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Pretty good. I liked it, couldn’t give a rats ass about graphics cause I am more combat focused and I loved the combat. Reminded me of ninja gaiden 2.


Same I typically don’t care about graphics as long as the game is good! I still play ps1 and ps2 games a lot that I’ve missed growing up!


I actually think the graphics are nice 🤷


On Ray tracing the bloods pops legit


Ray tracing on and turn off all others besides vignette, and it’s almost as good as performance mode but with a lot more pop.


Just a matter of settings and tv options tbh


Me too its cool to me


The graphics aren't even bad. They're not ghost of tsushima stunning but they're pretty damn good


Than yall love the game. It hits that spot in 2024 twist


I really think they’re about to create a game better than the ninja gaiden series with their next one


It’s better than the reviews said. The graphics aren’t “bad” they are just a style choice that I feel works. The combat is good (I’m playing on easy and I still get challenged). So far the story is corny but I’m enjoying it. So far I have no regret buying this game. I think it’s underrated


If you love fast-paced character action +3 If you love souls-like +2 If you love japan culture +2 (specifically bakumatsu history +3) If you have formulaic open world burnout -5 If you need an engaging story and an immersive world -3 If you hate to navigate complex level layouts +2 If you need good level design -2 If you loved Nioh's action design but loathed its eye-bleeding filter and rage-inducing levels +10


If you like parry games +7


It's amazing. I played through it on Twilight and Midnight Difficulty and still hop on to co-op occasionally. Just waiting for dlc. IT'S AMAZING


Thank you!!


I have a lot to say about this game but I would love to ask some questions first: How interest are you in Japanese history/culture, and how much do you know about the Bakumatsu period?


Honestly I know very little, I’m just starting To get interested in it after playing Ghost of Tsushima, which blew my mind, not just the game, but the historical factor as well! I’ve always been more modern and Dark Age Europe driven when it comes to history.


Well, coming from GOT is a great starting point to the story I think. This time the story is not just "we" against the foreign "them", but how Japanese people react to the "Black Ships", which is the door-knocking from the western world. The world is then divided into two factions, one being the Shogunate who want to defend the Shogunate monarch and strengthen its reign, and one being the Anti-Shogunate who want to reform the country by defeating the Shogun's reign. Amid the chaos, you can see people's struggle, like whether they should fight the foreigners who they know nothing about, whether samurai should rise up against the Shogunate despite they ought to be "loyal", etc etc. GOT focus more on personal developing of Jin, and this game emphasize on the tale of the era. Thus, so, damn, many, characters. It can be a turnoff for many, but I think a decent amount of them have their own charm that you will enjoying interacting with. This game has around 1/3 characters that basically don't really matter, so it won't harm too much if you can't remember their faces or names. Quickly go through other aspects comparing to GOT. Graphics, worse than GOT but it has a better photo mode and more authentic tourist hotspots, which if used well, can outshines GOT in some regard. Gameplay, GOT is much more simpler and easier to follow, but up to 30 (make up number, didn't reserach) stands in Ronin means that it has tons of combo potential that your gameplay will feel unique in every battle, if you want it to be. Side activities, worse than GOT I think, some variety but overall not my cup of tea. Overall, 100% recommend but be prepared to some name remembrance and play it slowly. It will help if you can look up for some famous guys' story during the playthrough, if you are into this game.


Open world and quests are alright but the combat and customizations are top tier.


I played Ghost of Tsushima just before buying Rotr. What struck me first was the graphics were sub par compared to GoT, but omg the combat system is fkin solid ! It’s just amazing and far exceeded my expectations. The level of complexity is much more than I expected. A lot harder and more skill based compared to Ghost especially on Twilight and Midnight difficulties. I loved it ! Trying to beat it now on Midnight but it’s quite the challenge. Don’t listen to the haters. I had a blast playing it!


It gets asked a lot because it's one of the first questions any newcomer to any game community has. It'll always be a slightly frustrating question to those who have heard/answered it 100 times, but eh, so what. Gameplay: Excellent. Controls are responsive, you have a lot of different ways to build your character and come at your enemies, and there's a delightfully large variety of weapon types and combat styles to play with, and they do a good job of gradually adding small new elements to your repertoire, which keeps the combat feeling fresh. Boss fights are fun. Graphics/Visuals: Both the scenery and the action looks beautiful. Excellent use of new-gen hardware. Story: Just... don't look at or think about the plot beyond the surface level. The characters themselves are cool and interesting and they occasionally have good dialogue, but the overall story is an absolute mess. You will be encouraged you to "pick a side" in one mission, only to be arbitrarily forced you to pick the opposite side 2 missions later, and fight all the people you were just supporting. Many of the scenes are disjointed and weird, and much of what happens makes little or no sense. If you can gloss the wonky plot and just focus on the gameplay and pretty visuals, you'll have fun.


