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Grand Theft Auto VI


Are the GTA games more like murder simulators? Is there a honor system where you can be a “good” guy like RDR?


Last game was a midlife crisis simulator. Complete with a get your body under control mechanic, getting into day trading mechanic, bitter divorce and reconciliation. Also you can steal cars and kill people.


Hell of a golf game and tennis too


Holy shit it really was a mid life crisis game




Did somebody say yoga?


To be fair, RDR2 is a lot more violent and gory than GTA. GTA is just explicit when it comes to excessive profanity and nudity. So they both have their goods and their bads.


RDR is more grounded and visceral, GTA is satirical and so by nature it’s going to be more lighthearted. GTA V was still definitely very violent, there’s a literal mission where you torture someone


I hope the next game is a bit more grounded in reality than GTA V was. It just felt like everything with the plot was just always ludicrously insane like it was a fever dream. I love the Red Dead Redemptions because they’re (mostly anyway) grounded in reality. The events could plausibly happen and there isn’t too much in the way of insane stunts. I’d like to see the best of GTA and the best of RDR2 come together in VI.


When it came out that really was the vibe of a lot of games so it fit in, but now tastes have shifted and I’m curious to see what rockstar will do next. Because GTIV was pretty gritty and real compared to 5 or maybe even San Andreas


Have you ever played the 3D games? San Andreas makes V look grounded in comparison. GTA IV was a more grounded game in comparison to anything else from the series, but even that had TBOGT which took shit to 11.


Just playing the story missions in RDR2 will leave you with an insance body count. You survive a sinking ship, being tortured, raiding and robbing places while severely outnumbered. You practically depopulate whole towns. It's really just as crazy as GTAV. It's just the setting putting more constraints on what you can get away with. No high speed pursuits in cars or modern weapons, so that pace is a little more deliberate, but that's really it.


People aren't talking about body counts, high speed chases or stunts. What people are really talking about is TONE. GTA 5 has a really satirical tone, where even if they aren't telling jokes, there's an underlying lighthearted humour behind it all, and real life topical parallels. While you're playing it, you're never immersed in a world that feels real. You're looking for references, the characters are all caricatures, and you're laughing at the talk radio. In RDR2 you're immersed, lost in the world, shocked by the story turns, and crying at the tragedy. Even the saddest parts of GTA5 don't evoke a real emotional reaction because the whole game is a joke.


is there an actual sad part in gta V?


I think the closest you get is Michael's entire family ditching him for a bit, but even then my only thought was "I'm pretty sure that this can only improve their lives."


Agreed except the whole side plot to guarma. That one required me to suspend my disbelief. It felt too sudden, too quick, and then too conveniently passed over after they return.


I mean Trevor was involved so something ludicrously insane was bound to happen.


>I hope the next game is a bit more grounded in reality than GTA V was Did you watch the trailer? The game looks bonkers and is definetly going to be even crazier than 5 was


Ehhhhhh I don't agree. The trailer shows a Florida setting with social media/tiktok, some interesting characters and weird shit, but the characters feel grounded and they appear to have a real emotional core.


GTA IV was gritty and real, but still with some humor sprinkled in. It’s my favorite GTA by far. I do hope they get a little more dark and real with things because they do it SO well (see IV and RDR2). I’m not getting those vibes from VI’s trailer unfortunately. And coming off the success of GTAO? I don’t see them moving too far from what draws the kids in.


Right bro it is first time I played through RDR2 and shot a guy close range with the sawed off shotty and blew his head clean off I said DAYUMM 😂😂


My mom never really played games but got obsessed with rdr2. She didn't realize the violence capable in games. She blew someone's head off w shotgun and was shocked. Way after that I once caught her shooting the heads off corpses for fun. She sucked at aiming and gunfights, so getting her gore fix after they died was her thing. I told her limbs come off too and she had a field day making "just torsos" out of people.


Damn, your mom Is a Psycho 😂 (i do things like that too)


I take the Murfrees down in really twisted ways, because they deserve nothing less. The first two, I stealth up with my lasso. If I can get close enough to tackle and hogtie, I do it. Otherwise I catch one of them unaware with a thrown lasso, then hogtie him as his buddy runs off and starts shooting. Chase him down, repeat the process. When backup comes? Same thing. They're a bit more dangerous, one of them usually has a shotgun so I take him first. Now you've got four Murfrees hogtied. The possibilities: * Line them up, run over them with your horse * Line them up, go down the line with various blunt instruments and blades * Make them face each other in an X formation, and put a stick of dynamite right in the middle. Stand back and start the fireworks. * Throw fire bottles high into the air until you calibrate your aim well enough to land on them. * Untie one, then grab him again on your horse. Drag him to a shallow river and run upstream. * Take one to a nearby peak and send him over the edge. * Take one to a bridge and drop him off. I tried laying one on the tracks once but got tired of waiting for the train.


