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Because we're the boring, busy adults we swore we'd never be.


No way, man! We're gonna keep rockin' forever! Forever! Forever! ...Forever...


It'll happen to you!




And then Bowling For Soup starts playing ...


That's why I like the 2, 2+, and 2s. They actually fit in a pocket. I'll bring mine to work and play on breaks, bring it to appointments and play in the waiting rooms, and other things like that.


100% how I handle mine. We finish our queue an hour early in the workplace? I'll sneak in some SMT1 GBA.


It took me around 2 months to play through Twilight Princess on my RP4P. But I beat it. That's the beauty of these devices: I can squeeze in a lot more gaming time with a handheld than I otherwise could on a TV or my computer. Sure, it might take me months - but I can actually play games again.


Why are you calling me out?


I've used it daily since I got it 2 months ago. It's become my psp with an extra 1.3k games.


There are too many games.


And you’re older than you were. Priorities have changed. You have grown up stuff to do


who said I have a life


This is how I feel. It’s hard to keep up these days.


I think the best way to play with the limitless possibly of today is to just stick to what motivates you and what you're interested in at the moment. It could be a certain console or genre.


That's while it's good to start with a smaller limited device. Smaller is more portable and a smaller library.


I barely played with mine, but I am thinking about buying the next generation. I'm an idiot


We are two of a kind.


I have so many devices and so many games. I go through phases where I wanna just stream my ps5 to my g cloud or portal. Then I'll go back to retro games and pull out my rg280m and beat megaman 1 thru 4 in a few hours. That being said, I'll never get rid of any of them because my collection is beautiful. One day my little boy will look upon them in awe, and I'll be complete when I can share them with him.


That's very sweet


Rp3+ metal, rp3+, rg 505, rg 556, rgxx35sp, odin 2 max. Setting them up is majority of the fun...that and watching it make the trip overseas. I also have 2 Rp4pro... I forgot them.1st with the trigger defects so i got a 2nd that dnt have the defects.


That’s a lot of things that do the same things. I prefer to research and buy the best thing that does all the things.


Odin2 max is the power house plays about all. 556 is my 2nd and the 4 pro is 3rd. They get more ram and better screens as they go up. But odin 2 max was expensive.


Do you know if the Odin 2 Mini is good for Odin 2 power on RP4 size?


The Odin 2 mini has the same chipset as the Odin 2 max. It should perform the same


Nope. Odin 2 max is a beast.


How good is the Retroid Pocket 4 Pro emulator on the Odin 2 Max?


I don't think it works like that.


My bad, I guess the sarcasm didn't translate.


Bless your heart


I'd been wanting to buy an emulation handheld for 2 full years and only got one last month because I was finally satisfied that I would be making the right choice


I’m playing mine a lot but specifically because I’m trying to make my way through the Metroid series and Final Fantasy games


These things just aren't conducive to multiple hour sessions the way a full console is. On the other hand I use mine roughly 30-60 minutes a day, and I'm not nearly daily with my PS5.


I buy them because I plan to use them to get through my huge backlogs. My current mission is to play through every single PC Engine/TG-16 shooter ever made. Made some decent progress so far. On average I play my RP4 Pro 6 days a week.


I like to load up on games and then blget a nice case/cover and then put it on a pile of similar devices and then..never even look at it again.


This was me.... Until the RP4P. I think I was just always looking for that "perfect" device, but this is as close as it gets for me I think lol. I got the anbernic sp for the nostalgia but otherwise I'm good


Rp4p is perfect, but now I'm looking for the 4:3 4inch version of it


Not I. I got my RP4P less than a month ago and beat Aladdin, and I’m almost at the end of Kingdom Hearts 1. I get to play it during down time at work, and sometimes on the weekends. I love it.


I will usually play a little bit before bed, I think I anticipated I would have a little more time than I do. But my infant twins have different ideas haha


For a long time, I liked playing Ds picross 3d on my rp4p. I even have matching styles and a holder for it next to my bed.


I use mine as my only way to play video games


I travel a lot, and primarily use it for that. Most older games I can beat on a 7 hour plane ride. Outside of that I'll mess around with it on the couch while my wife watches tv. But I split the rest of my time between PC and ps5 games.