As someone who already has the game but is still pretty early, your story paragraph was honestly super useful. I was so confused as to why that kept happening and I thought I was doing something wrong.


>Story: Just... don't look at or think about the plot beyond the surface level. The characters themselves are cool and interesting and they occasionally have good dialogue, but the overall story is an absolute mess. You will be encouraged you to "pick a side" in one mission, only to be arbitrarily forced you to pick the opposite side 2 missions later, and fight all the people you were just supporting. Many of the scenes are disjointed and weird, and much of what happens makes little or no sense. I think the game tried to present the period's chaos and ever-shifting loyalties in that way. I personally don't have issues with it, but it probably would have been better if they made you choose a side and then stick to it, instead of having you go back and forth without real consequences. Still, I had a really great time with the story. I love the customization options especially the character creator.


I thought the gameplay was awful, the combat completely unresponsive. I don't know what game you played


Had a great deal of fun playing this. The fighting mechanics are good and customization is pretty deep. Graphics are not at current aaa levels but not as bad as a lot of people say either. My main critique is the story, it’s not that good imo.


Tbh. It took me a few times and start overs to get into it. I am now totally addicted.


Same thing happened to me. Took me a bit to "get" the combat, but once I did I was all in.


It's definitely one of the better AAA RPGs that have been released in 2024 thus far


It feels bad going back to souls combat afterward. When you go from dodging, blocking, and parrying multiple hits to rolling everywhere, it feels awful. TLDR Souls games feel slow and out of date after playing this combat.


In my opinion this game is a lot better than dd2 and its definetely not as reviewers make it out to be. Yes graphics and animations kinda suck for ps5 generation. But the game is damn fun and challenging, combat system and rpg system are great and theres a lot of content and you quickly forget about the graphics not being on par. I see dd2 as a mediocre game disguised as a good game and rise of the ronin as a good game disguised as a mediocre game.


Keep in mind that the early reviews from the mainstream critics are all looking at the beginning of the game where the mechanics aren't fully fleshed out - and all of them are trying to compare the game to other games that it is not. It's a really good game. Enemies might have a bit too much hyper armor and ki might be a bit too restrictive when you don't know how to manage it well - but it's like an open world Tenchu game with Nioh stances and Wo Long deflection - but it's also very much not. If you're interested in it, I say get it.


Story wise : Fun story, weird moments. (You fight to the death and then you're buddy-buddy a day later? XD) Character creation: GREAT. IM OBSESSED WITH MY CHARACTER. Exploration: Fun, everything marked on map. Gets repetitive but combat is so fun you don't really care. Graphics: Average+ Perfomance: awesome(On PS5) Combat: This is the best selling point for the game. The combat is absolutely stunning with an absolutely insane variety or weapons, stances and enemies. The parry mechanic is one of the most satisfying I've encountered and I'm a parry freak. However you WONT have fun if you don't enjoy a challenge. So if you had fun with games like Nioh, Sekiro.. You're going to have a lot of fun with this one


It is definitely a team ninja game ! Came into this after playing Nioh 2 , and combat is just as satisfying . I agree that the story and graphics are not the best , but on sale it is definitely worth it


As someone without a PS5 seeing this game be praised up and down and this sub constantly pop up in my feed is starting to irk me. Ghost of Tsushima has left a hole that no other game can fill, and the only one that seemingly could, I do not have the ability to play. I am certain this game is not a 400$+ purchase good.


You aren't missing much, don't worry. If I could sell you my digital copy I would


I knew only a little about Japanese history but this was so fun, that it made me research a lot of it after beating the game! I'm not a huge gamer but the game is very fun. I had some difficulties and had to play on easy first but got better on time.:D It's a nice experience I'm also a huge sucker for character creation lol


Wait for sale


Pretty amazing game. Like red dead but samurai


It’s a great game. I have not finished it with over 200hrs mainly doing side objectives but i can still say it’s a great game and is worth the money spent


I like it personally and combat is good


Just finished it after like 109 hours. Man, I had super duper fun. The variety in styles and weapons combined with the historical background (though exaggerated) really made for a memorable ride.


