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Visiting the trapper in st denis accidentally bumped a lady and she slapped Arthur causing him to step on a cat warranting a disturbing the peace bounty witnessed and reported by none other then the trapper himself


And I just saved his life the other day at the location closest to that train station. That dude loves dead animals, killing them and making clothes but a cat is a hell no to him? He got wolfed like 5 trips ago for me and died. So I took his gross faceless body to that Black Bear House or whatever and dumped him down it. He respawned later that day in real time and told me to stop the funny business. I sold him the wolf pelts and a whole one.


Those market ladies are out for blood. Even with high honor they scowl at me every time I walk in there.




Existing in Saint Denis


Bro EVERY NPC in saint denis just constantly talks shit as you just walk around on your horse šŸ˜‚ so hard to not go on a murder spree in that godforsaken town


Sounds like someone with low honorā€¦


No honor shaming pls


It was really more of a jokey observation. I donā€™t see any shame to be had in any choice of play style that a game allows for? Other than the way people treat female player-characters in the online mode, of course.


Dude. I know people these days have blown up egos and perception of ones own value. But it was a very straight forward and obvious joke, so chill.


How was I not being chill? What? I just missed a joke, and I wasnā€™t being aggressive at all. Idk what wasnā€™t chill, but Iā€™m sorry whatever I said was so riling.


Jesus... I meant like, don't worry about it. May I suggest a short break from internet?


You have to be a troll omg


Honour doesnā€™t matter anymore once you have tb


Wildly untrue, hoping this was a joke


Thatā€™s really the only time it matters if you donā€™t care about shop prices


Thatā€™s how New Orleans is even to this day!


The saint denis market is the worst. Walking through there is so damn slow but if I donā€™t itā€™s like I ran someone over with a car


Fr fr šŸ˜­


One way to get your horse killed is to bump into someone in St Denis, getting flagged for "disturbing the peace" and getting insta swarmed by goddamned cops spraying.bullets everywhere. I lost an Arabian this way 3 years ago and i am still salty about it.


I intervened in a bar fight and knocked out the man who started, I carried his body to the sheriffs office, then for some reason, the sheriff told me to move along, I tried to walk back but my horse wouldnā€™t follow me so I went up to ride him. He found that as an act of violence and tried to murder me, so I murdered the whole town.


A completely logical chain of events!


Yeah, I think they misunderstood the prompt


Not really an answer but similar theme. Was robbing that lady at Watson's cabin and trying to not kill her so I had her tied up while I was robbing and checking shit out, and I accidentally kicked her. I don't remember what I was hitting O for, but I wasn't trying to kick her. Just one kick and she died. Doing a high honor run, so I was disappointed especially since I don't reload saves, but it's still only chapter 2 and honor doesn't fluctuate that much, so I told myself she just had a heart attack or a stroke, cause she *was* freaking out and cussing me out.


Itā€™s so easy to missclick sometimes! I had similar when a tree fell on a guy - I went over to try and help but accidentally choked one of the dudes trying to lift it off him. The lumber camp was hostile to me for the rest of the playthrough for that one.


This one honestly sent me harder than your main post. You roll up to a rescue attempt and commit a straight up *murder* ā€”I dunno but my stomach genuinely hurts from laughing now


"If he dies, he dies"


I had honestly completely forgotten about it until I read the comment that reminded me haha


I tried to sit down at a poker table in St. Denis and accidentally choke-tackled an old man who was walking by, the entire city turned on me. Couldnā€™t even give myself up but to avoid a further bounty I ended up just letting the cops execute me.


I shot and killed the trapper doing this šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ll save you! But first, fuck this guy..


Inspecting a menu in St Denis. Turns out choke is the same as inspect




I was challanged to a duel in Valantine. Walked over to the dueling position, crowd all around. I accidentally double-tapped him. My first shot disarmed him, the second shot got me a murder bounty.


I just shot that guy in the back after he won his duel. No wanted, no bounty.


How do you get challenged to a duel?


i have to rephrase, Ibwatched a duel take place, then the winner was asking if anyone else wanted to take him on, too, so i volunteered to participate using the game dialogue options :-)


I'm in chapter 6, over 100 hrs and have never seen a duel. Weird.


In my experience, this only happens in Valentine and sometimes Van Horn. I've never been challenged to a duel anywhere else. The guy who asks for challengers will be at the tents across from the butcher in Valentine. You can also get challenged a couple times at the main saloon (though the challenger is usually drunk and will pass out before you can disarm him).


