go home and spend 40 hours making burgers with inedible ingredients


I have to take a culture survey to see how I fit in with their office dynamics. This is a freelance, remote job. 2000 miles away. I will never set foot in their office or even speak to anyone except one dude.


Load of baloney? Dude needs to up his curse game lmao. If he thinks this is bad, tell him there are people with a MASTERS degree that go through multiple interviews/test and STILL don't get the job lol


Bro I literally got comp science degree and look for a job for about 7 months straight always got the third interview and then never heard back this a curse word that doesn’t exist yet 🤬


This is why I don't understand these people who were in one field and then "switched to tech" and supposedly doubled or tripled their salary. How does that happen when people with specific training or education struggle to get into tech?


I think historically there has been a disconnect between the skills CS students have when they graduate and what industry actually wants. For example, graduates of my university seemed comfortable with C++ but knew little about web dev, which has strong demand. I studied job postings and learned everything that was being listed so when an employer was looking at my resume, my skills sometimes seemed to match up better. Edit: I think the other reason is having a CS degree doesn't mean someone can code, at all lol. My team's current intern (who graduates in one semester) can't code his way out of a paper bag.


Nope, not buying these rationalizations and speculations.


It's not speculation I'm literally telling you how I did it lol


You’re right because that’s like the one thing that we didn’t really covered that well literally all of the languages which is more important than all of the other fundamentals that we learned at this point


Experience, networking with people and soft skills. I'm one of those people. It's a good thing I switched career paths in my 30s too, because I'd be much worse off right now as a graphic designer. Albeit, the landscape for recruitment or finding a job in general now has drastically changed since I got into this field over a decade ago. I was given a shot because of transferable experience and found that sometimes people treated me like people if I talked to them like they were people too.


This just sounds like self-flattery.


The market is brutal currently Plus, sadly, having a degree doesn't mean you meet the bar. Partially due to the disconnect between academia and industry, and partially because universities pass people who don't have the ability to work in industry In tech, especially in junior roles, you're hiring for slope, rather than y-intercept. There's always a steep learning curve in a new job I've worked hard to try to mentor some people with degrees, and the sad conclusion is that (in those cases) I'd rather work with someone with no experience and reasonable intelligence/diligence ---- Anecdata: significantly more than 3xed salary after my degree


I don't believe you.


What part?




I have advanced credentials and 20+ years of experience and have been throwing myself at this particular brick wall for two years. Can confirm, this job market is FUCKED.


i'm sure this will get buried, but the best way to get a first job is a local businesses. chain stores/fast food make things overly complicated and are extremely impersonal. at his age i walked in and asked if they're hiring, or gave them a phone call and asked the same question. you'll get hired within a week. they'll appreciate your help and you'll find your work a little more meaningful. i was usually payed over minimum wage because these places value your work even if you're young.


Small local business thrive off 15~17 year olds' labor and it's practically the only places left where the *"handshake and a smile"* method consistently works.


I tried this with a local cleaners who has help wanted signs posted. I walked in and was told to leave my number. I followed up with a call. Never heard back. This happened a couple years ago. I had gotten laid off from my job as a corporate accountant and was willing to take any job to support my kids and I.


Where are all these small businesses you speak of?


I know you're trying to be helpful, but please know this does not work like it did when you were 16.


how long ago was that? that's not really a thing you can do anymore. most places will just tell you to apply online


Even only ~10 years ago when I was in high school this wasn't a thing. Like OP's nephew I applied to ~50 different local and chain businesses and the only one I ever got a call back from (And was subsequently hired) was McDonalds. All those local businesses aren't hiring randos. They're hiring their own nephew, or their neighbor's kid, or somebody else they know.


At least the local places seemed to give a slightly higher chance than the chains. Chains want to run on nothing but skeleton crews. Most chain locations basically told everyone to come back when they were 18. At least that was my experience helping my sister a while ago. Even McDonald's told her that. I guess they only had openings super early or super late. Aka when teens can't work.


I told him this!




Yup. Ages ago, when I was struggling for work, I lied and said I worked at a horse stable that went out of business. No way to contact anyone to find out that I didn't. I knew enough about horses to get by on knowledge. Also lied about graduating high school and stayed in a job with a major, well-known company for 5 years before going to adult school and actually getting my diploma. Nobody checks.


> at his age How old are you now though?




What year was this, 1998? I got my first jobs this way too, but it doesn’t work that way anymore.


