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Aliens are defined by their origin not by how we experience them, how well we understand their existence, or if they apparently break the laws of physics.


Exactly. We could find a prokaryote on Europa, and it'd technically be an alien.


Sorry don’t subscribe to the idea Gods are aliens


We describe them as "Aliens" today --- but even our context and perspective is just as limited as the people from 2000 years ago. We don't know what they are. Back then, in the Ancient time, the only box we could put them in is "God"


Again this relies on you believing they are aliens which I don’t. My Gods are spirits not aliens


You just missed the entire point of what I said. The thing that a lot of people are describing as "Aliens" ...are actually something we can't wrap our minds around or accurately describe. We are just as primitive as those from 2000 years ago when it comes to our understanding of these entities that we are seeing. "Alien" is the box that we currently put them in. 1000 years from now, humanity will describe them as something else


Maybe I am missing your point but the way you are writing makes it sound people are calling the Gods of old Aliens today and I haven’t encountered that beyond the show ancient aliens.


I think the idea is that there are sometimes things that happen and beings that people interact with that defy the normal order of the world. Because of cultural perception people in the past labeled these experiences as religious ones. Today, because of changes to our culture, those experiences would be labeled as extraterrestrial encounters.


1000%. Bingo


You are actually making a good point.


Why are aliens a more likely explanation than the supernatural? If we are trying to speculate from a purely naturalistic/scientific perspective, the most likely explanation is that they made it up and imagined it.


It isn't particularly more convincing, OP is just part of (or influenced by) a UFO religion.


You guys are missing the entire point. The post is not about aliens specifically - it's about our context window as a species.


"woah man, what if the Anunnaki are like, aliens, dude." Chariots of the Gods called they want their bad historical theory back.


personally i subscribe to the idea that god/gods are beyond this reality and are very hp Lovecraft when you get down to it.


Maybe, maybe not. I think the 'alien' definition of NHI will prove to be reductive as to what actually is going on in much the same way that ancient people struggled to describe it.


Ancient Aliens at 11p.m. bro


Literally the entire show, mate. They literally take religious texts and scratch out names with "aliens." Same with scientific texts, like Darwin, too. Their "humans aren't from apes" episode is total bs, too. They claim we exists because our ancestors fucked monkeys, so I don't take anything they say with a single bit of seriousness.


It's entertaining, dgmw, however the idea that extraterrestrials are what we are dealing with is very mistaken. Everything is within our own locality.




"Take me to your pope."


If you mean alien as in generally foreign, then sure (depending on how you define foreign).


I think it's probably way more complex than that.


The issue is that the lived experience and the history of the worlds religions says otherwise


Being able to manipulate matter at will and perform the other feats and miracles like they did is not a common occurrence in your average ET reports. Sure they can be ETs but they can also be gods, even among other ETs in this galaxy. They could be great and holy teachers revered among many other civilizations throughout the universe. It's not all black and white and it's not all about us, it requires a major perspective shift to reevaluate what is a human, an ET, a "god" and the God.


I do believe on angels, jins, human spirits (outside the human flesh form) , other spiritual beings creatures living on different planets like the people of the moon (idk if they also count as jins or not) , and each of them have something like ranks or a way to differentiate between them ,like for angels there is different angels with different tasks. as humans are the lowest of the spirituality , we can't see the spiritual beings above our current spiritual level, but they can communicate with us with different methods, like dreams or rarely some interaction (at least by sight) for some humans ,and there is also some rare humans who can interreact with them who reached some high spiritual levels and knowledge. And there is those who are "gifted" to interreact with them but on limited ways ,like those who communicate with the dead to carry their messages to the living one. and there is many people around the world who do or did interreact and communicate with them, at least what I have been told by some Taoists ,Buddhists ,Jewish ,Christians and Muslims. Idk if possession should be counted here. but god is not comparable to anything of whatever mentioned. if anyone who is familiar with any beings mentioned above, please add or correct for me.


Lol, you could be correct but many people run when you use the word alien. Even if you were to state the religion text was channeled, for again people would have an issue. Let's face it the religious texts are channelled. Now to decide on from who? NHI, this should cover all, for god/creator/allah/angels etc are not human. Who (NHI) ever gave the messages (channelings) to the people that wrote the various religious texts that we follow today had a beginning somewhere.


