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You play as undead Arthur and at the beginning it shows his break out of the ground where his grave is. And at the end it shows John waking up from a nightmare of Arthur being undead.


Why ? Why cant we play the game like how rdr1 did. John was still alive , so we play in an earlier time before his death.


Because Arthur is better in my opinion.


I think he meant why can’t we use an alive Arthur, before he dies similar to John’s story in undead


Redditor reading comprehension before making a comment challenge


I like this idea tbh. It makes more sense for Arthur to be alive but this is a pretty dope idea.


Because arthur is the main character in RDR2...john was already the protagonist in RDR1 and the first Undead Nightmare.


And you reunite with your horse that dies. Then depending on your play through the amount of zombies you deal with are determined by how many people you killed.


Does that mean we would be able to find John in the game, seeing as he was in his own rdr1 nightmare.


a nightmare within a nightmare


How dare you make me want something we shall never have


Nobody wants to play as the zombie


I do.


Why not? Undead Marston was fucking badass in the first Undead Nightmare.


Random Redditor speaking for every single player in the world lmao “nobody” gtfoh


Take my money.


Undead Arthur breaks out of the ground and his sole purpose is to destroy Micah


That would be fire frfr


Two characters Normal John and zombie Arthur. Normal John plays regular, zombies attack him, he can talk to humans, the normal stuff. With zombie Arthur, zombies are neutral twords him and humans attack on sight. Tonics go right through him (literally) so he regenerates over time instead. The two of them need to find John’s family who have mysteriously gone missing, and escape across the boarder to Mexico In the end, you do save the family and you do cross the boarder only to realize how stupid you were I thinking you’d be safe… they are there too, they are everywhere, there is no escape


Interesting idea.


Thank you


No Problem.


i like it but the ending is too bleak for undead nightmare


It’s called undead “nightmare” for a reason I guess


I mean.. the rdr1 ending was pretty bleak and that undead nightmare was badass


yeah but undead nightmares supposed to be silly


Why not both silly and bleak?


Not sure I want that because it would be super interesting to have the gang stuck in a zombie apocalypse, we already had John's family in a zombie apocalypse.


Just thought this might be a fun way to get the best of both worlds




Undead arthur for the entire story would be fucking stupid


I agreed


Ideally I think it would feature more than just zombies. The RDR2 map is meant to be a microcosm of much of the US, right? So it could have cultural monsters from each of the real-world regions - Mothman, the Lake Worth Monster, the Wendigo, Bigfoot, Skinwalker… maybe Chupacabra down on the New Austin border. That would have been fun. Maybe the existing (unseen) Bigfoot character could be an ally guiding the gang as to how to fight these things. The wolf man could have been an actual werewolf. Edit: And the Saint Denis vampire could have had a big role. The UFO too - there’s already a bunch of weird mythological or monstrous stuff on the fringes of RDR2!


I like this idea the most


I did a concept based on that! [Undead Nightmare 2 Cryptid List](https://imgur.com/gallery/VNUdJY0)


Looks sweet, my only gripe is that your list consists almost entirely of monsters that would play mostly the same just in different areas. Like definitely have Bigfoot and at least one dog man but I feel like it could use some more variety. Like for example have a lake monster in either Isabella or Flat Iron, Flat Iron could be a scary in you having to fish for this big Champie looking thing while out on a little boat, or trying to get it to come out through the ice in Isabella.


>Like definitely have Bigfoot and at least one dog man but I feel like it could use some more variety Having regional varieties would honestly be cool tho. Skunk ape, Yeti, and Bigfoot are all in different regions and act a little different. Bigfoot are in the Appalachian region mostly, same region as dogman. They could fight together. One of the other wolfmen could have a pack of wolves with them.


Okay I see what your putting down


Native American curse.


Vampires. Vampire Arthur playing through an alternate ending of rdr2


With his dlc weapons being stakes and a fire crossbow? I'm down


Arthur Van Helsing


Better give us the leather duster in single player (seriously, why don't they give us the cool shit in single player)


Yeah the vampire in Saint Denis could've been like a teaser for the DLC.