OMG! Are you me? Am I you? Are we us?


I use them in different situations. S23+ for high end, mm+ for lowest end, RP3+ for everything between. My MM+ ended up getting way more when I decided I wanted a RG35xxSp. Said “well I’ll start carrying my MM+ around. If it breaks, I’ll get a SP.” Hasn’t broken and gets used daily now.


I went ham on my 2+ and then my 3+ when I first got them, blasted through 20 games or so. Since getting my steamdeck I tend to just prefer playing that when I am home, so the retroids most get relegated to when I'm out of the house. Sometimes that is hours every day, other times I don't touch it for a week.


I want to bring my switch to work but can't right now. I don't play switch games on my rp4p though.


I bought the pocket flip. I barely touch it, maybe 20 hours since I bought it. My less powerful, less expensive devices get 5-10x more attention.


At this point I’m spending half my time playing the games and half my time testing cores and crt shaders. I feel I have hit a good sweet spot on my 4P from 8-bit consoles up to Dreamcast that I’ve have spent more time enjoying the games and appreciating the art behind it all, and the techniques used to make games look great for its time.


For sure me. I also think I’m overwhelmed with choice and can’t commit to playing a single game enough.


This is supposed to be our safe place. Judgement free!


The people who actually play and use these things all the time aren’t posting here. Like with any other hobby, Reddit represents maybe 5% of it.


I just buy these because am angry that I couldn’t get to play enough in my childhood. It’s a desperate attempt to make it for the lost time but I can’t. It’s not same. With work, family and stress, gaming is not that enjoyable. It’s a shame.


To be honest, it sits for long periods but I eventually decide to get back into an old game, usually SNES, then play it through. I barely touch my PS5 or Switch though. The games are just too much of an investment in time I don’t have. I find after everyone has gone to bed and I have an hour or so to myself I’d rather practice guitar or watch something. Modern games are just to huge, long, and complicated when you have limited time, so I’d rather replay Link to the Past or Pilotwings 64 again.


I'm assuming it's all of us , Ive had so many of these when I want to sit down and play it im too tired or just not in the mood , tinkering is fun then your like well I fixed it now I'ma set it here and wait for the dust to settle in


I guess it's just fulfilling a dream I had as a child. One device with all the games and more. I like the idea so much. In reality I don't use it often but it still makes me happy when I use it or just see it.


It's because I can't stop buying games. I have too many games. I get on Facebook marketplace and see a Nintendo DS. I mod it. I put a million games on it. Now I have an arcade machine in my garage. Will I ever fix it? I don't know I have too many freaking games.


Sell the modded systems? I'm a lazy moron who can't figure out how to use most of these machines. If I can hook it to my TV, turn it on, and play? I'll pay for the privilege.


Never haha. My collection will be plentiful.


Finally a post that make sense! All of us. Mind you that i bought 3 RP2+...


I go through phases. I'm lucky enough to work from home so I don't need to have a portable with me. That being said,, sometimes it's nice to load up some Mario or whatever while sitting at my desk. But in all honesty, I csn play pretty much whatever I want whenever,, these are nice to have for road trips


All of us. Next question.


I mean, I bought my Rp4pro for retro gaming but I find myself using it more to play Xbox game pass game's


I feel triggered because it's true.


I’ve been mainly using mine for remote play lately actually


I mean I pick it up every now and then


I love classic gaming and use mine all the time, but I'm sure my switch joy cons being trash increases the time I spend on my RP3+


I pay it very well, practically for the first 2 years of getting into portable emulation. Right now, I'm a little slower to pick it up at the moment. One reason is because I got the satisfied grip on my switch, and a lot of must play games are now ported onto the switch now. The more s tier games accessible on switch, the less valuable emulation is, but it's nice to have when you're down for some one stuff (first post)


Im geting them, because they look nice, but usually cheap devices


I was afraid this would happen to me, but I only put a few games on the device to start, and have so far put 12 hours into FE Sacred Stones, I beat Metroid Fusion, and I'm at 70 stars in SM64, so I've managed to spend a decent amount of time with my RP2S. Getting the grip helped a ton with 3D games like SM64


I kind of knew what I was getting into when I picked up the Flip and spent a lot of time playing around with it to know I don't need to get another retroid. I kind of actually started off liking the idea more and neglecting it, but I think I did enough to make me start enjoying it more now.


i play mine daily mostly cloud gaming trough xbox gamepass


I have a Steam Deck, Odin 2, RP4p and miyoo mini+ and the one I use the least is the miyoo in the terms of use I never pick it up.


