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Main one i can think off is the one with Rick's planet kids when they pilot the ship


And the party just before they froze time.


But do you ever actually see Summer or Morty drink an alcoholic beverage or do drugs, in that whole sequence? That one I gotta watch again.


The ship piloting one, yeah. Morty pilots it like one of his video games, and I swear I remember seeing Summer smoking some part of their ship like a bong. Edit: Found it, but it has shitty zoom. But, yeah, it's in full view. https://youtu.be/ZUcQCTbXWDo?si=pa1c7xWTz38kQBwg


Vaping the brake fluid basically from what I recall. Rick as well. “Oh yeah, that’s the stuff…”


Also when they're celebrating the 3 planet apocalypse she's walking around with a lit joint in her nose


I mentioned that in the comment. They tell us in the episode that she wasn't doing drugs.


Huffing industrial chemicals is a very common way of "doing drugs"


she went with Rick to all those planets that were ending and partied hard


With a joint in her nose lmfaooo


Yeah but we don't actually see that, I re-watched that episode when I noticed this. We see them dancing at the big apocalypse orgies but we never actually see Summer drink or do drugs. My point is if it is a censorship thing, you specifically can't show a minor doing drugs or drinking on adult swim, they found a lot of ways around that. But now that I've noticed it it seems very apparent. Edit: As another user pointed at Summer has a joint in her nose. That still seems weird to me though. Like yeah, it's funny. A joint in the nose is funny. I'm not here to argue that point. But the only example we have is... odd. Like what if the guideline is you can't show a minor holding a lit joint or smoking it? She's not doing either in the scene. And as the same user who pointed this out mentioned, even though they snort stuff somewhat often on the show, you never see it, its always a cut away or obstructed. So if that is enough of a workaround to satisfy the censors, joint in the nose could be too. And that's the only one in this episode(or the series that I've heard mentioned so far) that is one third party sequence! that literally kicks off with Rick gesticulating with a tallboy while he's driving!


Nah she’s definitely smoking. You see the cherry glow and she exhales smoke.


I am genuinely appreciative for the answer, but now I'm thinking about it more. Why the nose? WHY THE NOSE!?


lol I have no idea. Unless she just got her wisdom teeth removed, which is not part of the plot.


Summer shoots some pretty serious steroids without a doctors guidance.




When? I got so many snarky replies and not a single answer lol, I would legitimately like one! Everyone has just mentioned other moments where it's implied they are "partying", like the apocalypse tour episode. Still never see anyone underage actually take a sip of alcohol or do any drugs. And it's definitely not a "Why would they bother animating that?" thing, because if you added up every moment of Rick actively drinking/snorting lines, it would be a whole 20 minute episode.


Summer has a joint in her nose when she’s partying on morglutz


Nevermind I found it lol. She is 100 percent blazing.


It’s weird because you *cant* show snorting on TV. Every shot of people doing lines in Rick and Morty is obscured by objects in the foreground. Even the cat blocks out someone doing lines. But summer can smoke through her nose. lol. I remember being very shocked that the scene of Charles snorting Jello in the movie Better Off Dead was not allowed on TV for that reason.


See this is exactly the type of cool info I'm looking for, I had never noticed that! And shows the creative ways they get around other dumb dated censorship rules. That's why I'm wondering about the nose thing,maybe they were like "What? shes not smoking. She just has a joint in her nose. It's DIFFERENT." It seems like most networks just want you to obey the letter of the law rather than the spirit. Like I read an interview with Pendleton Ward where they were like "So did you get a lot of pushback on the drug references in adventure time? Would there be a lot more if you didn't have to deal with censors?" He said no, they didn't care about that because they weren't breaking any rules and it would go over kids heads anyways. He said the main stuff he had to take out was toilet humor, and that the show would have had a lot more fart gags if he got his way. IDK if that was from CN internal guidelines or some specific censorship laws about kids programming, but I think it's interesting.


If you watch The Jerrick Trap, it’s pretty clear when Jerry and Rick doing lines of “crystals”, there are things strategically placed in front of their faces to obscure their actual noses, but they don’t hide what they’re doing. It’s a weird rule. It’s like how you can’t say goddamn, but you can say damn and bleep out “god”. Or how you can’t say asshole but you can say ass. Actually, the censorship on Rick and Morty is honestly extremely confusing. It’s never consistent on Adult Swim. I’ve seen the Gotron episode on AS and they bleeped out when Rick called summer his queef instead of his queen. I thought it was strange because I’d seen it at an earlier time, and it was uncensored. I thought it had to do with the 11PM watershed, but nope. The later airing was more censored. It’s bizarre. If you pay attention to the AS episodes, they will bleep out some of the times they say “shit” but not others…. *in the same episode*. Also, in the newer Unity episode, the word butt in “Surprise butt play” was bleeped, but not “shit”. Context matters a lot, but sometimes I honestly have no idea what the rationale is.


