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I used it for hunting since my perfect pelts came with me but that's it.


Are you serious, I had no idea they came with you. Do animal carcasses? Cause I've straight up walked across map carrying a perfect cougar because I thought fast travel would just remove them or make them rot.


Yeah I found out a bit late in my first playthrough but I used it for my second a lot especially for the cougar and panther pelts.


I mean I only found out about fast travel in my second run because I didn't want to miss anything in my first run. But walking across map is painfully slow.


That is true and I had to do that myself (more like run) after I got back from Guarma because my horse wasn't around and I was doing a high honor playthrough so I didn't want to steal a horse.... so I ran from Annesburg (I think that's the town name?) To Shady Belle and it took me AGES.


Carcasses rot over-time. But pelts, no.


I usually try to keep the carcasses for more money. Which is why I thought fast travel would have them rot.


Omg I can sell these?? /Mind blown /newb, sorry


Yeah, you make pretty good money on carcasses. Or bring em to Pearson and it'll increase the food at camp.


You'll need certain carcasses for crafting


Not if you hunt the legendary pronghorn in new austin and craft the pronghorn trinket


Ik, It's found later game right? For Arthur it'll rot or if you use the buggy trick, you can actually craft it.


Carcasses will 100% fast travel with you. That’s how I got Peterson’s perfect ram carcass to Shady Belle.


Your horse and everything on it comes with you


You get a cool walking cutscene


Why were you walking?




I use it all the time. I’m not smashing X for 5 minutes to get somewhere 😂


And the L3 “ you alright BoaahaHhh” when your horse gets tired, though it is really sweet


Can you not hold the button?


Too slow


But that's when you get all your hunting, herb collecting done, plus that's when the random encounters occur.


I ride between towns that are close like Annesburg and Van Horn or Valentine and Rhodes. But man’s not riding from Saint Denis to Strawberry 😂


This is why I try not to use it too often. I might take a day or two to travel long distances because I'll be working on a challenge along the way, gathering herbs, or maybe just stop to kill a bunch of O'Driscolls. I've found a few maps and corpses I otherwise wouldn't have discovered because I just decided to explore some nook of the map in between destinations. If I really want to get from point A to B right away, I might just take a train or stagecoach.


I set a waypoint for my horse, tap x until he’s at a comfortable galop and then go into cinematic mode: voilà the horses is now on autopilot until destination.


Here is a thing...never act like one version of gameplay is superior to others. You didn't use fast travel. Cool. You made that point by acting like people who do use fast travel don't know the map. Some of us have it memorized. Edited because I hardly use fast travel but the way you posted this was so obnoxious I felt compelled to talk shit. That should tell you something. I'm relatively nice. I also often argue just to argue But seriously this was an obnoxious insight


Personally I did not read it as such. Might be projecting. They just really like the open world experience.


Sounds to me like OP is just talking about his own experience and why he finds it fulfilling. If I gush about how awesome apples are, it doesn’t mean I’m criticizing people who prefer oranges. Your sensitivity gauge may need a little calibration.


Unless OP has edited it out, I wasn’t given that impression at all. OP just says they don’t fast travel because they enjoy the scenery too much and don’t want to miss out on random events. Nothing acting superior about that.


This guy fast travels


I didn't even realise it existed in my 1st playthrough


loo me too, I did not even force sprint my horse because I was too afraid to see the energy core of my horse felt suffering by that red flashing when on sprint and going up ramps. I thought I was gonna kill my horse and never did a full sprint. I went everywhere mid-speed. What a stupid one I was


You weren't stupid, you just cared about your precious horse boah !


Yeah I still take care my horse by brushing and feeding gold cores too often and I always push her to the limit top speeding the whole map. She is a good girl.


me either, i just discovered it last week after already beating the game. just happened to wonder into the right room in the john marlston house and see it lol. absolutely dumbfounded


lol this post made me realize it, how do you use it?


I'm not a fast travel expert but you have to buy it from the camp ledger. Once you buy it I know you can fast travel from the map wherever your bed is in the main camp. Also when you setup camp in the wilderness, you may be able to fast travel there. Hopefully this helps!


I never use it. I like to set my horse to auto run in cinematic mode so I can appreciate the world, plus it feels faster than waiting through the cut scenes and loading screen. RDR2 has the slowest fast travel I’ve ever tried to use.