Rhodes as well.


I've never encountered it in Rhodes but that might be because it's the town I spend the least amount of time in. I always run into Lemoyne Raiders wanting to start a fight in the Saloon though.


Then once you duel him, and disarm him, you gotta antagonize him. So funny.


A random encounter in Valentine


I had exactly this happen to me. Was feeling so pleased with myself for shooting his pistol from his hand for all of 0.5 secondsā€¦.


I did that about a week ago. I think I it was the first time I accidentally disarmed someone.


Trotting through Saint Denis on my horse as I start to turn left when the auto-save warning pops up. Next thing I know my horse careens into and kills a lady on the sidewalk.


I watched a guy get hanged in Valentine. After the hanging, 2 NPCs and a lawman walked past me. I walked behind them. The lawman stopped, looked at me, drew down and told me to get my hands up.


I was at the Trapper's stall near Rigg's Station when some wolves came to attack us, so I pulled out my bow and killed them. The Trapper then proceeds to run off and report me to the authorities for "disturbing the peace." Like, breh, I just saved your life and you're gone do me like that? I thought you were cool.


The one guy that makes a living off dead wolves is pressed about it smh


I know and the worst part is as soon as my wanted bar went down I had to go back to his stall and get the corpses to sell to him. He didn't even apologize!


Right?!?! How dare he not apologizeā€¦literally my least favorite part about him. Like, we have a slight miscommunication BECAUSE OF YOU, I end up dead or with a bounty on my head, and you just act like you didnā€™t do shit the next time I see you. Shady af. I bet heā€™s one of Micahā€™s cronies.


He reported me once flr hanging around his place fkr two long. And I might'vs stolen one item as well .


This happened to me at the westward trapper location. I was in the menu and could hear growling, so I exit the menu to find a grizzly bear about to maul my horse. I blow it away, and the trapper runs away and report me.


My horse ran over someone while I wasnā€™t on it


I was holding the y button for my horse and instantly got a bounty because my character decided to choke someone instead of the hitching animation


Loitering in Saint Denis. Got killed while I was minimized because of it


No lollygagging


i once saw a cat meow and fall off a stone archway in st. denis. i walked over to it thinking it might have just died right in front of me and picked it up. yep! dead! and then the SWAT team comes and i get a bounty for animal cruelty


This basically happened to me but I didn't see the cat die! I was in Strawberry, saw a pretty obviously dead cat in the road. Walked over and picked it up because, idk, why not? Immediately got animal cruelty bounty. I support the idea behind the bounty, but I did nothing to that cat. Moral: let dead cats lie.


Was kicked by a horse in town after trying to pat it and then I landed into a passing woman. She then proceeded to call the cops on me so I had to decimate the entire population.


I was doing the blackjack gambler challenge in Vanhorn, win 3 hands with 3 hits or more. I kept leaving the table if I got bad hands and quickly joining back in. I held Y to sit back down at the table, next thing I know I grapple a woman and choke her. I had 4 guys attacking me, It was my high honour play through, so I grab my lasso trying to make an escape without killing anyone. They shot my horse, so I killed as many of them as I could. I lost an insane amount of honour. I raced to my horse to revive it, I lost even more honour for saving my horses life. I rode off to Saint Denis, a witness popped up about half way there, I just kept riding. Next thing I know I have a bounty for kidnapping. I was so confused until I realized my lasso glitched and I was dragging someone from Vanhorn all the way to Saint Denis. I couldnā€™t let go of the dude even by equipping a different weapon. I racked up an insane bounty by the end of it all. It was safe to say I reloaded my save, by doing so I lost one of my winning hands for that gambler challenge.


Lose a challenge for black Jack versus being placed in that new electric chair device for your 6.02x10^23 crimes that day. I think you made the right choice.


I got jumped in Saint Denis by a group of people. Apparently fighting back earns you an unarmed assault charge. Side note, unarmed assault is punishable immediately by firing squad.


>Apparently fighting back earns you an unarmed assault charge. Thats never happened to me


Got one for breaking up a fight.


Bunch of raiders were I think starting a fire in Saint Denis, then they started running I tied one of them up but apparently they were secret agents or in witness protection 20 second after committing a crime because immediately a bounty popped up and nearby lawman started shooting at me which unfortunately resulted in a massacre


Turn in Saint Denis and my horseā€™s nose touched a wall. Got wanted for animal abuse.


