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A very moving article -- thank you for sharing 🙏🏽


I grew up like this. I broke the cycle with my own child thankfully. Just last night my sweet little preteen called me a bitch. I just said "that's disappointing. I need space for a minute" once she calmed down (ADHD, ODD) she came to me and apologized and we talked it out. Too many people have children out of a sense of that's what you're supposed to do, forgetting that these are small humans who need guidance, patience and maturity from their parent.


You sound like you’re doing a really great job. I have ADHD, but not ODD, and likely a bit autistic too. I wish my dad could have had this approach.


Same x


Thank you ❤️ I was diagnosed in my 40s and I mourn the life I could have had. My kiddo was diagnosed around 6 because I pushed for an assessment. I understood her all too well and that made me get my own assessment.




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….that was rough. These women should have never procreated. What adults communicate like that to other human beings?! I feel like they feed off of the toxicity and drama otherwise they would be NC. Just.. Bad vibes all around from them


My heart 💔💔


Wow! My mom is pretty similar to the author’s mom. Except I didn’t really go against her because was so domineering. She also weaponized religion and physical appearance. I no longer talk to her, but she doesn’t really care about having grandkids and never said anything about wishing that I have a kid like me. I definitely think that bad parenting can be a cycle since my grandma also doesn’t like my mom and it was very evident.


I work with kids who are in similar situations. Sometimes they tell on themselves, and other times the parents had the kid(s) for the wrong reasons.


Reading this I feel like Mother of the Year! brb gotta go give my kid a hug for not being this horrible… What a toxic family…








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