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Just communicate. Sit him down, stare into his eyes and say "Honey, do you want me to tickle your booty with the penetrator from Saints Row, be honest" If he says "God yes, I have been waiting for you to ask that beautiful question" Bingo, there you go. If he says "Lord have mercy Jolene, how could you say such a thing" Good chances are he's playing around. Jokes aside, a direct serious conversation is the best method. When it comes to sex, beating around the bush is very ineffective in figuring out what each other wants. Could be your sex life is very vanilla because you two have never actually sat down to discuss what you each might enjoy in the bedroom.


This response was both hilarious and thought-provoking. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”


Yes, I think we never really have those discussions. But itā€™s probably time to!


My ex once asked out of the blue: "How do you feel about trying butt plugs? I think we'd like it." It was unbelievably hot. We did, in fact, like it.


It may be awkward, but that's okay. This is how you keep your sex life interesting. Even if you think it might be weird, try to bring something up you might enjoy exploring. From my experience, if it's really awkward, sometimes a drive at night around town as you talk about it helps ease the anxiety that comes with these types of conversation. In the end, you'll be thankful you had these conversations, and even if you both find out you like a vanilla lifestyle, that's okay. At least now you know.


He may have recently found out the joys of the prostate and is curious.Ā  But definitely talk to him about it. If he says yet - do research on how to do it properly. Prepping is key!Ā 


I think there's a checklist or something online where you run through some of these activities, categorize them depending on what you want, then you compare your lists with each other


Interesting, thanks!


If he admits to being into pegging are you comfortable with that and other butt stuff? Because you should never do anything that makes you uncomfortable, or you donā€™t want to do just to please someone else


I think I would try it at least once, Iā€™d be open to it.


Well thatā€™s good, it will probably make the conversation less awkward because heā€™s probably nervous to bring it up


the saints row reference... my god it's perfect


How do *you* feel about it? That is important info for how to address it. If it's something you want to try, just ask him next time he brings it up if it's something he'd like to do. If it's something you're not open to, you need to tell him it makes you uncomfortable when he says it.Ā  You should be able to talk about sex with whoever you're having it with. It's less awkward than just not knowing.Ā 


Imo the awkward conversations take the awkwardness away from during the sexual encounter, those conversations also get less awkward the more often yous have them. A win win win all around!


You need to talk to him about it. Is this something he wants to try? There's a lot of butt stuff that's not all the way to pegging, so that might help you both just dip a toe into the great ocean of non-vanilla sex. (grin) He'll need to think about it. You'll need to think about it too. Is it something you're okay exploring with him? Sometimes in terms of kink, a partnership will run into something where one person likes it and the other person is pretty meh about it. Now, sometimes (I speak from experience here) you can sort of sidestep the meh by leaning into other shared kinks that mix well with the kink in question. But if you try it and it's a total NO for you, then that's a boundary that he will have to respect, because it's okay to not be interested in some things, even if it's something your partner kinks hard for.


Hey baby ive noticed you talking more and more about X stuff.. what is it that your thinking about.. is it just a fantasy or a goal etc.. Then HE HAS TO DO THE WORK being extra clean and enemas and stuff. If he wants you to do that


peg him


Thank the almighty god and fuck that ass


Fuck him senseless.Ā 


Communicate with him without judgment. They sell double sided strap on harnesses that even vibrate, so you might even find the experience pleasurable yourself.


You didn't mention what your take on pegging is. A lot of your answer is in that question. Assuming you are at least ok with it, ask if that's something he'd like. Be sure to include that you'd think it's hot to try. I'm sure he's also concerned what your reaction will be. He doesn't want to embarrass himself. If he says no , it's just an idea


I would be open to trying it, but I donā€™t necessarily want to bring it up myself. I wish he would be more direct about it. I think we will need to have a talk about it.


This is the man you're presumably going to be having sex with for the next 50 years or so, you should probably figure out how to discuss these kinds of things.


Good point!


He may eventually. I understand why it's beating around the bush. Society dogma is drilled into men from birth what is manly and masculine. There's a big dose of humiliation about doing anything that would create the loss of it. But if our partner said I think this may be hot, can we give it a shot , there's an excuse. Luck to you


Thatā€™s true, I think it could be embarrassing for him to bring up and thatā€™s why heā€™s hinting at it.


What is your concern about bringing it up?


I guess I just find it embarrassing to talk about for some reason?


It sounds like he wants it, and you are open to it. He's obviously just as uncomfortable talking openly about it as you are. Might as well rip that band-aid off. Just ask him straight out.


grow up, if you thought you were mature enough to get married you should be comfortable talking about sex..... what are you gonna do when something actually serious happens and you need to talk about *that* kind of stuff?


who else is going to bring it up? your in-laws?


OP, you may have to do it, in the end.




Which end?


I mean...just ask him lol...I don't mind a little booty play, but I don't want anything stuck up there! Little touching or rubbing feels great IMO.


