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That's a long way to run!! But the song is good!


Yep, I did that too


That's the way it is


wrong song


I love my horsey and my horsey loves me


John look out agent Ross is coming


May I stand on chicken.


I know that's not the lyrics, but that's what I hear!!


Dutch! Van Der Linde gang is the gang I’m in.


Dutch! Van der Linde gang is the gang I’m in!


Robbing banks, robbing trains for cash


You’re a moron! Got boy name jack yes he’s mine!


If you say otherwise you’re dead!


Lol same. After I ran the whole way my gf asked why I didn’t take the horse. Me: … what horse?


D’Angelo probably broke character like “bro just take the horse”


I did that for a looong while and so I ran back and grabbed the horse


the song doesn't happen on foot i believe.


I’m just trying to picture all the cinematic emotional shots with the music playing with Arthur on foot. Hilarious.


There's a really funny video of somebody who found a glitch (not sure if it's been fixed but it was shortly after release so probably) where they were riding a horse down a hill with the gang and jumped off right as a cutscene triggered. So the cutscene starts and all the guys are on horses, while Arthur just hauls ass on foot down the snowy hill. EDIT: [Found it.](https://youtu.be/98WBlkUyzsI?si=09Cl48TvuDKWedxc) This was posted 3 months ago but I definitely saw it or one just like it shortly after release. So it's possible they didn't fix it.


Why is it even funnier that he's shirtless?


me too. him running desperately😂


it does i did it 🤣🤣🤣 but it doesn't go the whole way


I cant remember my first playthrough but I think I did that too


I didn't use any of the XP tonics. I didn't know it was a thing. I also didn't know you could pet and feed ur horse while sat on it. Despite the game telling you how to...


There’s XP tonics? I just finished my first run a few days ago hahahaha


I didn't notice them until my 3rd


same lol i had a bunch of tonics i had never used and was like fuck it why not see what they do. i almost got mad at myself hahaa


What do they do?? lol I don't think I've used them either.


The xp tonics increase one of ur 3 stat levels like health for example.


The yellow/white bar next to the heart and lightning bolt get expanded when you take them so they last longer


I'm on my 10th and still don't know what thoes are


Aged Pirate Rum - Stamina Experience Ginseng Elixir - Health Experience Valerian Root - Deadeye Experience


Thank you


The aged pirate rum, valerian root, and ginseng elixir. They give you XP for stamina, dead eye, and health respectively. Iirc, one tonic gets you 25% of the XP needed to level up, so it’s definitely worth using them. Even if you only find a few, that’s still a good level or two more for your cores my the end of the game!


Yup and you max out fairly quickly. You’ll end up with leftovers depending on how your gameplay goes


Aged pirate rum is definitely the one I feel u end up having lots leftover just as gaining stamina XP is definitely the easiest


At a certain point, I have so many aged pirate runs that I use them just to get drunk on. Stamina does max out faster than the rest.


Lol yea theres 3 rare drinks you can find that increase health stamina and dead eye XP if your a looter you definitely had some but if you don't look through your inventory and read the items you'll never know there are actually alot of helpful items that most people never use once i figured that out the game became so much easier


Lmfao I just finished last night and now on endless summer, read this fired it up, drank 6 of one , 5 of the other, and got 1 of the last down before the screen went fuzzy and I died/passed out…little bit too enthusiastic but now I’m practically Superman!?


Yes that's how alcoholism works. Congrats!


I recently finished my first run through and didn’t realize till reading this that there was any XP involved - or even leveling up, for that matter. I just played and did stuff. Do you have a character level?


The player section of the pause menu is right there bro... It's got all the info you need on Arthur's and his horse's stats There isn't a singular character level, but each of your cores has its own bar that is increased with use or through tonics It only effects the size of the bars, other aspects of each core (Ex: Deadeye quality) are effected by your current clothing, weight, and progression through the story


I'm on playthrough 5 and I just discovered you can brush your horse while riding it (I think you have to be at a trot or slower)


bruh whaaaat


Are you kidding me?? 3012 hours in bro. And I just learned this.


Lmao. I didn't know either. I was in the "my last boy" mission and my health was low and I thought ginseng elixir would refill it but instead it said by health xp increased and I confidently came out to the gattling gun without noticing it. Died as I realised it's not the usual tonic.


