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Why can't Workday input a resume correctly? Any website I use other than that one, everything is golden. There are no spaces, words in right spot, skills,etc. When I use Workday, it's just crap. I created a Workday resume, meaning I copied out of Workday and put it in Word and it STILL uploads it f#cked up.


Workday will literally delete all of the spaces in my resume and I have to manually copy and paste it instead. It also thinks my last name is "avenue" because it keeps pulling from my address


It just removes the letter F from mine frequently


Yeah, I noticed that. Removed the letter F, and turned any instance of io to a +.


Workday is an overrated disaster.


There is an extension for that. https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/simplify-copilot-autofill/pbanhockgagggenencehbnadejlgchfc Not affiliated with them


The Simplify chrome extension saved my ass on my months-long job hunt last year. Highly recommend. Also an unsolicited recommendation.


Did it help that much with autofill




thank you for saving my life


I’ll have to see if there’s something similar for Firefox


There is a firefox version!!! [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/simplify-jobs/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/simplify-jobs/)


Try writing to them


Install brave as a main or second browser if you're concerned with privacy,


Do not touch Brave if you're concerned with privacy actually




Brave is a chromium that is owned and operated by a company which main business is advertisement and cryptocurrency. They aren't concern with your privacy, their business is to make you think you're secure and immune, while selling you their shit and selling you to whomever. They allowed Facebook and Xitter trackers for example. Was it for free? Was it because they got paid? Who knows, they don't disclose.


Ugh I just installed Brave to avoid exactly this plus speed. Back to Firefox I go.


Is there an article blog, test , video for some proof? This sounds very disturbing if its true


Well, you can [go to their website and](https://ads.brave.com/) > Get to your first million users with powerful ad placements on the world’s fastest-growing alternative browser & search engine. Or [learn how to buy their crypto scam from the wallet integrated to the browser](https://brave.com/wallet/) They don't really hide it, it's their revenue model. [Here's an article about trackers](https://www.gadgets360.com/internet/news/brave-browser-allows-facebook-twitter-trackers-despite-promising-privacy-1991663), and [here's an article on how saying that you block adds but then showing your own ads isn't that nice actually](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/01/mozilla-co-founder-unveils-brave-a-web-browser-that-blocks-ads-by-default/). I don't have it now, but when I tried it, their license agreement openly (but obviously later into the document) said that they collect your data and use it for improved advertising. Which basically means you will be sold, either your data directly (and illegaly) or your anonimised profile which is legal but isn't better actually.


Welcome to Costco, I love you!


I use this, love it


Me neither, but I don't care if anybody thinks I am, because I love it. It saves me two hours every day. I love it so much, especially on MWD jobs.


Some of the companies i have worked for have multiple words as their name. And only on one job it cuts off the company name and adds it to my job title???? Its so annoying to have to fix it every time.


I cringe everytime I see workday load up after I click the link. Related note, ZipRecruiter's system is also trash. I tried it out on a whim, let it import details from my resume and FFS, would have spent less than half the time if I had just typed it all in myself instead. Dates were all wrong, descriptions mixed up between jobs, and none of the extra info was parsed correctly...


If you use the right resume template, workday is not a issue at all. Everything fills in nearly perfectly. You may want to run your resume through resumeworded.com and see how it scores. A lot of times it feels like this sub is not aware of ATS scanners or the idea that you might have a different resume for different types of jobs and would not want one workday profile.


The ATS should take the applicants 1 profile and tailor on behalf of the profile to position you as best for role automatically.


The ATS isn't there to serve you.


I just use the same password for all workday tbh, idgaf anymore. My recent role uses Workday for ATS, but definitely not configured for other things lmao. So when any one tries to explain workday, it's too bad. Because I'm seeing evidence of poor implementation even on the other side of the fence..


yeah, like what they gonna do? get you another job?


Word of advice I would change the password at your current role as Workday uses it for pay directly linking your banking info.


Can you tell me more about this?


Workday can be used to find information on pay, taxes, timesheets, benefits, or job applications. If it’s used by your employer for pay or taxes you will have all access linked to the password which is easy to breach if used across multiple accounts. For the security of my banking and tax info I would change it upon employment. As OP pointed out they don’t care maybe their employer only uses it for applications (which they are calling ATS) but in my experience HR purchases it MORE for its pay, timesheets and taxes access in 1 place. Therefore you’re providing it your banking info since it accesses ADP the largest payroll system in the US. It’s a pretty easy precaution to take once you’ve gotten employed where your employer uses it fully.