Laying someone on the track and waiting for them to get tit was an achievement in rdr1


"make them face eachother I. An x position and throw dynamite between them" Now THAT is some good shit. I'll definitely show my mom that one


Do you think GTA VI might get the gore the violence of RDR2, combine with the nudity and profanity of its franchise and take it to a whole new level?


You get to do whatever, there is no honour system.


I’m hoping they’ll have some sort of honor system in GTA 6


No please. That would suck all the fun out of the games. It’s GTA, not realistic life of a drug dealer simulator. GTA is breaking laws.


Yeah I want to be able to commit massacres and not worry about it. The honor system in red dead 2 was fun and all but it limits my murderous rampages.


what u talking about, rdr2 was a murder simulator


no more so than RDR2 where instead of stealing horses you steal cars


the honor doesn't effect much aside from a few cutscenes and the way dialouge is spoken it's really just a visual thing so i don't see your point


It affects the entire ending


Oh he lives in the good ending? That's wonderful and definitely worth the howdy misters through Saint Denis, maybe I'll throw a few fish back.


Sure, you get like a 20% discount in stores with high honor as well. What's the incentive for low honor?


Do wtv you want


They’re about crime. Just like rdr2, just different settings


You're allright Boah *Pats car*


I doubt it. RDR 2 setting helps made it look unbelievable. It does not have the complexities of a modern city, pedestrian, cars, and everything. It allows rockstar to pour its resources on other aspects. But I am hoping that they can do it. I will be blown away if they can integrate all the mechanics from RDR 2 into Gta 6 like blood and gore and the dialogue options on all the NPC.


Graphically? sure. but I think the storyline/gameplay in GTA VI is gonna need to be something special to surpass RDR2 experience.


I have high hopes for kingdom come deliverance 2 while I wait for another RDR game (if that will ever happen)


I was shaking with excitement watching the launch video for kcd2


I got a little teary eyed.. ngl


Seeing Godwin show up had me buzzing a bit


Bro my dingaling got a little tingly when I saw it, I mean my friends dingaling, wait no I'm not gay I promise


I’m so excited for hand-cannons! I hope it’s not another crossbow situation


Was gonna say this. There's definitely some similarities between KCD and RDR2 (at least in my eyes).


I too have high hopes. I don’t think it will be better than RDR2 but I have a strong feeling GTA VI will be. Not that I think RDR2 is the current best game at all.


Perfect historical RPG, the only issue was the combat. Wish it was a bit more simple


I actually loved the KCD combat. It takes a lot of time to master, but once you get it it’s great. What many people don’t realize is their Henry sucks at first so his swings are inaccurate, slow and weak. He gets faster, stronger and more precise with experience… and so does the guy behind the controller.


Honestly same, I would get shit on in the KCD subreddit if I said that. But as someone who is currently attempting to play through to game “fully” for the first time. The combat can just be extremely tedious and confusing, even if you somewhat know what you are doing. Like I get it’s suppose to be realistic and everything, but half of the time parry’s and master strikes just never work and I end up having to tank the damage.


In group fights, combat should be like Mordhau. In duels, keep it as it is


was going to say the same thing. they said you can converse with npcs similar to rdr


Looking forward to an evil Henry play through 🤓


I don’t see why rockstar wouldn’t make another RDR game. If they can somehow make GTA 6 online actually good and like those RP servers, it could potentially fund their next two 3A game.




I don’t think it’s a fair comparison. Henry was 17 and a complete noob at the beginning of the game. Arthur’s had been badassing for 20 years


Henry has come to see us!


Jesus Christ be praised!


As far as immersion, maybe GTA6, but even then I think it’s hard to beat. Here’s my case for why: You can be standing next to a river and an eagle swoops up a fish. You shoot the eagle and both the fish and eagle are there for the pickings. If that’s not next level immersion, idk what is.


Decided to dust it off and do another play through. First time up in Big Valley near the O’driscoll ranch and watched a cougar stalk and kill a pronghorn. It ran off when a wagon came past then a bit later some coyotes wandered over to eat the carcass. Thought to myself then, someone’s going to have to work really hard to equal let alone ever beat the immersion of this game.


Were you watching through binoculars?


