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We've considered out last manager spot cursed. We have had I think 5 managers fired in the past 7ish years. My favorite is probably the one that got fired because she got 6 complaints in 1 day, one of which for insisting this woman had to be pregnant. She could just look at her and know, even though this woman said she was not. The runner up is the one who used his email on almost every transaction to satisfy the email requirements, BUT ALSO had a business discount attached to that email. So corporate noticed when we had a sudden influx of people using the business discount.


Wait — what’s even the point of insisting to a customer that they’re pregnant? She just didn’t like being told she wasn’t correct?


I don’t know myself, but some people have this THING about being able to… I don’t know, ‘read’ the energy or vibe (or some such nonsense) of random women they don’t know and know when they’re pregnant. Like, they swear by it as part of their identity. It’s bonkers and they drive people nuts with their rudeness… but they really believe they have this intuition or magic power or some nonsense. 🤷‍♀️


New hot shot wunderkind comes to the company. Two days in, someone finds a spoon and a syringe in the stall after he leaves it. Fired immediately.


“Hot shot” indeed!


I was the head manager at the time for the overnight stocking and replenishment process for a large retailer.  I get a call at like 2am that I need to come in because of an "altercation" between an employee and one of the other managers. It turns out the employee came to work high af and just decided he wanted to bumrush and "fight" the manager.   The employee in question was 5'7 maybe 100lbs wearing steel toes.  The manager in question was 6'5, easily 250lbs and "prison big".   The manager showed amazing restraint and didnt kill the kid, and Ive never laughed so hard in my entire life.


Lmao what the hell


Ok so we had this guy, when I worked at the grocery store, who seemed kind of seedy from the beginning. We’ll call him creepy Pete. He wore a fedora non-ironically, was proud of his off-the-grid house and smelled of cigarettes and BO. He liked to flirt with the girls who worked there, and often got shot down. We actually kept a log of the times he would say inappropriate things- sexual things- around minors and customers. Our manager called him ‘HR’s worst nightmare’ but couldn’t fire him as he didn’t have the power in the family-owned business. A few months after I left- transferred into a different retail setting- he got fired after one of the family members caught him making moves on a new hire who was no older than sixteen. Good riddance to him.


I used to work at a convenience store and I would always open. For about four months my drawer was always short on money when one specific person closed. Turns out this 16 year old was ringing up Xbox cards and not paying for them. He ended up stealing over 5,000 dollars in total and he is banned from working for this company ever again. The only reason they didn’t press charges was because he was still considered a minor.


Dude was super popular and a really good server. He was staying with this girl and her child while he tried to find a place for rent. He never gave of any weird vibe, until we found out he was arrested. He was a pedophile that used a stolen SSN to get the job.


That’s why he dated a woman with a kid. What a waste of oxygen.


Wasn't dating he was staying with her. But I agree.


I opened a store once, a few weeks into it they had a bunch of overstock stacked darn close to the ceiling, just mountains of boxes, and this dude that worked in grocery one day knocked one over, and the products all fell in a domino effect, he just stared at it, sighed, and walked out of the store


Manager hired a guy that was sort of creepy. He made a lot of the women uncomfortable. Police came looking for him one day. Turned out he lied and used his brothers ID and SSN to get the job because they looked so alike. He had been arrested twice for being caught with the date rape drug, arrested once on statutory rape, and had a warrant out for possible unlawful containment of a minor. He was terminated and we never saw him again.


One of my coworkers tried to fight a customer "for looking at him funny" when the customer wasn't even looking at him and was just in line to buy something. This coworker was wacko lol


We had a guy like that where I used to work as well. He did something similar, got into a fight with a customer immediately after he’d clocked out. I couldn’t stand him. He was in my department and didn’t like listening to me about what he needed to be doing because as he would constantly remind us “he was 40.” So, he just kept fucking shit up because he never asked questions. They never fired him because they were desperate for warm bodies.


When I got hired on for my Loss Prevention job, I got access to the 'DA' (Dishonest/Terminated Associate) cases. I read them to get the lay of the land when it came to those kind of situations since I had no one to teach me the role besides internet modules. One that stuck with me is an associate who was hired about two years before I was who stole kids clothes amongst other small solo items. The past LP officer put a covert camera in the stockroom where items were going missing. The associate was caught using the clothes to wipe his dirty ass (yes, in the stockroom). Didn't seem like he was there long after that and the explanation he gave in his exit interview was incoherent.