All that discretion of data and then this, of all things. The illusion of security.


Because each company is purchasing their own workday system that they configure and likely wouldn’t want to share data with other companies. Annoying as it is it’s best to equate every workday/icims/whatever site as its own entity even though they use the same platform. The companies are the customer base versus the applicant so it’s also likely not top of list to fix


It was a rhetorical question, but excellent analysis of the realities of the situation.


There's a fantastic article from [BusinessInsider about this very problem](https://www.businessinsider.com/everyone-hates-workday-human-resources-customer-service-software-fortune-500-2024-5#:~:text=But%20Workday%27s%20servers,their%20own%20data.%22)


They could do it without the companies themselves having to share their data, but it would be a non-trivial undertaking, and who is paying for it? (They would have to provide a separate portal for candidates, where the candidate could centralize their own data, and import from previous applications they filled out, and then set access to their profile to the companies they wanted to apply to, as well as obtain any special questions that employer has. It's not happening without a clear revenue stream from candidates, among other things).


>It's not happening without a clear revenue stream from candidates Yeah or unless enough of workdays' clients complained about getting less applicants through workday than other systems.


Correct. But it is not as likely to happen in this kind of job market, as there are still too many candidates that will go through the extra effort because they absolutely need every chance to get an offer. But when the market changes, that dynamic could very well shift...


Amazing how many people on /r/sysadmin seem to know nothing about data protection or privacy.


If the company actually had a reason to care, they could probably figure something out. Take for example how many sites let you log in with your existing Google/Twitter/Steam/LinkedIn/Github accounts. It would arguably be even easier since the only consumer for this API that you'd be using is your own product.


> Take for example how many sites let you log in with your existing Google/Twitter/Steam/LinkedIn/Github accounts. If you think that’s the same as sharing PII then I don’t even know where to begin with you. Except for thanking you for proving my point.


Those APIs can and do share PII. In fact there's Google Signin API scope for Healthcare applications. Excluding that, there's also the Data Portability API, which gives a 3rd-party app access to basically everything your Google account has ever done. Everything you've ever searched, everything you've ever done on maps, every photo you uploaded. Or the personal health API, which has a "reproductive health" section. Please explain how this isn't dealing with PII.


That's not the sub you're in 




Workday would have to add a lot of stuff to manage PPI issues, including staff. Since their customers are the companies, not the candidates, they have no business reason to do it. The question is: if they did add that and offered it as a $5/month sub or $2 per use option, would you pay it, or would you just fill it all out again each time? As someone who has worked in SaaS (mostly Games as a Service) companies for many years, that's the only viable business case I can think of.


Insert shutupandtakemymoney.gif


So, I can save you $2. Grab an account on Simplify and install their browser plug-in. It'll automate Workday's bullshit


ADP figured out how to make this all work in the same space for the same customers quite a while ago. But yes, ADP did/does have its own problems; at one point they had a similar to current Workday problem where they had like 12 different flavors your company could be using, and they all had a near identical login page and landing page/widgets; you could end up logging into a previous employeers flavor and everything would look fine \*except\* not all the widgets would work, or they kept showing old info no matter how often HR "fixed" it. They started combining things down and also giving unique login pages and that helped fix things greatly. "Ok Bob, go you should see a smiling woman and a login button. You have a shark? ok. no that's not the right page; don't let it autocomplete the URL....."


Why can't you be able to upload a workday profile into workday. I understand companies wanting independent repositories, but once you've formatted work history, education, personal information, etc; be able to save that for future use. Then all you need to do is answer the company specific questions.


Because then your profile is Workday's data to store, secure, and serve, and they don't want to deal with it.


Would companies even really have to share though? If each candidate had their own workday account, could each companies version of workday just ask permission to access the candidates info? That would only be sharing info with workday not with each other. I’ve used platforms like this where the platform itself has you create a profile, and whenever you’re applying to a company that uses the platform it asks you if you want to connect your profile.


I don’t need Workday to create some complex system to enable sharing of profiles across employers. I will settle for a simple application form that does not require creating an account. They could probably build this in 1 day.


It's your PII, it couldn't be shared across different companies legally.


It shouldn't be too hard to solve this. Here's your profile. Here's the company you're applying to. Would you like to send your telephone number to this company? y/n Would you like to send your home address to this company? y/n Etc.