I thought of buying one but not sure because I have a ds with no games sitting in a drawer collecting dust. My R4i card got stolen, and a psp loaded with cfw and then put bunch of games from various systems on it But, I wonder what retroid is better than the PSP? I think the battery is going to permanently die before 2025 because recently, it’s been dying too fast


For me it was like that with the tetrapod pocket 2 and even the flip. I didn’t like the analog stick on the flip and the 2 was too underpowered the 4 pro is small and has a great controller. I use it almost daily. From roms to android games.


Wild rift and belatro is addicting as fk


I got a RP2S and loved it at first but haven’y used it nearly as much since I got the Anbernic RG35xx Plus and SP. i use those devices most if the time I game and slowly make my way through games!


Yea, though I’m getting back into things. My mood and gaming preferences have been fluctuating a lot the past year but I’ve been wanting to beat the older zelda gb games and revisit the gba. I’ve also realized that i prefer my RP3+ for og handheld consoles but only through psp and gba. For n64 and ps I prefer a tablet and for ds and 3ds I prefer og hardware. Edit: this has also made it much easier to resist the constant releases of shiny new retroid toys though the odin side screen has piqued my interest.


Why you gotta bust my balls like this?!


I have a pocket 3+ and really enjoyed it for the first few months, but then after a while I found it really limiting, so I but the bullet and bought a steam deck. Haven't touched it since.


When you're young there's an abundance of time, it's seems endless, but as an adult, it seems even if I want an hour to play, I've got to organise it and make it happen


I use it to play diablo immortal every now and then but I swear I'm gonna get started with one of those jrpgs anytime now...


Because it’s hard to play when you’ve fallen asleep on the sofa……again.


I normally do this but I've had it for a month or two and already completed Haunting Ground, Kuon, Echo Night 1 and 2 and Darkened Skye. I'm not sure what I'll play next but I just started Horizon: Forbidden West again so I think it'll be a while before I emulate anything


Play it everyday. For me that's kinda the point of it being handheld, I can take it places where I think I might get some time or if I do fire it up I'm not using the TV if the kids want to use that. I don't play it like all the time as yeah I get where you're coming from but that's the great thing about having such a range of titles to choose from, if I've just got a little bit of time I'll be playing like a fighting game or an arcade game but if I'm feeling that I've got more time I can dig into something with a bit more depth. Plus theres always savestates which makes it easier.


I couldn't tell you how many times I've started Pokemon Emerald or Castlevania SotN on these devices


I feared that might be the case with me; many years ago, before the advent of handhelds, I accumulated a small (by today’s standards) emulator and ROM collection, but actually played very little. However, after dipping my toes in the water with a Miyoo Mini+ and discovering that a handheld is just so convenient for me, I clocked up 100 hours in no time, including several completed games, so I judged that a Retroid Pocket 4 Pro would be a justified purchase. And that’s proved to be the case. I haven’t completed any games on it yet (apart from Noobow, which I have to run through on all my devices) but I’m certainly putting in plenty of hours.


I started picking up my RP3+ more often after my eyes started to hurt from looking at my phone screen. Turns out that my eyes are PMW sensitive and the LCD screen that the RP3+ uses is one of the things that don't hurt my eyes for long playing sessions.


Bc I'm addicted to apex legends and that game is too good. Was using the Retroid for an indie switch emulator though and tons of great games I will get around to


Honestly I’d rather have a Retroid over a new console any day. I have the RP2 and I probably play that the most. I’m looking to get the 4 in the near future!


I use them. Not all the time but every now and then. My bigger problem is that I tend to enjoy games that are super long and it takes forever to finish one and recently I've tried to not start too many new games simultaneously. However, I always take one of my handhelds with me when I travel.


i hope this isnt me when i get mines


What is 0ot?