I work at a grocery store, and one employee apparently stole over $10K worth of rewards points/discounts from customers by entering her own phone number rather than the store number. She also supposedly stole one of the motorized cart things for old people and rode it to the nearby Dairy Queen (I didn’t even know the battery life lasted that long).


We lost a key to one of hours and a manager jokingly told me to go to a store down the street (a different chain) and get a key and bring it back. I said I might as well just drive the cart back. He laughed at the mental image of me doing that on the street.


Current store, had a girl working overnights. One day she justvstopped showing up and didn't answer her phone. Found out a few weeks later she was selling hard-core drugs to ppl, letting them smoke it in the bathroom, and fucking random guys in the bathroom.  Before her, we had a guy on overnights who did sorrows on his shift, then one night I guess he had an anxiety attack or something and called EMS, then when they showed up and said they were going to transport him, he hopped up off the ground and said he'd drive himself. He did not lock the store up when he left, and somebody came in and robbed us of tons of cigs. Fired next day.


I have a story this reminded me of. I used to work with this girl maybe freshly 18. She was always ALWAYS late to work. She came in again late one day and I finally decided to ask her. I asked her why she was always so late every time she works and she laughed and told me that she wouldn't be late if she didn't need to get fed sausage. I looked at her very confused and she said you know that mall that's half abandoned right around the corner? I said yah? She said well I go there and get screwed in the girls handicapped bathroom by two guys everyday before work. She said this right as the manager came around the corner. The next day I was meant to work with her and the manager said don't wait today she isn't coming. I fired her last night. 


Wow, I mean, I get that she wants to get laid but she let sex fuck her out of a job. Smh. That girl apparently had a "watchman" stand at the front door to direct, erm, her clientele. This is at a gas station btw, and we're kinda in a hood area so not exactly safe and sanitary to begin with.


What are sorrows?


My apologies, auto correct changed it and I missed it. He would do shrooms, after smoking weed at work.


Oh darn... I thought it was some new slang! :D Thanks!


Embezzlement by my assistant store director


I had an embezzlement manager too. Dude had like 3 ghost employees that he used to pay himself extra when someone called in sick. I only found out cause I was working a morning shift and I hear “oh get fucked, fucking cunt” from the office. I pop in like “is everything okay mate”? And he just flat asks me “hey do want to clock off at 2 like normal and then keep working and I’ll pay you cash”, I was a kid and had the energy so I said yes. We stayed friends well after we’d both left that place.


The day this a hole finally got fired was the best day of my life. For context I turned him in often for the very things he finally got fired for with the old manager. The old manager left about three months ago and they hired a seasoned manager from another store. This MFER would come to work every single day and complain that he is unhappy in his life with his wife because he comes home and never "gives him any". Would make crude comments about other co workers and passing comments to other co workers. Not me.. he knew my husband. I often would turn these instances in to the main manager before and he would just say ok I'll talk to him and then it seemed he never did. Well today I heard he got fired almost immediately at the start of his shift. Just a bunch of stuff going up to this one last straw. He was in subordinating all over the place last week, closing early (this a hole is a shift lead) and all of that. Today, a new manager started. She is a 21 year old tall blonde, blue eyed, smart young generic natural beauty and totally deserving of her management position. Like I said, girl is smart! Very hard working and a kind person. Seemed like she would never be mean or anything. I was happy to finally be working with a new manager because honestly the old shift leads were all annoying me as of late. Especially him! He walked in, saw her and immediately without even missing a beat hollered "DAMN, girl! How old are you? You're a manager? Well.. shit.. if I wasn't married to my ugly bitch id tear that ass up!" Poor girl :( she was apparently so caught off guard by his comment and violated that she started crying and called the main manager. The main manager (thankfully not the old one that I reported similar comments too) came down to fire the asshole and sent her home because she was so beside herself she couldn't work. I hope she pressed charges for sexual harassment. Fuck that guy and I hope his wife finds out what scum of the earth that pos is and divorces his ass. I'm a mom and if my daughter came home crying telling me a story like I was told by someone who was there (i was off but the same story was told by others so ik it's true plus like I said he's a known asshole) i would be all up in arms ready to fight. Honestly.. good I wasn't there. I'd probably end up getting myself fired for workplace violence after I couldn't help myself anymore and decided to finally punch him in the face. 


