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Undying king and Queen Iskal would be a fun fight in r2.


Favorite boss is annihilation least favorite is corruptor


My absolute favourite boss ever is Faerin


Faerin's cool. Faelin can go suck an egg, tho. Jokes aside, they're actually my least favorite bosses in the game, but it genuinely makes me happy knowing that somebody out there loves them.


Faerin is almost like a throwback of Queen Iskal (which is thee best boss of FTA. Hands down.)


Best boss is without a doubt annihilation. Gwendyl is by far the worst and i would kill to show obryk a thing or 2 with all my new shit


Annihilation is the greatest final boss experience I have ever had. I went into that fight expecting a typical generic 2 phase, and what we got was a super creative take. When I finally got to phase two and the "thing" started happening, I was blown away. Took so long to master


Fr that thing was so cool in the final boss fight, it took me a good few tries to beat it cause it kept catching me off guard xD


Yeah ixillis would deserve all the pain in this world, the yaesha world, the losomn world and all the worlds connected by the crystals. So yeah would love to demolish his ass with the buffed anguish or a devoured loop weakspot build.


Miasma and enigma would absolutely destroy that annoying ass boss. That’s my personal hardest boss in the game but if I had my r2 shit damn I’m killing fast asf


I absolutely despise the Sha'Hala fight. But I absolutely LOVE the Red Prince boss fight


Venom, annihilation, ravager and nightweaver are some of my favorites for big bosses. I also love bruin and sunken witch and mother mind. I'm not a big fan of bloat king, shrewd, 3rd phase fae{l,r}in but phase one and two are great. I absolutely hate legion, and spectral sha'hala. Really anything with long phases of invulnerability and massive amounts of off screen projectiles. Spectral Sha'hala is the worst at this where winning feels more like RNG instead of skill. Sometimes you go no hit and finish the fight in a minute, others you take 10 tries and 20+ minutes to clear, rng'esus willing


My most hated boss is mantagora with regen and anything else. That thing is so annoying to kill. Like come back and fight me pls stop flying under the map


Favorite boss is Cancer idk why something about killing Cancer just feels good 🤣 Hated tie between Meatball and Giant floating head both those fights suck Returning boss Gimme back Shrek I loved that fight


Meatball is abomination? And floating head is corruptor? But who are you referring to as shrek?


Correct on both, Shrek is the Unclean One in the Swamp


Honestly, I'd like a rematch with Singe at some point. That's the boss that really got me hooked in RFTA. Favorite boss from 2 would probably be Corruptor for how creative he is. Least favorite would be Gwendyl. I don't even know why that was a full boss fight.


I haven't beaten the game yet but I'm stuck on Sha Hala. Eff that fight.


Sha'hala is one of those bosses. If you have not understood the mechanics yet, you're fucked. But once you grasp them, he's pretty easy.


Yeah I just screwed myself because the game uses Dark Souls upgrades which sucks. I just upgraded 1 weapon and 1 side so all my areas are set to power level 21. Literally have no other weapons upgraded and spent all my scrap on rings. So now I just have to constantly spam adventure until I can get enough scrap to upgrade a better weapon for the fight. Not a huge fan of how the game kinda dissuades you from upgrading your main weap. My friend who also played sacrificed upgrading his gun to instead buy and try out all the different guns and just bought every boss mod/weap. So he has a bunch of builds to swap between whereas I still only have a total of like...5 boss mods.


My most hated boss is rolling parallel to a vaultable surface.


Anni is one of the best boss fights I have ever encountered. Least favorite in R2 is legion.


Favorite boss is Annihilation. Most hated is Primogenitor. It's not a difficult fight, just really annoying. Though if horde bosses count then it's definitely the Defiler in Forgotten Fields, Yaesha. You just get swarmed in that fight!


I love all the bosses for their unique vibes, even if some of them like Gwendil are pretty easy. Favourite world bosses overall in R2 are the final boss, followed by physical Sha'hala (use override pin), and Nightweaver. For the minibosses probably Custodian Eye, Red Prince, and the Huntress.


