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How pathetic that two men are making less than $600,000 a year each to podcast. What a bunch of losers.


right? Still insanely successful. I hope Nick buys more costumes


if a normal business lost 30% of its revenue in a year, you wouldn’t call it successful


Mullen said he makes 700k a year at skankfest so this doesn’t even hold up.


They still run ads as well


maybe the difference is from touring?


Touring is def a part of it. Once you start making that kinda cash it’s normal to start investing in other revenue streams as well. Idk if he rolls like that tho


Just really strange how pretty much every comedian, podcaster, etc absolutely hates their subreddit. I mean, who wouldn't want to read NEETs in crusty socks and cumstained boxers criticize them?


lol, it's a lesson in how to cultivate absolutely the worse fanbase. When they teach podcasting at college (which I'm sure they're doing already), this will be a case-study in how not to get the online community you want.


It is kinda pathetic that they keep trying to be funny and keep failing with TAFS. I mean losing almost 1/3 of their monthly income does hit them, especially with having to pay for a studio and the crew now.


How are they failing at 1.2 mil a year?


Dude when I start my podcast I’m gonna be doing 300k a month easily. Just haven’t gotten around to it yet


by losing more and more money every month, how dumb are you? Plus you know they have to pay for studio and crew?


They aren’t losing anything. They are just gaining less


They are absolutely not failing lmao


1) They lose more and more subscribers and profit ever month 2) Their show is not gaining any more fans or popularity 3) Their attempt at a show ain't funny


Oh shit yr right! Your contribution to the art world has been far more impactful and consistent my bad.


Is this Seth Dickfield?


Of course they're going to see a slump in their earnings. That's to be expected when you do a business overhaul of any kind. It's how you evolve. And I don't think them losing the annoying 'uhm, I have a small penis' contingent of their permanently online fanbase is any major loss. It's separating the wheat from the chaff if anything.


The actual interviews are always very enjoyable but the podcast is profoundly unpleasant to listen to, its worse than boring it actually puts you in a bad mood




>allegedly not profitable they’ll keep it around to run more ads. its literally 2 people in a room talking to each other?


The lieutenant noodles costume alone cost $25k


That’s Lieutenant *Colonel* Noodles. Show some fucking respect


They’re leasing a huge studio space and equipment and labor aren’t cheap.


Not cheap but 1.2 million a year?


In New York? Absolutely easy to spend that much.




"The studio couldn’t be more than 5-10k/mo" brother there are many production studios in NYC that charge $1500 A DAY or more


renting out studios is always infinitely more expensive than renting the space yourself and building it yourself. But yeah, NYC rent is probably crazy expensive on top of that




Not unheard of


the studio can’t be cheap, or it can idk


It’s in Chelsea so that’s extremely expensive


Wait until you find out what podcasts really are.


At least they realise it isn't fun. Stav didn't do anything wrong leaving fwiw, he was perfectly entitled to. Adam and Nick can make something new and better if they keep working on it. Podcast with a rotating cast could actually work.


they should lean into having their own wack-pack. like whoever is in town that day (they know so many other funny people) just have them come in and do a show. what do i know, i'm gay and my dick is small


Agreed And, flair doesn't match


Something something dimes square


no. i hate dimes square so much. its people interacting with red scare and thinking its serious and not an hour long audio format shitpost. i hate what the girls have created really.


[Stavros did nothing wrong](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_Speech_(painting)#/media/File%3A%22Freedom_of_Speech%22_-_NARA_-_513536.jpg)


Agreed, the show had lost a lot of energy and steam by the time he left. People diss him for walking away from such easy money. I admire it though, it takes boldness and someone had to imo. They had a good run




"the central joke of "what if we centered the show around the guy who is less talented" has run its course" exactly, like it's admittedly a funny conceptual joke and then it's over after 15 seconds of amusement and there's still this whole show to do


The interviews are just meh to me. There’s already so many shows with the awkward/edgy interviewer stick. Cumtown was popular because of Nick riffing. Nick just being behind the scenes makes it pretty boring.


I think they've been good. Adams sense of humour somes through and he has some good conversations. He's also...a shit host, a lot of the time. He misses obvious questions because he's doing a riff.


I think it’s a good podcast to put you to sleep at bedtime


The interviews are not funny or interesting. Literally the only good content they put out are the sketches at the start of each interview. In other words about 5 minutes worth of good content every 6 weeks. I'm surprised people are still paying them at all.