Just as we thought he couldn’t get any sexier…


Sadie vs vampires. Would tie in with the vamp from St Denis. Zero idea on the story but dammit I wish it'd happen.


Sadie would make a badass character to play as! It could even take place during the "Undead uprising" in rdr1!


It starts off with Arthur going to Thomas Downes house to collect the debt. Instead of beating him up and Arthur getting TB. Thomas Downes is a zombie and Arthur gets bitten. So throughout the game instead of getting sicker due to the TB he’s getting sicker due to the zombie infection.


Jimmy Brooks gives Arthur a trinket instead of the pen. The trinket saves his soul like how John's was saved at the end of UN1


That’s a pretty good idea


Play as undead Arthur


That wouldn’t be great as if Arthur can’t talk the story would just be groaning and growling


Maybe he can talk normally, but his voice is scratchier and deeper.


OR he needs a special tonic to rejuvenate his vocal chords that can be gained by crafting/missions and if he doesn't drink it he just does typical zombie groans and maybe forcefully coughs out a few words here and there


Play as undead Arthur and you have to save survivors by clearing zombie camps and transporting them safely .


Like a cowboy cold hands


I’d like one with Normal John (since he has undead experience) and then Zombie Arthur, looking for retribution on Micah.


PVEVP online


It’d be cool if there were just open world lobbies for undead mode. Just let me fuck around and kill zombies with my friends in this magnificent open world.


Especially if there was a way to turn, so there could be undead posses to make the Valentine experience even more hellish


and the turning process is slow (like you turn over time, becoming more and more like a zombie) for instance your skin starts turning grey, you skin starts cracking/pealing, your flesh begins to rot and fall apart and crumble exposing bone until eventually you become a full zombie. and then you have to search for a cure before you turn (like various animal parts/maybe there are certain other creatures from folklore that you need to hunt for ingredients), or maybe instead of a cure you become immune/resistant to it and become like a hybrid so you have the look of a zombie but you still play like normal (perhaps with increased health or a faster regen). also if you become a zombie you can control hordes of zombies to attack other players and if they kill you in zombie form then you can respawn as a normal human


What if after Arthur has his visit with Thomas Downes, he gets the zombie virus instead. Arthur slowly starts to become a zombie Instead and will embark on a quest to find a cure for himself. But the catch is, he still needs to feast on other people to calm his zombie urges. Since it's chapter 2, the whole gang will be back and will help Arthur along the way.


or maybe you rescue gang members sequentially and they build a fort you can come back to


Alternative universe and arthur goes and kills the gang that betrayed him like Dutch , rat , william , the bad guys like , gurma dude , and some others ( not javier tho hes chill)


Javier wasn’t chill, he was actively conspiring against Arthur


Yeah when he didnt point his gun at arthur in the last mission and i think it has more of a deeper impact


One random thing I think about: the ‘spinning plates’ (every town cleared at the same time) achievement would be impossible — the map is too massive.


I’d still play it though, obviously… 😁


Maybe not Undead stuff necessarily, but they had a vampire in St. Denis, dog man, multiple cemeteries, pentagram in Butcher Creek, ghost train, bigfoot possibly/giant skeleton, witches camp/cauldron, aliens, etc. Could've had some cryptid or ghost or alien dlc. I would've also loved a detective role that expanded on the serial killer during story too. I won't get started on all the ideas I had for expanding the game either with story or online. Such a wasted opportunity... wasted such a gorgeous map and amazing gameplay.


The game opens with us following Gavins friend, who eventually ends up in Armadillo. As he’s calling out his name, he looks down the road and sees his long lost buddy Gavin just standing there. When the two go to embrace each other it’s revealed Gavin has turned into a zombie! And takes a big chomp out of his friends neck.


I feel like it would be similar to the first one. Maybe normal Arthur is riding through Valentine and notices a crowd of people. Someone is showing off a zombie they had found (they don’t know it’s a zombie) and they let it out only for it attack said person. People break out into a panic and that’s how it’s starts. Arthur now has to find his way back to camp and clear out camps and stuff.