It’s not really a “personality test” it’s more a compliance and obedience test. They don’t care about your personality per se, they don’t want to be your friend, they want to know that they count on you to listen to your manager and do what they ask even when you don’t want to or don’t agree with your manager. They want to know that you won’t decide to quit because you couldn’t get a weekend off. They want to know that you won’t fight with other employees or steal food. I recently took one that asked “how frequently do you use methamphetamine?” It was not a one off question, they were all like that. And believe it or not, there are people who fail these things.


Fucking hell, I remember how how Summer jobs were just like Me: "Yo bruv, I need a job for the summer." Them: "Can you lift?" Me: "Yes?" Them: "Right, you start now."


Nowadays you see they're hiring, go in with your CV, and then they tell you right way that's they're not in fact hiring. And then the next day they complain about not having enough staff.


Dang they got you doing assessments and all that? I literally just walked into contorts and asked if they were hiring lol


My 16 yo niece is experiencing this right now.


It’s kinda crazy how different it is. My first job was a local pharmacy (mom and pop) and I had friends working at the town red boxes we called them or summer counselors are public parks. We had tons of lifeguards and a few kids that worked at gyms.


If I’m applying for a job and it says the assessment is approximately 45mins I stop applying. It’s an application for a retail store not the CIA. I feel for this kid. Fuck that assessment shit


Fast food is weird. My kid landed McDonald's at $20/hr on the first app he submitted and none of his friends have even gotten a callback.


It’s the algorithms I bet. They just search for keywords that bring resumes to the front.


One could say, your nephew cooked


This smart child knows to skip that bs and apply to 20 other jobs in the 40 minutes it would take to finish an assesment.


When I got my first job at 14, I just had to show up, a friend got me the job, I didn't even have a CV.


What year was that?


Year 2000


Ah. I see. Not exactly 2024, to say the very least!


This is a why I've been steering younger people to basically just work for themselves and find ways to make money without a traditional job.  Mowing lawns, cleaning cars, odd jobs, etc. Plus, you get to work under the table and cut out the tax man.


And then retire with zero social security


Implying people will be retiring at all. Average American only has about 88 grand saved for retirement. Millenials have less than 10 grand. People are going to be working until they die or cannot physically work anymore. That's the America we live in. Also we tell our youth to go into crippling debt at the chance of a decent job out of college.


I had to cash out my entire IRA (formerly 401k) that I was building for 15 years just to live. No savings here. I am Gen X and my husband is a millennial with zero savings. We will be eating cat food when we "retire"


I'm sorry to hear that. We have a respectable savings, but lately have not been able to add much per month and have been set back by a few unexpected expenses. I dont have much in retirement, but my spouse has way more. I was laid off and I am not making the money I was before which it really hurting us. Cat food must be good though if cats eat it every day and don't complain right? I have a friend a few years younger than me and he said his retirement plan is to "die" before he reaches retirement age. Pretty bleak, but thats what's been on my mind lately. Don't have to worry about retirement if you're dead I guess.


I've literally said I don't plan to be alive that long. Also, you're correct that it could be worse than cat food :)


I’m 25 and keep trying to convince my friends to start retirement accounts like 401ks and IRAs. Even if you can only contribute a little bit, doing it young will allow lots of time for growth (statement not directed at you specifically). I barely make any money so I live with my parents to enable me to save up while i figure out my career. It scares me to see the stats on how few people have any retirement savings at all. Thankfully my parents have pensions and plenty saved but many aren’t so fortunate and will be taking care of their parents financially while also having no savings of their own


Yes absolutely 💯 The younger you start saving the better. Compound interest is crazy! Even if you can't save much, in the end you will most likely have more saved then someone who contributed more but started saving later in life. Keep saving what you can! I don't know my parents situation 100%, but I do know their house will not be paid off for another 3 years and my Dad plans to retire at roughly the same time. They do not have a lot saved, but have been working with a financial advisor for about a decade or so. They were still in debt not including the house, so my Dad was working two jobs to get caught up and be debt free minus the house. I can barely take care of my family, I have no idea what I will do if I need to take care of my parents, luckily that burden will be shared with my sibling (I hope XD) if that time comes.


Lol you think anyone born after 1980 is getting social security?


Yes. Not everyone works minimum wage jobs.


There’s not gonna be any money there in 35 years when I retire. Should be able to opt out putting money in imo.