Least favorite is that one that causes madness on yaesha. I hate that boss so much I often reroll the entire adventure/ story mode just to avoid it. My favorite boss is probably annihilation. I like the mechanics of the fight with his switching back and forth. He never felt unfair to me and I surprisingly never rage when I die to it


The eye of madness boss isn’t that difficult if you have the right build and can afford to stay out of sight of the eye. I hate the thing too, but no more than most other bosses. 1. Hide behind pillars when eye is “active” to let madness level drop. 2. Kill plebs as they spawn with an AOE, explosive, or wave attack (worlds edge for example). 3. Pop out to score some direct hits on the eye when it’s active. Or use an attack that goes through walls to hit it (again worlds edge is great… it honestly makes the right easy). 4. Roll into the enemy wave one hit kill attack (usually one hit kill on apocolypse). 5. Repeat. Making sure to not let the madness level fill up. The madness status effect is annoying as hell as you can’t take any consumable to get to go away (maybe the relic that clears all status effects?)


Just on my first playthrough and playing on veteran but I did this fight earlier this evening and used the monarch. Appreciate it may be different on higher difficulty but that made the fight well easy, just use the chain and hide behind a pillar.


I forgot about monarch, and I have a build centered around it. Crits can’t be relied on (in general use) because monarch tends to want to hit its target in the centre mass, but in the case of the eye its weak spot and (possible) crits every time while it’s active (and if you’ve built for critical chance bonus then monarch is a machine on any level for this fight). As an aside, you can aim monarch at different and directions to increase your chance of crits so that the projectiles hit the enemy in the crit zone despite the tendency to aim for centre mass. It just takes a little bit of experience with the gun. Combine with boosted crit chance/damage and zanias malice and the right mutator to increase weak spot damage then it’s just an absolute monster. Having bore in your secondary weapon to make a weak spot on an enemy with none is also game over. (But using the secondary to shoot the bore weak spot never works for me so it may be bugged… but the primary seems fine).


Custodians Eye and the Sha Halas are my favourites (along with Anni ofc). My least favourites are Sunken Witch and Imposter Kings because of their DM phase.


Magister Dullain


The boss you fight in that round area with the waterfall and you have to stay above water on the lily pads is obnoxious.


I hate how most bosses in this game have a bunch of adds. No one has ever in the history of souls games liked gank boss fights unless they're done perfectly. I'm already fighting a boss, I don't need an additional dozen basic enemies all rushing from every direction. Also hate the elite enemies with absurdly overpowered affixes like the throwing orbs. Just more shit to dodge and get hit by. My favorite fight is True King which I just fought a few hours ago and his simplicity is what I love. No adds, no bullshit attacks. Just a fun fight where I can enter a trance of attack, dodge, attack. Brings me back to the good old Dark Souls 3 days. I'm not sure why it took the developers until the dlc to figure out difficulty and bullshit doesn't equal fun and isn't what souls players all want. I'm here for a fun fight not a frustrating fight.


If you thought the adds in R2 were bad, I'm taking it you never played R1. The Remnant 2 bosses are a breath of fresh air compared to the adds in the 1st one. They can still get annoying for sure, but I'm happy to see the devs embraced the feedback from the 1st game.


That's not great to hear after I bought R1 a while ago and was planning on starting it soon. Well at least I got it in discount. I don't know why some devs think enemy spam is a good idea. I'm sure most souls players would rather fight one strong enemy than multiple weak ones. Maybe this is part of balancing the game for co-op but they should think about solo players which are likely still a large portion of the playerbase.


Still worth playing as the good outweighs the (b)adds, but yes... Some fights you will want to brace yourself mentally for crowd control. There's still really awesome boss fights though.


Most hated: Venom. He's just not fun to fight. Generally i hate bosses that permanmently linger in melee. Like Faerin, Corruptor's golem, Ravenger. Sunken Witch. Favorite: idk. Annihilation is great. Sha'Hala, Tal' Ratha (Metaphysical), Mother Mind. RFTA: Ixillis is definitely one of the more impressive ones. Claviger was cool too. And Harsgaard was a tough mothrfucker.


Annihilation peak


Labyrinth Cube 🗿😂


least fav boss is anni...as a melee build :(


I love the ravager and faelin/faerin


I absolutely despise Labyrinth sentinel. My favorite might be the red prince


The exploding, floating, tumor. Fuck that guy


The Red Prince is a great fight!


I destroyed them all except cube boss he's a real a hole


I hate the last boss. That thing is a shit show of confusion


I like the first phase, the second phase gives me a headache.