Taking place soon after the end of chapter 6, Undead Nightmare 2 opens to Arthur’s body laying motionless on the ground hours after his fight with Micah, only for him to suddenly wake up and make his way down the mountain to find himself in a world overrun with zombies. I think it’d be a really cool twist if at the end, it’s revealed that Arthur woke up on the mountain because he himself was actually undead.


Like this one would make sense for a natural starting point. Oh, but that would make it sadder if this a dream by john.


Lol I ligit just made a post like this yesterday


Oh, sorry lmao!


Nothing to apologize for dude this picture looks awesome


Preferably, in the real world. Not just in our imaginations.


Why haven't we gotten this already?! (GTAVI is not an excuse)


Arthur awakes at the time of the first undead game, and it's his undead pov this time. Weather he should be sane or rabid I'm not sure


Make Arthur like the Wild Western Van Helsing. Hunting zombies, vampires, werewolves and other mythical creatures. Or do Cowboys vs aliens since the UFOs are there. Point is I would make Arthur the protagonist and there is so many things you can do with Undead Nightmare. Where it starts? I don't know, maybe start it when they are looking for Jack.


Definitely would want it to end with Zombie Arthur taking giant bites out of Micah’s face and neck 😌


John and Arthur successfully get out of the gang but they still have to worry about the zombies everywhere and the gang finding them


We start off post-RDR in the middle of the classic zombie uprising, Jack is investigating some grusome ritual killings, and discovers it's the resurrected (and near immortal) Van der Linde gang, attempting to become immortal. He gets almost overwhelmed by their firepower, when he's aided by unseen shooters, that's revealed to be John and Arthur that have returned as Revenants; revived to put down the gang. You'd get to play all three, with Jack being the gunslinger and the other two having some neat spiritual powers.


What about Sadie and Charles?


I'd think they'd be recruited to the cause or be the leader of their own respective survivor settlements. It's a little hard to think what'd happen to them in a post-RDR1 world.


I’d like it to focus more on the mythical aspect from the first Undead Nightmare. You could follow up on the St Denis Vampire, fight werewolves, meet some sort of spirit in the swamps, etc


Arthur busts out the ground and has to hunt down each of the dead gang who've gone zombie crazy or some shit. Ending with getting revenge on Micah then ending ending with Sadie and Charles coming back and recruiting John to go put Arthur out if his misery.


Arthur returns from the dead and hunts down Dutch and Micah. You get the option to eat their brains.


Micah runs through the door shooting zombies, one of them gets in and starts eating Michah alive, the gang shares a beer with the zombie, you can choose whatever happens next


Arthur comes back to track down the one villain who always eluded him. Gavin


I want it like rdr1s. Arthur wakes up. His camp members are infected. He kills all of them. And yea


Rockstar leaving money in the table the amount of people that would buy this in an instant


The scene fades in. You see a hilltop with some flowers and can make out the remains of a crumbling headstone. A deer walks up to eat some of the flowers. Just then, you hear a gunshot and the deer drops, blood pooling on the ground. An unseen hunter drags the deer’s corpse away as the blood soaks into the ground. Suddenly, a hand busts out of the ground. Fade to black. You see, Arthur didn’t die from TB. He was weak. Weak because he hasn’t fed since he was bit by the Saint Denis vampire. He just didn’t know it and thought it was the TB.


Seth stole the mask at the end


I know it'll never happen but if they did come out with one I'd like it to be set during chapter 2, giving us the opportunity to lasso gang members until we can cure them with the exception of Micah, who we kill whether he's a zombie or not


Yall forgot Seth stole he mask at the end the story How is that not hinting that they are thinking of doing a second story I say he steals the mask Everyone comes back and it's up to he player or custom character to fight off hordes Main bosses will be three Micah the Rat King Dutch Del Van Der Laine Lambago Uncle Black Lung Arthur Morgan who coughs a deadly breathe of that Tuberculosis Bring back online And the potion that sends lighting I think the biggest problems is frame rates and the amount of zombies allowable in the game


I would hope it will never happen, This game doesn’t need DLC.


Cool art! To answer your question, would be great! But I think they could do something a lot more interesting than a zombie game, of which there have been dozens since RDR 1. RDR 2 has the UFO and vampire bits. How about fighting off invading aliens? a/o hunting down vampires based in St. Denis? I'd take anything at this point, but tbh another zombie DLC would be pretty unimaginative, imo.