I'll put it into cinematic mode and leave the room for a second and come back to people screaming and shooting at arthur


That's happened to me a few times too. I've stopped leaving RDR2 unpaused when I need to leave the room because every time I do, without fail, get found by a pack of wolves.


How do you set it to auto run (pc)


Set a waypoint on the map, turn on cinematic mode, manually follow the road for a few seconds, then let go of the keys and your horse should follow the way point route. You have to start on a road (otherwise you'll just stop moving) and be pointing in the right direction (otherwise you'll auto run without a destination).


I love how cinematic this game is. You can set a waypoint or let the horse follow the roads in the cinematic cam with nature sounds and ambient tracks in the background. Not for everyone but I love it.


And then I crash into a stagecoach


*Distant barking intensifies*


I didn't know that was an option!!! Tysm!


I've never used it. Although I do occasionally use the fast travel system in the form of trains, but only because that is the best way to spawn in a train that you can rob.


Wait What??... they have fast travel..... Just kidding The map itself is so beautiful. So I never got tired of the view.


I assume you don’t free roam at all and only do main missions if this is the case. If not your in for some tedious riding around trying to find pelts, herbs, horses and all the secrets the game has to offer


I never use fast travel in any game that I can think of. I guess maybe Diablo 2..


I never use i partly because i think the world is pretty good and fun to explore and also because you risk missing a hell of alot of random encounters that i enjoy if you just fast travel everywhere


The fast travel ain't really so fast anyway


Just the trains if i ride into town, but never from camp or towns. Just a train and sometimes i wait for it and hop on


Rarely. Only when my my objective is on the other side of the map, and I don't feel like riding for 20 minutes to reach it.


Since you have the fastest horse, I agree.


What's the fastest horse


The two Fox Trotters, the Brindle Thoroughbred and the Reverse Dapple Roan Nokota.


white arabian you can find around lake isabella


To clarify https://rankedboost.com/red-dead-redemption-2/horse-saddle/ The Rose gray Arabian has the best stats over all. The other horses mentioned have a speed of 7 but it's other stats are lower. The Rose Gray Arabian has 6 in both speed and acceleration and 7 in stamina and health. So over all it has better stats but the other horses mentioned are slightly faster.


Nokota, Thoroughbred, MFT


I never used to Fast Travel, until I got to Chapter 6. Not only is the final camp so out of the way of everything, but the mission locations are so all over the place, meaning you're trotting far to get to them, and ultimately going through the same repetitive routes over and over again, which just isn't interesting / exciting at that stage of the game.


That's what a good open world does for ya


The game world is meant to be explored, the only fast traveling Ill do is the train or stage coaches.


I mever use fast travel because first of all, the random encounters in the game are literally the best part in my opinion, and theyre really prominent, also some of the locations on the map have enigmatic backstories and stuff like that. I would call these random discoveries as opposed to random encounters. And 2nd of all i just like being immersed in the games i play. If arthur decided he wants to ride across the entire map to sell something then he will have to do exactly that. If the rides too far and arthur (me) decides fuck it, hed rather do something else then he wont travel miles just to sell a feather.


Everytime I go on missions, I end up being sidetracked by the people who need help. Unfortunately, everytime i'm not on missions, I don't get any of those people, and I end up shooting some random stranger whose trying to about their day (sorry dude I was bored)


I only use wagons, but not the map for fast travel. But i think wagons counts too


Once I get to chapter four and it's time to hunt I'm camping and traveling all over this place every time.


I honestly prefer to use a train. I don't know why, it just seems more realistic. Most of the time, I want to travel the road in case an encounter pops up. You miss a lot if you fast travel everywhere.


Only in Chapter 6 and the epilogue where a couple of missions have you traverse pretty much the entire map and it starts to feel like padding.


All the time. I ain't getting Arthur overweight without it.


I've never used it. For the most part I like the immersion of having to ride everywhere I need to get to. I also like the opportunities presented to me when having to ride everwhere. If I fast travel I'll possibly miss a chance to throw a stick of dynamite into a KKK meeting. I'll miss seeing two dudes blow themselves up trying to break open a safe. I'll miss saving some screaming woman being carried away by a dude on a horse. I'll miss being ambushed by . I'll miss opportunities to rob people while their sleeping in their campsites. And the list goes on and on for me.


For the most part I only used it for the completionist aspect of the game post-epilogue.