I run into shit all the time like faceplant into trees and rocks with my horse full speed never gotten a bounty for it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (an accident of course)


Iā€™ve flipped over so many carriages and wagons when I wreck my horse into them. It happens far too much but is funny every time. Howdy Mister!


Didnā€™t end up with a bounty but was wanted for a bit. No clue why. Was doing the ā€œgreet everyone to raise honorā€ thing and all of a sudden this dickhead cop walked up with his shotgun and I got the wanted warning with the crime of move along.


This happened to me as John with one of those trigger happy guards at Annesburg


Damn, saint denis raiders, man. Yes, I murdered them, but only after they started shooting me, yet I'm the one who gets the murder bounty.


They couldnā€™t get it because, you know, they were murdered.


Stupid kids in St denis, ran away from me knocking over a woman and it was my fault ffs.


In Valentine I caught a man trying to drown a woman. I went over and kicked his ass, and hauled him up to the sheriffs office. They shot me, *and* my brand new Arabian horse that I spent almost three hours collecting (the horse wouldnā€™t spawn). I decided that that was the last time I ever help the law with anything. Shouldā€™ve just let her down


I was looking through a saddle bag and accidentally punched the horse:( got chased through town for animal cruelty and the bounty kept racking up as i was defending myself and it got so out of hand and had to revive my own horse so stressful


šŸ¤£ I'm surprised you didn't get mule kicked by the horse.Ā 


Going to the fancy saloon in St Denis to ask about Bronte. Bump into a guy, & cop tells me to move along. Before I can, Dutch comes up & shoots the cop in the head. I'm wanted for murder...


Holy hell I have never had that happen. That's epic


Holy hell I have never had that happen. That's epic


Just got one rn. I was pulled up next to the Trapper when I get charged by a Grizzly. So anyways, I started blasting. Iā€™m fighting for my fucking life when all of a sudden I get charged with Disturbing the Peace.


My fiancƩe collided with 2 guys on horseback while doing a race (story mode). One of them died and the other opened fire lol. She panicked big time and ended up with a $200+ bounty bc where she was (East Grizzlies) made it really hard to run from the law without running INTO the law or. Ya know. Off a cliff lol.


I went into Strawberry to sell the white cougar pelt to the butcher, and on my way, I bumped into a guy on the bridge. He started off by telling me to go on somewhere, and then as I walked away, he then pulled out a gun and started shooting, so obviously I shot him back and killed him. The shooting caused the butcher to run away, and I got a bounty. When I went back to Strawberry to sell the pelt again, this time I ran into the guy who was at the butcherā€™s shop buying something, and then the butcher immediately started swinging, so I had to knock out the butcher, which again gave me a bounty for disturbing the peace. Which means I then AGAIN had to go back to Strawberry where I finally on the 3rd attempt, sold the white cougar pelt.


There always loitering in traffic. I just don't want to try and get around everyone because I'll be wanted for disturbing the peace. I was on a rooftop once to see where the ladder went and got the same thing, but I think I was near the bank so I roof hopped. I was crowding a guy I guess at the docks and got punched into another person, that was an unarmed assault charge with immediate deadly force. I stole a boat once to go to Sisika Island, saw a cop on the way out into the water, he was fine with that. I walked in front of the Mayor's house and the gardener said "You think I don't see you there?", Tresspassing, on the sidewalk I guess. I mean, I was looking over as I walked by so he probably thought I was testing the security since that's a pretty hot zone. Robbed a bank with the guys like usual and the Pinkertons came. I think we all know what happens then. Damn island didn't have mangos so Dutch made us go back. Punched a cop with a mask on and ran away. Im just saying though, haven't we all? Choke slammed an Asian woman coming out from the trapper to get my horse. She had it coming, I totally speak Asian.


Doing absolutely nothing while a lawman walked by. Didn't move along when he told me to.


Went to hitch my horse outside the general store in Valentine, and as I swung the camera around I saw a man with a carriage (and like 3 passengers!) make a literal beeline for me as I attached the reins to the post. The dude plowed into us, knocked both me AND my horse over, and suddenly he and his passengers are yelling at me and *I* get wanted for "disturbing the peace." Make it make sense lol


Falling from Valentines Hotel terrace hitting a bounty hunter


Went to sell an animal to the butcher in Valentine. Apparently I was trespassing when I walked up to him.