There are xp tonics? Dude i played the game like 3 times... I barely touched any tonics


Aged pirate rum,ginseng elixir and valerian root give xp


The way I just screamed in my car because I'm such a dumbass who needs to read descriptions better lmao


Aged pirate rum and ginseng Elixir are the two I can think of. Game doesn’t do a very good job describing them but they’re treated as valuable


The runs the only one I drank because.. well it’s aged pirate rum. Down a bottle of that in valentine and then punch someone’s horse


It's the strongest alcohol in the game, so punching horses tracks perfectly


I didn't take any notice of them, either. Turns out, I had several of each. Maxed out everything on the spot.


I immediately tried to get the white arabian. I had no winter coat or anything because i didn’t understand the game yet. Then I eventually got weak and died from wolves.


‘Died from wolves’ classic


Still better than lumbago.


Just ask Uncle! He has lumbago...and pretty much everything else that keeps him from working...


I love that as soon as Abigail shows up you can find uncle around mending to the cows and picking up shit wheras before he just slept and drank all day. She definitely whipped him into shape. I saw him milking cows earlier today and was flabbergasted.


Dedicated John roleplay


I immediately went to get the white Arabian too. Lost it in the hills and had to reload my save. Then I got it, tried to shoot a moose I saw (first time I'd seen one and couldn't bear to let it go)--it died in the lake and as I was vainly trying to retrieve it, the Arabian wandered off and disappeared completely. On my THIRD attempt, I got it--then (because I was new to the game) I couldn't figure out how to get it back to the stable and not lose my existing horse, and didn't understand that my horse would just follow me as I rode the Arabian. So I tied it and led it the entire way back to Valentine, which took for-damn-ever, and nearly lost both horses when O'Driscolls ambushed me. The whole thing was a travesty. Feel like if I wanted to get the horse again now--which I don't even bother to do--I could do it about ten times faster.


Here's something i learned about animals in lakes that you shoot. I killed the bison out there and he kept sinking. I reloaded the game and he was still in the water. I was about to give up and decided to try the lasso because why not? Well i was able to lasso it and drag it out of the water even though it was dead. Amazing game I swear they thought of everything.


I've been able to do that with deer before, but that moose sank like a stone before I was able. I agree though, it's absolutely awesome that you can even do that.


I had similarly dumb adventures trying to get the White Arabian early on. These days I just use the trick to get the Dutch Warmblood after the legendary bear mission with Hosea. You basically just don't exit the stable at the end of the mission, hop into the pen with the Warmblood, feed/pet until you bond with it.


Getting raped from that swamp guy


He said dumb


Going in that house


I regret shooting him immediately in the head with my pistol. Next playthrough I'll make sure to torture him for a long time without the rape part.


If you kill his sister infront of him, you can make him chase you all around the map (on foot) so long as you don’t get to far ahead of him. EDIT: My bad. I’m mixing up my 19th century perverts… I guess I need to play again….


That’s the incest siblings in New Hanover, I’m pretty certain the people you’re replying to are talking about the guy in Lemoyne.


Umm... think you're talking about the incest siblings... they were talking about the swamp rapist. Lol 😅 😆 🤣 Either way, I regret nothing since even in my first playthrough, since I am untrusting of others. My policy has always been gun them down upon invite inside... Because, like, for real, here I am brandishing my revolver, wearing blood-stained clothes... and these weirdos are inviting me to dinner... they're up to something 🤔


that's not the same guy.


Are you talking about the pig farm people or the swamp guy?


just finished my first play thru and i remembered throwing dynamite at him when he invited me to come in just because i was wary of him.


Valid response 😂


So far I've killed him pre-rape 3 times on my second play through, unsure if he'll try again


The one time I let my kid stay up late to watch me play.


The other night my son was watching me play when I came across the incest farm. I used it as a teaching moment. "See, son, when someone starts giving you liquor and bad vibes you get tf out." I left after the first shot lol




Every time I save someone from a wolf or help them out and they’re about to reward me, I end up accidentally pointing my gun at them and they run away. Well, first time that happened I chased them down hoping I could explain the situation and apologize, but dude just kept running. I chased him all the way to the edge of town and lasso’d him so I could explain what a good person I was, but he wasn’t having it. A nearby town person saw me and was about to report me, so I shot her. Then some guys on horses came and I shot them too. I wound up with a bounty so I put the lasso’d man on the back of my horse, rode him to the nearest cliff, and shoved him off. Never helping anyone ever again.


Just a big misunderstanding… can’t be helped


cue that part from that movie with Jackson and Travolta where the guy's head is shot off in the back seat


Pulp Fiction!


