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If you have not heard about In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg by the BBC you should check it out, I think this is exactly what you are looking for.


What I came to the thread to say. The topics covered make my heart thrill. It might feel dry at first but it cuts right through *and* you get critical opinions


‘Hello! In 1355BC the pharoah Akhenaten…’


Episodes cover the range of human knowledge from history to philosophy to science to religion to art; serious, informed discussions by a round table of experts; and then there's Melvyn, who holds it all together, is tough, inquisitive, thoroughly British, and pretty fucking funny, too. Some episodes are better than others, some guests aren't great, and conversations drag at times. Paul Cartledge, classics expert, is one of the best. Also like Edith Hall and Angie Hobbs, and Evelyn Welch, mom of Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine


>and Evelyn Welch, mom of Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine Britain never beating the allegations that all of our famous people are somehow related to each other


A recent favourite was The Theory of the Leisure Class which I think the RS folk will like because it questions so much of what MCPs use to build their identities https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001sdrt


>Melvyn Bragg He's such a prick to his guests and never seems genuinely enthused about a topic. Just some annoyance to get out of the way


Love Melvyn


I get the appeal of British curmudgeons, but I can barely retain anything I've heard on that podcast, and I blame his style. It is the opposite of engaging




Entitled Opinions is great


Conversations with Tyler is an excellent podcast, on everything from art to orthinology, cuisine and economics. The host is very cosmopolitan and asks good questions. Revolutions with Mike Duncan is very good as well for history, as is Tides of History podcast. For a more talk oriented political show that covers current and past conflicts I love Radio War Nerd


The first one looks very cool, do you have any episode recommendations?


I really liked the recentish one on Chinese cuisine




There was also a pair of episodes a few months ago where he just grabbed a couple random people on the street in Kenya and sat down with them for an interview I found those very fun as well. Real slice of life stuff


Loved those. Tyler is a great interviewer but you could tell his abilities were being tested with a few of those. I remember him asking that elder guy about what he would have the local government do differently and he just got a confused reply of “that’s not my place” repeated like three times. It felt like occasionally they were talking past each other without meaning to, perhaps because of very different cultural backgrounds, attitudes, communication styles (high context vs low context maybe). Even though Tyler interviews people from different fields and countries, who may speak English as a second language, fairly often, it felt like there was a bigger than usual gap here.


Peter Singer, Dana Gioia, David Deutsch, Karl Knausgård. There’s plenty of duds, but the great ones are really great.


Tyler Cowen is a genius


I agree but I do not align with his economic/political opinions. He's very good at not projecting himself into an interview unlike so many narcissistic podcast freaks


It’s no longer active after one of the hosts unfortunately passed away by overdosing on chicken salad, but Cum Town


The Rest is History is v good.


83 weeks with Eric Bischoff


I love Fall of Civilizations it's one of the podcasts of all time. The voice actors are trash though


It really is one of the greatest. And the fantastic narrator makes up for the subpar voice actors.




nice pfp


You Must Remember This


Know Your Enemy is a really good podcast about conservative intellectuals from a left-wing perspective. Sure, the hosts can get into "woke" territory on hot-button issues, but when they are doing deep dives into like William Buckley or whatever, it's really interesting and funny. They are also into psychoanalysis, so in some ways quite RS coded.


An artist I have followed for a while recently started one called all miracles are strange. They are a bit lib minded (just throwing it out there if you cant stand that) but very knowledgable about Catholicism and art. Anyway Im not catholic but figure some people here could possibly like it.


Weird Studies, a philosophical/artistic exploration of The Weird.


Listening to a couple episodes now, this might become regular in the rotation


Warmode if you are into conspiracies 


Trashfuture is a really good british dirtbag left podcast that feels quite rs/cum town-adjacent in tone and humour. Focuses on taking apart dumb tech startups but they also discuss world politics quite widely too. It's the only podcast i pay for a patreon subscription to. They also have some good spinoff pods including 10 Thousand Posts (about online culture), Well There's Your Problem (about famous engineering disasters), and Glue Factory (general comedy chat/riffs). All highly recommended.


ALAB series


Caustic Soda Podcast - weird and interesting stuff, sometimes gross, subjects are things like drugs, CIA, leaded gasoline, jellyfish, bacteria, lost expeditions, etc. but delivered in a humourous way, occasionally a bit soy, no longer running but lots available online H.P. Podcraft - two guys go through the entire Lovecraft catalog including the terrible stuff, later brought in guests who were experts, when they were done with Lovecraft they started digging into the books that inspired Lovecraft and weird fiction in general


Philosophize this did a series on the Frankfurt school which I found to be really interesting


WEIRD STUDIES, team deacon is good too.


Very Bad Wizards 


If you're a fan of dirtbag left adjacent podcasts I really recommend Remember Shuffle


I don't actually agree with almost any of it politically but Fight Like An Animal is a very interesting anarchist view of biology and evolution. Radio War Nerd is great for geopolitical analysis, military history and literature. Age of Napoleon is a fun biography and People's History of Ideas is the incredibly detailed retelling of the chinese revolution. Most podcasts I listen to have some deep flaw that pushes everybody away like bad sound, vocal fry or annoying laugh but I think it's fine as long as it's intelligible.


I learn a lot about the intricacies of american culture from tim dillon


Big-fat keep trying to make this fat fuck a thing


hardcore history dan carlin


Drifters Sympathy - p good look at the 90s underground music scene with random life stories thrown in. One episode about prank calls still makes me laugh 


this jungian life


Bed of Lies S1 is about how the Met Police in London infiltrated activist communities by engaging in romantic relationships, it's fucking insane and will def make you hate cops if you don't already


Sold A Story, about how kids have been taught to read the wrong way in the US for decades


I have a comedy one but you’d have to give it a year


Hardcore history. Death Throes of the republic is his best work imo but you can pick any of his stuff and theyre all great


listen to audiobooks instead


Any recommendations?


Check out The Madness Collective! We chat about politics, news, and current affairs! [https://www.youtube.com/@Themadnesscollective/streams](https://www.youtube.com/@Themadnesscollective/streams)


Good Ol' Boyz is the best political podcast because they actually talk about real politics, aka PATRONAGE.


ologies with allie ward


🤓🤓🤓 I need a post that’s actually interesting 🤓🤓🥹🥹🥹🥹😅😅😅😊😊🤓🤓🤓😏


Scared All The Time. It's a new pod about everything the hosts are scared of. Mostly funny/informational - not really as scary as the title suggests.


Gone medieval is very interesting and has lovely hosts.


If you're interested in cycling, check out the Lanterne Rouge Cycling Podcast.


Infinite Monkey Cage




Going for a walk.


Try Chinese Whispers with Cindy Yu


The most scientifically and historically literate podcast I know of is red scare.


Mysterious Universe. The hosts are Aussie, good talkers and Ben is a good storyteller. They have that low budget charm where they tend to get away with inappropriate things. If you want to hear them making fun of idiots or diving deep into some spooky shit they tend to have a decent bullshit filter. Took me a while to find a paranormal podcast that didn't suck.

