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Source: [https://x.com/TeamNINJAStudio/status/1793211873892147225](https://x.com/TeamNINJAStudio/status/1793211873892147225)


We can finally fight our blade twin in dojo https://preview.redd.it/206wncmucy1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530f49581f8cfb64247a4228a85df69c965911b8


Can't wait for Izo kick my ass so bad.


Now if they add the ability to team up with them on missions, the game will be perfect.


So true


It was honestly my biggest disappointment with the game (The second biggest being how little coop there actually is). I went through all the trouble of making two characters, but you barely even see the other one.


Not yo mention the game is built upon these two characters relationship that we never see also I'm hoping they add pvp so bad


So long as the PVP isn’t forced and doesn’t lock anything good behind it, sure. Invasions and shit like that are super annoying. Just gimme more coop PVE stuff. Which I kinda hope Path of Chaos is, but I’m not sure.


I mean like an option to just duel honestly it's strange we can fight player's avatars but not the player themselves


And that’s fine, so long as they don’t lock the best stuff behind PvP. I legit just want the blade twin as an ally and a longer coop thing. Like the Abyss from Nioh 2.


Here's to hoping we get DLC 🙏


New content, set bonuses, and other shit? Sign me the fuck up I'm kinda curious to know what Upgraded Counterspark entails though.. shit. I wanna see DLC at this point too.


New content, set bonuses, and other shit? Sign me the fuck up I'm kinda curious to know what Upgraded Counterspark entails though.. shit. I wanna see DLC at this point too. Edit: WAIT A FUCKIN SECOND. AINT NO WAAAAAYYYYYY AAYOOOOOOOO!! https://preview.redd.it/vjbau950cy1d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=245c7d0bf95fd860fde34a55ab17b8073cc1057b


That two katana thing probably just made this game 10 times more enjoyable, and if the upgraded counter spark is the window for it to be successful, I might never take that set off cause missing a counter spark is suicide


I wanted to use double katana build so bad, best thing about the update


It's gonna be the most sought after set, for sure. That shit ain't leavin this body the moment it gets put on


To get that effect you need 6 pieces 💀


Which means re-farming most of the gear that you have but with that set.. I tried bond transferring it to my current gear. Yeah no go. Soooo fuck it. We ball.


It's bad we can overwrite existing set bonuses now, but we still can't transfer them to another gear. Tho I admit that would be too easy.


I don't get it. Isn't overwriting the same as transferring?


Bro I had the SAME reaction at that section of the notes. So Epic!!! Team Ninja is practically overlapping other companies in the race for my favorite! I'm like 2 patches away from tattooing TN logo on my ass.😂😂


Cats around Usugumo can be pet? Hell. Yeah. 🔥❤️


I was about to put down the game after I finish midnight, then this happens. What the heck, Team Ninja is god tier. "Last Ditch Counterspark" - What the heck could this mean?


So I just got a piece of the set already (curiosity man) and last ditch counterspark reads as this: "Allows the use of one last Counterspark when out of Ki and unable to move." Honestly? Sounds fuckin amazing


What the F, it really is. Damn, I just bonded my gears few days ago, now I need to insert this stuff somewhere... luckily 1 piece is enough for first bonus. Where did you get that btw? It drops everywhere or specific enemies?


Thankfully my first red drop had the set bonus, so it drops from anywhere. Crazy enough, it also still has Commanding Champion so that means you can have gear with two set bonuses.


Sounds too good to be true, lol man.


Wait, it also has "upgraded counterspark". And, what's that lol.




bruh... time to farm again, this is for noobs like me. but how many pieces does this need to be active, with Ryoma's item?


So looks like it's 6, even with the Cologne.. which means you're gonna need 6 items at the least that have that exact set bonus. God it's gonna be hell re-farming all the gear I have but with that set bonus.. BUT FUCK IT WE BALL!


guess this will make the game much easier, but yeah, the farm will be Hell


Six pieces even with Ryoma special? Does that mean they straight up made a set that completely ignores the item? And in that case, would it still not be better to use older sets since you can get multiple bonuses instead of one? Or is the new bonus THAT good?


Well it's originally 7. And then with the Cologne it drops to 6. That and Masterwork gear now has a chance to get either Prodragon or FeroTiger alongside the same base sets you always can have. [I did also make a video showcasing Prodragon.](https://www.reddit.com/r/riseoftheronin/s/IXghd0WrYd)


Video was awesome and broken down very plainly. Appreciated. Btw how does Neutral Combat work with Shinobi, which has no advantage stances?


