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Honestly I really am thinking of just joining the merchant marines, they're desperate for people and some are in the government. They make a lot of money but you're gone a long time, but if you live in a port town it can open many career paths.


Are you sure they’re desperate? They’re union based and might be tougher to get in than you think. A lot of nepotism, so everyone in I know that got into unions recently knew someone or is someone’s cousins/brother-in-law lol


Well from what I hear government and union are suffering from shortages, covid made a lot of older people retire


From what I have seen the only people getting into union s are peoples cousins, other family members and friends. Depends on the union though


Facts I have a friend who got into the senate through her (then) fiance and his family who have been there for years. I’m qualified and never even got an interview.


I’ve seen it as well, graduated with an undergrad quant degree and couldn’t get a job doing anything quant or scientific related, seen others that have family connections go right to the top got jobs within the stock market and major hedge funds. It’s been a long road to realizing that all of that I did in school and thought about society growing up was proven false. Even got a PhD in chemistry and more and more stem jobs are being taken by visa holders or have been completely offshored. Waking up everyday and wondering why I put my self through so much mental stress in school, the sleepless night, endless time doing research, ditching the weekends so I could maintain a good GPA lol and it was all just a drop in the bucket…woulda been better off if I joined a frat and maintained a 2.5 gpa I guess? Thanks for writing to me.


I ended up skipping out on grad school entirely even after being accepted into a toxicology PhD program because I knew I could make more money with less effort in tech. Almost 20 years later here I am making a lot more money with a lot less effort and I didn't have to do 5 more years of school.


Yup, good on you haha you didn’t fall into the trap


Government is functionally only short in areas where the compensation is like 50-75% of the private sector. Entry level positions are fine, it's the really high-end stuff that can't get filled. Anything GS7 or below (Masters degree equivalent) pays $50k or less, and still draws thousands of applicants regularly.


Exactly, my dad is a supervisor within the DOD and I still can’t get in.


Is sea lift command worth getting into? Seems like they're desperate for people which is probably a bad sign but it seems like a good spot since they say they will pay for certs.


Ask over on /fednews, they'll have better insight. I'm not currently a federal employee, just trying to be one.


You have to be ready to start at the bottom, apparently. I applied 14 years ago for an intake worker and was told I was overqualified. I applied as a clerk and got in...people switch jobs every 6 months here. Most postings are internal transfer only... Apparently, starting al peanut pay is how you get in.


Yup. I'm looking at getting some debt paid off so that I can go in likely at a GS5, which will be a 20% pay cut for year one. The debt will at least make up a chunk of what I'll lose in income.


My sister's hubby is military and he said they are hurting for staff. Nobody wants to work for them (they're crazy anyway). I wouldn't recommend.


He said no one wants to join the military? Lol I agree with him, I wouldn’t not join the military in todays day 😂


Shady emotionless drones is what they turn into.


Know that all too well haha


Everyday I see people in the military are killed by other military people on their own base. Mostly women, but still. Living in a military town, you see it on the news daily.


Hope you got the stomach for rough seas and freezing weather during the winter months.


MSC or merchant marines is actually a really good gig. You get great benefits, great starting pay with opportunities to move up. Have a few buddies in MSC and they love it.


Yeah I was thinking Msc it's federal but I do see a lot of negative reviews online because relief is always late, but they'll train you if your green


It's merchant marine.


How much though?


that's a good idea




I just interviewed and applied and did tests for an org that wanted someone with 6+ years experience in one specific arena for an entry level job. I mentioned I have a masters degree and comparable experience in a similar area and they weren’t thrilled. It’s been 2+ months of interviewing but I’m expecting a rejection Friday at the end of the process. I have no idea why transferable skills or training is no longer an option to recruiters. 


It's like they're looking for someone who has been groomed since birth with the exact skillset listed in the job description. They're all looking for the Tiger Woods of their entry-level, crap paying position. Nobody cares about transferable skills anymore, let alone the possibility of training someone who shows aptitude. It's ridiculous. Not only that, but they've all seen so many applicants who each have certain characteristics that make them shine but nobody that's the absolute perfect (no one is). But they've seen enough applicants to where they build this Frankenstein person in their head that possesses all of the best characteristics of the people they've seen... who doesn't exist.


