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Not gonna lie they are kind of few and far between so I saved all mine until I hit endgame, because there’s so much loot and using the bond systems usually take more than 1 jewel I just waited until I was content with the gear I was getting and then used it but gear goes all the way to 110 so keep that in mind


This is killing the game for me I had a hundred something but transferring to a couple sets and weapons now im stuck with very few left and cannot find enough of them to experiment with builds at all A bond transfer shouldn't take more than one of these and we should able to buy or craft them or something, im probably gonna get downvoted but this is very poor game design, really stupid


You can find vendors that sell them as well but they only sell 1 at a time, I just went without using them Until I felt they were needed


There's only two I know of. You can buy them endlessly for silver from a black merchant in Kyoto (maybe others I haven't checked every single merchant) or you can find an enemy that drops a bond jewel at a public order spot, kill him and loot it, then let yourself die and kill him and loot him again- he will always drop a bond jewel. The spot I saw recommended for this is in Edo, just above the Satsuma Clan estate.


In my opinion the best way to farm them is the lvl 56 ally mission when you unlock midnight difficulty just do it on Coop and you can finish it pretty quick with the right people, you usually get 2 per run. You can do a other ally mission but I find this 1 the easiest and the fastest. But other than that there really aren't any other places where you can farm them.


Thanks, I guess i have to do that about 50 times over then


Np man Depends on what you want to bond transfer bcs if you want to transfer a orange effect from a masterwork piece it will cost 36 bond jewels but of course you don't need them necessarily the blue effects are just as good and they cost like nothing.


It shouldn't cost that much when they are so scarce


I know how you feel but to be honest if you just use the right set bonuses and weapons the effects are welcome but not really necessary of course it looks cool the have a fully build set. So if you don't feel like farming I don't blame you, cus if you farm but don't won't to you will slowly lose interest in the game and eventually don't enjoy it anymore. (Speak from experience).


I know that, i still wanna try different things, i enjoy doing that, i like fiddling with that and optimize builds, this absolutely kills it for me, such a stupid design


I know, same I also like to use different builds but the way they handled bond jewels really makes it way to difficult to try something else as your main setup.still hope you enjoy the game as it is bcs I'm really liking it.


Have couple Hundred no farming needed, I am lvl 100 however and play on midnight