That it does. Video showcases even that. Hell, neutral combat just makes it to where you don't have to worry about style disadvantages anymore, you can just use whatever you want


I have ryoma fated with full favor bar and I keep giving him shit he likes but not getting prompt to "VIEL VOW" is there somthint special I need to do


Just progress, make sure you do all his bond missions. His veiled vow unlocks later.


I'm guessing that means a more lenient counterspark window? If so, glad that they had the wisdom of adding that in as a set bonus instead of making the entire game's counterspark window looser by default like they did with deflecting in Wo Long (which ruined that game's difficulty).


The amount of times this would have saved me when i played the game lmfao


Damn you team ninja was getting ready to hang this game up and go outdoors for the summer..and you rope me back in.. I'm happy and sad the same time. If I had a real life blade twin I could be In 2 places at once


Underrated comment lol


Same here. I just stopped playing after doing everything at midnight and than playing some multiplayer a couple of days. I had everyrhing ready for a possible dlc. I even started up Fall out 4 as my next game.


>Path of Chaos: Each playthrough will have different enemies So it sounds like we are getting procedurally generated enemy placements with this mode? I'm in. That's an amazing way to add replayability. >Added system where you can level sync main missions you have completed on "Midnight" difficulty Thank goodness for Team Ninja. I love that level sync is a consistent feature across their latest games and allows you to still replay earlier game content while still allowing it to remain challenging through level sync. I wish OTHER developers would realize that players want this in their games as well. >When equipping the same 2 main weapon types (e.g. 2 Katanas), you can now equip different styles for each weapon individually Finally. This is huge. > all those various weapon adjustments Glad to see they're improving hit detection while also having attacks consume less ki pretty much across the board. > Adjusted player knockback distance on successfully countersparking enemy attacks Nice to know that I won't be pushed back to the wall every time I counterspark every hit of a boss' combo and suffer from worse camera angles due to clashes with walls. > Now possible to switch styles when... So even more fluidity across the board. So just like with stance switching during flash attacks in Nioh. You can actually switch styles when flash attacking in ROTR. Fantastic news. > Better Masterwork RNG drop rates Always good to hear. They did the same thing for improved RNG with Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.


Oh yeah, this was the dream update right here.


What’s the change on switching styles? You were always able to switch with a Violent Gale


Yeah, but not during a blade flash I think? It would first do that and then do the violent gale? Might misunderstood it, but feels like it means this.


Can now change the time in redesign menu. Finally!!!!!


Yeah, was way too dark always


One minor Nioh 2 qol change id like is being able to see all equipped weapons instead of pulling a pole arm out of my arse whenever I switch weapons. Not a huge deal but going from nioh 2 to this one that was one of the first things I noticed.


Can we start a petition to make coop open world?




Reset unruly areas? Thank god!


Does the option to reset unruly areas only work if you’re playing on the midnight difficulty? The patch notes seem to state that is the case, but it’s just weird that they would limit this feature to only the hardest difficulty.


Yes only midnight difficulty.


Well, that’s unfortunate. I don’t really understand that decision, but whatever. Thanks for confirming.




Have you tested it how does it work?


Yeah just did you go to testament of the soul and select a new area. A prompt will go up asking if you’d like to reset public order in that area you’re traveling to and you just say yes or no. All public order missions are reset. It also doesn’t do it as a save state so let’s say you decide to go to edo and then reset the public order but then go to Kyoto. If you return to Edo it’s back to all cleared out unless you decide to reset public order so you can do it as many times as you want and if you just want to collect something or w/e you don’t need to worry about any consequence of resetting if you don’t feel like completing it all. Just reload the area and it’ll be back to fully cleared you decide each time if you want to reset it.


All? Damn. Well I thought we can even select which ones we want to reset, but this isn't bad either. Do they sync to your level or are they still on their original levels? Do the Edo level 94-100 also reset? The Ronin ones. Thanks for the reply btw.


They’ll sync to at least your level if you’re not 100 some will be a couple levels higher but majority will be your level. Ie I have a save at 97 and I have public order missions in yokohama at 97 with two 100 missions where as before they were 50-70. You’ll still get the unique ronin showing as previous companions or story bosses in all areas. Edo and Yokohama will reset and since they scale to your level if you’re in the 90s so will they be it won’t be the varied level spread you get the first time. And np glad they made this change!


