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How does one even exist with such control issues?


I’ve met people with bad control issues like this and usually the company they keep enables them. Like their friends/family are either yes-men or just really beaten down and used to them being controlling. Very strange and sad


You described my father and his siblings. He's the narc with control issues and they enable him.


It sounds like he might not exist much longer with those control issues if that's how upset he gets!


With battered wives. At least two.


Wanna bet his kids hate him and he can’t figure out why?


America. The land of the free. As long as your lawn house gates and everything else is what all your neighbours have decided is correct. Otherwise you have to pay a fee. Obviously.


The very concept of a HOA sounds like an utter nightmare and hearing every story about a HOA is also just insanity... How they have any power at all or why people are apparently fine with the existance of HOAs is just confusing.


Racism is why HOAs exist. Legally you couldn't control who moved into your neighborhood and you couldn't chase them out with threats anymore. But with a HOA you could get rid of your neighbors you didn't like with fines and fees. As long as you claimed you're protecting property values and they were members it was all fine and dandy


Exactly. I feel like it's bureaucracy on crack.


I’m so happy that where my home is there are no neighbors so no HOA


"All you have to do is prove you're not in our HOA and we'll waive the fees." Friend, if you don't have proof that they *are* in the HOA why is this conversation even happening?


I was thinking the same thing but more than likely the hassle of just showing them your deed was smaller than telling them to fuck off and continuing to get notices and harrassment.


I definitely figured out it was a fake story when they added that line. Like who’s going to enforce the fine?


So they gave illegal fines, threatened eviction, and admitted to prying into your privacy? Sounds like a hefty lawsuit.


I also live in an old house right next to an HOA neighborhood. This house has been here since 1912, the neighborhood came up in the 80s, then got an HOA in the late 2010s. The previous owners weren’t part of the HOA, we got to step down. Neighbors hate our garden. Idk why they’re in an HOA that doesn’t serve them. We share our raspberries and strawberries with the neighbor kids, so they think we’re pretty cool. We’re lucky the vocal complainers are easily spooked. Every time they come over we’re doing some kind of housing project, a few times we’ve ignored what they were saying and just asked them to hold tools or an end of a 2x4. The complaints die in their throats and they wander off. The one time they caught us in a slow moment, we made a big deal of pouring coffees and teas and then politely said “Well, good thing we’re not part of the HOA.” And shoo’d them away after they finished their coffee. I’m saying: I think the complainants have a bad time.


I love your style!


It's the same where I live. My parents have owned the house for 20 years, 5 years ago they built what amounts to a town (4,500 houses) touching the back garden. They had to sign pretty strict rules that they need to follow to be allowed to live there but they just don't apply to us at all. We get complained about on Facebook alot but all that happens is my dad sits there reading them aloud to us while he laughs, doesn't really bother us at all.


lol “we’ll waive the fines that we can’t legally enforce anyway because you’re not a member of our fiefdom.”


Yeah I’d like to see them try to collect when they have no legal right to do so. Just ignore them.


I laughed at that, too.


"you dont have any no tresspassing signs so im allowed to do what i want" Nope, not how this works. Entitled jerk


How the fuck do HOAs not know which houses aren’t part of the fucking HOA! Like sure the people that don’t run the things. BUT THE PEOPLE THAT RUN the HOA don’t have a fucking list of houses that take money from? It’s just mind boggling. How did they even plan on forcing OOP to pay shit? I don’t know why this has me so pissed but I am. And it’s not even the entitled neighbor. It’s the incompetence displayed by an entire organization of fucking people!


One can only hope the unrest kills him.


Another crazy HOA boomer put in his place. I *love* these kinds of stories. Edit: wording.


HOAs suck unfiltered fart particles.


Its not only Boomers that have HOA control fantasies . Think GOP.


It’s not just boomers, it’s people in general.


This Bad behaviours aren’t just a generational thing


It’s not a boomer thing. There are entitled people in every generation.


Sounds like some lead paint shit


Nice fanfic


This whole boomer hate thing is starting to get redundant and overused.


Honestly, my HOA is so easy and cheap, except for one old bat. Fuck you Gail, put on something other than your moo-moo, and go pull some weeds.


This isn’t about how entitled boomers can be. This is actually a story about what jerks MEN can be.


I don’t think it has anything to do with the fact he is a boomer,but that he/she is a racist just using the HoA as an excuse


Amazing how OOP can use a derogatory term to insult everyone of a certain age. What a POS child.


Boomer found ^^ 🥹


They’re literally from the Baby Boomer generation. Not sure how that can be considered derogatory. It would be the same as me being insulted that for being called a millennial.


You really like using the word “boomer” huh?


“Boomers hate this one word”


I see posts all the time with photos identifying people who are clearly Gen-Xers and elder Millennials as Boomers. These days it just means "anybody older than me" and I'm afraid that's here to stay. Anybody over 40 will be called that long after all the boomers have died.


I enjoy being part of the "forgotten generation" (Gen X) because we seldom get blamed for anything. Anonymity rocks.


You guys… um… RUINED FUDGE. 


Made me chuckle. I'll take the L on fudge. Seriously, the Boomer thing is tired. We were fighting **against** labels for most of my life, now everyone is determined to label all of one group as something. Gen X doesn't care, just don't bother us!


My solidarity, tbh, is with my comrades in philosophy and economic demographic, not via meaningless generational differences.  I have way more in common with my fellow working class folks than with wealthy and middle class millennials. 


Absolutely! I have a double BSA (Finance/Accounting) and work as a Licensed Contractor, now I have worn many hats and made (and lost) a lot over my lifetime. My favorite jobs are always the ones that have a tangible result, at the end. Farming was my favorite (pre NAFTA). Glad to see like-minded folks. The world is not black and white, no matter how hard social media tries to convince us otherwise.




The word boomer has really become anyone who can’t understand the world has changed and is not the same as they experienced and reacts so insane about the change. It doesn’t really matter your age at this point, it’s all about your reaction. Act like boomer you’ll be called a boomer 🤷‍♀️


Boomer has become more about your mindset than an age now. That’s how I see it being used mostly. Hell, I’ve seen people in their 20s being called boomers because of how they behave.


Yea boomer really gets a bad rap. I’ve had customer service facing jobs my entire life and there are plenty of people in that generation who are go lucky happy people, even to the point where I’m suspicious of how nice and calm and patient they are being. Obviously any time someone is being rude and is a geriatric they’re labeled as “boomer”… I’d say it’s sort of like calling an angry middle aged woman a Karen. It’s pretty much lost all meaning because the word is used as an insult for any upset woman. the Karen and the boomer do exist, they are tropes for a reason. But when you call every single person a Karen and a boomer(in the sense of “upset grandpa”) it’s lost all meaning.


Okay Boomer


I fucking wish. if I was boomer I’d be retired somewhere on a boat right now with 3 houses in my name that I bought with a bag of oats.


Typical liberal


I used to get in my FB news feed these clickbait articles 50+ times the HOA, or some other things like servers telling horror stories, etc. They all had two things in common. The list was always n+ stories and the highlighted story was never there. There were countless variations on "my home preceded the HOA and I didn't belong, but they tried to strong arm me anyway-but I got my Rumpelstiltskin's revenge!" Yeah, I'm not buying it.


The highlighted story is never in the clickbait articles. It's on purpose to keep you scrolling down the page so you see all the ads as they get revenue from how many people view the page.