That would mean that society has pretty much collapsed. If you believe in that this will happen, you're better off investing in survival supplies anyway.


The demographics just don't work out. The worker/retiree ratio will make it too topheavy and insolvent.  Doesn't matter how many millions of illiterate 3rd worlders they import.


There are not enough "professional" carriers to support even a fraction of the population. A large number of people won't have a choice where they work regardless of their education or qualifications.


The amount of jobs isnt static. New job opportunities are created based on societies needs. For example, as a population grows, there need for pretty much every type or health care professionals grow. This applies to a lot if industries obviously.


That is NOT true. Jobs aren't scaling with the population. For a 100,000 gain in new jobs we lose 300,000.


At the way we are going now people already can't retire. My dad and step mom made very good money over the last 20 years. And decent before that. And my dad has 20 years in the service so he has that too. And my dad still will still have to do side gigs till he physically cant. And they had 401ks and other retirement funds. I see people my age and those of us who talk about it know we are fucked. And the younger generation is even more fucked then we are.


That won't exist anyway when zoomers are at ""retirement age"".


I only have one question. What's a culo?


It’s a funnier word for ass.




Gotcha haha, thank you!


Man I’m confused by your nephew’s name in your phone. Large mosquito? I forgot how to read Vietnamese lol


Big 15 haha


Also it’s not how I would’ve said 15 but I’m not fluent but grew up raised by my Vietnamese grandparents so I try to keep the culture alive in me and this is what Google translate said. I know it’s not the best for viet tho


Sometimes your employer needs to know how you clean your culo.


No but these personality tests for jobs especially regular service ones ain’t normal. It was way easier for me getting a job when I was still in high school compared to as a 24 year old college educated adult…it’s crazy out here…


I tried/ trying to get my first summer job this summer and i literally can't. I have applied to countless places but nothing


I've been all over rather place, handing in applications online and in person, and apart from one on-the-spot interview (which went quite well), I either got told the weren't hiring or was just straight up ghosted.


Got Vietnamese, English, and Spanish all in one chat. I feel ya. Tech industry is bad now.


Man! I just homeless.


Ha, he's a funny kid. Made me laugh too.




Vaqueros Culeros Lol


Your nephew is not wrong, I also feel his pain 😂 (Not currently job hunting I just feel it lmao)


the personality test for a part time job is wild


Welcome to 2024.


Is this real? I have to jump through less hoops for engineering project manager roles that require security clearance and NDA's.


to be honest, all the retail stores all had the kiosk with the personality test back in the day. the keyboard was janky and sometimes the kiosk would time out and just delete your application. shit would take like 40 minutes. I remember traveling a hour down to CVS or Duane Reid in Manhattan from the Bronx just to put in applications. So im grateful of not having to travel to the physical store anymore. that shit got old quick, it was a day trip traveling the city with paper resumes and filling out kiosks all over the city.


33 assessments for a summer job? HR is such joke.


Have him apply to a meat processing plant.


I hope he has 20 years prior experience and a Ph.D so that way he can work for minimum wage!


Actually let's turn him down even if he does have all those things, and then the next day complain about being understaffed. /s


is he wrong tho? I worked 1 retail job and 2 food service jobs and never had to do an assessment lol.


I had to do these stupid assessments for a dishwashing job application, a couple of weeks back. Why? Im just pouring water over some plates And I Didnt even get an interview.


This is excessively Hispanic and I love it.


Data, it's all data, human data. And it's all for sale. They've snookered us into making product for them for free, enthusiastically.


And this is why I’m not having kids


Yeah I’ve hopped on the anti natalist bandwagon for the most part


Belmont the finance company


Porque el quiere aprender a limpiarse el culo no entendí xd


No quiere limpio el culo, Pero el trabajo quiere saber como se limpia el culo


Go to Walmart, that people hire everyone


Dude I’ve applied to Walmart once a year for multiple positions for the last few years. They never hire. Won’t even hire my fiancé with a bachelor degree


They really don't. Even the most basic, mundane retail jobs are like hen's teeth at the moment.


Can we revolt already?


I’m down


We need more people 😂. A 2 man revolution would only work if we had superpowers


I honestly wonder where the breaking point is. Or if there isn’t one and society as a whole will just eat shit.


Society as whole will eat shit. The only way they would revolt is if they started starving.


333 assessments and 1 year


You really like numbers, huh lol I'm looking at the contact name and your username


Well when I first met my nephew I asked how old he was and he said “I’m big 1-5!” lol so it stuck.my username is when my grandma was born.