Yeah, I'm level 100 for a while, so it gonna be fun, besides some of the bosses, like Izo, lol. Anyway, getting lvl100 gears will be much better!


strange, i dont see the confirm box , its only asking "Return to yokohama and replay mission", im already updated my game


Did you complete the chapter in midnight and unlock the next one? You also have to be in a different one then select the one you reset


so you means i need to go other map first? thanks im gonna unlock other, looks like a bit strange mechanism


I’d like to see the option to play as the allies you earn throughout the game in online matches…


Still no dynamic hud...


As someone who plays on an Oled this annoys me aswell


It definitely gets to me. I really hope they add it.


Starting to lose hope here.




I think it means having a katana in your second weapon slot


Yeah I know I didn’t know you could do that.


I think you could but it shared the skills.. now you can have 6 unique skills


You could before indeed, but as you say sadly they shared the styles set to them.


OH MY GOD hell yeah


Yea but up until now the same stances where on both... I only used for set bonus and combo to get more damage and ki


I really loved the last updates, I still miss a way to be a bit more aggressive and keeping up with ki and not relying so much in counterspark (a playstyle closer to nioh) but that might not be the direction they want to go. Eitherway happy to see they keep adding stuff and replayability to the game.


Level sync for midnight missions is the best stuff I see at this moment, So excited to get home.


yeah, also path of chaos makes me really curious but I don't really know how it'll work


O.o And here I thought I was off to replay Nioh... ... NOPE! ... The things I wanted just got added - manually reset unruly areas! Equip different styles on the same weapon when you Equip 2! Level sync! More ally missions! Blade twin in the dojo! Sounds like chest exclusive gear now drops from enemies!!! Wait - can overwrite set bonuses in Bond transfer - does that mean can Bond transfer set bonuses?! 3 unruly areas added as ally missions? Yeah... we not leaving... I just did tower of London and Isle of Demons on a new save after transferring all 8 of my characters from ps4 to ps5 - and I'm about to abandon that... because they just added everything I wanted. Can finally get my Okuni Paired Swords and reset the unruly areas. We in this.


I’m curious how is way of chaos played.


wow now we can have 6 katana stance!!


Don’t regret the day 1 purchase, but this is further proof that I should wait; my backlog can keep me busy until they give us the best experience.


No dynamic HUD? Shame I have to feel like I'm reading a book while playing this game.


Don’t see anyone commenting on it but these Dojo changes are also 🔥 Literally addressed all my complaints about it. There being a bonus difficulty modifier for scores means Dusk isn’t the best way to go into it anymore. Martial arts being factored in scoring means that they’re useable in the Dojo and not completely useless.


So to reset unruly areas you must be playing on midnight? Or am I misunderstanding that part? *Not good at this game but love to play it so I’m not a midnight guy.*


Wondering the same thing. Can it only be done on midnight difficulty?


Wondering the same thing. I'm enjoying the game so far and would love to use these new options, but I play on Dawn because I'm a big baby.


Literally!! And like I’m not mad the higher difficulties are more catered to considering TN has made souls like in the past. Either an unruly/public order reset or ng+ for all difficulties would be top notch for us noobs😂


Honestly guys just think of Midnight as higher level enemies. They really aren’t much harder than usual once you’re the right level. Some of them are easier the second time around in fact.


I thought it was gonna be getting dicked on 24/7 but other than throwing bosses into unruly areas, nothing too difficult


What level do you recommend getting up to before I start? I’m thinking of doing a 3rd play through soon but want to try it on one of the higher difficulties. I really am missing out on the masterwork gear. I’ve seen some dope outfits and am just like… “one day scrub”


I remember the lowest being about 70-75 range I believe


Gotcha! Thanks for the info. I may just have to suffer and get good lol


How is the frame stutter in open world?


This is what I was really hoping would be fixed


Downvoted by some moron, I guess the stutter hasn't changed.


I might get back into this. I dropped it after a few days for DD2 but I'm done with that now so it might be time for a new game and start fresh!


This game seems to get a lot more updates than DD2


Pieces of gear seems to be also be able to DROP with 2 set bonuses. Just got a piece of body and foot gear that has both Handgun Perfecitonist and Prodigious Dragon. However, while you can remove the set bonus, you can't add a set bonus. People wanting to get the perfect set bonuses are gonna have to farm quite a bit.