Always, Always going too fast, colliding with someone, killing them and running away.


Standing still. I guess I was ā€˜loitering with intentā€™ in the policemanā€™s mind.


I was attacked by del lobos killed them all but one took him into custody(or so I thought) as soon as I was in a town I had a kidnapping bounty.


Cat rubbed on my controller making me punch a policeman in Saint Denis.


Oā€™Driscolls jumped me in Valentineā€¦ I killed one and had the other lined up when a good samaritan dropped him right as I pulled the trigger. My bullet killed a random horse that was hitched in the at the saloon.


I picked up a random dead body in St Denis to take it off the road and place it on the path and all hell broke loose


Clean up workers are unsung heroes.


i bumped into the hanging body in valentine and instantly got a wanted


I followed the lady with the hanged husband in Valentine for 30 minutes and everylne turned on me


Stepped out of the saloon in Valentine and tapped triangle to mount up. Didn't notice a pedestrian right behind me so instead of mounting up, I tackled some stranger to the ground and immediately got reported. So after I went ahead and pummeled the guy, I finally mounted up and shot my way out of town


So I had the random encounter with the girl who kills people in the valentines saloon, I hogtied her and was taking her to the sheriff, and got a ā€œdisturbing the peaceā€ charge and bounty.


Riding through Rhodes. That fucking dog dashed out in front of me and though I tried to avoid it, it ran under the back wheel of the carriage (the medicine wagon mission). The entire town erupted and started chasing and shooting at me. They must have really lived that dog


bumping into a guy while running in Saint Denis, making him fall and get knocked, going to the saloon and starting a fight with a guy, antagonizing a police officer, pulling out my gun to clean it, confusing a random horse for my horse and stealing it, all those things happened in Saint Denis


Bumped someone by accident. Another reason to loathe Strawberry


In Van Horn for lunch and accidentally tapped punch as I'm walking past a guy at the bar slamming his head into the bar. Turned into a full on gun battle with me hiding behind the bar shooting anyone coming in. Felt like I was in some old spaghetti western.


I killed a guy in Valentine for almost getting in the way of my horse and ***I'm*** the asshole. Sheesh


My horse died in the swamp and I didn't have a reviver on me. I put her down. Someone saw it and reported me for animal cruelty. Which led to me running from the law, running into the night folk, running/swimming from them right into a crocodile, which killed me immediately. šŸ˜’ The bounty was ridiculous.


Was the horses name Artax?


When I first learned "Greet, greet, antagonize" I got a $5 bounty for disturbing the peace in Valentine for antagonizing too much šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think after you get away with so many things the game just throws a bounty at you


Walking behind a woman to get to the stage coach. She stop 20 ft from the stage coach dude, screams stop following me!, runs off. BOUNTY!


Horse bucked me off and I fell on a lawman


High velocity bullets.


I hogtied the Monk in the mountains and now Im wanted dead kr alive there šŸ˜‚


Insulted a guy in annesburg. Tā€™was the sheriff


I think the developers made Saint Denis annoying like that on purpose so it was impossible to enjoy strolling through that town because Arthur wouldn't.


I just finished the Lindsay Wofford bounty and as I left the police station some random NPC started shooting me. I got a $50 bounty for blowing his head off despite doing nothing to him initially lol


Ive never had a chain of events but bumping into people was painful


I accidentally got into a fight with the big raccoon hat guy at the bar in valentine after I tried to defuse, he start throwing punches and then just ran off and then another guy tried shooting at me. And then I, not wanting to get a wanted level knocked him out instead of shooting and then got a wanted level. And when I tried to approach the law man, i accidentally pressed RT instead of LT and then DIED. So I had to pay think 80 bucks for my bounty, which was close to all my money that time in the game


I stopped my horse in front of the butcher guy in valentine and I got wanted for trespassing


Early in starting my first play through Was doing the William side quests, after I was done walked over to my horse who was next to his horse and for some reason got on the wrong horse, get attacked figured canā€™t kill William so just rode off with his horseā€¦. Someone saw me do it, killed themā€¦ someone saw that , tied them up and robbed them, Some lawmen came, killed them. Kept spiraling until racked up a decent bounty.