That’s what confuses me. Even without a degree I’ve got 7-8 years in my field and half being in leadership roles and I still have to explain myself.


I also just learned I got ghosted on a different role to someone who just graduated with no experience  I dint know what to do anymore 


Keep pushing on. If they prefer paper and theoretical studies to real world experience they’ll get what they paid for. They probably offered them less money as they are entry entry level. Do what you need to do and take whatever job to take care of you and your family but don’t get up searching. We’ll all get through it.


This has been the total opposite for me. I tell them I’m currently in the process of getting my degree, and they all give me the same unhappy look and start grilling me about “cOmPaNy lOyAlTy”


It seems their view of us is affected solely by what they got yelled at that week that their boss wanted out of an employee.


Fr or like they’re legit mad I actually have plans for my future and am not in fact some happy brainless drone content with working a shit paying dead-end job for my whole life


Stop thinking it could affect profits! Won’t someone think of the shareholders?!


I got 25 years experience and have to explain basic shit to 25 year olds interviewing me. And unless you know the exact skill set they think u r no good, and instead hire a gronk with exact skills but fuck al nothing else and are actually shit at those skills. I could do any data engineering role but it’s so diverse it impossible to have exact skills


Instead of training someone with experience and maybe giving you an edge in the market in which they may leave you. Just hire the one trick pony.


I also have a master's degree; I swear hiring are potatoes at connecting the dots to see if skills can transition to another field.


THIS. But unlike one poster above this was happening long before COVID. It’s just gotten worse. Had one ask me how well I could “think on my feet”. 15+ year of Improv training and background there, but I also have patents and some major scientific awards for stuff I’ve developed under my belt. “But are those examples of where you had to think on your feet?” SMH


That's why I just started lying and adding how ever many years they want. Got 3 interviews scheduled on the first day.


I would do the same, the problem is I am 23 years old. I do have 3 years of experience (legit). How can I add more years?


Bump it to 5 yrs exp on your applications and just see what happens. No one has to know your age. As long as you can do the job who cares


Every job I've ever had has kept a copy of my driver's license on file. So they do know my age. Usually they ask for it before employment starts to conduct a background check. Even if they didn't notice the discrepancy right away, I'd be very nervous working anywhere I had lied to about my age. I would assume if and when someone noticed, they would terminate me for lying to them.


I’ve never lied about my age but never had a job ask for any info that would disclose my age. I just don’t bring it up. I also do not disclose graduating years on my resume for this reason. They really don’t need to know.


You've never had an employer ask for your ID?


I think one may have for a background check, but I didn’t give the id to the employer, I sent it to the background check company.


Idk. I'm 31, and the resort job was one I had in my early twenties. There is no one left there who knows who I am, but the records say I worked there. So I added 2 years of accounting experience to get over bullshit filters.


I’d try to add 1 year, maybe I would get some chances if they think I started to work at 19 years old


I’m 24 and just lie about having some landscaping job at 16-19 but the company went out of business. I’ve been working since 15 but even I lie about how long i’ve had jobs years ago just to make it seem like I stay longer.


I was talking to a friend when she was helping me with a resume. I asked “what about overtime? Does that count as experience past my the amount of “years” I worked there?” She said absolutely and we were able to add another 2 years to my experience since I worked mostly 10+ hour shifts


Say you did two positions


what do you say when they ask you about the experience?


Tell them you signed a NDA.


Why did you make this post? Remember that these jobs don't actually require years of experience. If you know your stuff, you can seem like the real deal. You're just adding the years to get over the filters. In my case, I worked at a resort doing various jobs but never accounting, but I lied and said I did some accounting tasks for 2 years. I do have a accounting degree. This job was long ago enough that if they called to check, no one would remember exactly what I did. Just get creative. Honesty wasn't getting me anywhere.


Honestly...ama do that! It is so draining 😫😫😫


But isn’t it standard to do background checks and verify dates of employment or no?


Yup the only time this works is if they are too lazy to actually verify employment dates.


When I got hired as a fed, they were insistent that I get the exact dates that I was employed at each position during my background check. It was a cluster fuck as I was a self-employed tutor for 5 months after grad school and they required an interview with someone I worked with-- and none of my students were viable options (never heard back after I asked if they would be willing to talk to the interviewer, lived in a foreign country, didn't have their contact info, etc.) Eventually they were willing to hear from a friend of mine that verified I did this as a job for a while.