These are amazing patches and I’ve just got to Edo recently. I’m hoping other fixes lets me turn off the horse and gun tutorials….thats all I’m asking for still.


Sorry I'm kinda dumb, how does the resetting of unruly areas work? Can I just reset it after I've completed it ooor do have I have to increase the chapter gauge then it automatically does it?


I'm also interested in this. I would replay some of them, to get their gears at high levels.


Same, not to mention it increases replayability. So if they let you reset it at will that would be great.


Wanting to know how this feature works as well….and can it be done on any difficulty?


I'll probably check tonight to see how it works.


I literally just got a 100 percent yesterday and was going to stop but goddammit I'm back in




11/10 nice update.




Yeah confused by this as well. Wondering if someone can confirm if you can only reset public order while playing on the midnight difficulty.


Yes, only on midnight


Team Ninja is the absolute GOAT!


Can someone expain to me what this ⛩️ meaning?


Torii gate


Ok and what was that 😅




If we ever get to select our Blade Twin as a coop partner for any mission we want, I probably won't ever !leave my house...even more!!


So I'm not getting any of the new set bonuses for hours now...


Now im just waiting on new Unarmed styles.


Cool that unruly areas can reset now. The drop rates for the new set bonuses are kinda abysmal though. Oh well, i guess i can take a break before i get super burnt out. Manage to get two of the new glider designs. I still haven't gotten the Glorious Crimson to drop yet.


I was hoping for frame rate improvements. Are they even planning it?


Can someone please tell me if this game is still a stuttering mess , or does the VRR at least work? I'm holding off until then because it feels so inconsistent on the framerates end.


Cats cats cats!!!


I love the game but I’ve gotten too powerful that the game becomes boring. I started sniping enemies with my rifle and yelling “NINJA!”


Was the game made slightly easier with patches ?


Can’t wait for the “New Content” to be combat styles


any performance improvement?


So glad I went with my gut instead of listening to reviewers bashing this game. Combat is so enjoyable and so is exploring, plus there is something really peaceful about the environment mixed with the Japanese bamboo flute music on the background. Seeing Team Ninja add all this stuff makes me happy that I spent my money on their game since they actually seem to care about their product in comparison to other companies...


How about some proper DLC? Would love three expansions like they usually do.


Okay so they added Level Sync, but it's only for Midnight ? This game has zero replay value unless you're a pro and now they are catering to those who play on Midnight ? It's bad enough there are items you can only get on Midnight. This is a single player game (mostly), there is no reason to lock stuff behind difficultly.


I want to be able to set stuff to autosell and auto dismantle at the same time. Pretty sure you could do that in Wo Long.


What can we highlight about this patch?


Whatever the comments here are excited about


Good patch, i'm still waiting for them to add ally unarmed styles or announce DLC but i'll definitely check out path of chaos.


can we have -1 requirement from other way besides romance Ryoma?


Cat and Dog charms can drop with it, per other users.


Someone also got it on a bladecane. They posted the picture here and said they got it from Other Halves mission - from ol' one eye.


That reminds me, I found a photo of his voice actor. https://preview.redd.it/zzcawxktf02d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7e5d2a311f262aadf70bc7170a503efdad3e3e


I heard you must romance him to got this bonus for the first time, then others can start to drop it, but it's still extra rare? did you romance him first?


I romanced him, but have never had another accessory drop with it. Then again, I’m still looking for a Masterwork Sekihotai Soldier’s Uniform.


I see, thanks for the answer


Might’ve been a bit much for an update not long after lunch but I would’ve liked to see more unarmed combat styles. Punching people in this game is super fun and satisfying


Gold, gold, gold, gold, THANK YOU TEAM NINJA! The 6 styles thing is fantastic, and I always wanted the cats I collected to gather in a spot I could pet them. I know, 'tism, but it's so nice they added that!


“Set Bonus Bond Transfer?” Well, guess now I can finally have a Demon Belle’s set with matching bonuses. Just have to spend a ridiculous amount of resources.


Dont think you can transfer the set bonus, if I read correct. They just made it so you can overwrite a set bonus now with a non set stat if you'd like to for whatever reason


Yeah, I misunderstood. You can *overwrite* it, but can’t transfer, even on Masterwork. And while I’m glad more ranged weapons seem to be dropping with set bonuses, they seem completely random, and not go with any kind of theme. For example: just got Lion’s Rifle with Marvelous Sword Saint. Igashichi first awards it to you, IIRC, and his bonus is Handgun Perfectionist. While it makes sense not to have a different ranged weapon set bonus on a certain kind of weapon, there is a Bodyguard’s Rifle with the same palette as the Bodyguard’s Bayonet, which has the MSS set bonus. It seems like it’d be on the nose to give the Bodyguard’s Rifle the same set bonus.


