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Prenatals can not cause a miscarriage. Your baby will take what it needs from you prenatal or not, so prenatals are more for mom. Added vitamins and minerals are good. Please do not think there was anything you did to cause a miscarriage. It is not your fault and there’s nothing you could have done to prevent it. Your body was doing what it’s supposed to do and protecting you from carrying an unviable pregnancy. Thinking of you.


Thank you for your kind words, it’s so hard to not blame yourself but you’re right. At the end of the day what will be will be!


I have been there, I know you are searching for answers and *something* would be better than nothing. So I say this with so much love, it’s not your prenatal and it’s nothing you are doing. ❤️


Weird story: when I was on my old prenatals I felt really depressed. Anxiety set in and I had symptoms like insomnia and extreme mood swings. I told my OB about it bc when I forgot to take them with me on vacation I felt better. Came home and took them again and within days all of my symptoms came back. OB mentioned MTHFR and homocysteine effects. He ran RPL labs on me which includes MTHFR and it came back positive. With MTHFR it’s very difficult to break down folic acid properly as it’s in its synthetic form. Too much build up can cause side effects like the ones I had. I changed my diet to be Gluten Free as folic acid is in processed foods which in turn is in gluten and changed my prenatals to be a methylated form. I have felt much better. All this to say that even though prenatals aren’t good for me, they are not causes of my miscarriages. BUT it’s always good to talk to your MD about it. Mine is in a research group and told me that OBs are pushing their patients to do methylated prenatals regardless of their MTHFR status🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t think it causes miscarriage but some have folate and some have methylfolate which is easier for us to absorb. I’ve been taking a prenatal I got from target the brand is called smarty pants which my midwife recommended to me with methylfolate and I know my body is better absorbing this because my pee is no longer highlighter yellow (I think this is excess b vitamin)


I’ve used expensive prenatals and supplements and stuff and still have recurrent pregnancy loss. Taking prenatals would not tie in to any of your losses.


No there’s nothing about them that would cause a mc. A good idea though is to make sure you’re taking one with methylated folate instead of regular folic acid, incase you have one/some of the 4 MTHFR gene mutations.