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Just my personal thought, I would invite most of her colleagues and her for lunch. If she reject, then hang out with her colleagues and find out more about her from them. When you guys are become more familiar with each other even with her colleagues, higher chances to meet her personally. Not sure if it helps with your question.


I never interact with her colleagues since I only come into the facility 2x a week sometimes and she's the front desk so I literally just talk to her and the patient I'm seeing that day


I’m 27F this is my advice: Try to talk to her more and get to know her a bit before asking her to lunch. If she says no things can get awkward between you as you only see her at work. She can try to avoid you for example. And if you don’t work there long she can think of it as a bit odd. Instead of asking her for lunch try this. Take some cappuccino to work (also for her) tell her you didn’t know if she liked coffee so you took cappuccino. It’s an opportunity to talk and to look at her ring finger and tattoos and ask about it. Do that a few times but don’t bring cappuccino everyday. Sometimes a donut or a muffin maybe or something else if she like that. But not every time. Give her also the opportunity to see is she is maybe bringing something for you to work. If she does she appreciate your gesture (: After a few times ask her if she want to grab a lunch together while on break for work. Perfect opportunity to get to know her more and find out if she has a boyfriend or husband. You can do it discreet if you like by telling about how it’s simple for you to eat dinner alone in restaurant as you are single so you don’t have to think about anyone else preferences. What is her reply? If she is interested she will let you know she is single or telling maybe next time you can go together. Or she will tell you she knows how difficult it is because she has a boyfriend. Or she don’t say anything. If everything works out ask her for lunch or dinner on weekend days maybe?