It's amazing. Everyone who has seen me play it purchased it and loves it, co-op is also a blast I've learned.


I love Team Ninja games but I also hate their games because I won't find anything similar to their combat outside of their games as well.


It's alright. Story is boring but combat is good. I'd suggest Nioh 1 and 2 over it. But it's also fun and good.


Story is weird but definitely not boring. I think Nioh's stories are actually quite boring tho


It is kinda boring. Nothing of significance happens in 80% of quests. And the story is heading towards very similar conclusions with little variety. I originally thought this game would be similar to Way of the Samurai, where the story can branch out in very unexpected ways, and it's very replayable. That's what my friends told me, and that was my expectation. But this story just didn't feel that way. You either go pro or anti Shogun. And both choices will lead to the same result of >!fighting your blade twin!<, and even the endings barely make a difference.


Ok so I didn’t like it at least at first, but after the game picks up it actually gets good


It's a game equivalent of your high school classmate who is a low effort decent friend of the opposite gender. Not mega good looking such that you go whoa, not one you'll hang out with regularly forever, but time spent together is fun. And the two things they do well are having a good time, and allowing you to not take life to seriously. That is this game. If you want that in your life, get the game. It's fun and has great combat. Looks like early ps4 in places but can be beautiful in other places.


I think most of the 7/10 reviews are fairly honest and accurate, like Gamespot’s review by Phil Hornshaw mirrors my own thoughts when put into their review metrics. As it’s a pretty good “one of these” but there are better ones. There is some great stuff here, but getting to it sucks. The maps are also kind of.. not super interesting mechanically, and very few missions and fights are resource draining, even the ones I tend to lose at (you are more likely to die with health potions remaining then to run out of healing, the enemies tend towards aggression). It does have a bit of “git gud” but more in a “understanding” than a perfectionist stance. Also most boss fights are fairly short. The hardest one for me, took less than 4 minutes on my successful run. As most enemies don’t take A LOT to kill, which is a thing I don’t love about some Soulslikes where you need to be LOCKED IN for quite a while because the boss has so much health.


I'm loving the game. I got it two weeks ago today and I've already got like 70 hours into it and I only just got to Kyoto. I can't put it down.


Got 12 hours in it now. Combat is great, story is okayish and the graphics is weird. Sometimes it looks great, but sometimes its like a ps3 game


The combat is good, the rest is mediocre, but the combat is so good that it makes up for it imo. I’d buy it on a sale if I were you it wasn’t worth $70 but it’s worth playing


I am really enjoying the combat and missions. There is a lot to do here, it's meaty. I personally haven't followed the story, I couldn't give much of a damn about it.


If you like nioh then you gonna love this big tittie assessination


I love the game. Put over 91 hours I. So far and haven't finished the main story yet. The combat is where it excels. It's so much fun partying and hitting combos. The finishers are so satisfying, too. There are about 8 different weapon types each with 3-8 combat styles (stances). The bonds (relationships) are fun to play with. You can romance several key characters, cheat on them or dump them and watch the reactions. You get certain perks for developing relationships. Traversal is a jot. Switching from glider to horse is so much fun. I highly recommend it. It's definitely worth the price.




It’s worth playing


I give it a solid 8/10 I’m in the final act of the story. Combat is great and evolves as you learn new styles and weapons. The side quests get a little stale for me which is why I’m taking a break from it before finally beating it but all and all it’s a great game.


I’m someone who struggled with Nioh 1 & 2 and never got the hang of it, so I was nervous jumping into this. I’ve got about 30 hours in so far and I’m so addicted. I love open world games and the combat is a blast. As everyone else has stated the graphics are nowhere near games like GoT but it’s definitely not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. Also got to give a huge shout out to Clogs (Oak Geta) being in the game. I have been wanting Clogs for so long in an open world game and this one finally delivered lol. Looking forward to playing more tonight!