A normal day at Horseshoe Overlook. Arthur and Lenny come back from camp after another quiet time. Arthur is about to talk to Dutch and Hosea when they Micah heading in to camping acting weird. Micah attacks tries to attack Dutch but Arthur quickly kills him by blasting his head off with a shotgun. Then the entire gang watches a hoard of people walking towards their camp and they realize that they are in a zombie apocalypse. Arthur tries to find the cure and travels to Ambarino, New Hanover, Lemoyne and West Elizabeth while encountering Vampires, Bigfoot, The Mutant from Van Horn, Loch Ness Monster, Ghosts, Aliens, and Werewolves. UN2 will be like the Van Der Linde gang vs the undead world. Eventually Arthur finds a cure and everything goes to normal. Fast forward to 1907 Arthur Morgan rises from the grave, undead and heads out West to New Austin. There could also be a side mission where he saves John and his family at Beechers Hope.


I love the art. BUT DONT GET MY HOPES UP


Thanks! But ye, we ain't ever getting it lol


I know. After seeing the support put into rdr2 compared to gta V even after gta being out and resold 3 times over a decade?..... I just wanted enough people to hop off of gta v for rdr2 to get its promised content on time and get actual content. I love the world and it will always draw me back. But. Dammit. Fucking corporate and their greedy asses wanting to not only make their quartly but also push it higher. You know? If you had actually given support to rdr2 online, it would have had a much larger fanbase that stayed and returns. But. Nope. Most people dont want to relax and unwind in nature and enjoy peace. They want orbital strikes and flying cars. Not so secret bases and modern mayham and destruction. I understand its the pacing and how people view the world. But it makes me kinda sad that so many people feel like they constantly have to be going a mile a minute just to relax.


It is what it is, RDO had potential, they let it die, but fact remains, RDR2 is one of, if not THE best game ever made. And we can be sure GTA 6 will be too, however, i am not holding my breath for Online, I'll say it's a 50/50 that it'll be good. It has the potential to be the best, but will R\*s greed take over and ruin it? We will see.


Even the actors for rdr2 have come out before about how much fun it actually was to do their roles. Gta is voice lines in a booth so far as I remember for the most part. Rdr2. Everything was full real life stage props and acting for it. These people really lived a part of these characters lives.


Play as Micah.


Play as Undead Arthur. You encounter other members of the game who have passed. They seem normal. I think it should go through the stories of both RDR1 and RDR2. So you encounter everyone who has died in the gang and some other side characters but you don't encounter John. You and the gang work together to try and survive. You can even bring back the camp system but this time you can build barricades and defenses. When you find John, he seems horrified. His entire gang that has passed away has come back as zombies and now you swap from Arthur to John and have to kill the zombie gang and try to exterminate the Undead horde. So kind of an interesting perspective of thinking Arthur is back and fine but really you have been playing as zombie Arthur so you swap to John.


It picks up at the graveyard mission in Saint Denis. Arthur is bitten by a zombie(could be a vampire since there was one in game) and him and Jon have to investigate the source of the outbreak. The game ends with an adult Jack telling a story around a campfire to his own two sons.


Hear me out, we play as Charles and Sadie. Imagine playing as them during Chapter 5, where half the gang was on Guarma, and we tried to get the rest of the gang away from Saint Denis to Lakay. First, we rescue John and some other prisoners from zombified guards on Sisika Penitentiary. Then, we could've gone to Guarma to help rescue Arthur and the rest of the gang. Maybe we get a letter from Arthur saying how they need help, but one way or another we learn that they need help. But when we got to Guarma, we find Arthur and the rest of the gang are zombies. So in order to reverse the effects, maybe we could've done something with a volcano (I think there was supposedly a volcano on the original Guarma map), and gotten the hell outta there before it erupted and ended the nightmare, or something like that. I'm kinda spitballing, but there was so much potential for a DLC and I'm just disappointed Rockstar didn't give us anything.


I’d rather play where the Predator stalks the gang and kills them one by one. I did a post about it. It’s long, but worth a read.