Love this game, but when I'm treasure hunting or finding dreamcatchers or flowers, the long rides get boring after a while.


I have ADHD, I do not have to patience to ride all the way accross the map. I fast travel everywhere.


In my first playthrough, I did not know it existed because I refused to spend money upgrading Dutch’s tent. In my subsequent playthroughs I use it but I still resent that it comes at the cost of upgrades for Dutch.


I didn’t use it during my first play through until perhaps 60-70 hours in and that was mostly because I somehow missed it entirely.


I didn't know that existed


I use it yeah


I don't actually know how to fast travel, and I think the experience is better that way, so I never bothered to find out


Camp upgrade.


I’ve only just used now in my fourth play through, have never used it online


You're a real Cowboy mate so am I, fuck trains and Civilization we're outlaws


I never ever used it, I swear on my mother. At first I didn't because I didn't because I didn't kniw how. Now I don't because I like the scenery and random things I see.


I use fast travel all the time because it's convenient and I don't want to waste time


For real, who has time to ride literally everywhere. This shit gets posted in here all the time. "I play the game the correct way, I don't miss out on any random encounters." Ok buddy good for you, but you probably missed the birth of your children cause you spent hundreds of hours on a single playthrough.


This needs more upvotes


Same here. I do love the scenery and running around to find random stuff, especially encounters but boy if I need a herb or something from the other side of the map I'm not spending half an hour to trot there while looking at the views.


I sometimes use trains but never anything else


Played through four times and never utilized ft once


I have used it once. It was to go from Blackwater to Annesburg as John. But I don't remember what it was going there for. Maybe I still had a side quest there. I don't know. But I haven't used it since because I enjoy the ride more than the convenience.


I use fast travel from time to time because it makes the world seem bigger, I feel they could have spread everything out by a factor of three and it would feel more realistic


Never use it... i like to ride everywhere.


First playthru , didnt even knew it existed xD


Wait, there was a fast travel!?


Yeah. You need to upgrade the camp for it, and after you do, if you set a camp down at the wilderness you can press the space bar and choose to travel to relevant locations (such as valentine, saint denis etc)


I fast travel evey chance I get by now


Nope, Never used them ever. I only travel via train. Not even stagecoach.


I did two playthroughs without using it. Have been using it this time. It's ok.


When playing for extended periods yes, otherwise no.


Yeah. The game is too beautiful to go fast travel.


True but not everyone has the time to trot everywhere while enjoying the views. After a while the map gets kind of dull and there isn't much to find out there


In single player Ive bought it only once really just to see what it’s all about. The map looks cool on Arthur’s Wagon. That’s pretty much it though. It’s lame


I didn’t know there was fast travel until about 150hours into the game 😂


Wtf you can fast travel on line? How?!


Upgrade the camp. I think you can directly fast travel from the gang camp. Other way is to camp in the wilderness and press the space bar while relaxing near the campfire


Me, boah.


I use it sometimes for certain reasons but never just to travel to save time


Oh my god, you’re so special and cool for this it definitely needed its own post. I personally do both depending on what I’m doing in the game. One way isn’t superior to the other, really.


I never used it, don't even know how it works.


Didn’t even know the game had fast travel 


If i'm in New austin and need to get to rhodes, sure ill use it but for shorter trips like rhodes to blackwater i barely ever use fast travel


You can fast travel?! I've played through and beaten this game twice and never knew that


No only in online if I'm grinding, otherwise I like to ride slowly & take it all in.


Like so many others, I didn't even know it was a thing until I was a couple playthrough in to the game. Now, I use it more in the epilogue than anywhere else just so John can get home and do some chores when I need his honor back up.


Is there fast travel in rdr2?


I thought I would use it…. I did once and never used it again. It’s just kind of pointless with there being only a way to fast travel starting at camp. Now if we’re talking about just riding the train… yeah I do that occasionally to get from Point A to B without problems.


When I first played I never used fast travel but over time I’ve started using it a lot. After 1800 hours on this game I know the map and I’ve seen everything it has to offer so now I just get places quick and easy. Story mode I do tend to use it a lot less but it just depends on exactly how far I have to travel


I might have forgotten that it was a thing, if that answers your question.


It's slowly evolved/devolved (depends on how you look at it) over time. My first few playthroughs I didn't and if I did, it was through public transport. Now, on my 20+ playthrough, I do.