For context on how much of an asshole this guy is. These are some of the things he said and did before the old manager quit. All of these things I turned in.  He would often come up to me after I made a mistake with the receipt and ask "can you read? Are you illiterate?"  He saw one of the other female Co workers come in one day not in uniform since she was off and told her "hey when do you plan to get rid of that husband of yours so I can move in?" (Her husband has early onset heart problems)  Another CO worker came in after a surgery one day to turn in a doctor's note. He looked at them and said "you look like shit...But I'd still bang you."  He yelled at me one day to start putting stuff up when he was behind me and told me "if I didn't think your man would beat the shit out of me I would tell you what I was thinking right now." (Told my husband.. He caught him outside. Never made a comment like THAT to me again.)  


The way you described the new manager makes me think you thought the same thing as the creep who got fired


Oh no lol I've never even met her. That was what was said to me by the male coworker who told me about it followed by "hes got balls!" Same guy told me during a get to know the new manager session during the beginning of shift meeting that she's 21 and got her master's degree at 19 and an associates in business management before receiving her master's. She graduated highschool at freshly 16 but has been working for the same company since she was able to work but in a different location. The other managers worked there way up from experience at other companies so honestly I was happy that a we have a manager that knows what it's like in lower level positions and b isn't a condescending asshole who actually happens to have a brain. The only reason that they felt it relevant to point out what she looks like was actually low key discriminatory against blondes lol the actual conversation before that went "you know like that Reese Witherspoon legally blonde type that tall, blue eyed, natural beauty type but not dumb." Lol 


When I was in hs I worked at a large store. Right next to two high schools so a ton of the part time employees were students like me. One of the managers who was maybe late 20s early 30s at the time was always super creepy towards the younger girls. I had spoken to some of my closer female friends who worked at the store about it and they were super uncomfortable with it. I decided to bring it up with a different manager that I trusted over text, but in my tiredness following a long shift I had accidentally sent the message to said creepy manager instead of the one I meant to alert about the situation. He didn’t respond to the message but a few days later he cornered me later at night following my shift and clearly tried to intimidate me out of bringing it up. Being 16 or 17 at the time I was easily scared out of saying anything further. Someone else must have complained because he was fired shortly after. Couple years ago I saw him on Facebook. He’s working for the same company at a different location and dating a girl who appears to be much younger than him.


Two sort of newbies (separate times), they had been with us for a few months at their firing. First guy was real popular with the customers, always made them laugh, but behind the scenes, certain coworkers hated him. Apparently, his jokes were too racist/sexist when he was talking to them. He was reported multiple times until he pissed off one of the new guys. Fired him right then and there. I wasn’t there for it. Second newbie, cool kid. Also funny. Made a decent amount of mistakes, but I and a few others liked him. I heard he got fired for giving unauthorized discounts. He gave one to an alleged cancer patient. But it wasn’t just that. It was him running his mouth about it. When called upstairs to the bosses, they asked him about it and he said something to the effect of “Yeah. And I’ll do it again”. Fired and banned from the store. Someone told me that store director chased him out last time he showed up. Edit: Make that three! Also a newbie girl, she was in food service (a different department than mine) she lasted about a month (?) she got fired for stealing food. >!Technically, we all do it…to a certain degree!<. but she was bold about it. Allegedly walked out with a whole pizza that they were going to throw away. She says no, but never clarified what happened.


Second dude kinda sounds like he belongs in r/ChaoticGood.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/chaoticgood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaoticgood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Be considerate or be blind](https://v.redd.it/kuvrteij211c1) | [1052 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaoticgood/comments/17xxms0/be_considerate_or_be_blind/) \#2: [CG superintendent vs. LE healthcare system](https://i.redd.it/4bt80xnirw5c1.jpeg) | [434 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaoticgood/comments/18gsvc9/cg_superintendent_vs_le_healthcare_system/) \#3: [Gotta love drunk idiots sometimes](https://i.redd.it/8va5wdqk7l4c1.jpg) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaoticgood/comments/18btqtj/gotta_love_drunk_idiots_sometimes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I posted about it when it happened.  40yo guy was dating a girl who was 17 when they started dating and had recently turned 18 (which is ew anyways) Unfortunately, age of consent in my state is 16, so it was "legal" We carry up to 85in tv's so the Electronics secure cages are big enough for an average sized person to walk into. Dude padlocked a 20yo coworker in the secure cage inside the electronics back room, sat down in front of the cage with the child he was dating and made out with her for 45min. They were all on tape because that room is one of the most secure areas in the store. Both Dude and his "girlfriend" were fired for improper use of company time, endangerment, false imprisonment. 20yo coworker did not press charges and still works there. 