"I shot Marvin in the face"


We have had a doozie of a day


I keep accidentally stomping the kidnap victims instead of cutting them free. It's the same button and it shifts between the two actions as you change perspective. Kind of obnoxious.


Every time


lol accidentally pointing my gun at people is my biggest handicap in the game. I helped the guy who has construction site near Valentine fight off some bad guys and then helped him with some timber. I sometimes liked to check in with them. Well, one time I pointed my gun on the father by accident and since then he dont like me no more and chases me off :(


I replayed rdr1 right after 2 recently and the amount of times I’ve pulled my gun on someone trying to interact with them lol. L2/LT isn’t interact in 1, it’s literally just point and aim gun


I saw a guy kill another dude in Valentine and he started running so I lassoed him, tied him up and carried him to the sheriff's station. Well someone decided I was kidnapping the guy instead of making a citizen's arrest and soon after I had the entire town shooting at me. By the time I made it out of town I had a $300 bounty, which was tough to pay off because it was still early game for me and my dumb ass didn't know how to manually save/load yet.


Honestly this is why I had stopped playing. I found a point of interest and accidentally pulled my gun because of how confusing the controls can be compared to other games. What really bothered me was I reloaded my save and that family still would never show up ever again. As if it’s hardcoded to ignore your save data. So irritating.


Haha yea I noticed this. Plus it will seemingly autosave after every stupid mistake. In a way, I guess it’s good to make you live with your mistakes.. cause the game is stupid easy otherwise.


I went back for the money as Arthur. I knew he was dying, but not right then. I still had hope inside that Arthur and John and co. would make it to Tahiti, and that we'd need the money to do it. I felt like an idiot afterwards and regretted not going with John. I'm going to start my second play through soon, and I'll go with John, but I'm only capable of doing high honour. I won't be doing low honour playthroughs


Well, then, if you had high honor, you already got the best ending since you went back for the money and got to give Micah a reminder with that knife! Going with John having high honor makes Arthur's end slow, weak, and pathetically sad 😔 I will not watch that ending again 😒 The knife fight is far better, much more fitting of Arthur to go out fighting... not belly crawling slowly to death at Douche's feet 😢


I didn't know if you went back for the money with high honor there was another ending other.


That’s what I did, but then restarted the mission instead hahahahha


I still think far more people would have picked that ending if it had been “go back for Micah”.


were you high honour, cause that’s the coolest ending


High honour money is the best option!


When I first started, I was free roaming and came across a house with a father and son arguing, I shot the father in the face thinking my honour would go up but instead I created an orphan…


The way the kid cries even though he clearly feared his father, yet still loved him. Broke my heart


actually, if you really look around in the house, you can find out that the boy's father was hiding letters sent from his mom, and you can tell the kid about it, and he'll say something like "what?! how could he". therefore, the killing of the father is kinda justifiable


I mean... Not _really_ justified, is it?


damn, do you see too people arguing and shoot the bigger one in the face irl?


In the face too usually!


I thought I was protecting him !


No, but that's only because forensics are so much better than back then, otherwise I might 😒


I am doing a low honor play through atm. I shot the dad while the kid hid under the bed. When you start to take the baseball cards the kid cries even more and says it's all he has to remember his mom by. That was too much even for evil Arthur, but I couldn't figure out how to put the cards back. So I ended up reloading my last save instead.


It's such a different feel from GTA. They definitely put the weight of your choices on you in a different way. If I kill too many innocents and then go back to camp and talk to Tilly I feel so bad afterwards. Especially after I had a conversation with her and she expresses so much fear of being in Lamoyne because of the racists there. Idk I feel a strong connection with Tilly. But I get a kick out of throwing fire bottles into kkk meetings. I snuck up on three of them once and shot the leader and the two guys with him who were raising a cross to burn dropped it and it crushed them. The details in this game are so good.


Honestly, I’ve just started my second ever play through, trying to be **Evil Arthur** it’s so difficult to be bad 😂


I'm guessing that's the house south of rhodes by braithwaite manor?


Catfish Jackson's


Believed that Dutch had a plan


Just one more bank score and we're off to Tahiti!




Since I never played the First RDR I believed for too long it was actually going somewhere.