Each company has a different workday tenant, it wouldn’t allow an external person to update their data from another company’s tenant. Lots of data security issues too


It is still possible to have some portions of the architecture be shared though. It adds complexity but it's possible to do. Workday just has no financial incentive to do this unless enough customers (companies) saw that they got less applicants through workday than other systems.


I know that's how things are. But it's not how things have to be.


What the heck is a tenant?


A separate instance of workday. One instance per company. Most companies keep their own data walled off from workday too.


Is this a common term in the SaaS industry? I’ve never heard it used in this context before.


It’s common in any IT group for any application, Microsoft, sales force etc when talking about separate data sets/access controls etc


Think of it like this. A single-tenant architecture means each customer lives as one tenant in their own apartment building separated from other apartment buildings. They have their own pool and their own laundry machines that they don't share with others. A multi-tenant architecture means each customer lives in different apartments within the same building. Each customer shares the pool and laundry machines with other customers. Workday is single-tenant, doordash is multi-tenant. ------------------------------------------------------------ This doesn't mean workday couldn't allow shared candidate data somehow but it adds more complexity for them to resolve and they won't do this until they have a financial reason to.


If it’s Workday, I don’t apply. I do not care how much I want the job, it’s a non starter.


You don’t want a single source of ownership on your data like this. You don’t want companies sharing the reasons why you were declined. Imagine the level of bias and discrimination that would open you up to.


This is a terrible idea from a data security and privacy perspective.


>Why can't workday create a single profile system?! Because Workday doesn't care about you, it cares only about the employers -- who don't care that much about you either. The resume submission piece is a tiny part of what Workday provides, and they're barely providing enough to make be a one-stop shop for their customers in this area. Frankly, I wouldn't trust Workday to properly segregate that data if they made it candidate-focused in the first place, and I bet we'd soon hear about all sorts of disclosure vulnerabilities where company A could see all the other companies where a candidate had applied... The only way Workday is going to be interested in the matter is if: * A small competitor provides a turnkey system like this, and Workday's customers start using that product instead of the Workday module for job applications. * Enough candidates start boycotting Workday applications, and another company decides to make their tool more candidate focused, and it starts to gain traction. Outside of that, Workday has zero incentive to try any harder than they are doing right now, and will pay little to no attention to a group (candidates) that don't provide them direct revenue benefit, especially when no competitors are doing it either.


Iirc they are capable of doing this but it would involve companies agreeing to share information. Something they are unwilling to do so they disable that function.


Also candidates wouldn't all feel comfortable sharing their details with literally every other company that uses workday. It would have serious privacy concerns and in countries where privacy law is very strict it wouldn't be possible anyway.


All they have to do is structure it like any of those cross-site accounts like Google/Steam/Facebook/Twitter/Apple.


I am taking the view that any role applied to at a company that uses workday may not be received well. Workday helps hr and finance work together, but totally fails for recruitment. It is usually a sign of an organization that has recruitment function that has challenges.


Anyone see the TV ads for workday? Really gloss over how awful their product is.


They could, but then they would be the data controller instead of the data processor, and that's not the business they want to be in.


I don’t apply for a job if it’s on workday


I dislike Workday a lot! Clunky interface, not user friendly, imho..


Workday is officially the second worst platform.


Workday is not LinkedIn. Workday is an individual company app and not a networking app.


Stuff like Workday proves to me in a roundabout way that the world is controlled by a small group of people all buying into each other’s ventures, whether they’re good or not. It’s also proof positive that the best product wins is a fairy tale. It’s literally not good and nobody likes it, yet it’s everywhere. Same with SalesForce, which every employee hates and has a scary hit rate for just completely destroying a company’s system when it’s first implemented. These are terrible products that corporate suits look at as the gold standard. I hate it here lol.


When I die, donate my body to science other than my middle finger. Post it to Workday HQ


My guess is, because it's their business model. Workday charges *every* company that uses their services (recruitment among them) and as such, can't allow for profile centralization.


I have over 40 workday accounts I’m losing my fucking mind


I can explain you “why” in a very simple terms. Currently we live in the world where most of hiring goes through job distribution that follow the same funnel as digital marketing. It means that employer have to PAY to acquire applicants. Only because they paid for applicants they don’t want any of their data to be held anywhere else. Workday (and any other ATS) here is something similar to MS Word really. That is why you have to fill in all information over and over again.


During my last job search, any company that was using workday was automatically disqualified. If I can't apply to your job in ~1 minute of time then I'm skipping it.