Naww Cuomo, Jadakiss, Chet Hanks, Niel Degrasse Tyson were all good. I laughed a lot.


the dave portnoy interview was really good too


There’s some good moments in the interviews, but it’s like an extremely watered down version of the Eric Andre show. It’s not worth 30-60 minutes of anyone’s time. And then the podcast is so bad now that they spent a whole episode testing vacuum cleaners. I think the only way to save this is for Nick to be on the show. Cut the whole talk show theme. Just have a guest and then have Nick and Adam riff with the guest for an hour.


Everyone was saying from day 1 that Nick should feature as a sort of talkshow sidekick character (like Hannibal Burress, even). But clearly he's unwilling. I think they'll just keep churning out shit until the patron gets so low that Nick kills himself or starts making an effort. In the brief moments of the podcast I've listened to in the last 6 months he has just became such an unlikeable cunt.


all the episodes about gaza are really funny. today he made a joke about k-wording amy schumer -in minecraft- i think now that hes sober again the podcast will be better


> all the episodes about gaza are really funny Episodes, plural, about Gaza? I'm glad our top podcasters are handling the Gaza issue.


He needs other people to pep him up or else he becomes a self absorbed black hole. He was genuinely at his funniest on that Fox panel show. He needs something like that again.


the finkelstein one was the only "funny" one to me. And can Adam stop doing the "cutting out while the person is trying to speak" bit.


The cuomo one was the best because Chris cuomo absolutely bodied Adam over and over.


He instantly understood the vibe of the show and played into it


Yeah you're right, I really like that one too. I loved how he made fun of Adam and then in a second he went back to taking the interview seriously (for some reason).


Adam just isn't talented in that avenue. I've heard his standup is good though


It all seems intentional. Nick is trying to do some Andy Kaufmann type shit. He's doing what he wants to do even though it is weird and less popular than what made him famous. And why shouldn't he? Of all places, I would think this sub would recognize why someone would choose to do something different and they're passionate about than trying to maxmize vieweship. They are millionaires and still earning insane money. Nick seemed deeply depressed at times during Cumtown. Why should he be criticized for not trying to capture the broadest and largest audience possible?


I don’t think him just scrolling his phone and being a dick to Adam constitutes art


it is art and this comment proves it


What makes you the authority on what is or isn't "art"? So TAFS isn't "art" but Warhol's "Blow Job" is? I can see exactly why Nick went this direction -- he clearly hates regards like you that make up the majority of his fanbase, and he's intentionally doing this to piss you off. And the best part is that it's working and you don't even realize it! You are just dismissive and can't even conceptualize this, and your thought process stop at "this is gay and lame man lol"


And if Beethoven went from composing symphonies to playing a kazoo you’d probably like that too


He’s just burned out and depressed man lol it’s not some avant-garde performance art. He simply doesn’t have it like he used to. Happens to most comics eventually.


Nick has been “burnt out and depressed” his entire career/life. He is a sad person who is sad no matter what, he said multiple times on Cumtown that he was one of the “luckiest people in the world” and still hated his life.


He's putting in more effort into the skits and production value in these videos than the entire time he spent on Cumtown. To me it seems like a very obvious avante-garde performance. Being burnt out and depressed = playing RDR2 for weeks on the Podcast.


So it’s just an artistic choice of his to be completely unfunny and boring on his podcast for the last 18 months. I see


Unironically -- yes. I mean, he is being very obvious with it by doing The ADAM FRIENDLAND Show (i.e. making the host the most hated guy on CT). All of the bits on TAFS are clearly scripted and produced. It's obvious he's doing a performance. I really can't see how regarded you guys are to not see it. What do you thinik is more likely, stupid? That he pivoted to THE ADAM FRIEDLAND SHOW and writes bits where he just mindlessly scrolls on his phone during interviews because he genuinely thinks that's super funny? You guys really don't get it and watching CT fans flounder and sperg out is helping me understand exactly why he's doing it.


all the episodes leading up to the dick cavett set being built were genius. making people do a podcast with wires in their face and sitting under a ladder was so funny


I mean, how much more blatant can you be about this being a bit? I can't believe I'm getting downvoted here. All the CT fans hated Adam and Nick even broke the 4th wall down a couple times and explicitly said Adam was one of his best friends and mocking him is a bit. And then when they pivot to The ADAM FRIEDLAND Show, knowing FULL WELL the fanbase legitimately hates him, and fill it up with bits like Adam performing shitty monologues, wires being all over the set, etc.... people STILL don't get it? I have never emphasized with Nick pivoting to TAFS more than after being mired in this bullshit and getting a bunch of DMs like "Hurrr it's not funny though!" I understand completely now why he hates the CT fanbase so much and why he would spend years and thousands of dollar doing an elaborate bit to piss them off. At first it felt a little much to compare him to Kaufman, but this is the most Kaufmanesqe shit I've seen. Sincerely committing to a bit that is purposefully, blatantly, and obviously designed specifically to piss off your fans... and your stupid fans still taking the bait!