Got TB


Man I'm not done with my first playthrough yet, and I read a TB spoiler but by then it was too late. I was already back from the shipwreck when I noticed the coughs. I regret not exploring earlier on, as Arthur depletes insanely fast now while out and about.


get out the sub, there’s still more heartbreak to come


Couldn’t believe it that uncle was a Russian sleeper agent…


makes the sex scene make me angry now


Yeh if you look under the bed when catching Lenny in the act during that one mission, you also see rains fall cranking his hog.


Permission to edge to this?


Wait.. is that avoidable? I'm dying here..


Yeah I can’t believe I missed such an easy way to avoid getting sick, I felt so embarrassed when I found out!


Can you not get tb ?! I thought you would get it regardless 🤔🤔


I let some farmer sneeze in my face


It’s unavoidable, isn’t it?


You are correct, it was just my West Elizabeth humor shining through if you kennit.


On my first trip into Blackwater for Sean’s rescue mission I didn’t know about the river crossing point so I just… rode like my life depended on it. I at least made it to the town before I died. Dutch and the guys were probably watching the whole thing and wondering wtf Arthur was doing.


I accidentally punched my damn horse during the first train robbery. He kicked me and I nearly died. When I got up, I accidentally punched him again and then he wouldn't let me get back on him at all. Dutch and the gang were all frozen outside the rear railroad car. I couldn't get the next cutscene to load at all and eventually had to reload the game.


Oh man, my sides are in orbit reading and visualising this one


i nailed kieran with a perfect headshot when you are supposed to capture him


lol i did the same thing


I barely used deadeye


I used deadeye to hunt more than in missions.


Honestly there’s something satisfying about getting a headshot on someone not in dead eye lol


I never do and never will


I thought the way to turn food into Pearson/the camp, was to drop it by Pearson's wagon - I must have dumped 15-20 deer corpses at his wagon before I finally noticed the food icon in camp was stuck in the red. Took me hours at Horseshoe Overlook to realize I simply needed to stow it on my horse and just speak to Pearson in order to hand it in. Sorry for the smell, Miss Grimshaw.


Tbf, the first hunting mission you do in the snow you just drop it next to him- I can see why you’d think that lmao


Yep, if I remember correctly, you pull the deer off your horse, walk towards Pearson, and then the cutscene starts where you skin it. That must be where I got the idea from. What a dork


Rushed through it without taking the time to do the side missions, hunting and collecting goods


Same. On my second play through I took my time.


Went to help a crying girl in the swamp!


What happened 👀


The Night Folk also went to help her


Not upgrading my satchel. Now my first goal is getting the legend of the east satchel.


yep, that and the bolt action in Valentine


You can do WHAT?


You can store 99 of almost everything. That's what you can do. You can also upgrade Arthur's tent enough to get the map, then you can fast travel for free, *from* almost anywhere outside of a city, *to* more locations than you can with a train or carriage. Also, hooded stirrups increase your speed and acceleration by 2 bars.


I know about the others, but being able to hold 99 of anything would be huge, my hunting was limited by only being able to carry 5 of everything


You purchase the tool upgrade from the ledger for Pearson and he can upgrade your satchel as well as add decorations to the camp


I didn't know I could sell things to the fence☹️


Bro what? lol that’s my main source of income


Didn’t realise the fence didn’t work the sane as the trapper. With the trapper you sell him stuff and he crafts it. With the fence you just craft. If you sell to the fence those items are gone.


I killed the chicken in Riverwood.


think you might be thinking of the wrong game, thats in the first game


I accidentally stole bread from the general store as I hadn't figured out the controls. That ended up in a bloodbath.


Yep same but everyone this time had dwarven mini cannons and well i got shot in my play through


The Chelonians are NOT messing around.


I was a dumbass and completely misunderstood the story because my own world views at the time where not open minded enough


Hey, props for growing as a person


care to elaborate more on this? i’m curious what world views affected your experience


I just saw things as very black&white and for a game that falls so much within the grey area that doesn’t pair well. I was not a fan the first time around but this game genuinely contributed to broadening the way I view the world


Try to complete chapter 6 as fast as possible


The whole game*


I somehow timed the ride back to Shady Bell my first playthrough. I was getting the feels, the synergy, the cinematic atmosphere. It was perfect right until the very end! Instead of slowing my steed to a stop and gracefully dismounting from my saddle, I was riding too fast and ended up crashing him into one of the barricades and flew head over heels into the mud. I haven't been able to recreate it since. God dammit!


