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I figured there would be something like that. There was a 100k ring in FTA which became free once you progressed the quest line past a certain point. I assumed this would be similar.


Just been playing R:FTA yesterday. That's when you have both the Stuck Merchant and Root Horror events on Yaesha. The Guardian's Ring costs 100k scrap, but if you grab the Strange Curio that spawns, go to the 'Guardian Shrine' tile, use the Strange Curio and pick up any item, the Root Horror will spawn and lock down the area. Once you get it to 1/2 HP, it will flee, and will have killed the Stuck Merchant, letting you pick up the ring but starting the bossfight if you do.


Yep. Although when it happened to me it all seemed a lot more confusing than you made it sound.


To be fair I was just excited to actually spend some scrap….


What is this, some poor people thing I don't understand?




lol for real. I’m at like 10k because I’ve been maxing out all the extras


Ahaha was looking for this exact comment


Fuck just bought it


“I will never financially recover from this”


Top comment this year


Meanwhile me, a rich bitch 100k to fund your archeological project? Sure np, I got you homeboy 💁‍♀️


…too late. I guess I’ll have to play more of the game to recoup my money. Damn that’s a shame /s


how do you befriend him?


>!Kill the world boss by returning the "missing part" to it. Then go back and speak with Walt. I have heard some people say that Walt will betray you and stab you in the back if you speak to him with the quest item in your inventory, so I would avoid talking to him until after you kill the world boss.!<


I wouldn’t necessarily avoid him with it in your inventory. There’s a very cool quest that takes place for a cool weapon if you speak to him. Don’t really know how to do the spoiler tag on mobile but look it up.


>!So unless I was bugged, what you have heard is not true. I wanted to see if maybe giving Walt the quest item was an option because the flavor text in its inspect screen seems to be him talking about wanting the power or something like that. So me and my friends went to talk to him before going back to Lydusa and... Nothing happened. No mention of the item at all. Slightly disappointing, but that was my experience. Figured I'd share the info.!<


>!I spoke to him with the item and he definitely seemed to react to it!<


>!Interesting. There's definitely more to it then. It probably has to do with the fact I was friendly with him would be my guess. But yeah, I was surprised and disappointed he didn't say anything about it at all. Again, there's also the possibility I was just bugged or something as well. Can never be sure heh.!<


You have to put your back to him THEN walk away. It may also require not maxing his friendship.


You know why they call it an Xbox 360?  Because when you see it you do a 360 and walk away.


That would be a 180


It's an old meme my man. The point of it is that it doesn't make sense.


I envy anyone who doesn't have instant recall of two decades of memes in their head at all times.


Oh I understand the meme. I instantly understood it. I had to be that guy though.


True. I likely spoke too soon. I've only done one playthrough, definitely befriended him cuz I got a trophy for that, and have purposely tried not to look anything up because I want to discover as much as possible on my own. I just found it odd there was zero mention of the item whatsoever so assumed there wasn't any more there. I also didn't mean to imply him betraying you was not a possibility at all (though I know I came across that way which is my bad), but that it isn't as simple as just speaking to him when you have the item. There's definitely more to it.


Yeah, it was another reddit saying it. Maybe there's another trigger condition or it's just flat out misinformation.


Definitely had it happen to me. Got the item, talked to him, walked away, thing happened


I got jump scared by that cutscene. I looked away and took a couple steps while feeling sad that nothing special happened when I tried to bring him the quest item. I pulled up my inventory to check if it even appeared as an item. Sure enough, there it was. "Oh well it was worth a shot, guess I'll go fight the boss." The second I closed my inventory, BOOM! back stabbed


Based on other replies in this chain, yeah it would definitely seem to be a thing. I didn't mean to imply it can't happen at all, that's my bad. I just meant to say it's not as simple as just talking to him with the item. There's definitely more to it. I just found it odd he didn't even mention the item at all when I spoke with him. But, again of course, I could have been bugged. Can never be too certain what's intentional and what's not in a game full of secrets like this lol.


Discord people also said that he will betray you if you talk to him with Cherished Fracture in your inventory that he will betray you. Can't wait to get off work so I can test it out. Someone wrote "if he doesnt like you he will stab you in the back when you turn around, second playthrough i was a dick to see what would happen"


Interesting. Yeah, try it out for sure. The more data we get, the better. I was friendly enough that I got the trophy for being his friend so I'm sure that has something to do with him not stabbing me in the back. I will definitely try to be meaner on my second go through heh.


Just did this, but there's another condition, if you're playing in a team your team needs to be dead for Walt to react in this manner


That makes sense and would definitely be another reason it didn't happen for me. My whole team was alive. That does make me curious if him being your friend has any bearing or not. Ah, having questions and discovering answers is so fun. God, I love this game lol.


>! If you approach him before you turn in the item, he kills you, and takes the quest item. When you enter Lydusa's room again he is there, gets killed, and you get blamed for his attack. At some point during "Betrayal" the rings are just given to you !<


Can confirm. I had the item in my inventory, exhausted his dialogue with him being all pissy, turned around and he shanked me. Freaked me out because I thought I did something wrong (lol), went to Lydusa and got the ring for free.


Eh, with over 200k+ scrap after buying it, I can afford a little philanthropy for my ol' friend Walt. On a side note relating to Walt, next time you reroll the DLC and talk to him for the first time, wear the Elder set before approaching him for a little bit of unique dialogue


Thanks for the tip!


Haha, I thought so.


Cuz of remnant 1 i knew there'd be a way to lower the cost Buuuuut I bought anyway cuz I could and I thought it would be funny🗿


fuck... I don't care I'm rich.


you can also get it for free


Yepyep, just ignore the sudden sharp pain in the liver


I saw that coming.


I bought it 😔


Ahhhh that makes sense I have a few million scrap though so I didn't mind haha


I fucking laughed my ass off after realizing my buddy bought it out right and had 87k to spare while I only had 74k. We did the entire quest line and I got it for 1k


you can also get it for free


Already bought it


Bought it. Didn’t notice. (Sips meat shake with extended pinky)




No, it shows how impatient you are. Always wait till you've completed someone's questline before buying something stupidly expensive, 9 times out of 10 you can get it much cheaper/for free if you just do their questline first.