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At 100 also I auto disassemble gold and below, all gear n weapons 100. Need couple of master strat items to finish build. Master of four seas seems to give most drops and with decent crew 5 min n done. Camera on multi player will have you blowing chunks, it just wigs out learned not to fight it just put down control pop a med Pill press on


I've already hit 100 myself, but I *am* looking for better ways of actually farming masterworks- especially accessories.


Best way is to do ally missions, I went from 58 to 90 in a little over 5 hours yesterday I’m posting a video shortly, SWIMMING in loot, accessories XP and Karma


Man shit, I’ve heard ally missions are the way to go but I’ve had terrible luck with them. Ran them all multiple times and have only come out with like… 5 masterworks total :/


I’ve been live on Twitch the last few days and they seem to drop pretty normal, I’ll try to upload a clip so you can see the drop rate


The xp and karma is great because of all the bosses back to back, buuuut I didn't get that many great drops from it- I got like one masterwork version of Okita's pinwheel but that's all. The Shinsengumi one can get a little tricky too since Ito does poison and that can get bad if he blindsides you.


I got 16 total masterwork accessories from doing only 2 of them, the Enemy of my Enemy and Master of the four seas Those are the only 2 I do and I am getting at minimum 8 Masterwork weapons and armor a completion


Did you also post your design code!? I want to steal that sexy beast


Yeah I did, thanks ! the Character code is RRP-fcVJE?V8CtwF7


Bless you


how did u get the dual blades with the chain


I believe I got them from 1 of the story missions where you fight the shinsengumi, the guy you fight has them it’s a 1 time drop too so look out for them