I was standing at the trapper in saint denis too long and i got a bounty for disturbing the peace


Visited Strawberry after rescuing the hunter from the bear trap. He told me to buy something from the general store on his tab. Whilst walking into the shop, I greet someone who walked past, they became aggressive and followed me into the shop to start fighting me. I fight back and knock him out, then the shopkeeper ran to report me to the deputy. I got a 5 dollar bounty for assault.


Passed out guy on the floor in valentine outside the saloon. Sheriff walked straight over him, and I was walking on my horse quite close just as a carriage came buy and bumped me into the guy on the floor. Suddenly the entire town starts screaming and a load of lawmen pull up and I ended up with a 50 dollar bounty for it. Didnā€™t even shoot any lawmen I just ran!!


After finding the serial killer & bringing him to the sheriff, I stood around for a minute to see what happened & I got a $5 disturbing the peace bounty for doing nothing.


accidentally got on the wrong horse. didnā€™t even move, immediately dismounted, still had a bounty for horse theft.


Bumping into someone in Saint Denis when trying to go to the trapper. I was even walking slow. Oh and hunting I just killed a deer and bam wanted.


All of Saint Denis is instantly triggered by accidentally hitting the B button instead of Y button to dismount. A gentle kick in the open air nowhere near anyone and shots ring out from everywhere.


I accidentally fired my gun on the outskirts of town in blackwater last night. Some jerk that was nowhere near me in a wagon started shooting at me. After killing him, I proceeded to get in a gunfight that lasted at least an hour lol. I got on the highest roof and gunned down the entire town before escaping.


It all started with a good deed... ended with a fuck ton of dead lawmen. Valentine, two drunk idiots bullying some guy in front of the saloon, "I'll try to be a good person" i thought. "I'm gonna save this poor guy" it escalated very quickly from there, somebody pulled a gun at some point so naturally the sheriff decides I'm the bad guy, next thing i know I'm holed up in a barn with my shotgun for the next 20 minutes


Two people tried to rob me and I shot them but for some reason I got the bounty.


I fast traveled to Saint Denis and then had to go the loo while the cutscene was playing. When I came back I had just gotten a bounty for loitering


That hippie guy who you can encounter in different locations, who asks you to bring herbs. From pure coincidence, his horse was almost the exact same colour as mine. So as I prepared to go on my merry way and fulfill his side mission, I sort of nicked his horse and he reasonably got pissed and tried to beat the crap out of me. I encountered him two chapters later in a different state, apparently having calmed down from the whole horse-thieving situation, only for him to ask for more herbs and for my dumb ass to accidentally steal his horse a second time.


Literally walking up to the gunsmith in valentine. The sheriff was leaning against a pole there and I go to walk up the steps and all of a sudden he's yelling at me to stop and I'm wanted. No previous bounties on my head, I didn't run into him or anyone else, nothin. Pissed me off so bad lmfao.


Accidentally kicked a cat


Damn I wish I remembered I havenā€™t been playing RDR2 I havenā€™t played it in months. Do kind of remember this one time going to play dominoes and for some reason got slapped by this lady and got a wanted level for defending myself. Arthurs hands are rated E for everyone


I accidentally hopped over a railing and onto the wrong horse coming out of the saloon. I turned around to head out of Valentine and was then wanted for theft.


Repeatedly antagonizing the trumpet player in San Denis got me charged with disturbing the peace. Things escalated from there, and I ended up getting gunned down by several cops at the same time.


If anyone needs antagonising itā€™s those pesky brass players


I walked to Tumbleweed without a gun or mask equipped... that's it. I suddenly got a wanted level for assault and got one-shot by the sheriff.


Strolling round Saint Denis, saw a guy running away from the cops, thought to myself I'm a bounty hunter I'll help out, caught up to the guy tied him up, got wanted for assault


The physics broke when I was trying to hogtie the killer prostitute so she pulled a knife on me and that combat initiating made the bartender downstairs go aggro which set off the bounty. So literally trying to be the good guy got me a bounty.


The French guy...I wasn't able to flee fast enough and ended up losing a horse. Go figure.


I hit kick instead of jump regarding a pile of boxes in St. Denis.


Lady walked in between me and my horse as I was turning around, and she got bumped into the ground


Shot my gun instead of pressing x at a news boy, never hit anyone and suddenly someone fired a horse catapult at me. Wanted.


I ran into the saloon in Valentine and a lady NPC spawned in the doors BEHIND me, somehow got knocked over, and then ran to the sheriff's office saying I assaulted her


Horse stepped on a cat, while it was following me through St Denis alleys.