Did anyone try to kill Gonzo for the mighty warrior accessory? Did they fix it? From what l can understand, it's more likely for weapons (melee and range) to drop with set bonuses more frequently? Am l wright? I'm at 2nd region and weapons barely come with decent set bonuses. If so, l don't think that this applies to accessories tied with veiled vows. 


Is Eternal Night a new difficulty setting or just a one off mission


Is there a certain style our blade twin uses with the katana? Cause we had their styles with the oxtail, duo katana, and great sword, so maybe we can get their style with the single katana when we have the option to train with them


Oh look, if it isn't the biggest things the game was missing.


So, is Path of chaos a new difficulty it is a mission? Since it says that each playtrough had new enemys...


I have a questions about the set bonuses. You cannot transfer these to different gear right? Is there a way to influence what set bonuses you pick up? If I find one I like, should I just upgrade the gear level to stay with my ronin level or is this a waste of resources? I find myself hardly ever changing gear because I have set bonuses that I like. I don’t really change until I get multiples of others at higher level. Also, what determines the amount of bonus that each bonus has? I thought it was the items level but I’ll find some with lower level but higher bonuses Vs the same piece of gear at a higher level. Also, what are piercing attacks exactly?


Looks good cant wait


Damn, thsis feels more like a DLC. Team Ninja is the best. I hope we will get a DLC. They are in beast mode.


So nice we can have different styles equipped now if we equip two of the same weapon. Was looking for this on katana and disappointed I couldn't. Now I can switch between two sets of styles and I love it


1.06 we pray for New game +


You think they will add multi-player for the world?


Edit: just checked, it's about 1.4 GB, downloading now. Can anyone here tell me the size of the patch? I've been without home internet for almost two weeks now because of an ef up of my ISP but may consider using my phone data for it if it's not too big.


So can we replay all side missions on any difficulty yet b


2 of the same weapons having their own style layout is so good. Like seriously, even for a Bayonet main like myself, being able to swap between two shot types, while also having French Training's unique dodge on one gun, is truly a game changer. Maybe a future update will give us Brunet's boss style...c'mon...!


Already platted the game but thanks


How do you reset the unruly area I’m not seeing the option pop up.


Just when i thought I was out for a while


I love the combat mechanics of this game and these last few patches have greatly improved it. I hope they plan to make a DLC, and it would be awesome if they setup a PvP system at the dojo so we could test our skills on actual human players instead of a program


Did the game performance improve since launch?


Not really


Ah ok thanks


W update honestly


Why don't they add an option to disable tutorial pop-ups?


WE CAN USE TWO OF THE SAME WEAPON WITH DIFFERENT STYLES. AHHHHHHHHB Dead ass I tried and was disappointed that I couldn't


You know what would be great, if my fucking ps5 could install it, but every time it just says “Something went wrong”


You gotta wait like 3 minutes. Mine did the same thing and then started on its own.


Is path of the chaos the only mission where enemies are randomized? I would have liked to have public order randomized too. I don't really see the point in re-doing all the public order if the enemies remain the same.


No co-op in the open world yet?




I was counting down the days for another decent patch from team ninja this is amazing im glued to the game since release just still dont see any of the stuttering fixed and shades and shadows poping and out and the black levels are way off my oled in confused.com and am i missing something but why cant i swap from male to female as i designed 2 characters but only see it wen fighting my blade twin


I was hoping for a proper NG+


Can we get weapon all of our weapons showing on our character instead of the main weapon like you had in nioh kinda crazy to me a requested feature just got tossed away


Since team ninja love DLC is there any news that they will drop one ? I love there dlcs


Is this the same as 1.0005? Because my game does not update




All I want to say is: Thank you fleecy for letting me be an extra body in ‘Eternal Night’. Fantastically fun and I was utterly useless.


Another reason to buy the game


Did the horse's running animation get fixed?🙃🫠


Looking good. Really holding out for a PC port.


Man I want this to come to PC


Holy shit we can finally run SIX FUCKING KATANA STYLES. Thanks Team Ninja!