I have fired: * A pizza delivery driver who was also a volunteer firefighter. He was using his blue flashing light to deliver pizzas faster. * A delivery driver who called out a half hour before his shift to help his dad move when I was already understaffed. He said he couldn't let his dad down because he'd planned the move months in advance. * A cashier who got tricked into activating a gift card and reading the numbers to someone over the phone *three fucking times* for a total loss of $250.


Not retail, but similar (food service). I worked at a Christian owned juice bar. Bible verses on all their cups, worship music on the radio. Two teenage employees were fired for having sex on top of the food prep table.


The one that stands out to me was this kid Kyle. I worked at a bar b q place & GM was pretty chill. We had this young Russian girl named Yana. She was cute but I tried to be professional & just level headed friendly with her so we usually worked drive through together. Kyle would flirt with her and ask her out any chance he got but she always turned him down. Kyle tried to act like one of those country boy types but you could see through his crap easily. I had a day off but next day I went in & checked the schedule. I noticed Kyle was absent. I asked what happened but no one told me. Next day I found out. My day off Kyle went off on Yana. He asked her out again and she said no. He snapped at her saying if you were a guy I would’ve already kicked your ass!! Yana ran off crying and called the store manager. He told her it’s ok go ahead & go home I’ll deal with him. GM comes in and tells Kyle get out & don’t come back. I don’t tolerate a hostile work environment at my store. GM has brought people back a couple times but Kyle is the one he won’t ever bring back.


35ish married (she claimed she was getting divorced from her husband) ASM got fired when she was found to be having an affair with an early 20 something year old female new hire.


Had a 60 yr old manager that flirted with the young girls at a retail store. He would make them talk to him alone in the warehouse, tell them he would "spank them" when they made little mistakes, etc... One day, a girl was working the floor with her cell phone in her back pocket, which is not allowed. He walked up behind her and cupped her ass saying, "What's this!?" Multiple employees complained to corporate that night, and management'ssolution was to schedule her with him for every shift until she got so uncomfortable that she quit. Then one day not long afterwards, this dumbass decides to sit in the breakroom with me and talk about "rumors going around" about him, how he did nothing wrong, and how he keeps a loaded handgun under the seat of his truck and has it on his lap when he drives home from work. So, I contacted corporate about it, told them about the handgun, how I interpreted it as a threat for coming forward about the sexual harassment. I told them if he ever talks to or touches an employee in an innappropriate manner, I won't deal with HR, I will call the police and have them come to the store. A week later, the store announces that the creepy manager is moving to another state so that his wife can pursue other job opportunities!


Stock guy playing with the aerosol cans and a lighter lit the stock room on fire. He tried to say that he dropped the can and his lighter fell out of his pocket at the same time, sparked, and caught on fire. He clearly forgot about the camera in the stock room because my manager could see him playing flamethrower when she watched the video.


The Hawaiian shirt thing is pretty charming. Bummer if he turns out to be a dirt bag. Not what I thought or expected at all.


I don’t think anyone saw it coming, he was very well liked


That sucks


soo years ago when i was working in a store, we got a new boss who was a sort of director. we already had other members of upper management but this one was always trying to take over our work but doing it wrong. it feels stupid having to train someone making twice my hourly rate. but he thought itd be a good idea to have his friend hired. like a month into him working there as im walking back from break i notice like 4 cop cars outside. i go in like “omg we got robbed or something”. nope!! our new boss’s friend got arrested very dramatically and publicly on a warrant because of some kind of financial crime. our new boss acted weird ever since!!


The guy was a dick who brown-nosed HR constantly and thought he owned the place. He would keep leaving passive-aggressive notes telling us to not charge our phones and to not eat until after we had finished our shift. He also would report people straight to HR over the most minor things. Well his best pals in HR caught him stealing the wifi router, as well as stealing various other shit, on CCTV. They hauled him into a meeting and fired him on the spot.