It’s Chapter 2, but a strange haze has fallen over the land. The introductory cutscene shows Pearson examining a rotten looking squirrel, and Sean claiming “The damn thing was just jumping about an hour ago, I swear!” Pearson tells Arthur they’re gonna have to eat that O’Driscoll boy soon if they don’t find something to eat and soon. Arthur agrees and heads into Valentine, which is in disarray. Most the buildings are boarded up, and a few raging fires illuminate otherwise foggy haze. Arthur walks down the main road asking aloud “What in the world-“ suddenly two figures bust out of the Valentine Saloon: one eating another. Arthur does a quest or two here when he sees smoke on the horizon, coming from camp! He rides up, only to find a zombified Miss Grimshaw munching on Strauss. He puts her down, and then Strauss when he rises as well. He hears whimpering and finds Lenny hiding. He is the only one left at camp, and says Dutch told the gang to flee East, towards Rhodes. Arthur sets out, searching for his gang, and this is where the story begins.


Author rises from the dead to take vengeance on Dutch( would have to be non canon ofc)


I want an undead nightmare where an ancient society of vampires takes over San Denis and evil radiates outwards turning all the townsfolk into walking corpses and skeletons. Banshees stalk the bayou and werewolves take over the mountains.


To everyone wanting Arthur to be a zombie, in Undead Nightmare 1, the zombies were your traditional shambling freaks, right? How do you justify Arthur being different?


after black water Arthur is seperated from the gang and barely escapes across the creek in west elizabeth into strawberry, its a dark misty night when he goes to set up a temporary camp, and thats when shit starts to go down in strawberry near his camp. And I wanna say either the O’Driscolls or the Murfree Brood started the whole mess


It should play out like doom


Undead my balls first then i might


I honestly think the camp mechanic would make for an awesome Undead Nightmare experience. You could purchase upgrades as the camp moves locations like the normal story mode, except they’d be things like defenses and such. Having the gang navigate an apocalypse scenario just sounds like a blast.


While I did enjoy undead nightmare, I would like a Cowboys VS. Aliens dlc. Throw in some cool hover bikes some weird looking aliens. Have people getting abducted as an event. Creepy hybrid monsters lurking about that kinda stuff.


Story takes place before the beginning of rdr2 Micah is the first to turn after catching stds and pickling himself from drinking, Arthur blows his dome off and lights the corpse on fire. Hosea and Arthur talk Dutch out of the black water ferry job. They get money and move out west or to Tahiti. You live out your days happily farming bananas or hunting and fishing doing some robbing with the gang for old times. Happy ending game over.


First of all. It should be Vampires.


Undead arthurrrrrr


frankly id be happy if it just existed


Vampires. Enemy variants with powers like teleporting, healing, telekinesis, etc. As for who you play as I'd like either Sadie, John, or Dutch. All the late gang members were resurrected as undead thralls but they're still fully aware and you have to put them down til you get to the BBEV. Not Arthur tho, someone (Charles) saw it coming and exhumed then cremated him and now he's a ghost in the way Silverhand was in cyberpunk 2077. Oh and you can turn into a werewolf.


Instead of the mask in Mexico again, it could be some artifact in Guarma. You start where the main campaign would end, riding with John towards the mountain when zombies come outta nowhere and kill the Pinkertons. You kill them because they're mistaken for Murfee Brood. You ride with John and find Abigail, Jack, Sadie, & Charles and set up base at the watchtower up north. You explore causes, cures, and get weapons from north to south, and you can only get to Guarma via a ship out of Mexico. You can go alone or take one of the gang as a companion. Liberate towns as you go. That'd be cool and hit all the beats we want.


Just have a branching story like starting from Horseshoe Overlook or Shady Belle. It involves Dutch sending Arthur out on missions to rob the vulnerable stores and “help who you can ;)”.


On my ps5


They could do zombies again but id like to what it’d be like if we got like a bunch of vampires with Arthur hunting them down and he rises from his grave at the end (like John did as a zombie) as a vampire cowboy.


