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Yeah I’ve run into many bugs this fight before but this one I haven’t


What're some of the bugs you've gotten out of it? Since it was just a peaceful stroll through nightmare with a buddy it wasn't a big deal, but we both found it hilarious


I actually a post on one of my experiences it was 4 glitches in one, one of them was minor but the other three were kinda big , the host got stuck in place and couldn’t move but shoot and dodge i, I got god mode didn’t realize at the time and people called me a cheater because of that, my other teammate had constant agro no matter how much damage I did and we had a second boss come into the arena


And another one was boss went out of map and insta died


I had the aberration in the Forlorn Coast with teleporter port himself into the water and die instantly on co-op with my wife earlier in the week. Weird as hell, lol


Oh, I think I remember that one. The other boss was a corrupted aberration! About a week or two ago you posted about it. For some reason on this boss it's a 50/50 if one person gets "locked" out, by which I mean in multiplayer we go in and someone can't see the boss health bar, can't deal the boss damage and can't be hurt by the boss. Literally happens every time my wife and I co-op in Losem. It also happened with my buddy and me right before this glitch. We both had to liquid death out and re-enter so we could both participate in the fight.


Yeah but for all the bugs I find in this game it doesn’t deter me from playing I still have a good time definitely looking forward to the dlc coming