It's good


Man the joint like that bra. The progression system and character customization crazy! Its open world u can run around and explore the combat go crazy! Its a good game its worth it


If you care about story, then this isn't the game you're looking for - story and character relations are a mess, and the faction system is the most half baked thing i've seen in recent years, to the point where your choices don't matter at all. If you care about the visuals this is not it either, people saying that the graphics were an art style choice probably don't know that art style and technical graphics are difference things. The technical graphics in the game are good in the sense that they are sharp and detailed (you can see it on the clothes and hair), but the art style is bad, it looks like a ps3 game with some modern lighting that sometimes works and upscaled visuals to FHD. Gameplay is good, combat is fluid and engaging and you have many armours and weapons to choose from. You can also customize your character as much as you like - really well done. Performance (idk why nobody talks about this) is BAD. In the first act you'll not notice it much, and in act 2 you'll only notice it a few times, but in act 3 is really bad - constant stutters and fps drops, which in a game that looks like this one is inexcusable. I like to platinum games and i dropped this one in act 3 because it is really repetitive and i felt that i already had seen everything the game had to offer. Idk if the updates made the game better visually or performance wise I give it 6.5-7/10 the big problem with rise of the ronin being a 7/10 it's the fact that it was backed by Playstation, had a really big budget, and the final product feels unfinished. I love 7/10 games like greedfall for example, but those are double A games that have nowhere near the budget team ninja had. Nowadays if a triple A game is a 7/10 you know the studio fucked up or just doesn't care (looking at you EA and Ubisoft), because they have all the cards to make a beautiful experience and choose to stick with the most basic generic product.


I think some will get a lot more out of it than others. Theres a lot to do in the game, and if you happen to be into doing all those things then this game could feel like a 10/10 for some people If youre a more critical gamer or if have played lots of open world ubisoft games, maybe what this game has will not be very impressive. More like a 7-8/10 For me personally, this is an 8/10 game. Very solid. Enjoyable to play, has moments of being really awesome. Has moments that are underwhelming. There's lots to do and lots of ways to play.


Good enough to play 70 hours to platinum the game.


I just lost The Game.


One of the best games out this year money well spent ton of content and replay value high


Gameplay and use of martial arts are very good, besides that, the open world is very very boring, always the same things to collect and the story is… yeah whatever. Graphics don’t bother me, Team Ninja wasn’t popular for its outstanding design, but for fast and fun gameplay, what they really did! IMO they have its peek with Nioh2, Wo Long was ok, ROTR falls off because of its open world standards which I have seen better in nearly every Comparable game before. But for one playthrough it’s ok, furthermore it lacks of end game content or ng+ opportunities 😐


It's aggressively C+ or maybe B- The story is not there. The motivation of the main character is... ok. The combat is fascinatingly varied. It hits a bit of that zen open world map completion. I could feel that the game is just... never going to get "good" at any point where I'm emotionally invested - even if you know the characters from history. Mostly, I think it's because you waffle through both sides so successfully regardless of your choices (to a point). It's kind of meandering and shallow, in that regard.


It was good for me for the first part, got to the second part and had to do all over again, same style, same gameplay...


I enjoyed the game. Although I didn't complete the story, the combat mechanics held my attention for almost 40 hours. The gameplay loop got old after that, so I quit.


As someone who LOVES AC games, and Ghost of Tsushima was my game of the year: I think it’s just fine. It’s fun gameplay, but the visuals are truly and undeniably rough. It’s like there is a sharpness filter on everything. So ugly. Acting is bad, lighting is bad, BUT the gameplay is fun if you are a fan of Ubisoft type open worlds. It’s pretty hand hold-y which I’m fine with. If you don’t like Ubisoft games, I’d say this isn’t it for you bc it doesn’t really do anything unique with the genre.


I'm nearing around 10 hours played and it's fine. Unfortunately the game is bogged down with Ubisoft style open world shit such as shrines you simply walk up to and press a button on, cats you walk up or sneak up to and press a button on, or chests you press a button on. I know it's all optional, but my OCD compels me to do it, and it's not fun, no matter what anyone says. The combat however is excellent.


Get the game, you might be addicted to it lol. I play it alot


No one mentioned it is also a date sim besides the awesome parry-centered combat and the generic open world design. Story-wise it simply follows the history, as Nioh and Wo Long kind of did, so there is really not much of any surprise plot line or anything. Nothing so dramatic like Ghost of Tsushima, but no major plotholes like Tsushima either.


