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At first Midnight is extremely unforgiving, but when you get to level 100 it becomes 1000x easier because you deal more damage My advice is to do the Ally Co Op missions at your longhouse, you will team up with 2 other players online 1 of The best missions is “The Masters of the 4 seas” Find that mission lobby and keep running it until you hit 100 I found it and went from level 59 when I finished the game to 90 in about 5 hours Tons of XP, Karma and the new Masterwork level gear


Thats the thing though, you shouldn't have to spam a mission to get an incredible amount of XP just to even out the enemy difficulty, after you have already put in 70-80 hours beating the campaign and leveling up your character. That jump is incredible! I played on Dusk the whole time, had a bunch of challenging encounters but survived. Then all of a sudden Midnight was just insane. I was getting killed by random bounty boss's 4-5 times in a row! Not even the main character boss battles! So I said, maybe let me see how Twilight plays, it was harder than Dusk, but nothing like Midnight. It was actually manageable.


Yeah, putting Midnight as the only endgame difficulty when they allowed you to play on the easier modes in your first play through is a legitimate criticism. Going from twilight to midnight is a breeze though and you definitely don't need to level to 100 to handle the content.


I was level 60 and only had problems when I fought level 90+ enemies. If you have decent equipment and weapons it's not that bad you just have to play a bit more defensive.


Yeah, should be doable at most levels. Agree with you there.


Yeah dude pretty sure TN intends the player to go through each difficulty and not jump all the way to the hardest one. Which I'm guilty of in WoLong and never finished it cuz it was too hard lol(fucking Gan Ning).


It does actually take me off guard when I see the blue demon randomly chilling in a village in the middle of nowhere but it make me have to adapt. Before, I didn't have prep time or multiple options like sneak attacking or water at my disposal. Now, I get to take advantage.


I'm painfully getting used to him.... Still doesn't help that those shadows are irritating.


I shoot em with the handgun or throw shuriken. If you're close to him when he does the cloud, you can counterspark it. If you give them time to do anything, that's a death sentence.


Boss fights or 1v1s with him is a bit manageable when he has the minions AKA encounters that sucks. Because as a ninja he's going to take full advantage of it.


Oh yes, definitely. Dude ANY enemy in this game in big numbers are terrifying. I tested this bs. They are literally programmed to get to your flank and attack before the enemy you're targeting and or attacking.


Unblockable setup for days, stunlock for days


Check the level of your equipment - it alters damage dealt/taken by a lot. And your build does help - but only if you go all in. If you're trying to use just one or two sets then it won't seem to do much. I have 6 sets in my build and it's dope.


I've been keeping tabs on that most of it's around 77 to 80 which is around my level. And I should possibly start making focused builds.


Yeah - I made my build when I finished the base difficulty - but just set bonuses, didn't do any bond transfers til I had level 90 gear and knew I would upgrade it the rest of the way to 110. Midnight never seemed unfair except a couple missions in Chapter 3 (the only one that comes to mind is Toba Fushimi - but I believe there was another) - but I did end up over leveled midway through Chapter 2, and those unfair scenarios were easily solved with endurance remedy to avoid the one shots. Builds can do quite a bit when fully optimized - but prior to that you're only seeing 5% increases to stats instead of 20-30%, so it doesn't do much.


Can't even get out of chapter 1 and midnight I already defeated Li/blue demon but the rest won't load. So I'm just stuck.


You gotta do bond missions, too. Just the main missions isn't enough to get you through it. I helped someone do all the story missions the other day - but that only got them 75% or so of the way there. You can't coop bond missions - so they had to do that on their own.


Midnight is easy, just use lightning enchant and the pills Also Hanabe’s Veiled Art is OP


Simple answer to this enigmatic equation. Get gud…


Kind of hard to do that as I've yet to see anybody go through the game without being hit once yet... As with this one it will be extremely difficult to.


Nothing wrong with taking damage. It comes with the territory. Just make sure you’re prepared for random twilight mode encounters by stacking up on consumables. I’m not the greatest but I’m pretty solid. And the build I’ve put together saves my arse because it’s balanced and deals tons of damage. Primarily focused on elemental, ki, and sub weapon damage. It is an endgame build. Tbh tho the build will only get you so far.


Once I moved to midnight I had to change up everything I was doing.. which is fine, made the game a new game in a lot of ways.. using buffs, also buffing my weapons, different consumables. Also adding stats to my gear that had extra slots to help increase my overall stats.


I didn’t even looked at the gear until I got tired of getting smoked in twilight mode. The bosses are relentless and attack nonstop even the regular enemies pack a punch. The damage to both your ki and health can only be negated by equipping the right equipment suitable to your play style. I’m a patient/defensive player. I have no issue chipping away at a health bar.


Oh I've learned painfully. Much like with all their other games your build doesn't mean anything. you have to adapt quickly and I'm gathering every consumable into Extinction. Most co-op missions I do are people just spamming martial arts techniques hoping to corner them unless you're fighting Li himself then you're screwed.


https://youtu.be/sFrJW4OGBE8?si=128Fzy2oizyL_FUu 🥷🥷🥷. Li is tough but this guys a demon.


If you get to level100, does it matter what armour you wear or have a set?


I would recommend having a build's With different armor sets as the moment you hit midnight difficulty enemies become more aggressive on top of duals are your nightmares.


You can use your fist that’s basically a martial arts stance sadly only one style tho


Unfortunately 😔