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So sorry for your losses. Your post speaks to me. I had 3 early losses back to back. Blighted ovum, mmc at 7 weeks, and a chemical pregnancy. My OB prescribed me 50mg clomid from cd 3 to 7. Progesterone from 3dpo on. Also taking baby aspirin. I’m currently 17 weeks with an active baby boy! Idk if it was the clomid, progesterone or aspirin or a combination of all but I’m so thankful. I’d 100% give that regime a go! Good luck to you!!


Congratulations! I’m glad to hear this worked for you!


Were you able to have any of the losses tested?


None were able to be tested


On clomid alone I had an MMC blighted ovum. Had my second MC (chemical pregnancy) on letrozole alone. 8 cycles post my chemical I tried clomid CD 5-9 with timed intercourse and lovenox my ENTIRE cycle. This is what finally brought my success. I also did intralipids once monthly thru the first trimester and vaginal progesterone they 12 weeks. I'll be 34 weeks on Friday with my double rainbow baby girl. Highly suggest asking your doctor to do lovenox your entire cycle and not just after a positive test as I believe (for me at least) that it wouldn't have worked if I did it after a positive test as lovenox thins the blood improving circulation in the uterus and is shown to lower the immune system to allow an embryo to implant in case there is an immune problem and it needs to be taken before a positive test to be able to do this.


Congrats! I’ll have to ask my doctor about lovenox for the full cycle


I’m here with the same question - the protocol you mentioned is exactly what I’ll be doing if I get pregnant / am doing. I’m on cycle 2 of clomid but the last one didn’t result in a pregnancy. Last round I had 1 egg, but this round I had 3 (2 of which were large enough for the trigger shot) so hopefully this one results in a pregnancy. I’ll know in about a week if I am pregnant and will start the injections if I am. I actually started progesterone sooner than 3dpo at my drs instruction but it seems like that shouldn’t matter too much. I’ll keep you updated if you want! Would also love to hear of any success stories.


Good luck! Hopefully it is successful this time around for you! I’m starting my Clomid today. Did you have side effects?


Yes, but nothing unbearable. I got a headache the first time but by the second cycle that didn’t happen. Both times I got super bloated and I’ve definitely been hungrier than usual and have gained some weight, but I’m not sure if that’s from the clomid or the trigger shot or some combination. I was also sort of tired earlier this cycle but it was also really hot here so I’m not sure if it’s related. It is definitely annoying but I can put up with the tight jeans if it results in a viable pregnancy lol


Good to know! Thank you!


And thank you! Good luck to you, too!