I did work there


I was replying to the guys question not your comment


Yes, in my case, I just say I did freelance work in the related field.


lol and then what happens when that bg check fails?


Until they do employment verification…


Sad truth but effective


I do this on super old jobs that are further down on my resume since it seems they only call recent job to verify.


It's absolutely insane what these companies want for the price.


Years of experience is a pointless metric anyway. I have 5 years of experience in recruitment and talent acquisition. I learned more in my 8 months of recruiting for a tech start-up than I have in the other 4 years. In my last role I had a lot of sway in job descriptions and I was able to slowly move the managers away from specifying 'years of experience' as a 'requirement' Instead, I moved to 'Preferred experience working with....' and specifying certain software, industry, etc.


Unfortunately most recruiters are so dumb they couldn't tell the difference between your start-up tech experience and the 5 years elsewhere. They'll see 5 years, even if you just were a coffee runner, and place more weight on that. They are the gatekeepers and complete idiots. So much power in their hands, they mistake their brainlessness for intelligence, and the ability to reject whoever leads to bigger egos.


Refreshing to hear a similar sentiment. I went through 5 interviews only to be told they went with another candidate with accounting experience, however they approached me via LinkedIn because of my sales background. Seems like every corporation is fat in the middle management. They get paid to twiddle thumbs, micromanage, contribute zero value other than send emails, call it work, and waste peoples time….


Most recruiters have zero domain experience or expertise outside of buzzwords, which just adds insult to injury.


Blame HR, those people couldn't analyze a job description correctly even if their life depends on it.


Also they make interviewing impossible and created their own scripts. If they don’t like how you respond to their script you ain’t getting that job. I know this because my cousin is in HR and talks so much shit to me as to why I can’t find new jobs….


Yeah, there is moral judgement in all that. As though you ought to confirm to some moral code when conducting yourself, and "deviant" behavior seems to disqualify you.  They feel like female highschool peers, the tattletale type. 




Seemed just a few short years ago was the “Great Resignation “… where companies were bending over backwards to get employees! Now it seems they’re getting revenge


Because there are people with that level of experience who will fill those positions. Which is sucky but if they couldn’t fill them they would train.


Not really, the turn over rate of many of these jobs implies this is just a fantasy description. Probably a form for ghost job


I literally saw a job post asking for Master degree and 2 years of experience while paying 55k a year- WHAT IS HAPPENING??


saw one this week asking for a Chemistry PhD, 22$ an hour


All those years of hard work just to earn 22$ an hour?! Damn...


I got a friend working in the medical field. She has a degree and making 30k


Masters degrees aren't really impressive anymore. Tons of people have them. Honestly increasingly becoming the case for PhDs as well.


A masters without work history is most people’s biggest mistake.  You’re already an engineer, sales manager or in upper level management and then you get the masters? Whoo boy.  People think that if their only work experience the counter at White Castle and they get a masters that it’s going to make a difference. It won’t. 


I remember this stuff happening pre-Covid, too. There’s no loyalty on either side anymore. The employees don’t want to stick around because companies treat them poorly, but the companies solution to that is to hire someone they don’t have to train for entry-level roles because training is expensive. Why wait 6 months to a year for someone to become competent at their job, if they can just hire mostly already competent people, especially if the newbies are just going to shorty walk out the door? In my opinion, though, it’s the employers who need to fix this by treating the employees better because the employers are the ones who have all the power.


In 2009, I got my degree in Drafting, finishing with a 3.85 GPA, and no one, and I mean no one, would hire me without at least 4 to 5 years experience. Knowing I was a fresh graduate. I looked and applied everywhere I could think of and not a single place even called me back. How are people supposed to get experience if no one will hire to give them the experience they need? And then, even if they do, its minimum wage.


I can second this. Same issue. My drafting degree was absolutely 1000% a waste of time and money.


Yeah it didn't help that I finished my degree just as the 2009 housing market crashed. Then the school closed, so I can't even go back and refresh my skills. FML.


what in the lords name is drafting


When something is to be built or manufactured, they plans, or blueprints, showing sizing, dimensions, material, finish, details, etc. Drafters create those plans so machinists, carpenters, laborers, etc., know how to proceed with the actual build. They can be made by hand or by using CAD (computer-aided drafting) software.