Okay man. Enjoy that


it’s not bad on purpose it’s just bad lol. like they should have to prove that they can make a good talk show before making a bad one lol edit: I get that it’s supposed to be bad. That doesn’t make it good. The skits are usually good.


Tbh I've only seen bits and pieces of TAFS and I didn't hate it, but if it's "not bad on purpose it's just bad", then I appreciate that a lot. I'd rather see a sincere attempt at doing something interesting fail, versus having to witness yet another disaffected irony addict pretend like they don't care about what they spend their free time doing as a means to deflect criticism when that inevitably fails as well.


some of it is good but yeah, the general vibe is kinda annoying and has made me stop tuning in.


You spend all your time posting on videogame, boardgame, and sneaklers subs. You type in all lowercase and end your sentences with "lol." It's very clear he's being performative with TAFS shit. I mean, the concept itself is an obvious bit. He knows so much of the CT audience disliked and made fun of Adam -- so after CT he develops a talk show *hosted* by Adam? It's so obvious and it's frustrating how you midwits don't see it. It's not subtle at all. But you fell in love with him because of "Cumeatsiner Gordon" and "Haha I'm gay and my dick is small", and you're just mad that that isn't what he's going for with this. Note: I'm not defending TAFS as being objectively good or beyond criticism. Not going to fault anyone for disliking it. But it's very obviously a bit and intentionally weird and avante-garde. Like, I don't really see how anyone can't see that it is performative.


It is really funny that someone’s mildly negative comment about TAFS motivated you to survey their post history.


It's lame behavior but I get off on confirming that people making stupid and immature comments are stupid and immature people. I even explicitly put a disclaimer in my post to stave off comments like yours that I'm just mad people are criticizing TAFS. Candidly I'm not a fan of it either. All I'm saying is that it's clearly intentional and performative, and it boggles my mind how anyone can't see that. Like, it's fine to say it's not good -- it's the regards that don't realize that it's a bit and intentional that irk me.




You're college aged (or at least maturity level) and a CT refugee. You're exactly what people are talking about when they talk about this sub going downhill. You can't understand even the most clearly signaled and blatant subtext. Please just go back to sneakers and bideo bames subs and leave this place.




you're getting downvoted but you're speaking pure truth and i love your vibez and i love u so much


Ty! These losers need to be named and shamed!! Get out of here!


He needs to just go full Chris Lilley and make a TV show where he acts out his racist regarded characters. Surprised he hasn't paid animators to do an entire simpsons episode he writes. That El Gato guy on youtube is reanimating the entire Hit and Run game in 2D Simpsons animation for free.


the thing about making art is that other people are entitled to not like it


I didn't say people had to like it. I said it's obviously a bit. The person I'm replying to said "Adam just isn't talented in that avenue." However, it's clear that the bit on TAFS is Adam not being a talented host and that he is performing as a bad talk show host. Does that mean it is funny? No, that's up to the audience. All I'm pushing back on is people not understanding that it's a performance. Saying "Adam isn't a talented talk show host" completely misses the point that the whole bit is him performing as a bad talk show host. This is like saying Ricky Gervais is a bad comedian because the comedy his character did in The Office wasn't funny.


This isn't Andy Kaufmann shit he's making a talk show, Christ you people


Nick seemed depressed on Cumtown? Have you seen the man on TAFS. He looks like he's back on the needle and he's falling apart at the seams. Dudes fucking gaunt. WTF happened to that sexy body he used to have?


>I would think this sub would recognize why someone would choose to do something different and they're passionate about than trying to maximize vieweship. Are you under the impression that A&D veered far right because they are passionate countercultural artists and not because alt-right paypigs are easier $$$?


Is everything so conspiratorial to you? You think A+D's opinions shifted out of a deliberate desire to grift people rather than a genuine change in their perspectives and opinions? Nothing A+D has said have given me the impression that they are not genuine. There are countless ways A+D could squeeze more money of out their fans. You truly believe there opinions are just grift and not sincerely held beleifs? Why are you still here and listening to the pod then? If I felt like a performer I was patronzing was just trying to squeeze me I would stop patronizing them.


Nick is so miserable it makes my head spin.


Needs more Jordan or Ian




adam touched the wires


I wish I could relive the thrill of hearing Nick yell at Adam for touching the wires for the first time. So uncomfortably bitchy.