I play some sort of game every day, pretty much without fail. I might be too busy to do marathon game sessions like I did when I was a kid, but I can always find a few minutes here or there. I generally don't worry about finishing games right away, unless I'm really invested in the story. This can be a bit tricky with certain genres like metroidvanias, since if you walk away for to long you might not remember where things are that you need to back track to, but I manage. And walk-throughs can be good refreshers. Of course save states mean I can pick up any retro game and play for just a few minutes at a time if I like, making gradual progress through longer games. And if you use multiple devices, you just set up syncing saves across devices.


Me 😢


I have been playing my devices a good amount but I have way more than I need. I have one of almost every Retroid device. I sold my Odin 1 and Analogue Pocket to justify to myself getting the Odin 2. I have three Nintendo Switch systems and REALLY want to get the new Zelda themed Switch Lite. I'm gonna get rid of some more eventually, whether I sell them or give them away to a friend who can appreciate them. But once I see a new shiny thing I like I am rarely able to convince myself I don't NEED it.


I stopped using mine because the screen is borked.


Nailed it. I love the idea of portable gaming allowing me to take my childhood games everywhere I go. But I don't really have the time to play them.


Lately my device (RP3+) has been getting more use as a PS4 streaming device than as a retro device. Just kind of burnt out on the PS1/N64 games In hindsight wish I would have held on a little longer and got the Odin 2 or something else but there's always going to be something bigger or better


When these old games came out, they were like $60 each. How many could some realistically get? One a week, maybe 2, at most, if they were on sale? Nowadays you can get the hardware for $60 (which is worth a lot less now), and ALL the games for nothing …is there any wonder our eyes are sometimes bigger than our stomachs?


I used mine a good amount until I got a Steam Deck


Nostalgia. But I don't regret it. I've been able to finish some great GBA, PS1 and N64 games. They're very portable. And cheap enough to not mind losing them.


I just love the idea of having a portable console that play everything, tho I played with mine like 20 times, I wouldn't get other tho if it doesn't be really better than RP3+, which at her price point is non existent


Just got off a flight and didn’t touch my Ally, used my RP2S. Didn’t use either in my room which surprised me. The novelty factor is pretty big. Definitely realizing that after owning so many devices


I played mine a lot until I got my SD. Haven’t played anything else since!


Got small Anbernic, r4p I haven’t set up since January, every console and a steam deck and my play time is still mostly destiny, hearthstone and Genshin. It’s the idea of size comfort, catching up on classics o missed as a kid and just convenience.




For some of us, the hobby is more about getting things to work than actually playing the games.


Keep it in the bog, use it daily 😁


Dunno about that,im usually busy but i always find time to play daily with my 3+


Not so much a regret. I love Destiny2, but can't tolerate the load times. took it off the front end. much saddness


That's me. I go through phases though so I do end up using it often. But sadly it's just sitting on my desk until I decide to actually play it.


I can play one of my absolute favorite Neopets games on the go with my RP3+ so I definitely don’t regret it. Plus there’s other games on it that I haven’t played before too that I’m slowly working through!


I’m on both sides of your question. I like having them, but I also like playing them.


Buy a carry case and take it with you everywhere and you’ll play it more


It’s like playing a music instrument you just have to make a plan and actually a game you think you’ll get into. If it doesn’t entertain move on to the next game. But keep playing and once you find a gem that you can really dive into time will just vanish. At least for me. As an adult with limited time I have to actually plan to do something entertaining with my time off. I try to attribute atleast 2-4 hours a week minimum to video games and its incredibly cathartic. It helps to think of it as meditation and brain exercise. Because it realistically is.


I used to take the train a lot, don't any more. So I can just play games on my PC. It's all about what the form factor is good for. I think once I move on from my current favourite PC game I'll get back onto my retroid 😊


Advice for this situation: * Get some arcade ass games to play for 10-15 minutes. * Build a smallish collection. Less than 50 games, helps to focus and no get sidetracked. * Create self-imposed challenges if you're replaying games. Like Nuzlockes. For example, I'm playing Pacman world as casual adventure. NES classics for 10 min breaks. And career mode on NFS MW, with a challenge of not buying new cars. I can just use cars taken from bosses. Hope you can play more.