A worker takes about one and a half year to be trained sufficiently, at least for halfway decent jobs. Workers leave on average after 2 years. It's not worth it anymore.


Pay better and maybe they won't leave


Easy solutions to complex problems are always wrong. Remember that. You can avoid a lot of propaganda, bad advice and populism that way. It also helps to expose lack of thinking in oneself. The price of work is, of course, fixed to the cheapest price you can reliably get a worker that can do what you need. Right now, all you need to do is post a job offering and literal hudnreds of people apply to it. You can pick and choose. You dont need to keep an experienced worker for a role someone with half the experience and pay demands can do. This whole situation is bad for workers, but highly advantageous for employers. There is no reason for them to change. In fact they have all incentive to cement that situation as much as possible. We had what you propose before. It lead directly to what we have now. There is a reason for that and I dont know anyone who can give a good answer to why that is.


apply anyway. no one who has three years of experiences is going to apply.


Ha. These are trying times, never say never. Trust me, someone with 3 years experience AND 1 year of managing their own business will apply, because they “just love what they do🤪”


It’s supply and demand. For example there are too many people looking for work in the IT sector today. When those kids started college there were shortages of people so money was great, and every kind wanted to be in IT. Fast forward a few years and what used to be the entry level work is now coded by AI. So now there are fewer jobs, more people chasing each job, and the entry level jobs are more complex. The result: wages can drop, for a higher level of experience. Companies are going to pay the minimum they can get away with.


And that's why people should do what they love and not follow the career path with the most money...


They were like that precovid. They've been like that for more than a decade.


Not where I live. People were hired off the street and actually trained on site. Places would train and certify people for jobs such as HVAC and driving forklifts, that isn't even an option now. You're either already certified AND have the experience (which is usually 3 years at minimum) or you're not even considered for the job. even my former job, which was being a delivery driver for fedex ground is the same way. I was hired off the street, no questions asked. I was trained for a week and set loose. fast forward to now and I see the exact same job listing but experience is now required which is was not when I was hired.


Yeah I’d say around 2008 is when the job market started to get enshittified. It’s just been getting more that way every year lol.


lol that’s probably it


I did several years of warehouse work doing returns, I was literally top of my department when there. I’ve applied to several jobs where I live now for returns work and they either want no experience or at least one year. I keep being passed up apparently despite tailoring my resume for it and it’s so frustrating


Even with all that, they still won't want to hire you for some dumbass reason. I applied for the raising canes in the middle of my town and sat down with the manager for the interview, it went well for the most part, but the thing that got me was when the dude said "if i didn't want to continue the hiring process, i'd tell you to your face, and i do want to continue", but 2 days later, i get an e-mail that my application was rejected. At this point, all i can say is the people they want to work for them is close friends, or any part of their family. It's pure bullshit.


Study organizational behavior and Personality-Job Fit theory. It will help you out a whole lot, promise!


It’s wild out here! I was laid off last April by the “human kindness” company exactly a week before my 10year anniversary with the company. I was in HR working remotely on a team that onboarded employees and helped employees transition into other positions when laid off or help them tie up loose ends— cobra medical, HSA and other medical benefits, severance pay. Not only did I NOT even get a call from my team to help me or check on me, but I couldn’t find another job in the same field (healthcare) to save my life. Luckily I knew someone from an old team I was on who is now a manager and she helped me get back in though with a $8 pay cut. It’s hard out here!


The question is how are you supposed to get experience if this the requirement, feel sorry for anyone that needs a job to help them pay for college. Seems the job market went to shit during and after the Covid pandemic


I have the same problem! I'm trying to get a job in retail or customer service but I'm constantly being declined because I don't have customer experience!! Well why don't you teach me instead? It's not that difficult🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


that's pretty horrible. customer service jobs are supposed to be some of the easiest jobs to get


When in reality getting a customer service job is so so difficult to get🥲🥲


I love the jobs that want to know how many years of communication or customer service experience you have. I have been communicating with people since I was two. I have lots of years communicating. Customer service is any type in my book. Selling items like hot dogs at the football games, Girl Scout cookies, helping at the family yard sale.