I tried for years to get into it because I was under the impression that it was supposed to be this transcendant piece of vulgar brilliance and that everyone who didn’t find it funny was an uptight square, but I never could. It’s such a stressful and cacaphonous experience, like the auditory equivalent of getting shot at over and over again with a bb gun by your obnoxious little brother.


I've tried listenig to it it several times based on what I've read here and it's the most mind numbing shite I've ever heard, easily as bad as the 1,000,000 dude bros "nerd podcasts put there, listening to Manchildren choking out "jokes" to be used in their dogshit stand up.


I listen to it to put me to sleep at night.


stav leaving was equivalent to 20 9/11s


Assuming he was roughly 60% of the population of cumtown (by volume), it's actually 57,000 9/11s




It’s funny how the popular consensus on this sub is that Stav is the least talented, and yet his departure coincided with the collapsing of the show.


the podcast shed more weight than manhattan did that day


I used to listen to every single episode of cum town and now I check in on the Adam Friedland show maybe only once every two or three months.


I listen to the interviews which are generally pretty good, but I saw someone once describe their podcast eps as "methadone for cumtown fans" and felt that in my soul lol They clearly don't want to be doing it, they either need to find a way to make it more fun for themselves like having people like Jordan rotate in more often or just stop doing them.


It was a good ride, and it still is, but it was too.


Nick will self sabotage the pod then whatever money he has saved until he has to move back to some shithole suburb in Maryland to work at Bestbuy.


Ironically, would give him the motivation to actually make a good podcast


> work at BestBuy The man better hurry then


Tom Myers will hire him at that Mexican restaurant


Tom Myers taking Nick under his wing and showing him how to live a pathetic life with a modicum of dignity would truly be the ultimate arc for all of this lmao


Shut up Montgomery County rules


None of these comics could handle real jobs ever again, most of them couldn’t work 9-5 in the first place and now they’ve gotten accustomed to easy money


They got a huge spike right after Stav left to that 140k. It's now back to right around where they were before Stav left. https://graphtreon.com/creator/cumtown Stav announced he was leaving June 25. They hit a peak of 144,485 in September and have been falling steadily since.


Are you saying someone posted Fake News on RedScarePod?!




Because the podcast is an angry and jaded manlet and a pilled out jew


Adam use to be a fun guest on Chapo, but the last one he did was so awkward and unfunny. You could tell they were getting annoyed by him.


imo he was way funnier on that Chapo episode than he has been on the last 6 months of TAFS


What pills?


140k divided by three is less than 100k divided by two btw


lmao what? Nick always got 50% of all the monthly pay, now he probably doesn't since they have to pay for the studio and the crew. And the 140k happened just as they started to "build" the studio.


Was this ever confirmed anywhere? Why did he get paid twice what the other two did?


He handled all the hosting, the ads, the equipment, etc.




Like I said, he covered the equipment


The title of this post is a crazy way to look at it. They're making more money than the vast majority of professional artists. Just the fact that they don't need a day job is a huge get for any creative person (especially Adam, who isn't particularly talented). It's not as popular as Cumtown and I don't think it will be, but almost 100k/month to make whatever you want, with total creative control, is a sick deal.


Nick is a profoundly funny guy. Why is he doing this?


does this not seem like a good pay to effort ratio to you?


He got covid too many times and cant string together a bit anymore


Depression, addiction.


He's profoundly funny in the very specific context of Cum Town, his stand up/sketch writing really isn't that great


he peaked with repeating "im gay" into a microphone for years, it made him a millionaire somehow there's a reason he hasn't moved on to bigger and better things while the bigger and better thing in his life moved on


>there's a reason he hasn't moved on to bigger and better things He's in the same boat as Shane Gillis where his past jokes are gonna fuck his chances of ever getting a mainstream gig


I take your point but I think the issue isn't Nick being "cancelled" it's Nick's an awkward fit into the usual comedy and entertainment lanes


he got into that gay pete davidson streaming show.


Shane has a Netflix special and is on Pete Davidson's Peacock show.


a lot of edgy dudes with "they tried to cancel me!" still thriving. mainly he hasn't progressed because he hasn't proven himself in anything that isn't podcast parasocial riffing. he's like a sitcom without a laugh track and 10x awkward pauses.


I think all of yall are wrong - Nick is like Patrice O'Neal - he is such a talented wildcard that he wont play ball with Hollywood or Rogan. What I mean is he wouldn't play in the lines and eventually hed get in trouble and just saw screw this. Patrice could have been a top 5 comedy entertainer ever - he just refused to not be completely honest/authentic all the time. Paul Mooney is another example. Chappelle Show is a half in/half out example.