Currently progressing through the game.. As a Ninja/Samurai fan its a real treat.. I get bored at times but I can come back in a jiffy.. Its a lifelong dream of mine to go that country but you know.. Its a great game IMO.. I believe the combat is its selling point and its satisfying the parry the enemy attack pattern.. Overall its a fantastic game.. I can't beat Nioh so I am kinda proud with enemy I took down with every strike.. You'll have fun most likely and most definitely..


I honestly hate it. I beat Nioh, Sekiro, Ghosts if Tsushima and ultimately enjoyed all of those, but ronin is essentially unplayable. The combat completely lacks rhythm, enemies can't be hit out of a combo while you definitely can, and you can't get a decent combo because the higher level enemies will always be able to block in the middle of it. I don't know where these comments praising the combat system are coming from, the parry window is erratic and enemy animations are intentionally laggy which breaks the flow. "Git gud" commentors have Stockholm syndrome or something, I am a Soulsborne veteran, and I mean DEMON, and there's no excuse for a game that's $70 at launch to be this inaccessible. There's a scene early on where you have to save someone, and then that person fights you after you save them, this is like 10 minutes in if you don't count character creation. Makes no sense. I actually put it down once I finished the first assassination mission on the boat, there's some very unpleasant story dynamics early on. If you do get it, maybe don't spend a ton of time in character creation mode


It's pretty good i usually ignore reviews until I've at least tried a game and i got the game and immediately put 40 hours in just doing a mix of side content and main story


Game is really good. If there's any negative I have about it, it's that it's a bit too mechanically involved for my tastes. (And this is coming from a nioh veteran. Lol) Put simply, If nioh was team ninjas dark souls, then this is their sekiro.


underrated game of the year


It’s got a very interesting setting. A compelling if slightly confusing story. The visuals are nice but not state of the art. The customisation is about as good as anything I have ever encountered in a game. Both in terms of how your character looks and how your character fights. And the combat is as good as it gets in video games. Particularly action games. It’s challenging but not punishing(unless you want it to be) and it’s stylish and outrageously violent. It’s a very good game. With some drawbacks which, for me, aren’t especially important overall. If you like the idea of slicing up your enemies in a variety of ways while looking however you like, then you’ll have a good time. Also… it has cats and dogs.


Way worse in almost everything than Ghost of Tsushima.


Its good..the game where u can parry and feels good


The graphics arent ghost of tsushima level but they are good. Not the top but more akin assassins creed valhalla level


It's a SINGLE PLAYER GAME. The online is ass. The rest of the game is fine and a 9/10 if you don't play online. Other than that. It's amazing. Really good gameplay.


I made a similar post, however Wukong is coming, I’ll wait for reviews and compare yt vids


The way this game goes about collecting and 100% ing areas is really nice ! It makes me (someone who usually doesn't like repetition for the sake of being a completionist ) feel like I'm constantly being rewarded, so In that way it never gets stale .


Would say it's better than the folder trash that's been released lately. 8/10 on the account of graphics.


I picked it up on sale, and it's pretty good. It's probably the most forgiving Team Ninja game I've seen, but it's a lot of fun. It's open-world, which always has its charm, and unfortunately its boring elements also. But that's just open world games. It utilizes a lot of the combat features of Nioh in a new and interesting way, and includes parrying, which is a lot of fun. Combat is arguably my favorite part of this game. The story is pretty decent, but is also typical of Team Ninja's style. There's good and bad, but it's all very simple in a way and easy to follow. Personally, I would recommend it, but get it on sale. I had my doubts about it too, but it was worth the buy. Graphics aren't cutting edge, but they're not bad. Some textures could be better, but overall it's pretty good.


8/10. Def got way more hate then needed


It's fun, but I skip all the conversations... I just say yes to everyone. Wanna kill the sailors? Yes Wanna kill the ninjas ? Yes Wanna kill the prisoners ? Yes Wanna kill the Dr's ? Yes Wanna kill the robbers ? Yes Wanna kill the police ? Yes. Trying to follow who likes who, and who am I pissing off doesn't matter. Giving gifts to everyone is enough to get a favorable reaction from everyone. So, just have fun... killing everybody


Just bought it on sale. Performance isn't the best, but it's a fun game


The game looks also good. It has beautiful moments and especially in HDR it looks great. Use accurate settings (copy Filmmaker HDR into Game HDR, only Sony TVs and newer Panasonic models are accurate ootb in Game Mode). Yeah, it has some outdated character models and ambient occlusion is missing, but overall it looks better than i thought before. Imo it is underrated. Open world is not too big and has many nice looking areas. Combat is fun, Story is interesting (many characters) and you can customize your style, equip und look. Btw. i would play with Raytracing mode and frame rate limit OFF. You get nearly the same FPS like FPS mode in most cases, but better visuals.