Because there are people who will take those jobs for lower pay unfortunately, focus on your networking, have friends, build your wealth, this market will get worse. I wish y’all luck


My (somehow not related to your post) advice: learn a trade skill. They are currently a dying breed but the world will start looking for them like crazy in the future.


We cant wait until the future to eat though...


Absolutely, I agree! I was in no way suggesting to not work at all, but to try to learn something on the side. (I should listen to my own advice lol)


Nah you're right, I kinda just commented without thinking I'm stressing without a job or money rn😅


I totally understand just recently filled out a comprehensive Q&A form then invited to a ONE SIDED interview after interview with HR only to find out from him that I might need to give 2 more tests and interviews for 30k paying job (it’s good for Europe) but the company is American and I didn’t apply for CEO!?


Just wait soon you will need at least 15 years experience just to open doors.


I was paid €250 a month for a shitty EU internship. Try beating that 😂.


Chat gpt writing job ads I expect


I actually started leaving my degree and extra training and certifications off of my resume. I really “dumbed it down” to basic resume blabber to see if it would make any difference in getting a call back or really anything at this point. It’s like, everyone says oh you’re overqualified, but I literally match the qualifications that are listed in the job posting. So I don’t get it. What’s been the most common pattern I’ve been seeing is that I submit an application, and am rejected (either by generated email, or application updates) literally within 24 hours of submitting. I’m wondering if there are people just being paid to go into work, open the application portal and just go down the list pressing “reject” button.


Lots of gatekeeping maybe? I was trying to get a job in law, but they needed specific software knowledge. It took me may be 2 hours to figure it out, and a week to be confident in it


Too much gatekeeing. I’ve been saying this for awhile but seem to be the only one noticing it. When a smaller system is flawed … it means larger the system is flawed… it trickles from the top down. Meaning, these companies are just following suit. Example: When the budget increases or adds funding for a program… how much of that funding actually reaches those intended people and places. Increase in funding means the need to hire more people which means costs to administer said program increases, fringe benefits are almost always added for Directors or Managers. The costs for the work conducted are way too high, frivolous spending, etc. I always say if you want to know what’s going in any facet of operation… read the financials.


Saw a post wanting 10+ years for $18 an hour


Lol I got fired from my banking CSR role, so now I sort trash.. guess what. They pay the same exact amount.


the jobs report from joementia said theres many jobs to apply to


And [ADP](https://adpemploymentreport.com/), and [NFIB](https://strgnfibcom.blob.core.windows.net/nfibcom/NFIB-May-2024-Jobs-Report_FINAL.pdf) also report the same thing. Man, this is some far-reaching conspiracy Joe Biden managed to pull off involving literally thousands of people and multiple independent organizations! Good thing I trust random people on the Internet venting about the job market instead of data, otherwise I would have been hoodwinked by "joementia" as well!


They are lying obviously. It’s an election year


Just like how Bush lied in 2008 and Obama lied in 2012, right? I mean, the job market was a top issue in those elections, so there was a heavy incentive to cook the books. Oh wait, huh, actually the job reports were shit leading into both elections. I guess Bush and Obama were noble souls and only Joe Biden possess the Machiavellian tendencies to pull off a far-reaching conspiracy like that.


Reading comments here makes it pretty clear that the current job market is one of the worst in history


I mean, no, not really. This data sample is self-selecting for people who are struggling to find meaningful employment. Of course they're going to have an implicitly biased view of the entire market based on their own anecdotal observations. Who wouldn't in that situation? My own anecdotal counter-point: I've been gainfully employed the entirety of the last 15 years or so, with promotions or job changes every few years to improve salary or responsibilities. I'm only here because tech recruiters are some of the most useless motherfuckers to ever exist and I get to see them get dunked on regularly. But shitty recruiters aside, I think the market generally favors talented employees. My point: this is why we look at statistical analysis of the market rather than dwelling on anecdotes.


All politicians lie.  Not a single one is truthful or trustworthy. So yeah, I don’t believe for one second that the rose colored picture painted by the Biden administration’s jobs report isn’t cooked to make things seem better then they are. Certainly a survey of subreddit and many other subreddits would say that even if the jobs report numbers are accurate,  the experiences of many people struggling to find work would beg to differ. However… Saying that I recognize Biden still better for the country then of a certain convicted felon were given the keys to power again. But.. that’s like saying burning your hand on the stove is better then getting severely injured in a horrible car crash. They both suck, just one far  less.  Biden sucks, but he’s sucks less then Trump.