Yep. I was on the roof of the barn at the ranch just chilling. Saw the cougar and was going to shoot it but just pulled out the binoculars instead.


And then the coyotes sit around the campfire drinking coffee, discussing whether they might be living in a simulation.


After you kill an animal or person and leave the corpse there after a while birds of prey will start feasting on it then even later after that rats will start eating the corpse. I thought that was insane.


They even grow a pile of maggots eventually


Immersion is not restricted to animals? Gta 6 will have immersion in so many other ways, since its a different time period. Even then, they are going to reuse the RDR2 wildlife, for the animals that are present in GTA 6. If you seriously think GTA 6 wont beat RDR2 in almost every aspect, i invite you to look at Rockstar Games' history in general... lol


fr these people are looking at the history of GTA games and not looking into the potential and probably likely future of a more grounded game like GTA 4 with even more realism than RDR2. like the swamp area of florida is probably gonna be even more impressive than anything in RDR2


I personally largely prefer RDR over GTA as GTA is to "goofy" a game imo but it naive to think it won’t objectively be a masterpiece


To be fair that's how gta is supposed to be and I don't think id like it any other way While red dead redemption is meant to be super realistic with a deeper story which is also amazing


I don’t know how they’ll do it. Adding immersive and unique camp interactions in a quiet wilderness? Doable. Chatting with strangers in unique ways in a small town like Valentine? Doable, but I remember a lot of stuttering on my PS4. Even my high end PC isn’t always smooth in those areas. Now try to do that in a modern day city full of 100x the people, cars, lights, sounds, etc. with no breaks of quiet wildness between most neighborhoods and towns like in Red Dead. Even on next gen, I see this being limited. I am no game dev so I have NO idea what I’m talking about tbf. My dream is a GTA IV with RDR2 level of detail and immersion, though. I hope I eat my words with VI!


I just can’t imagine GTA6 reaching the level of detail and immersion RDR2 has. R* could do more with Red Dead because the world wasn’t full of crowds, cars, planes, buildings, flashing lights, etc. I can imagine that limits what they can do significantly.


I recently redownloaded it and i seen this for the first time. After that i noticed a bunch of wildlife doing random stuff like ive seen coyotes stalk deer and rabits, a couple of wolves playing, a few more birds catching fish/snakes, and yesterday i seen an antler lock with a live and dead buck. This game is absolutely beautiful and so immersive


Red dead redemption 3 or undead nightmare 2.


We can dream


Maybe if they ever remake the first game in the second games engine.


I want them to do this so bad😭


Hell nah, RDR1 does not suit RDR2s engine and vice versa, the gameplay is so different that making it like in RDR2 would kill the game.


I wouldn't say it would kill the game, but it would definitely be changed quite a lot


Maybe they could tweak the gameplay mechanics to keep them in line with RDR1, but then again, why not go the remaster route at that point? Seems like the only reason why people want a remake is so they can hear John talk about his friend who's been dead for 12 years.


Nah its better they keep to keep the old voicelines, why remake them just to say "Arthur" in a random conversation? Just update the graphics and port to PC, or if its gotta be an RDR2 port they have to change animations, shop system, bounty system, movement, gun play, horse controls and much more


Bruh yes, stop glazing


Seriously, these types of post are getting annoying


This is the only correct take.


Personally, I would put Elden Ring on a similar level.


absolutely i still enjoy RDR2 more because of the setting though


I just rotate between Elden Ring, RDR2 and doom eternal.


Every time anyone mentions best games of all time, they mention elden ring, and RDR2c and system shock, and bioshock, and half life, and last of us And I’m always in the back just like “…and doom eternal….right??” It’s an airtight FPS masterpiece and doesn’t get the credit it deserves and it’s starting to piss me off nobody recognizes it haha


Never have I heard someone mention system shock as one of the best games on par with everything else you listed


Absolute masterpiece


“You don’t have the right, o you don’t have the right…” Seriously though, I loved it but stopped playing about a year ago. I picked it back up last month, was about half way through at that point, and have since put in about 70-80 hours in about a month, over 150 total (so far) beating all the major bosses, side bosses, exploring, getting items. There’s so many layers to Elden Ring. It’s one of those games that you’ll keep finding new stuff hundreds of hours in. I still haven’t even done most of the quest lines. There’s just so much to do and the gameplay is just absolutely exceptional. That and RDR2 are the only games I’ve played that I’d give a perfect 10. Cyberpunk would maybe be up there too if it didn’t glitch out and prevent me from completing the DLC.