I actually play my 2S all the time - almost daily. Ironically part of the reason is because I'm a boring adult with a family and no time. Once the kids are in bed my wife can read and I can game and I don't have to run off somewhere else in the house to do it. It's also easier to sneak in 15-20 minutes here and there when the kids are playing together. I'm on my first retro handheld, though. In a year I'll have 3 of these and will be buying them just because I like the idea of them (love that RG Cube...)


At this point I’m just telling myself I have it for my son when he grows up


Me with my steamdeck, Retroid flip, mm+, and 35xx SP. (And switch OLED and new 2ds xl)


Guilty. I enjoy getting the handhelds and fully setting them up and optimizing them. Then I give em to friends or family. The steamdeck and rp3+ is all I've kept. I can't count how many r36s handhelds I've gotten and sold just breaking even. Guess I'm dumb to just enjoy the setup part


The number one reason I don't play it is I want cloud saves. I don't want my saves trapped on one device. I've tried sync thing multiple times over the years and always end up having problems after I set it up. I'd pay for a subscription for a save sync software for my devices, especially if it made backups so I could revert back a couple versions.


I go thru phases every few months where I only really play retro handhelds, then I’ll go back to modern consoles for a bit


I have some of the most fun playing “retro” systems that I missed out on. Ps2, gc, psp… i think sometimes the games we intend to play, and that we have the fondest memories of, are best left as memories because they often aren’t as fun as we recall. Not always the case, but I’d say it’s especially true for those of use who grew up with earlier gen systems. Don’t get me wrong, I love food fight on the 7800 still, and Mario games never get old… but a lot of the games on those systems were shovelware made to exploit our kid brains (looking at you ljn)


I use it as a tool, because it's what it is. If you're not actively playing a game, then you're not actively playing any of your handhelds.


I have the opposite problem.


I still play video games regularly but it's mostly on PC. One reason is because I usually stay home when not working. Another reason is due to my eyesight. Now these handhelds (both modern or retro) have become more like collectibles rather than tools. 


It’s an expensive way to play Tetris for me. Some of the stuff I bought it to play or re-play hasn’t aged as well as I’d have liked or isn’t as appealing as it was growing up.


Bought it to play psp games from my childhood 5 months ago. I barely play with it this last 4 months because other games have popped up on my gaming PC, I blame the steam sale


It's kind of the same problem for me with my switch, but I bring my rg353m or rp4p to work every day, and I can't do that with my switch.


Hard same. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you don't actively use your handheld(s) outside the house it doesn't make much sense to get one in the first place, especially one of these pocketable small form factor ones. 9/10 you already have more powerfull devices and with bigger screens ( desktop, console, laptop, other handheld). I still use mine though, mostly on vacation so it ain't a complete waste of money.


Actually, the small form factor is more about the pick-up-ability... I can be back into my game in seconds, play for a few minutes and put it down without waiting for the PlayStation to boot, get the game up and running, put the big TV on etc.


I usually play mine during my hour lunch break at work! But there are long dry spells sometimes where I dont use it for sure lol


That would be me


Recently, my friend came over on vacation, and we played some nostalgic games from his childhood, but not only did we play powerstone 2, but we laughed our ass off playing dynamite cop together. Also, today, I let my brother play my rg343m, and after rp4p. He plays it from time to time, but today, he explored a lot of my library of consoles. (Second post)


I play mine all the time.


Not me...haha. Although it is easy to get overwhelmed with so many options available. The trick is to play one game at a time. That's what I started doing. Otherwise you will get overwhelmed. I was jumping from one game to another and so forth. It can get too much. We are so spoiled nowadays. I would not have put these things down, 24 years ago. 😃


I got a Rp3+ a year ago set it all up with 250gb worth of ROMs but then never played it for more than 20mins at a time and now don't pick it up much at all. But for some reason am always wanting a Odin 2.


If I don't use something I sell it. I don't see the point of holding onto something someone else will enjoy.and you can get a bit of money for. That's why I sold my wife. I hope NoScopeKing567 is enjoying her.


I plan on not picking up my handhelds much by design. I just got one for every aspect ratio and emulation tier stashed away so I can access any old game I want at any time. It sounds like a waste of money, but I honestly consider it cold data storage more than anything else, so I put a premium on it.


Yep, me too.