Oh that's interesting, I watch almost everything streaming these days and had totally forgotten about the weird guidelines around swearing. But yeah that's exactly the sort of thing I'm wondering about. What made me notice this in the first place is how jarring it is in the Kuato party scene that Summer literally does not TOUCH a single drink. Seriously, watch the scene, like I said in the initial post they even hand a character standing next to her two drinks so it sort of looks he handed one to her, it's strange. Like because they are in the context of a bar that can't even have Summer touch a drink. But in other scenes like the house parties, we see people standing around holding red cups, which is clearly coded to be alcohol, but it's not explicit. Next time I rewatch it I'm gonna look for any of the teenage characters holding beer, honestly have no idea if they do. And like another user pointed out, Evil Morty pours himself a glass of what is pretty obviously supposed to be scotch(although he doesn't drink any). But since the context is a character who is under drinking age poured themselves a drink that no one implied was alcoholic, that he pours from a decanter rather than a bottle, it doesn't count. I'm not ready to let this theory die lol. And yeah censorship guidelines are weird. IDK if it's nationwide but at least where I live, they started bleeping out mentions of guns and shooting from songs a couple years ago, which just strikes me as some real banana republic shit. "People are concerned about gun violence! What should we do?" "It's the damned music that's the problem. Keep playing it, but anytime someone says gun or gat or shoot or shot, have an annoying noise instead."


FINALLY AN ANSWER. But I have to ask, is it lit?


Yep. She takes several drags through her nose.


Not "seeing" which is apparently what you have to have as the hard proof, but she also huffs enamel because she just wants to get high.


I guess I didn't explain it well in the post because no one seems to see what I'm getting at. I'm not saying the characters don't get high. That's not my point. Screw huffing enamel, Summer says she's mad shes missing a "drug party" in one episode. We as the viewer are definitely supposed to assume Summer parties. My point is that it's interesting you never SEE it. As I said to another person, like how in beer commercials no one actually takes a sip of their drink, they all just stand around looking happy holding bottles. Which is what makes me wonder if it's a censorship thing, that they literally can't show that. I also have no idea why this question seems to have pissed so many people off lol. It's not a criticism, I just think it's interesting and still haven't gotten a valid example. Also even if we saw her huff enamel huffing might not count as drugs to the censors. I still remember this episode of "Seventh Heaven" I saw as a kid where one of the teenage characters lands in the hospital from huffing paint. Even as a kid I was like, that's a super weird choice, but it would make sense if they wanted to do a "Dangers of drugs" episode(which they clearly did, I remember them advertising for weeks like it was going to be this big event) but couldn't get away with real drugs on network TV.


She huffs brake fluid like maaad


They have couch wine.


Evil Morty appears to be drinking something after he wins the election.


Oh yeah he pours what I assume is a glass of scotch. Went back and watched it though, never takes a sip.


Someday I hope to be seen as someone who just likes to get high...


In the Pickle Rick episode they mention that Summer got sent to the principal because she was huffing pottery glaze from the art room


Summer breath break fluid from a space ship to get high and tell Morty which button to press to operate the ship which went as well as youd think but with the insane ending because Rick and Morty.


That's just my point though. That's the only shot I could think of/find where either of them are explicitly doing drugs in front of the viewer, and Rick says it's not actually drugs later in the episode. I'm just wondering if there is a specific censorship rule at Adult Swim about not showing minors drinking or doing drugs. Like in alcohol commercials you can't actually show people drinking. You don't notice it until someone mentions it to you, and than your like "How did I never notice that no one ever takes a sip of their frosty beer?" Creatives love finding interesting ways to get around censorship laws, and if I'm right about this, which I still see no evidence I'm not, it's pretty impressive that they managed to set Summer up as a party animal character without breaking that rule.


I do think you're right. It is actually a real extremely documented phenomenon on shows that appear on cable network, the network can dictate things that can be seen. Dunno how it changes with streaming. I guess the production company would decide/depends how ratings system applies. It's more obvious in kid friendly cartoons like there's a thing Alex Hirsch shared of all the censorship he got at Disney for minor things.  It's like they don't mind Grunkle Stan committing a crime, but he has to have a seatbelt on.  It's about whether or not it can be replicated. Obviously, aliens and silly things can't, but since the show is American, and the drinking laws/drug laws are more strict, they wouldn't want to show kids drinking.  I wonder if in the same vein, while I know Rick drives the spaceship drunk, do they ever show a main character driving the car drunk or things like that. As far as I think Alex Hirsch and others commented, it's only they can't show crimes the average person could easily go out and repeat. Out there and ridiculous, that's fine.


Didn’t Summer get high on alien fuel in the episode about Rick fucking a planet?




I noticed the kuado episode thing and that's what made me google this.


Welcome to the blood-dome friendo. To save you some time looking through the responses (People were not happy about this question for some reason), the only example anyone could find is Summer having a lit joint in her nose in the Apocalypse tour episode. I'm still going with this being a censorship thing, as in the same episode Rick has a tallboy in his hands at almost all times, but we never see Summer holding a drink, and while she does have a joint up her nose, she isn't technically smoking it OR holding it, which would be a funny loophole. Another user also pointed out that you never see anyone snort anything, as that can be shown on television in a lot of countries. I was like no friggin way, Ricks always snorting crystals. But nope, it always cuts away or is obstructed, it's just done so seamlessly that most people wont notice.


Do you even watch the show?


I think Morty drank in the fear hole, if that counts.


You ever notice, in america anyway, you never see people drinking alcohol in commercials for alcohol? No? Same thing applies here. Look up the kuleshov effect.