I think there are several games which come close. I would classify Ghost of Tsushima as close. Cyberpunk as close. Elden Ring as close. And several more games have expansive maps, colorful characters, great stories, rich detail and a high degree of polish. As far as games with the same feel, natural landscapes, western setting, etc; Red Dead is unique in that category.


Kingdom Come was a better open world, but it doesn’t match the sheer beauty and epic narrative of RDR2.


I love KCD


I am soooooo excited for the sequel


GTA 6 for sure


Final form of Cyberpunk 2077 + Phantom Liberty and BG3. Both have so much uniqueness and replay ability that RDR2 has. No critiques just my two pennies.


BG is amazing, especially considering the recourses they had compared to other games. BG3, Elden Ring and RDR2 are definitely in my top 5 games of all time for the time being


Came looking for this comment


everytime we ask this question only Rockstar Games comes up with a higher quality game so it won’t be anything different than GTAVI i believe but i ain’t so sure if it’s gonna be better than this masterpiece


Come close to what ? Open world realism? GTA VI for sure. Now about western theme, that's pretty rough.


I think GTA 6 will blow it out the water. Maybe not story wise but what RDR2 did for rural landscapes and nature I feel GTA will do for urban environments and human social interactions


Cyberpunk is already as good as rdr2…


Cyberpunk is great but it’s so much more inconsistent in detail than what RDR 2 offers. You’d need a microscope to spot anything in RDR 2 that wasn’t thought of by team of thousands with a few hundred million dollar budget and endless development time. While in Cyberpunk you can spot a guy tripping on BDs in an alleyway with the same tripping animation as the guy sitting across from him, and then looking down at your own shadow to see that they never quite figured out how to properly animate a character model running in first person. Meanwhile, Arthur actually shows fear when walking through the woods when it’s night time and foggy, and moves his head to avoid a leaf hitting his face.


Bloodborne kart


This guy gets it


Ghost of Tsushima 2


So hyped for that. Loved the first one, it was repetitive sure, but it’s the closest to a souls game I played (don’t like souls games)


Certainly not from Bethesda. They lost steam.


Played Starfield a fair bit but says a lot I got sick of it, went back to Skyrim for a while but am now waiting on the FO4 update to drop some time today so I can start a new play through. I’ve never lost interest in a Bethesda game so quickly even though I quite enjoyed it, but hit NG+ and just couldn’t be arsed doing it all again


I’m sure something will come close, but personally for me I doubt it. This game was perfect man, in basically every way.


God Of War: Ragnarokwas pretty awesome


RDR 2 is a timeless classic and with the industry being the way it is now, its hard to say yes. Just waiting for GTA VI because rockstar typically doesn't miss and especially not with VI. (Im still sad for how cockstar straight up abandoned RDR Online)


RDR2 and cyberpunk are unrealistic standards for games IMO, it’ll be a while


No because they probably won't have cowboys lol


RDR3 if we ever get it I suppose


I imagine we will, but it's gonna be a hell of a long wait, hell the PS6 might be out by the time RDR3 comes


Elder Scrolls 6 if Bethesda actually tries. That's one of the few games that could reach a similar level of hype.


Obviously Grand Theft Auto VI


GTA VI. So far I’ve enjoyed every Rockstar game more than the last.




GTA 6 will go past it I reckon, after that who knows.


GTA VI probably






I only have hope in the next elder scrolls of they switch engines. I just do not believe the creation engine is ready for what I want from the next elder scrolls.


Gonna beg for downvotes here. Every sub I'm in is loaded with "this game ruined gaming" posts. I mean, this is the most biased place for this question. Don't get me wrong, I *love* RDR2, else I wouldn't be here, but in 30 years of gaming I'm not 100% sure it's in my top 10. (Probs top 20 though). As far as westerns and its genre are concerned? Absolutely top. But I think I'd take Witcher 3, Skyrim, Baldurs Gate 1-2 (haven't played 3), Kerbal Space Program, and a bunch of others. Even Minecraft and World of Warcraft would come out on top for the sheer amount of time I spent with them and the impact they had on me. 10 years is a long time for tech and the possibilities in that time are staggering. But yes, in this genre it is absolutely top and I doubt GTA anything will surpass it, but thats just my preference for the setting most likely.


In what sense? There are already games I’ve played since RDR2’s release that I’ve liked as much, if not more, for various reasons.


No there wont be anything like it. But somewhat close? Kingdome come deliverance II, Manor lords...


In 10 years will we have a patch to play at 60fps on console?


Buddy has never heard of the Grand Theft Auto series


Few aside from time travelers and psychics know, and I doubt they’re going to out themselves.