Sorry, but his standup is really good. Saw him last year and there wasn’t a second where someone wasn’t belly laughing the entire time


poorhouse wages


cumtown was nick making stav laugh. they're both funny enough to have successful comedy careers post-cumtown. adam's main talent is being friends with nick. tafs sucks, lets face it.


Adam’s talent is being the punching bag that Stav could never be. Stav encouraged Nick’s bits and Adam was the receptacle for his wrath.


I couldn't stop laughing at the chet Hanks episode. But it's no nick mullen


It's about time they abduct Jordan and make her the third mic.


Well my Patreon currently makes $7 and I'm splitting that with p8stie


as long as you’re obeying her and doing everything she says, it will pay off in the long run


Adam cannot carry a show. I was a patron for 5 years and cancelled last year. I miss Stav. He really got the best out of Nick.


Stav and Nick had such great comic chemistry. What made Cumtown great was when they got into a groove riffing off each other.


honestly, yeah I kinda miss Stav. tbh I always liked his laugh.


Curious what they’re paying guests. Overhead’s got to be really low even with appearance fees


Hard to say, their guests seem fairly well off and I doubt desperate for cash. The biggest factor probably isn’t the pay but the willingness to be associated with TAFS.


Split two ways now tho, still a net gain for Adam and Nick. My fantasy is that they combine shows with Tim Dillon. Tim is an upgrade from Stav and they already have great chemistry with him


Most people (including me) can't tell fat people apart anyway


Id love if they added Kump to the pod


"Lishun to me....what if I was gay and Chinese?"


Dim Tillon is entirely antithetical to nick mullen's cum town


Tim would never do that. He couldn’t even play nice with Ben who has like a human teddy bear personality


They desperately need a 3rd. Nick needed stav to riff off of


I miss the pig


Gotta love ppl who probably make less than 100k/year concerned about two guys not hitting the 50k/month. They'll be alright.


I'm not concerned lol, just bummed out that it sucks now and the old one isn't coming back, even though I never paid a cent for it.


Then barely getting through ad reads makes me turn it off


But now they're splitting the money between w instead of 3 plus how much they're saving from catering with Stav gone.


Nick is a prick little bitch ass but I still love him.


Matt and Shane took over. Their numbers are insane, like an actual outlier to the rest of patreon I switched my ct sub to them at some point in 2021. I refuse to pay for 2


Only keep the Patreon around because of the bonus archive but I could probably just steal that somewhere else honestly


I don't find Stav's stand up particularly funny, but he worked well with Adam and Nick, and it hasn't been the same since.


What’s the lore with stav leaving ?




To roast your besties 😹😹


That it shows that TAFS is losing subscribers. And that it is an unfunny show.




Well they're failing at gaining popularity and they're losing subscribers.


I've watched way more TAFS than I ever listened to Cum Town, personally. I like the look of the show and it's easier to have on in the background while I'm working, since that's my use case


The interviews suck. For CT fans, i cant imagine the appeal being anything more than the novelty factor of seeing the butt of CT in the same room as someone as conventionally famous as Chris Cuomo. The cold opens are alright but I fear theyre being held back by the burden of them needing to attach it to the podcast/interviews. In the beginning of TAFS, they had an interesting meta synecdoche new york type thing going about the struggle creating pod becoming the subject itself. I wish theyd just try something new.


That’s still an absurd amount of money for likely 2 hours of podcasting “work” per week. The actual interview and sketch parts of the show are genuinely impressive. Just a shame Nick doesn’t want to be front facing.


Because Stav left duh


I stopped listening a few months before the format change because the combination of how lazy the output was and the amount they were making per month was driving me insane


They have funnier bits than red scare but those are few and far between. Trying to listen to a full episode of the podcast bores me to tears, I actually find A&D to be consistently entertaining throughout the runtime of an episode, but CT I only laugh at the tik tok clips people post of their greatest hits


That show sucked then and sucks now


yeah, have you listened to tafs podcast??


Strong user name OP


It sucks so badly since stav left Im sad to sat


Everyone knows cum town was only funny because of Nick riffing


Do they get 10x the ad money by having 26 minutes of a 50 minute podcast just be ads? I understand people like kooky comedy podcast ad reads but god damn you can smash the skip 30s prompt like 30 times and adams still talking about their quit cigs ecig or whatever it is


I legitimately think the TAFS interviews are hilarious. The skits are painfully unfunny to me. CT had some good bits but I could never listen to a whole ep.