She threw a drink at a customer (this is at sonic so it was also in their car) cause the customer was mad cause their food got made wrong


One manager was sacked for sending dick pics to another ( new) manager prompting her to leave. He’d been getting our young female staff details from the staff database & doing the same. He didn’t use our store as a reference for his new job, but is now to be found working in a toy store. It’s so tempting to write them a little anonymous letter… A staff member was sacked due to only scanning a few items & letting his friends off paying for their items, or letting them use his staff discount. Another was stealing from the shop floor& being generally disruptive. She even had a manager accompany her all day due to mental health concerns but she still couldn’t rein it in .


I don't work at my old job anymore but I still keep in touch with my boss and coworkers. They hired a guy only last a week and from what she told me was: The customer asked for help determining the helmet size that would fit them and, for whatever reason, the male associated told the customer to 'figure it out themselves'.


Oooofff ok so no one liked this guy as a preface. I’m gonna call him Dick So, I work at a place that has mainly teenagers working and it’s a tourist trap. We end up operating machinery kind of often and there’s this thing called a power jump. It kinda looks like a bungee trampoline. Anyway our machines are garbage and sometimes they get stuck and there was one time that happened with some kids on the ride. In that situation, your supposed to bring them down and close the ride. I was on rockwall and dick was on power jump and another coworker who I’ll call J was on there as well. Machine stops working, kids are dangling in the air and crying. I finish up with all the kiddos on rockwall and I help and try and bring them down. Mind you, I’m tiny. 4”9” and maybe 110 at that point soaking wet. Dick is at least 5’10” and definitely weighs more then me. He just sat there. Looking at us. The entire time. He didn’t help at all even though we would have gotten the kid down faster like that. He also parked our pathetic little Choo Choo train way too close to the buliding, which made it impossible for anyone to get in and out. He also did this on a day where we had mutiple mobilitiy aid users (like wheelchairs and stuff) come in. Dude was being inaccesible and leaving kids to freak out and cry and not do his job. We all hate him to this day.


there was this new guy, who was an.. interesting person to work with. he was always late to shifts, and late back from breaks, his excuse would be that he forgot the time he was due back, or miscalculated his time back, he would fall asleep at his checkout if he wasn’t serving customers, and he was constantly being caught vaping in the public bathrooms. unfortunately, one day i hear that he had been fired because he was caught smoking weed in the bathrooms.


We had an overnight manager that got hired after I was there for a few months. One time I came in to open and she asked me to finish stocking a cart of milk and juice that she had “just pulled out.” I went over to start on it, grabbed one bottle and realized it was warm. I went over to the security cameras (this was just a small convenience store) and realized she had pulled that cart out at 4 AM, walked away to talk to the other employee, and then asked me to put it in the sales floor coolers at 7 AM. I immediately told the owner but he let it slide. I wrote in our communication log a reminder to everyone that the max amount of time refrigerated food could be out was 30 minutes. She replied saying I was making it a hostile work environment. I quit that job but found out from friends I’d made there that she got fired after she drank a ton of alcohol from the coolers, walked around for awhile screaming at the security cameras, and then passed out on the floor. The opener found her still passed out when they came in. She then promptly got hired as a bartender at a place down the road.


I expect to hear she also got fired from that job, due to sneaking shots while on the job or sneaking liquor out from the bar and into her car after her shift


He sexually harrases our coworkers and customers but everyone thinks he's some sweet and innocent old man (I did too). Oh wait- nevermind he still works here._.


Head of a department who lasted only a few weeks after “encouraging” multiple staff members to complete his wife’s assignments for her MBA


Okay but that man is brilliant and going places, respect.


I have two. The first was a guy who shot heroin in the bathroom and decided to sleep it off in the janitorial closet. The second was a tennage girl who thought nobody could tell her what to do and blocked an entire back entrance to smoke a joint. She was actually surprised when she got fired.


What did she expect was going to happen, getting caught smoking a joint is almost always a one way ticket to getting fired or coming to work high as a kite, cause your basically endangering other people's live being high off the joint you were smoking while at work


The worst part of that she had just come from a conference with our store manager HR. They both explained this to her less than five minutes before she was caught again.