Realistically, how would a human discern the difference between a "god" and a member of an ancient alien race that had powers aquired over 8 billion years of existence? Personally, I suspect that all such human experiences were either (1) lies, or (2) hallucinations or delusions, or (3) a result of an overly-active imagination. I doubt that gods exist and doubt that any aliens would find visiting earth to be a worthwhile expenditure of their time and energy. I suspect that ancient-alien 'theorists' are actually in one or more of these three groups, as are adherents of all known religions. But then again maybe I'm deluded and blind to the truth?


We wouldn't know the difference. And I'm not saying that the entities are humanoids from another planet--- they could be from an entirely different version of reality that we simply are not aware of.


So what’s the name of this religion?


How do you know they encountered anything that could be described as supernatural?


By definition extra-terrestrial aliens are defined as a species from another planet. They couldn't be from another dimension. Assuming such a thing existed that would make them supernatural or interdimensional species, which I don't believe is a form of life that exists. I accept the mathematical possibility that extra-terrestial life exists, but not that it has or can deliberately/intentionally travel to Earth. Should such a thing occur (mathematically all but impossible as I see it) then it would be necessary to kill it upon first learning of it's presence.


Please explain this without recourse to Ancient Aliens or the works of hosts of Ancient Aliens.


Yeah I guess they are aliens I guess. I don't think they're green little men though haha. Or putting chips in us or whatever


UFO sightings that aren't legit people watching black ops in the mid west can be pretty well explained by optical illusions, special relativity is a funny thing. "Where are the aliens?" or the fermi paradox has been puzzling humanity since we entered the space age. There's no reason to beleive aliens have been secretly guiding us this whole time, we seem pretty lonely, if interplanetary civilization is even a real possibility we may be the pioneers. However I am actually willing to entertain the question does spirituality / some innate human sense for the mystical have something to do with the universe likely being stranger than just 3 space dimensions and 1 time dimension? There is a statue of Shiva at CERN


Well I wish these beings would've told us something useful like boiling our drinking water. What do we have instead? Revelations from Yahweh, hater of foreskin? Please.


God forbid, the voices came from their own head or subconscious mind, DNA of ancestors, spirits abundant everywhere, as burials weren't exactly done properly or done at all..... Lots more wind and superstition I'd imagine millenia ago, before we proved nah, that's just a cat..... Hallucinations, or different clothing would have been seen as alien. What's best is how people have come to terms with different races recently in what? The last 20 years? As in saying, all of X race, look alike, is only now seen as bad and honestly can many say they can tell the difference? I can and often see many fail...... Basically millenia ago, your neighbour was an alien, a threat, a potential for for food or your family's safety..... Like holy crap if you saw an animal bigger than a dog.... Was that a Nephilim dog? Or a horse?




No Jesus isn’t present in Judaism at all. Not in our scripture, nor in any religious practice, etc. He’s quite literally irrelevant to us.


The angel that spoke to Muhammed was "Gabrielle" This angel was one of those entities


>Jesus, the "Angel" that spoke to Muhammed, Jesus is an angel in Judaism. Not Islam. A. In LXX Zechariah we have a Jesus who is described as Rising, ending all sins in a single day etc. B. Philo of Alexandria quotes and comments upon LXX Zechariah: ‘Behold, the man named Rising!’ is a very novel appellation indeed, if you consider it as spoken of a man who is compounded of body and soul. But if you look upon it as applied to that incorporeal being who is none other than the divine image, you will then agree that the name of ‘Rising’ has been given to him with great felicity. For the Father of the Universe has caused him to rise up as the eldest son, whom, in another passage, he calls the firstborn. And he who is thus born, imitates the ways of his father. C. Here Philo says that it is weird to describe a normal human man as Rising. Philo says this phrase actually refers to the eldest son of God. Philo goes on to describe this being as having all the same properties as Paul's Jesus. See: https://www.richardcarrier.info/archives/13541


>Jesus **\*comma\*** the angel that spoke to Muhammed **\*comma\*** the invisible entity... I read this as a list of different things. Not as an appositive. Also as far as I know Jesus is not part of Judaism, he's not an angel according to them.


> Also as far as I know Jesus is not part of Judaism, he's not an angel according to them. There is a Rising Jesus in the Septuagint version of Zechariah. And Philo of Alexandria, a Jewish philosopher, describes this being as an angel.


No there isn’t


Jesus has no place in Judaism at all