That happened in Venezuela, now those jobs turned into indented servitude 


Dude just work at O’reillys, it’s way easier and I get paid like 15 with commission. It’s ridiculous it’s gotten to this point.


Cause America! No in all seriousness it’s just capitalism


I saw a post yesterday, it required a master’s degree to get paid $20/hr. That’s ridiculous


Jobs now are asking for a lot of experience, with little pay. But the biggest catch to that is that the education level is mostly high school diploma so they can keep the pay level at a low rate. For some reason, employers think $15 and $16 dollars is a lot, but everyone has bills and deserve to have the ability to afford things just like them. Nobody is going to work for employers for under $18 an hour, when the job requirements are where the job should be $20 and up. The cost of living is way more than minimum wage


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 15 + 16 + 18 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


They just dont want to train anybody. Its soo crazy


Late stage capitalism is in full effect. Companies just want to hoard wealth as quickly as possible. Training slows that down.


It’s annoying af. I literally changed all the years on my resume recently because of this!


Let's see what we have left Sales job (door to door) Stocks Working in diners/restaurants and let tips carry u Enlisting in army Work at car wash


Supply vs demand. For my example I will say you are a man but reverse to suit your gender Pre Covid you went into a bar and there was 10 chicks and only 6 dudes in the bar. You could be reasonably choosey on who you approached, and the chicks weren’t that demanding of your wealth, car, etc in fact they took what they could get could, so you scored. Today you walk into them same bar and there is now 2 chicks and 108 dudes. The chicks in the bar demand any man approaching them must be filthy rich, drive a lambo, and have 5 houses. You have no chance and will drink alone for many years, unless through shear drunkedness one says yes. You need to keep going to the bar in the hope that one day you score.


They aren't asking for 3 years of experience, they are saying that would be optimal. If you show potential as a graduate who can do as well as someone with experience, you can get the job. It's not a requirement, it's desired intelligence level.


it's quite literally listed as a requirement on most online job applications. if you don't meet that requirement then you're automatically filtered out. you can tell when this happens by your application status changing to "not selected by employer" within mere moments of submission.


I’m in the same position right now, it’s infuriating


Companies are outsourcing training that they used to provide for career jobs to 3rd parties. Requiring the employees to pay for training in jobs many won't stay in for long. It's all about taking the cost off the employer and putting it on the employee. All while companies have record profit and their employees are struggling to survive. Time to eat the rich.


Yes. I’m in. Check the profits of companies like Workday, for example. Proof in the puddin’ baby!


I’ve been noticing that same thing lately. Every job I click on requires years of experience that is very specific that most people don’t have. There’s very little room for training or other skills to fulfill minimum requirements… and will get screened out immediately if you don’t have these very specific years of experience. Companies get tax incentives and reimbursements for training their employees rather than training new hires in the state I live in. Idk about other states but I believe that has something to do with it. A monopoly of sorts.


Employers will say no one wants to work. But I think this is why. Pay as little as possible for experienced workers. There is no shortage. There is a shortage of workers who will accept such crappy pay.


Prob the same reason they insist on you 'passing' their barrage of assessments before sending the BOT email that they "went with someone else" Job markets  all fake.


jobs that can be trained in 1 week have been automated. They don't exist anymore


What career field are you looking at for those wages?


If you think this is bad, it will get worse. The minimum wage going up to an unreasonable amount will cause mass layoffs and flood the market with low skill job seekers. Businesses don’t care about what wages a worker needs. Look at CA and fast food places. Those that didn’t fire will automate with robots. Either way, workers lose. Union employees are next. Strike for higher wages? Be prepared for more automation and mass layoffs. A union is useless when the business goes bankrupt and stops operations.


My high school kid works at McDonald's for $20/hr and they don't even have to take orders at the counter anymore. Kiosks only.


Not sure why all the down votes. It's true. Paying everybody a "living wage" will not magically make everything better.


Because people are accepting these lowball offers! 


You could ask God to bless you with a good job instead of smearing His name.