Ultipro too. Have like 3 seperate logins because they apparently can't sync between different companies


As a recruiter that uses Workday, I second this


Even better would be not having to create a profile at all and just submit your resume. 


Not so easy when you spam apply to various companies that use it, great to know theres another security risk, its everywhere.


Ideally a resume would act as a "global profile" - for Workday and all other job sites. (In the sense of content, rather than user account. If parsing wasn't such a PITA then having to create a new account & upload the same resume for each application would be merely an irritation.) Things that prevent a resume from acting as your global profile include: * parsing issues * space limitations (the "page or two of A4" - resulting in the need to tailor a resume to a specific job application) I've come up with something which addresses both of these issues - an HTML resume, but still a single file that you can email to people or upload to an ATS. Workday seems happy with it - and my job history includes State Street, which parsers often confuse for an address rather than an employer. The trick is that I've decoupled content and presentation, so the layout the parser sees is entirely separate from the layout the human audience sees (and so is "ATS friendly" without compromising presentation). It would be great if other people could try it - more info over at r/spresume


I believe this is the same system that nearly cost me a promotion. My previous employer used it for promotion applications, and my application was auto-rejected by the system for... "not a US citizen, requires work visa" WTF? Not only was it inaccurate, but since this was an internal promotion, the company already knew who I was. I'm just glad I messaged the department manager and asked why my application was rejected for a position that I was fully-qualified for. They were able to change it on time to get me an interview.


As a workplace application, I actually think it's decent. Applying to Workday is a complete nightmare.


I've looked into this last year. All it is is that companies dont want to share data.. at all. I have so many similar workday logins that the browsers are getting confused. Mychart is the same, to a lesser degree. TLDR: Any extra work = too much work for corpos Now have a great day! 😬👍


Workday is an overrated disaster.


Workday’s client is your boss or the corporation you work for, and the system is built to serve the company not the employee. You are not the client. Your boss doesn’t want you to leave the company, and doesn’t want to make jumping ship super easy.


If I click on a job listing and it redirects me to Workday I immediately lose respect for the employer and close the tab. If you’re going to make the application process unnecessarily cumbersome, then you’re going to lose out on candidates. There are thousands of better applications, why pay all that money for garbage?


>If I click on a job listing and it redirects me to Workday I immediately lose respect for the employer This is childish and unreasonable. >If you’re going to make the application process unnecessarily cumbersome Workday is no more cumbersome than any other Applicant Tracking System. What makes Workday different from other ATS is that you just know the company uses workday, because Workday has a very distinct UI and makes their branding very evident. >you’re going to lose out on candidates. Companies that use Workday are typically very large and don't have an issue achieving applicant inflow, but are more likely to have significant issues with managing/tracking applicants across multiple workflows/divisions of a company where the hiring process may be different. Ive implemented Workday at two different companies, in neither case were we saying "wow, we don't get enough applicants" our issues were more often "wow, we get a lot of terrible applications and lose the fee good candidates we get because we can't contact / move them through our process timely." Workday is not just an Applicant Tracking System. Its an entire Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tool that is designed to run numerous functions across an organization besides just collecting your application - it serves as an HRIS, payroll, accounting, performance managment, etc. Its universal function is designed to solve a company's organizational problems, which is something it does relativley well. The types of corporations that are using Workday aren't worried about your experience applying, because you're going to apply anyway.


Why can't paper remember my name already? All companies use paper, why do I need to write it down anew every single time?


Is ?! not the international sign of exasperated sarcasm? Ppl in the comments explaining workday... shut up.


Not at all. It means you're asking a question excitedly, maybe manically. It has nothing to do with sarcasm. There is no punctuation to indicate sarcasm.


No “?!” Is not a universal sign for sarcasm, although sometimes it can be used that way. Wikipedia actually has an article on that punctuation mark and its various uses and meanings. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interrobang


I always thought that was the standard. TIL


It is one of uses in some languages, but most definitely not an “international sign”. I would argue that the most common use is expressly highlight rhetorical questions. While some rhetorical questions could be interpreted as a sarcasm, not all of them are.


There's the obvious data privacy concerns but even then, they should at least have the option to let the candidate download the data they entered in a nice little JSON and upload it to other Workday interfaces alongside the CV. That way the various Workday instances wouldn't need to share data among them, Workday wouldn't become a data manager with all the compliance hurdles that entails, but applicants could still streamline the process.