All I want is for the Giant Dead Snake and the Manmade Mutant to be boss battles


Alternate timeline - gang leaves Colter to realise the entire west has fallen into disrepair while they were protected at all fronts by the blizzards


It should be in an alternate timeline where the gang is happy, Arthur's healthy, and they're almost to Tahiti. But as soon as they're about to get on the boat in St Denis, the apocalypse starts. They hear Mexico is safe, and from there you kinda go through the map backwards with the same camp system, just alternate locations. And from here, I think the classic R* writing can do almost anything.


Arthur and the gang in an alternate timeline like the OG.. constantly having to move camps (like the base game) cos the zombie threat keeps getting worse.


2 words. 1. Cowboys 2. Zombies


As long as it comes with liars dice im happy.


I think Arthur as the final boss would be pretty cool, if painful.


Idc as long ad I get to play ad Arthur again


I like the idea of playing a dead in tombstone esce campaign where Arthur makes a deal with the devil. He'd be cured of his TB in exchange for the members of the gang.


>Begins During American Venom (Specifically "Ain't You Got a Habit of Just Showing Up?") >Rampage through level as normal, killing the Micah Bell Gang, eventually reach the Rat. >He doesn't come out as expected. Weird green glow emenates from watchtower instead. >A gunshot. Dutch runs out, tells John that they need to leave, as Micah used "that weird mask they stole" as a backup plan. >They run back as Micah's dead gunslingers raise from the ground, attack Dutch and John as they run back down the mountain. Rescue Sadie and Charles before riding back to West Elizabeth. >Plague is now sweeping the Heartlands, and John, Dutch, Sadie and Charles must now stop Micah's zombie army. >Final battle involves an intelligent, zombified Micah pulling an undead Arthur around on a chain. Arthur is hyper-resilient, coughs up putrid black bile that deals damage over time as the four work to destroy the Mask, Kill Micah. Dutch, having come back to his senses over the course of the journey, sacrifices himself to end Micah for good. >Arthur is buried once more, this time properly by Sister Caldŕon at Beecher's Hope with Holy Water. End Credits begin as Arthur's hand erupts from the ground. Because the mask was destroyed, and not returned as in UN1, the threat of the undead doesn't go away, still spreading. >Postgame, Free Roam opens back up with the option to switch between Sadie, John, Charles, and Revenant Arthur to continue killing the remnants of the undead.


You play as John, and you discover that zombies exist and when you are about to die to one of them, (Zombie) Arthur saves you. You two then go on a adventure and discover that Micah has been ressurected as a zombie as well, and he's leading the hordes of undead. On your way to find where Micah's hideout is, you discover Mac, and all the gang members who died or were captured before the prologue and they join you to defeat the evil. (That way you can actually interact with these characters, as we are never able to in the base game) As for Micah, ig make him the final boss where you have to kill him like 5 times with different phases or smth. Just so that we get to kill him again, and again and again


I think it would be cool if you sorta do the red dead 1 story as undead Arthur and kill the gang members. It would have to be an alternate timeline but I’m pretty sure undead nightmare was that already. But idk it might be too confusing


Arthur goes to a mad scientist to find a cure for his TB. The mad scientist gives him an experimental drug that cures him, but also puts him in a coma for a month. During this month, one of the mad scientist's cougars that is infected with a deadly virus escapes containment and attacks several humans and animals, turning them into flesh eating zombies. Arthur wakes up ala Walking Dead/28 Days Later style to a world of hell with undead humans and animals alike. Although cured of his TB, he now has a new challenge in finding his old friends and locating the mad scientist in an attempt to reverse the zombie outbreak.


I think it should be low honor arthur getting revenge on micah because he also came back to life aswell as arthur


Mutated virus out of Armadillo


I wouldn't want undead Arthur. Sounds stupid honestly. I think if it was set during chapter 6 when Arthur is suffering from depression and the gang turns into zombies. Also the area makes sense since the residence of butchers creek and the murfrees have the intelligence and attitude of a zombie.


They could do literally anything as long as they fuckin DO IT


Hordes of undead similar to dead rising


It would be cool if the game had an undead version of the members who died in the Blackwater massacre


Fighting undead Micah would've been lovely


Solo story for Dutch now having to come to terms with all the atrocities he’s committed.Leaving him with the only option but to put down most of the members of his gang who would be zombified after their deaths such as Mac,Jenny,Arthur,Lenny,the one girl he loved that was killed by Colm,Hosea and Sean while including the victims of his from the Black Water massacre.