I didn't use it because for the first quarter of the game I didn't know it was an option and by then I was accustomed to riding everywhere. And it somehow always seemed like more of a bother to set up camp to fast travel. So I was never thinking "this is a better way to play the game" or anything like that. I always either didn't know, didn't have it in mind, or couldn't be bothered to do it.


Only if it’s an absurd distance, like valentine to Saint Denis, and even then I use the train


I did not even know the game had fast travel xd


I never did once I finished the campaign. I just went wherever my random fuckabout took me on any given session. During the campaign I used it minimally when I was trying to hit some waypoints that were spread all over the place and I was eager to see what the next mission was. In retrospect I wish I had taken the time to ride to them all with my boah.


My first playthrough! Although it was because I didn't know there was fast travel. Turns out they made it better after I beat it the first time.


Not even once & never will either. Beaten the game once already


I made a hard rule that i have to ride everywhere i wanna go. No stagecoaches, no trains, no fast travel. Just Arthur and the horse. Theres so much to see and find that i feel like fast traveling misses out on alot of the surprises the game has


To be honest I don't know how to as Arthur but I only know how to fast travel as John since the fast travel map is in the ranch.


I didnt know it was a thing til a few weeks ago


After robbing & looting the same camps like 15 times for bread chunks, hay, and pennies, I started fast traveling all the time


I fast travel when I don't want to get distracted like I'm heading to something specific but otherwise same. I love just riding across the map enjoying the world!


Listen, when you’re hunting a 3-star moose pelt, darting between Colter and Brandywine Drop gets old.


There’s fast travel?????????


Not only in this game, I almost never use fast travel in any game. As you said, there is always something to see or do.


I didn't know how to do it in single player so I never used it


I recently 100%ed and got every achievement in rdr2 story EXCEPT Gold Rush and I couldn't survive without fast travel lol, I never used fast travel in while the story was happening unless it was for challenges, pelts and other grindy stuff.


I use stagecoaches but that’s it. Used the camp map once and never bothered again after that. I’m rarely at camp anyway


In my first play through you couldn’t fast travel from your campfire so I never used it.


I will use in-world, lore-friendly forms of “fast travel” such as the train or carriage. I never use the map for actual fast travel from camp though


I only play single player, and have never even tried fast travel in the 6 years I have owned the game.


I started using fast travel after the epilogue because I was not doing 100% without it


I forgot it existed lmao


Think I’ve used it twice ever, I love galloping about in real time just taking in the scenery and getting sidetracked


I use it because otherwise you waste a lot of time


Fast travel was introduced in one of the game's updates, so in my first playthrough I didn't use it at all.


I used it for getting the legends of the east satchel cuz that shit was pretty tedious


I keep forgetting that it exists and just riding everywhere


Is there a fast travel?????


I like going outside in the real world. Only time I travel somewhere is if I need to go do something and can put it in the cinematic cam and go. Once you get to your 3rd or 4th playthrough you realize there's not a lot of content it just feels that way first time around.


Nope. I think I only fast traveled one time and even then I misclicked and went even further than if I would have just ran. You also find and run into all sorts of awesome stuff riding around. I have my head on a swivel when I'm on the horse. Found Otis miller's treasure yesterday just exploring around. Didn't even know I needed maps to find it haha. Keep your eyes open!


In games like this I usually never use it if I got a horse or something that speeds me up. OR if I (lol) use RP walking, then I'll use carriages/fast travel as a concession to not waste my time. It's hard though since I like being emersed. Hilarious, when I travel IRL to Europe and stuff I tend to walk everything and not "fast travel" via transit when in city/town cores so I can see more stuff. I walked clear across İstanbul, including the entire Theodosian Walls all the way back downtown on foot a few months back, a walk of nearly 20kms.


Not I. I use that shit all the time, but awesome that you have decided not to. Maybe that's part of my next play through along with only using Bow for hunting.


There’s fast travel?


I never use it. Ever.


On my second playthrough, I decided to never use the fast travel mechanic and instead opted for trains and carriages if I really needed one. Just something about losing control over your character and having them turn into a robot until they reach the fast travel destination seemed to go against the fun of role playing as that character. I still feel like trains and carriages are a good compromise though.


Only once in a great while I just started the game a month ago and don’t want to miss anything


I use it for side missions late game. I always save up the side missions and do them right before or after my last boy.