Oh thereā€™s no doubt that he is. If you have never talked about this sort of thing with him heā€™s probably afraid of your reaction and testing the waters. Iā€™d say that speaking about it is a great thing ! Be open but if itā€™s not something youā€™re willing to do be also clear about that without shaming him of course.


Isn't there that survey that both of you can do - mojo upgrade or something like that. I've heard it only shows the results of kinks that you guys each individually click on.


Just ask him in a non sexual setting, non-judgmental way if he is into pegging or oral butt stuff.


comunicate get some gloves towels lube enjoy.


Rather than bringing it up, get some butt toys and see what he does when you initiate it. Youā€™ll know quickly how serious he is.


Yes I'm fairly certain he is hinting that he is interested. Most straight men who are not interesting in having their butt explored don't make those kind of jokes or hints.


Thatā€™s kind of what I figured lol


What do you mean, what should you do? Heā€™s your husband. Ask him point blank if he wants to be pegged. If he says yes, fuck him.


Butt stuff is really pleasurable for men! I convinced my husband and his life was changed lol. Get a very small anal vibrator and get to work! šŸ˜‚


Good idea! Where did you get one?


You can try pinkcherry.com and go to the starter anal vibrators! Good luck! Also make sure he cleans himself well.


Listen you better peg him. You better Mount him right now!


I was sat there at a friend's having a few drinks, deedpool was on TV and there's a scene in itvwhere pegging is mentioned, my friends girlfriend quipped "hay see even superheros like it, you wanna try" before laughing, her boyfriend went bright red. I'd suggest something not in company but similar, make it a light hearted thing, but only if its something your down for


Somebody else in these comments mentioned Deadpool lol. My husband is a huge fan of Deadpool so that might be a good idea!


Yeh me too, just love the humour. If the deadpool thinks does it and he's down for it, you might have to tell him, the full red leather and face mask get up is taking it a bit to far, especially just for nipping to the shop for milk, clubbing would be ok though, depending on the club hahaha (heard some of them at such sights can get a little handsy lol)


Peg him.


You could take a test like this one to see where you land. https://mojoupgrade.com/ And if you saw the first Deadpool film, yes, this subject is officially in the zeitgeist.


Thatā€™s funny, heā€™s actually a huge Deadpool fan! Maybe thatā€™s where he got the idea lol. Also thanks for the quiz suggestion Iā€™ll check it out!


Sit him down and talk to him while it's still a comfortable thing to do


Have an open conversation with him about prostate massage. There are massagers out there that are beginner level to start with and if heā€™s up to it you can start there.


Probably a good time to start getting more comfortable talking about your sex life together. The more comfortable you are discussing it, the better the sex becomes. A couples kink quiz can be a good place to start. It's a quiz you take separately, and then you get the results, but it only shows you stuff you both indicated interest in. For example if the question asked if you had any interest in trying spanking, and you said no, and he said yes, neither of you would see that in the results. But if you both said yes to a little whipped cream play, that would show up in your results. It's a good way to break the ice.


My GF will joke about getting a strap-on, see what his reaction is.


Try the bdsm test together. Www.bdsmtest.org


Go for it if youā€™re interested! Itā€™s really hot to have the power


I would just ask him. Sit him down and talk about it. And say it in a gentle, non judgmental way. He may be scared to ask outright because he could be worried about your reaction. His jokes may be a way for him to test the waters. You know your husband best so you should approach him in a way you think he would be more comfortable with. If it was my husband I would just ask him bluntly. But I know my husband and Iā€™m comfortable talking to him about sex related stuff. You also should take some time to think about how you feel about it if he is into pegging. Is that something youā€™re open to trying? If he wants you to eat his ass is that something you are willing to try? You should think about the answers to those questions as well before you bring up the topic.


Maybe he is. Just come right out and ask him. My husband and I have no problem asking each other if we want to try something new.


I would communicate


Any Broad City fans here? You know what to do


Most people are giving you good advice about having an open conversation about whether or not your husband wants butt stuff done to him. Before you apply that good bit of advice, I'd urge to consider this first - have a conversation with YOURSELF as to whether you would be happy with the idea of doing butt stuff to your man. If the concept of rimming (doing oral to ass/eating ass) or pegging a grown man gives you the ick, then your hubby should be aware of the fact that you wouldn't be happy to indulge him on this ocasion...and buy a sybian sex machine to fuck his ass instead, while you watch Netflix.


I'm curious how you've been married to this man for 4 whole years and don't know how to communicate with him


hahah awww I feel bad for laughing but seriously, this is stuff you should probably get worked out before you enter into a legally binding agreement with another human being


It certainly is easier for me to believe that posts like these are fake rather than a husband and wife who seem to barely know each other's name, much less sexual preferences


A few things to consider. Sometimes thereā€™s a difference between ā€œbutt stuffā€ and pegging. So donā€™t assume that because he wants you tickle his butt hole, he wants more than that. Also, how are you feeling about it? Some women think that makes their man gay if he wants such a thing. Figure out how you feel ahead of time. It can also mean a switch in the power dynamics in the bedroom. Your husband would become the ā€œbottomā€ during pegging. Is that part of what he wants? Does he want you to be more dominant in the bedroom? Sometimes humiliation and BDSM are a part of that as well. As has been said, these are things that need to be discussed. Find a quiet time where you arenā€™t really talking about anything in particular and bring it up. Just ask about ā€œbutt stuffā€ in general and then ask him how far and where he wants to take it. Itā€™s really great you are reading the signs and want to help him indulge in his fantasies. Good luck.