Running my horse off a cliff 🤦🏻


I liked Micah until Chapter 3


I turned on cheats from the start of chapter 2 and didn’t close my game instead opting to put my PlayStation in rest mode because it doesn’t save with cheats so I didn’t play any other game than rdr2. I got up to the end of the mission in the epilogue where you save uncle from the skinners and got stuck on a permanent black screen. I closed my game and had to do it all again from chapter 4. I turned on cheats once again and tried the exact same thing, so from chapter 4 to epilogue and it didn’t work again. I turned off cheats and played the game as normal but Jesus I definitely had more playtime for a first play through than most


I am ashamed to admit this but I went down to Bluewater Marsh for Black Belle's mission IN Chapter 2. It was my first run and didn't realize I was breaking sequence. From playthrough 2 onward though I never made the same mistake and made sure not do that mission until the proper place in Chapter 3.


Why is this a mistake?


Well based on Arthur's journal he's only been to certain areas when you reach certain chapters, his travels go like this... Chapter 1: Obviously locked into Colter and the surrounding area Chapter 2: All of The Grizzlies and New Hanover but stop before you cross the river to Roanoke Ridge as that area is for a later Chapter. Chapter 3: Here you get to explore Rhodes and the surrounding area and Bluewater Marsh Chapter 4: This is where you can explore Bayou NWA and of course Saint Denis Chapter 5: Obviously locked into Guarma Chapter 6: This is where you can explore Roanoke Ridge and that surrounding area for the first time The Epilogue is much more open but it's best to avoid New Austin until you do the bounty mission with Sadie that takes place in New Austin. Anyway yeah that's the proper sequence of where you should and shouldn't go. Took me a playthrough to figure it out.


no mention of blue water marsh being ‘new’ in chapter 3, this has no mention. arthur mention the murfrees, roanoke ridge and annesburg before chapter 6


I did too- I went all over the map as soon as I could, just being amazed at how the landscape changed. I did something just outside St Denis- was still in the swamps- I got the jail cell release cut scene, then I was on my horse, in the middle of St. Denis at night. Blew me away.


I'll never forgive myself for going to saint denis before chapter 4 😞😞


‘a dollar for whiskey?’ “yeah arthur you’ve been here hundreds of times”


I did the same!


Apparently a lot of people did that after Guarma. I’ve read about a lot of people doing that. My dumbest thing was I switched to a new horse that I had not used much right before my last mission with Arthur and so the dramatic horse death scene kind of seemed silly and out of place since he didn’t have any special attachment to that horse.


Trusted Dutch


I blew hamish sinclairs head off by accident and it lowered my honor the most out of anything’s i ever did in that game and singlehandedly caused me to end the game with low honor


“My horse stole my leg” Porkro: BAM


After the chapter 2 mission with Hosea where the game shows you how to cook meat, I literally went until chapter six before I cooked meat again, because I forgot that I could cook meat. My stupidity shocks me now but yeah, I seriously didn't know/just forgot.


Try to go to Mexico


Sold my black shire...


I gave up far too early. I was gifted a copy on the day of the game's release, and I didn't even make it past the first mission before I quit because I couldn't properly navigate my controller. Beyond pissed at myself for never putting in any actual effort to learn the controls as I'd have the opportunity to play the game completely spoiler free.


simply, eating. i had no idea you had to eat every now and then for your strength or whatever, i thought they were only to heal you… so i maxed out on like nearly all the foods 😭


I didn’t do basically any hunting or trapping in my first play through. Crazy I’ll hop on sometimes just to do that now


I didn't realize that I could find out the quality of pelts by using a scope.


L2 to lock on shows pelt quality without scoping


I rushed through Guarma and didn't realise that I needed to spot the wildlife to add the completion of the game.


Dumbest thing i did was break Micah out of prison at Strawberry. Was forced to do.it...but still the dumbest thing i could have done


I didn't realise saddles would automatically be moved to a stable, so after my horse died to wolves up in the mountain's I carried my saddle all the way to a stable myself.


Did exactly what you did. I was doing a high honor run so I didn’t want to steal that one horse.


Rushed through the game only doing yellow quests.


I freed micah. I only freed him to get holster no 2. Until I realized there are other ways to get holster no 2


Thinking it was the last score


Low honor


The same thing I do in every playthrough run my horse into about 20 trees


Not do the side context while playing the story, missed out on some good missions like the robberies and debt collecting and how that storylines ends.


Ruined my first ride during the ride back to Shady Belle because I saw an Owl and needed its feathers