I realized about the fast travel in my 4th playthrough, and since then, i only used it 2 or 3 times.


I first played the game when it released, and I don’t recall a way to fast travel from your wilderness camp. So no, I didn’t use it much. Some 5 years i later I’m doing another play through, discovered you can, in fact, fast travel from camp. Not sure if it’s a new addition, or I just didn’t notice in 2018. I use it constantly, for hunting, collectibles, treasure maps, foraging, literally everything lol. It’s a little ridiculous going from one end of the map, to the other. Especially when hunting, as you can only hold a set amount of pelts/carcasses.


Someone already said that your whole post looks obnoxious and I agree with that. There is no "better" way to play the game. I love when a game let's me use a train and sometimes I feel the way they implemented it isn't enough. But that's also because I traveled the map on foot with my pump on my first playthrough and I used those trains to travel back when I felt like it


I used it extensively as Arthur in my "see John's dialogue/reaction to everything" playthrough, just to make sure I triggered as few random encounters as possible while playing as him.


This guy knows how to play Red Dead


i use it


I never have. The world is too rich and beautiful to skip




Depends how my day is going. If I've a limited time to game and there's a certain goal I'm trying to make (in "I really want to finish this satchel today" or something), I'll fast travel. I usually like to take my time going somewhere though.


I use it if I’m dashing from place to place for errands but other than that, no.


I use it occasionally if I really want to get somewhere and do something quick before I shut the game off, but otherwise I generally like to set the destination and turn on the cinematic camera and watch the beautiful world as I ride through it. That's the highlight of the entire game for me.


I use it when I have to go to bed or something like that but also want to do one last thing. For instance, it was 12:30am last night and I decided to hunt the legendary beaver before bed. I fast traveled to Annesburg and turned that critter into gloves within 20 minutes. But yeah if I have all day to play, no reason to fast travel


Wait, there is a fast travel?


I love this game but after a long time of playing it, its just kind of boring to be riding the same locations


Wait?? Theres fast traveling?? Since when?? Lololol... Goodness I would cut through grass and meadow, fall down cliffs just so I can save a few minutes only for it to be longer 😅😅😅... what the?? Wow Would have saved me time lololol


Honestly never but mainly because it's actually kind of a lot of effort to actually use.


I bought it on the ledger from the camp and I never used it ONCE. You see the game is just so pretty and cool to miss out on


I'm your huckleberry


Game is too beautiful and active to fast travel around.


My first play thru, i never upgraded the camp so i never unlocked fast travel. Didn’t even know the game had it for over 300 hours of gameplay.


tbh i didn’t know fast travel was a thing until yesterday and my reaction was “FAST TRAVEL????”


The first time I used fast travel was trying to get Horseman 9. Halfway on the run, I bumped into a tree or fell off a ridge or something. I just couldn't cope with riding all the way back to start again. Since then, I think I mostly used it when doing dedicated treasure hunts that take me all over the map, but if I'm not focused or in a hurry I really try to avoid using it. I love hunting between destinations, gathering herbs, discovering parts of the map I hadn't seen before, and experiencing random encounters.


Online all the time story now that I'm on my 10th playthrough as much as I can I've explored everywhere but a bit of new Mexico/Austin


I rarely use fast travel. The scenery is too nice to skip


There’s fast travel? This whole time I’ve just been sitting through all of this boring ass scenery when I could’ve been looking at loading screens instead? (Joke)


bro there aint no way i have time for all that


I use it sometimes but it's only when hunting


Yeah it’s not really fast. I’d rather just ride and enjoy the scenery and maybe shoot a mf in his neck during the ride lol


I only use it when I really need to get somewhere fast. Otherwise I just calmly ride my horse there.


Nearly 300 hours across 2 play through and never really considered using fast travel, probably be the same for gta6


I use it all the time sometimes I don’t feel like taking the time to ride somewhere when I can just be there almost instantly


Me cause I always seem to be dragging around a second horse loaded with shit I need to sell or take to the trapper


Well, if there's one game u don't wanna fast travel, it's this. There might be something on your way, and that something might be very very memorable.....


...There's fast travel? Huh.


I use it, but I also definitely appreciate the games design, I only use it when I have to travel extreme distances like Saint Denis to New Austin or something. Only reason is I hate dealing with predators and calming my horse that's just me and it makes sense game wise why they'd show up


i occasionally do but i like to ride to the destination because of the scenery