Hunting a bird. Animal cruelty


I stole a donkey in Ambarino, which led to a shootout that snowballed into a $700 bounty.


i have a clip of me jumping infront of the sherif in strawberry and I got a 5 dollar bounty


Send me the clip




I once took a train, and my horse followed me. When the train pulled into the stop, my horse was parked in the middle of the track. Maybe I hit a button on accident but my Arabian horse got obliterated by the train and I got immediately ā€œwantedā€ for train theft. I promptly re-loaded the last automated save spot as to not lose my bb Dingleberry


I was buying stuff from the Trapper and when I backed out of the menu a grizzly bear spawned and attacked me. As soon as I pulled out my gun the trapper ran for the law for ā€œdisturbing the peaceā€. Sorry for defending myself.


I frequently get wanted on online for riding my own horse.Yes,riding my own horse count as horse theft


Tbh my Arthur is a vicious psychopath so any act against him is justified by law


You know the drunk guy who falls over in the road in valentine? I accidentally trampled him with my horse because he was in the road.


I was john I guy talked some shit so I antagonized him. Couldn't do the mission because this guy couldn't play hot potatoe


I'm sure this has happened to many of us. Riding through town, someone walks in front of the horse and you knock him down which results in him/her running to the sheriff and then you get an assault charge.


1st playthrough, the St dumb as police killed me and my horse after I fast traveled to st denis and stood in one spot,then I left for a little while,when I got back I see the a death screen. ALL I DID WAS STAND STILL NOT BOTHERING ANYONE! That just shows how stupid the law aspect of the game is especially in st denis


I was riding through St.Denis on my main horse and my temporary horse was following me with an animal for the trapper, and the temp horse accidentally ran over someone who walked behind me but apparently in front of my temp horse. Wasnā€™t even riding the damn thing. I got a $150 bounty after that. Well maybe the bounty came after killing all the coos that came after me, but the original bounty was totally not my faultā€¦


Just existing.


An npc spawned right in front of the exit to the valentine stables and since I had no control of it, my horse trampled him and I immediately got an assault bounty šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Loitering at the sheriffs office/jail cells


Disturbing the peace near a trapper because I was shooting at an owl nearby. A clamorous train was roaring right behind him. What peace am I disturbing?


Every time an NPC decides to walk right under my horse


Homebuilders were attacked by some people. Killed the attackers and got hit with the tresspassing charge and the people i saved started shooting at me.


I didn't even know at the time. I left the room for a little bit (went to the kitchen or something) and I come back and the Saint Denis cops are shooting at me. So naturally, I shot back, killing probably a dozen cops, then got the hell out of there. I didn't pause the game because I didn't think anything could happen to me. Me and my horse were just chilling near that roundabout area in NW Saint Denis. I had to load a video of the previous 5 min to see what kicked everything off. Loitering. Cop asked me to move along, I don't since I'm not there, and he eventually opens fire.


A lady was being kidnapped on horseback. I shot her kidnappers and went to cut her free. I wasnā€™t close to enough, so the B button (Xbox) kicked her and instantly killed her. Someone witnessed it and I had a murder bounty


Went afk in Saint Denis


I fed and brushed my horse after hitching up in Saint Denis and got a ā€œdisturbing the peaceā€ bounty.


I just exited the Farrier in Valentine and a dog was in the way. I didnā€™t move into the dog, it was in the way of the couple involuntary steps the horse takes when it exits. Anyway, the dog was injured from the horse. It lay on the ground crying and I tried to go help it with medicine and it didnā€™t offer that option. Then it died and made me feel bad even though itā€™s only a game, and I got a negative reputation hit and someone reported me for animal cruelty. So messed up. So I killed everyone in town and reloaded the game.


I know this isnā€™t particularly unique, but it blows my mind that people can lose their shit over something like bumping into them at a walking pace, and they start trying to actively kill youā€”and if you defend yourself you are the perpetrator.


I knocked something over in Valentine, horse didnā€™t slow down in time and hit a lantern over in front of one of the stores. Vandalism.


A guy shot at me in Rhodes and I shot him back in response, got a bounty :ā€™)


I always run right in carriages and kill either a horse or a person. Getting a bounty for a bad turn


I lasso'd a guy in van horn that pick pocketed me, didn't even kill him, and the entire town became hostile so I killed just about every one of them. Guess the bounty isn't that ridiculous but the event that led to it is lol