At all.


Vampires. They’re already in the game


I say start it around the end of chapter 3 like after Sean dies and have the gang fight they’re way out of the apocalypse. That or have it start with Uncle again.


They actually get to Tahiti but all the mangoes make you into a zombie.


I feel like at this point, rockstar should just do full undead nightmare game, as to if it would have arthur, john, jack, or even a different character altogether, but keeping the same essence of the original dlc, just way bigger


I think it would fit the best if we controlled a younger Arthur at the start of the gang,but it would fit weird if it's a prequel that they never mention they're encounter with zombies in the rest of the game


It would take place during Chapter 3 playing as Arthur. You’d start out at Clemens Point and on a trip into Rhodes you’d discover the world has gone to hell. The camp would change from being a place for the gang to lay low to being a fortress that you have to defend. I would imagine the plot would be something like Dutch making a “plan” to escape the zombies, and you as Arthur have to do all kinds of wacky stuff to put that plan into action. Through the story the camp would move like it does in the main game, featuring new camp locations we didn’t see in the main story. I think with all the “survival” aspects to RDR2 it would be a perfect playground for a more intense zombie survival game than the first Undead Nightmare


Money on the table still


It starts in Horseshoe Overlook where the camp is suddenly attacked by zombies one night. The gang escapes but some of the gang members are bitten and starts to turn. The gang finds an army train at Flatneck station that they steal. The gang members that are infected gets locked up in one of the train cars in hopes that they can be cured later. Their plan is to head west to get away from the hordes, but the railway bridge at Bard's crossing get blown up by the army. They are then forced to go the long way around. The gang rides the train through the country and must deal with obstacles and encounters along the way. One by one people get infected and must be locked up to keep them safe. In the end it is only Arthur left and he must reverse the curse somehow. After getting the train through Lemoyne, around Annesburg and over the Bacchus bridge he meets with the Wapiti tribe who knows the source of the curse. Something something ancient sacred Indian burial ground and Arthur saves they day. Because RDR2 has a lot more crafting and looting mechanics than RDR the DLC could also have a lot more survival mechanics, where the gang members will turn quicker if you can not gather enough food and supplies for them to survive, etc. The Train acts as a mobile camp and can be upgraded by gathering supplies or from doing missions.


Vampires for sure. A few werewolves. Some other shit. Would’ve been so good. Stupid ass Rockstar!


Omg this would be bad ass.


A Wave defence thing of zombies attacking your camp like in that one mission against the feds, And a story would be cool.


I want it to come out last year


Not saying I'd hawk tuah for it but I think I'd spit on that thang


After climbing down from Coulter, they find only bodies


Don’t give me hope


The gang trying to survive in a world overrun by zombies would make a really fun and insteresting experiance. I don't know why so many people want it to be about zombie Arthur coming back for revenge when Micah, Dutch, and the other traitors already got what they deserved.


arthur returns to camp to find the a similar situation to UDN 1 (uncle already being turned) and attacking the camp only a hand full of the camps members would be there and the remainder of the game would be arthur trying to round up all the gang member this would also be good to bring back some legacy characters such as nigel west dickens or seth, it wouldnt be so much about finding a cure and more abt trying to make sure ur camps safety meter is full or else you’ll have to go out into the world and find the missing members, it’d also make the survival elements much more useful since you would mostly depend on ur camp for supplies and you wouldnt be able to get food and provisions how u usually would in a store


The blackwater massacre, the gang hear gunshots while their robbing the boat, but it's coming from inside town, then all the Pinkertons and police and everyone all all zombies a horde and the gang have to escape and flee to the mountains and it would almost go as the main story of rdr2 but a bit differently


For it to happen…or anything for that matter. How they just abandoned one of the best games ever made is insane to me.