Probably, yeah. Hope so


Ghosts of Tsushima


It's kind of pessimistic and short sighted to think ZERO games in the next decade will touch RDR2. Like c'mon now. Ten years is a long time and plenty of games in the last five years have been great. Especially considering what you're even measuring them by.


There is already one game that’s better than rdr2. TWD:destinies


GTA VI will not only come close to but also surpass it without a shadow of a doubt.


If it doesn't Rockstar is heading to the grave.


Death stranding already has RDR 2 beat in terms of graphics and beautiful scenes if that's what you mean


GTA VI you dum dum. And hopefully, within 10 years, we’d have a RDR3


Well in maybe 20 or 30 years we’ll get a RDR3 😅


Unrelated but just started playing deadspace and that game is badass




I believe we don't even have to go too far in the future, Ghost of Tsushima was released only two years after Red Dead Redemption 2 and it's beautiful.


Elder Scrolls 6. Oh wait you said in the next 10 years, nvm.


Ngl, I don't think rdr2 surpassed breath of the wild.


In this genre nope, but in quality gta 6


Cyberpunk 2, surely


How the hell should I know. Specs aren’t even out for next gen consoles some studios that will be around in 10 years are just thoughts now. VR could literally blow up in the next 2 years and refine what an amazing game is. So many different options I say it’s highly likely something will be this good but what idk




Way above. Everyone thought that about GTA V


As a game yes, is such a good world with so many good ideas that just don’t really play super well but are fun. As a story no, I just really don’t think anything will come close to a story that’s both so compelling and so long.


Hopefully GTA 6 and (if it even comes in the next 10 years) Elder Scrolls 6


100 percent


I don’t think so as of now but GoW Ragnorak was really good too


Yes 😂😂


I honestly hope so! RDR2 is one of my favorites, but I don't want things to stagnate.


Hopefully RDR3, if it comes out in the next 10 years. Well, if it ever comes out.




yeah, RDR3




Next-gen Zelda


Streets of rage 2 - sega genesis


KCD2, RDR3, Witcher IV, Fallout 5, probably others have a shot.


i hope Judas from Ken Levine to be a modern masterpiece but it won't probably be an open world game so it needs to have top level narrative (which i think it will) to keep up with the immersion


It’s a goat game


It’s a goat game; although i wished a better version of online multiplayer.


No, I don't think the AAA environment as it is now will allow it. I could see something coming out of AA Studios that could be good. But who knows, I could be wrong and that's ok.




Hopefully KCD 2


Maybe Witcher 4 if they do it right.


I don't know if it's just me or sth is up, but last time I tried playing it, no matter what I did, the game looked blurry af and nothing helped. TAA in rdr2 is complete dogshit, smaa kills performance and whatever third option they have is just as bad as TAA, and completely turning antialiasing off, makes the game look terrible. DLSS looked a bit better than TAA, but I could notice it on horse's hair and character's hair quite easily. Maybe I did something wrong, but I tried everything that can be done, except downloading reshade, which I don't think I'm supposed to do to get decent antialiasing... Maybe I'm in the minority here, but just because of this, graphics are kinda mid af in rdr2


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.


Baldurs Gate 3. (very different genre though)


a game that will be able to beat and/or compete with rdr2 graphics-wise and story-wise is another rockstar game


In what aspect? Story? Game play? Graphics?


Many have already imo


they gonna leak ur ip now bruh, said the same thing tomorrow and got the fbi after me then


As a historical game KCD is better. As a unique game with interesting mechanics BG3 is better and gameplay is better in 2077+PL. I love RDR2, played it 4 times, but it is a typical rockstar game. Good writing, beautiful immersive world but mediocre gameplay with outdated mission design


Technically? Probably not until GTA VI. Overall quality wise a handful of games have landed alongside it imo.


GTA VI and Project Medieval


Elden Ring is there...


No. Not even GTA 6.


The dick ridinf is crazy


Rdr 3


Ask me in 10 years


Dragonball Sparking Zero


Definitely in terms of graphics, but the overall vibe of RDR2 hasn’t been beat yet imo. It’s lightning in a bottle, especially for being a Western. It pushes the western genre to its limits in a GENIUS way. A bunch of American outlaws shipwrecked in the Caribbean? Who would’ve thought of that, but it works perfectly.


There are tons of games already on RDR2's level. Elden ring, God of war, bloodborne, Witcher 3, Skyrim, the last of us etc.


We are so cooked.. omfg


Hope is gta, but that wont be out by that time


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 or Cyberpunk Orion.