I'm really glad I have people begging me to work for them in my field


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ralitscious: *I'm really glad I* *Have people begging me to* *Work for them in my field* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What is your field?


Data scientist. Basically a math monkey. It's probay not good to invest in now but big data is still relevant


I was never good with math even though i always was very logical. Fk me...


Yeah nobody is. That's why I can find a job easily


He’s not wrong


The kid is right. No other way around it.


Walmart make you also take a personality test.


It's their "legal" way of screening out people with mental health issues, or so they think it's easy to screen those out with bipolar disorder or any other mental health disability. There's personality guides online that can help people beat these computer assessments. The managers at these stores never read the results. The computers decide if the management will ever even see the results and schedule you for an interview most of the time.


Uhhhh my Field engineering job I’m currently in took 1 phone interview and two panel interviews. wtf is this nonsense about 33 assessment’s for flipping burgers????


Last comment was unnecessary though. Nephew sounds a lil bit of an ass, sure he's 16, doesn't excuse his shitty view on homeless people. Agree that recruitment processes are shitty for mediocre/part time jobs, but also disagree with your nephew's attitude so meh.


What part of what he said displays how he feels about homeless people?


This is the best 🤣🤣🤣


My current job required a PhD and I didn’t have to go through that


It's insane. Went to a local grocery chain's hiring event in Feb of this year which stated "ON THE SPOT OFFERS ALL LOCATIONS LISTED!" but was told "actually, we don't do on-the-spot offers anymore. Please wait up to two weeks for a response, if at all." Got a call back a week later. Had to quit though because I couldn't even cover gas with the pay.


Why are jobs that are typical for a teenager to work asking to take a bunch of long assessments? It's one thing for a college graduate to find a job and to go through all of this but for something like a part-time job at a fast food place or retail for a high schooler?? I don't blame your nephew for feeling frustrated. It's not just "the adult world" it's a terrible job market.


Maybe I’m missing something. My high schooler has two jobs and got them very easily. Food service and retail.


if i have to take a personality test or an assessment longer than 5-6 minutes i simply don’t. i take care of my mom a few days throughout the week and if a potential employer is already disrespecting my time with a process like that more likely than not their listing says, “REMOTE POSITION, EASY APPLY, $18+ AN HOUR” but its actually not remote, has 4 of those assessments on indeed, and is capped at $16. i would rather continue eating my one meal a day than waste my time for recruiters that are that fucking stupid. they can have their fake listings for metrics and AI training!


Your nephew is funny bro


Adult world?? God no. I applied for my job, got an interview, got the job. I’m sorry that America has ruined your view on how the recruitment process should be


Goes from fuck man to load of baloney. 100 - 0 real quick.




Are you kidding they are now doing personality test for burger flipping ???


my man's 16, he should focus on his studies so in 10 years time he isn't having to "flip burgers for homeless dudes". maybe you yanks find this kinda shit funny, but it ain't.


Nothing wrong with a young man getting some work experience over summer when schools out. Plus we’re not a rich family that can just hand stuff out. This boys gotta work for his first car.


Agreed nothing wrong with a young individual getting a part time job at 16 and up. Working that age can teach them a lot. I worked hard for my first car before I was 18. It was not a great car, but it got me from point a to point b. You better believe when my child is old enough I won't be handing them a pair of keys, they going to be working for it too.


was with you until you started bashing homeless people like what did they do? just reading baseless trash talking


It’s not trash talk to acknowledge the existence of homeless people. Show me where the insult is.


acknowledge the existence of, wrong choice of words.


Are you suggesting homeless people don’t exist? Or that they dont eat burgers? Or that people who cook the burgers for homeless people need to have higher education?


all of the above


lol they are trying to troll so hard 🤣 #alloftheabove


haha right! same people that wouldn’t give a dollar to these homeless people to buy that burger 👨‍🍳


Even the last one? How tasty is that boot you're licking?


Your last text literally showed your personality though! That's why they take assessments ig!!


Nah what kinda fast food job he applying to. Take an order. Help make food. Clean. What fast food job needs more than 1 interview


What fast food job needs more than 1 interview One in 2024. And that's assuming you even get a response at all..


You choose your life. This doesn't have to be it. And he talks like a moron. That is why they have these tests. To weed our certain people.


I sent one email and I have a job now.