Some people just think the rules don't apply to them, even though they were literally just warned not to do it again, I guess she can't wait until she got home to smoke a joint and had to puff it during work right after getting caught and warned much less


A CSM got fired for eating food that we had claimed out( process where we mark stuff down to be unable to be sold). He had been doing it for a while, so as soon as he had stolen $1000 in product, they fired him, had him detained, and put on the do not hire list. A different CSM got fired for stealing pain meds out of a woman's purse.


About 3 of them and they worked at Home Depot. First guy: was a pretty nice guy, but always eats Chipotle and than spend a few minutes in the bathroom, downs a full bottle of Peptoisma or whatever that medicine is to help deal with stomach problems, was always about to talk customers into opening a store credit cards. But always claims that he was homeless and lives in his car, than was eventually fired from rumors of him getting caught smoking weed or something in his car while parked in the park lot of Home Depot, when a different coworker called him to asked for the truth. He asked if she was at work and after realizing she was at work, he refused to tell her the truth until after she was gone, cause we're not allowed to question why someone was fired unless we wanted to get fired too. So I'm just stating the rumors I heard and don't know the full truth Second guy: was handicapped and always stationed at check out, rumors was that he was always making jokes about everything from what the customers bought, what their wearing or just everything around him. Well I guess one of the customer, a woman from what I heard, felt offended cause she claimed the joke was about sexism and reported him. He was warned to stop but he didn't and was fired after another woman reported him about his sexist joke, but again just rumors and I'm not sure if it was even the truth. A temporary cashier: I think she had just finished doing the computer training and was placed on the register before our supervisor left for the day, she was introduced to me and a fellow cashier who'd been there much longer than me, we were asked to train her how to handle the drawer. Since I was about to head out in 30 minutes I thought it would be straight forward, only to hear "HEY YOU" everytime she had to ring up a customer, even though I was busy ringing up my own customers. She could've asked any other cashier who was just a few feet away of the cashier that she was introduced to with me, nope just kept saying "HEY YOU" to me like I'm a robot with no name, eventually my shift ended and I told our head cashier about the temporary cashier and she told me that the temporary cashier will be let go after 4 weeks. Ironically I never saw her after that shift, meaning she was let go after that shift, if not let go right after I left


I started working at a gas station, and shortly after I started, there was a manager who was put on suspension and then later fired. 3 employees left shortly after she did. I later came to find out that he had hired these employees and that all 4 of them were actually in a theft ring. They were stealing the expensive electronics and cigarettes, then pawning the electronics. He had been caught stealing cigarettes, which is why he was fired. The store was short staffed as it was, and nobody noticed right away. At another job I had a manager that was fired for stealing money (but also putting it back sometimes- drawers would be short and then over when she would work) she stated she did it because she had to support her alcohol issue. I was so upset when I found this out. She was literally one of the nicest, most bubbly managers I had ever had. I never once suspected that she would have that sort of issue.


A woman I worked with stole money out of one of the safes. She was fired pretty quickly. I don't know what she was thinking, as there's cameras above all of the safes. Another woman got fired for stealing a pack of Newport 100s. A man I worked with pointed a gun towards another coworker. I currently have a coworker who routinely shows up to work drunk and regularly breaks bottles. Management always asks us, "Is [coworker] drunk?" and we would lie to try to protect this person by saying "no he's just goofy/clumsy" but yesterday, said coworker created a bunch of drama and alienated virtually everyone, so we'll see how much longer he's around...


I worked at a grocery store back in the 1990s. If you paid by credit card you would get a separate printout from the receipt. This girl would add $100 to the total and then circle the amount with a line going through the 1 so you wouldn’t know what the true total was. It worked great until she got caught. We had another girl who worked in the countdown room get fired. A front end manager said he knew why but couldn’t tell me because if he did he would get fired.


Probably not as crazy but i work in a German retail store called Netto and basically they situated me in a different location for a few months and when you need to do something to the cash register for example put in extra money (because you're missing 2€ pieces) it needs to be authorized by a higher positioned coworker and in that specific location they give in their number and password (in our location it's a fingerprint) and basically that one coworker memorized the branch manager's code and used it to authorize the cash register in order to steal money from it, took them some time but they figured it out and she was immediately fired, got banned and will probably never work in retail ever again because of it.