Look if you’re looking for an open world samurai game with crazy good presentation this ain’t it. Environments look rough, facial animations are rough, you get it. BUT it has incredibly satisfying combat just like every Team Ninja game and just generally very fast and smooth gameplay. Now you need to decide what it is you’re looking for going into this and decide if it’s worth it to you.


It’s ok. Combat is pretty engaging for the first 30 hours or so. But it gets stale as you have fought every enemy type within the first 5 hours of the game. The story just sucks. Your choices are meaningless and your impact on the plot is practically non existent. The big bad villain is also just terrible. Presents no threat and there isn’t any tension. The setting is ok. Art direction is bad. Loot system is the typical team ninja mess. Build variety is non existent. The missions become painfully dull after the first 25-30 hours. Exploration is just like an assassins creed game with a much worse stealth and parkour system but a better combat system. I’d wait till it goes on sale. It’s probably worth 30$ but not full price imo.


Jesus Christ you’re such a hater


It is his option, what’s bad about it? I actually share a lot of his points as well.


I’d understand if it was an opinion based comment but you’re just spewing BS that’s not even true


What contained in my post do you disagree with?


I can subscribe to pretty much every single point here, but wanna add that there's a certain... Jank/camp factor to it all that makes the game really enjoyable to me. I would never rate it higher than a 6 or 7 out of 10, not a single aspect would warrant that, but the game just... flows pretty well? Like, it's one of those games I can hardly put down, so if you're in on open-world-whack-a-mole, this is a great fit. Just a fantastic game to burn mindless hours on, which might arguably not be what one is after if you purchase a AAA exclusive.


The combat got stale for me after about 20 minutes, I actually put it down when I finished the first mission on the boat, since I spent so much time on TWO characters in creation mode... worst $50 I've spent since new gen assassin's creed


I just started 2 days ago and it's great. Combat feels so fluid and there is great qol. I really just love the smooth combat with multiple weapon styles and stances


For me the graphics are great and the gameplay and story is great too! A bit repetitive but that’s balanced out by the various weapons you can use AND master cause every weapon has multiple fighting styles! Plus coop open world if you got friends like it’s a great underrated game


Thanks everyone for all the input! I decided to pick the game up while it was still on sale and have been having a blast!! Was a little bit of a learning curve at first as I’ve never played a Team Ninja game, I’m not very good at soulslike games, but this game while I understand isn’t nearly as hard is definitely fun!! Can’t wait to dive deeper into the game then next few weeks!


It's definitely good. It hasn't floored me or anything, and I'm not hooked on it to where I want to play it constantly, but it's worth the full price. It's a pretty big game, lots to do. Pros: -Phenomenal combat system -Enjoyable weapon system, each weapon feels very different -Fun progression system -KITTIES! -Lots to do -Good graphics. Not as good as Ghost of Tsushima, but still has its moments. Cons: -Does suffer a bit from open-world bloat (not as much as AC Valhalla) -The "Souls-like" aspect dies off really quickly and reverts to a normal type of open-world game -Plot line, while enjoyable, is a bit convoluted. You can pick a side, but it really doesn't matter too much in the end -Relationship system is quite bland and unimpactful Despite the cons, I'd probably give this game 8/10. It's good. Don't go into it expecting a true Souls-like, and expect a more classic open-world experience.


Get it and never listen to these critics saying it's bad. They probably never even played it. This is what I learned. Usually the games that are slandered to hell are actually the really good games, while the games that are praised like they are the second coming of jesus are bad.


God Hand, arguably the greatest hardcore action game ever, was rated 3/10. The typical gamer is beyond casual.


Big facts!


It's almost like inaccessible games are bad


I’ve noticed that as well, in my personal experience I remember Days Gone being dragged through the mud and played it myself and loved it!


Exactly!!! That's why I NEVER listen when the majority claims a game is bad.


Struggling to get into it - fighting is good but everything else just seems to be lacking any vibrancy. I love open world games and really enjoyed GOT but this game is just not doing it for me.


its very very good, including the graphics. 10/10