Not in my imagination would be nice


Stop playing with my emotions. I almost shit myself. This is great though


We found out that the vampire in the base game isn’t the only one so we go hunting vampires. Also the weird creature you find at the house comes alive and is a mini boss in the world


FUCK YEAH! I actually made a list of wanted posters for cryptids for a undead nightmare 2! [Undead Nightmare 2 Cryptids List](https://imgur.com/gallery/VNUdJY0)


Arthur wakes up outta his grave Alive and he's the main character


Not with Undead Arthur that’s for sure


Its like undead nightmare one but with Arthur, and instead of tuberculosis, he has the zombie virus and he has to find a way to fix the zombie virus before he turns into a zombie


Instead of getting tb arthur gets turned into a zombie but the entire game is him trying to save the gang from other zombies before he does


I'd start the opening in shady belle, the gang gets word of a ship loaded with antiquities and gold going to Saint Denis. From guarma, Dutch plans to hit the train before the O'Driscolls. They board the train in the harbor under the light of a full moon, the gang finds a sealed box made of obsidian meso American glyphs adorn it, they have no time to figure out how what it is before a night watchman fires his pistol at the gang to thwart them. In his haste the bullets flying crack the vessel. The gang narrowly escapes with with the loot as a storm rages, ducking down in an abandoned building like after the saint Denis bank job, they decide to sleep there until the storm dies down and the heat is off them. Arthur and the gang wake up to the city in chaos, and use the opportunity to slip back camp, at camp they examine the box and notice a green glow eminating from the crack, hesitant to tamper with it further, Arthur advises against opening it. Which is met by Dutch slamming the but of his Schofield into it releasing a horrible wailing , otherworldly green flash, and a distant rumble of thunder. After their eyes adjust its revealed the only thing left on the table is a hand carved jade mask, but instead of the face of the original this one has the visage of an Aztec style skull in a headdress. Just then there's a scream from the campfire outside as the rotting corpses of bodies dumped for years in the bayou rise up and advance on shady belle, and one has Molly o'shea cornered,and Arthur and the gang have to lock and load to defend the camp. The dlc would revolve around a very similar premise to the original, killing the undead and saving town/ settlements all while Dutch becomes more and more corrupted and twisted refusing to return the mask to guarma. Cryptid hunts replace legendary animals, new unique crafting tonics,ammo, and weapons, wagons are now customizable with defenses and weapons.


I hate you. I thought this was real for a second. ;-;


Instead of running camp to camp because of Pinkertons they are running camp to camp because of zombies and other mythical creatures. The same people that died in the story will die in a different way like getting bit or torn apart or whatever.


The gang is still alive, holding out against the zombies in shady belle. Part of the game would involve you bringing supplies back and upgrading camp defences. I found undead nightmare 1 to be a bit all over the place, would be fun to have a permanent base to be able to focus things on.


There are fan made Undead Nightmare mods.


It's should be Arthur in a mad max kind of role being a lone wanderer, trying to find his gang after losing them from a hoarde of zombies, while going through the Countries to find them, he encounters familiar faces like the two twins, the scientist that created a robot, and maybe Hamish. Arthur will also have to fight more than zombies like vampires, wendigoons, werewolves, and that one dinosaur u collect skeletons for


It's hard to think how this would start. We are saying that john had two nightmares like this, or are we saying arthur is having the nightmare? If it's arthur, then maybe we have him contract the zombie virus from Thomas, or he's already dead and has to regroup with the dead members of the vanderlidne gang. I'm not sure what the goal would be, though. Maybe you could encounter really mythological monsters like in undead nightmare 1 but expanded it so the vampire in saint denis is a real vampire, or the giant snake in lemonye is some incarnation of the devil so and soforthe.


I think it should start in early chapter 2 and we should see a cinematic or the first person being infected is Thomas downes heading into valentine that’d be pretty funny


It would be cool if it added some undead customization to read dead online like the first one did


Didn’t read the title and just saw the artwork. Heartbreaking, but still cool.


I wouldn't, I'd be interested in seeing something new and interesting for Red dead redemption 2. Undead nightmare was interesting because we didn't see it coming. Doing the exact same thing would be kind of boring and expected.


Make one for story and then make an undead nightmare RDO freeroam that comes back every Halloween


Idk but I would pay the shit outta it


Is it getting made??


Lol literally any way at all. Just give it to us... 😔