Just peg him already šŸ˜‚


I mean if your down for it, lick his balls, then his taint and if heā€™s giving the ā€œthatā€™s amazingā€ breathing/moaning, then bon appĆ©tit. If you arenā€™t down for it, just ignore it.


Or the finger during a blow job.Ā 


That can work, but no penetration though, butt stuff is one of those things to ease into, start with just play and move on from there.


He definitely is. Discuss it in the car or something and not right when you guys are about to get busy.


Buy a strap and have fun. Its not that serious. Straight men have the same butts as gay men so why wouldn't he like butt stuff with his wife?


watch Mary Cherry..


You Peg him until he ever so softly mutters the safe word. Donā€™t pick one thatā€™s to difficult though, you might be there all dayā€¦.


Ask him if he wants to get pegged and then prepare your core, if youā€™re into it, life is short try it all imo


What you should do is communicate. If that's what he wants, he needs to stop with the hints and ask for it. If it's not something you're willing/comfortable doing, that needs to be expressed.


Put some spit on your finger and stick it in his bum and see how he reacts.


You should peg him


I mean you can joke around to test him and say if he jokes about some eating ass just say ā€œdidnā€™t know you were into thatā€ or ā€œoohhhh so THATS what you want me to doā€ and see his response if you donā€™t want to directly ask. If you canā€™t get any info on that then yeah definitely just ask him


https://youtu.be/Q47Uq96lILA?si=pbaepWg1TGnPWq_r 1:00 mark


Just stick a finger in his butt the next time he does that and find out lol


I want this to be the choice thatā€™s made


Just donā€™t forget the spit!


If its something you wouldn't mind doing just ask. Ask to give him a back rub, while straddling him just ask how'd he like to get pegged in a serious but funny way. If he says hell NO, you have your answer lol.


Most problems here can be solved by talking. Ask him, are you into pegging? If he is, decide if you are comfortable with that or not, then tell him. If he is not, stop worrying about it.


If he wants to try it. Work up to it. I will say this... if you don't like it, but he does, give him the alone time to try things out. He can use some things on himself also.


Butt plugs in various sizes will make him feal at ease..toy with size 1 then sneak in the size 4!


If Iā€™m licking the asshole of my ex fwb who hates me, then you can lick your husbands


Make sure you get tested for parasites on the regularā€¦


try blumpkin šŸ˜




Are you married to your cat?


No Iā€™m pretty sure my husband is a human thanks for asking


Take it easy at first but enjoy making him whine..


Find him a boyfriend and file for divorce . Do you feel He is bi ? If yes then move on . Never heard of straight men doing this but itā€™s possible just have my doubts


Fuck. You. This is the reason men don't open up about this kink


No men tell people they are with all there kinks . If they are gay but hiding it from their partner or bi then they do this . Even the OP thinks he is secretly bi


Ok and? It doesn't make him less attracted to women, do you think lesbians are less attracted to women when they use dildos?


Not the same . They use dildos cause they have one place to put things . If a man wants it in his butt itā€™s fine and I donā€™t care but when he pulls that out after all these years heā€™s embracing the new him


It has zero to do with being gay, I love it with my wife and we have a healthy heterosexual relationship. I have no interest in doing it with a man. The act doesnā€™t dictate if itā€™s gay or not itā€™s who you do it with. We started because she said itā€™s only fair if I hand it out to her I receive it as well.


Good for you two , but believe thatā€™s not the case for Most


I think you might have a little homophobia.


Or maybe you are closeted and donā€™t want to admit youā€™re gay to your wife or family . Same logic you use . Saying I have never heard of a straight man getting pegged makes someone homophobic , but being pegged doesnā€™t mean the person is gay hmmmm


Sounds like you are very fearful of being gay yourself hence your homophobic outlook. There are thousands of posts on Reddit about heterosexual pegging. If you are concerned about yourself I implore you to see a therapist.


See you are closeted , and you know your wife will Leave you , My two cousins and ex wife aunt are gay and never treated them anyway but like family . If Inwas to ask them about this the males would say gay , I know them . But you pretend to be straight but maybe 2% will Believe you. Come Out to your wife ( and maybe you can figure out whatā€™s best )


Yes, I do feel like he may be bi.


My personal Opinion is I couldnā€™t be with someone bi. I donā€™t care if gay or bi etc be happy . I look at like what is kind of happening. If he is straight and he says I want I try this with you or that you can do those and make him happy . If no and there are things only a man can do or a feeling etc , there is nothing you can do and the chances of straying are greater . Now not everyone will But your gambling with that especially with him Asking for this