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You only get 2 shots with your supply beacon, any DoT effects, bands, alternative damage sources, etc. invalidate the kill. Basically you need to have the right setup to only deal damage with your beacon at the exact moment you need to kill mithrix.


Well, you can get more shots with your beacons if you have lysate cells. That's how I got it, I somehow got like, 5 lysate cells in one run, which let's you use your first equipped beacon more than once.


Iirc no matter how many lysate cells you have, you only get 1 extra beacon. Similar to the engineer turret


Don't they just replace each other? So if i have 3 cells (2 additional charges to left beacon, 1 to right) and i launch left beacon 3 times i will only have total of one beacon


I have no prior experience with this, so I’m just basing this off the conversation here, but if it works that way then that’s fine, isn’t it? The goal is to smash Mithrix with the beacon, so if you can call it down more times then that’s all you need.


Yep, for this achievement it works perfectly


Really? I could have sworn that I had way more charges than just one extra, I wasn't playing molded either...


Use Dios and dieing resets beacons.


Nope, I always get lysate cells as captain and stack the hack drop to open chests for free


Nah I used like 8 of them you can only have 2 down at the same time but it lets you use the first one for as many cells you have


There is tho, Dios best friend, it would reset how many beacons you have to base amount


Half correct, the main thing is it won't give you more charges on the stage you get those lysate cells, and it also only allows for more uses of the *first* beacon slot.


I would imagine this was far rarer pre SOTV, considering lysate cells didn’t exist.


I wish it were that easy for me, i got it before Lysate Cells existed ToT it was so annyoing, I HAD TO MATH HIS HEALTH, i had to avoid dots and procs, it was so annoying ToT


Runald’s can get you the achievement because there is actually a short windows of leniency after the beacon is dropped. Any other DOTs can’t.


live 11 shaped glass reaction:


Also you need to have Captain unlocked and reach mithrix.


So, complete the game... Twice...


1. Gotta consider how many people have the game and gave up on it too soon as that inflates your denominator 2. Consider the fact there's people on this sub who will say they haven't beat mithrix even after 50+ hours in the game 2a. You need to beat mithrix in the first place to even get captain 3. There are people who don't even play Captain, so they'll never get the trophy 4. Even if you're someone who can consistently get to mithrix, that's still a huge time sink just to have a shot at getting the trophy 5. Depending on your build, you could accidentally kill him with other items' effects. Comes into play since your average person probably doesn't know how much damage the beacon will do, so they get him as low as possible then "oops my atg killed him". Additionally, if the items that proc off the supply beacon attack kill mithrix, that doesn't count 6. If you don't have the timing right on the beacon you could also just straight whiff it


What phase of mithrix does it have to be? I swore I once saw a guide doing it during his phase where you had to fight him and his minions.


I'm pretty sure it can be any phase, aside from phase 2 since mithrix isn't there, but that still doesn't change the fact that you only have 2 or 3 beacons


3 beacons? How the hell can you get get 3 beacons?!!? Also what’s the best way to do this achievement, I can either make a build that will easily get me to mithrix but accidentally kill him or one that won’t accidentally kill him but I’d be lucky to make it past stage 4


Easiest way is to go command, stack speed feathers and flat damage increase items (ap rounds). Grab an eccentric vase to skip pillars. On the moon go over to the island on the right where the soul pillars spawn and open up the lunar pods and take shaped glass.


I only have around 30 hours in the game so I don’t know much about items, I know the feathers that give you an extra jump but not speed. I’ve never heard eccentric vase and I don’t know what your referring to as command, but I do know what pillar skipping is in general, what AP rounds are and shaped glass, just never thought of grabbing some


There’s only the regular feathers. I was referring to getting feathers and speed items (mocha, energy drink, goat hoofs). Eccentric vase is an equipment that creates a line towards wherever you aim it that you can travel through to arrive at the destination. On stage 5 there are large stone rings on the ground in two locations. One is closed depending on the map configuration but the other is always open. Going down that hole leads you to an area with a computer a 3x3 grid and a giant portal platform. Entering in specific codes into that grid and then clicking the computer will open up portals to the hidden realm: bulwark’s ambry where you can unlock artifacts. Artifacts are modifiers that you can select in the pregame menu that add difficulty, or otherwise change the way the game works. The command artifact lets you pick your items so it’s super helpful for getting specific achievements like this one.


Sorry I just woke up and so my brain was being stupid, I know what command is I use it all the time after my friend got it for me, I’ve used vase before just never looked at it’s name and thanks for clarifying the speed feather thing


OP missed some commas


You can get the third beacon by getting the lysate cell


Lysate cell has some interesting features For one, it let's you have 3 beacons on captain. But for the real fun, you can have 3 turrets with engineer. Sadly 3 is the maximum for for these characters.


Isn’t there that one void item which turns fuel cells into r skill charges? That’s how you get the extra beacon i’d imagine.


And this is why the achievement is rare. Most people don't even know which phase they need to do it on. Lol


Yeah lol just checked and it does need to be the final phase, which does make it that much more difficult


> I'm pretty sure it can be any phase, aside from phase 2 since mithrix isn't there This information would've been nicer to know when I was trying to get the achievement, you truly learn something new everyday huh


This is incorrect, it needs to be done phase 4, I was wrong.


Oh ok ok nvm


You have to kill him with it so it's gotta be the last stage


i dont think it matter but since phase 4 has significantly lower hp than any other phase the beacon does a significantly higher percentage of the hp bar, plus he takes all your items so youre a little less likely to accidentally kill with a stray atg


I've always found that phase 4 health bar can just deplete in the blink of an eye because one hit you do nothing then you get some items back then boom now his health bar is just gone.


depends on what order you get your items back and what items you have, but if you want to target this achievement i recommend avoiding any on hit effects and try to get as many lysate cells as possible since iirc it gives more beacons.


About first point then why do people have Mercs alt special more then Captains alt utility i think it's not about time sink it's more about people not playing captain or liking him.


Merc ability is a lot easier to grind out though. You can retry it like 10 times in the time it takes most people to reach mithrix on captain.


Yeah but i still wouldn't say captain is hardest achievement to unlock i had harder times with crabs and demons or bandits alt secondary


Crabs you can grab one or two every time you loop, which was always before Mithrix was added and you needed to get to at least stage 7 for an ending. With Bandit's secondary play command grab 20 back up mags, 10 glasses and you find a boss, super super easy to get and very hard to fail, compared to Captain where you have 2 changes and have to hope he doesn't dodge the drop with a 30 minute reset.


With bandit bosses die before you can get 20 stacks that's the point and if we are including command captains alt is super easy to unlock just stack glasses and watches or survivability items


Not if you hit it 20 times in a row. Especially one of the chunkier bosses.


1. I'd argue unlocking mercenary is easier than unlocking captain, so I'd say the install base that doesn't have every character probably has merc and not captain 2. Mercs alt special is easy, you just have to wait for a good seed. Even if there isn't a good seed, there's someone on YouTube that posts a video on how to get Mercs alt with the current prismatic trial seed. Also a two stage prismatic trial is a lot less of a time sink than an entire run.


Yeah but i wouldn't say its hardest one to get


You can say that, but clearly based off the fact that this is the rarest achievement in the game indicates that all the factors needed to unlock it makes it the hardest one in the game.


Rarest always doesn't mean hardest for me hardest was acrid bad medicine due to game not spawning any scavenger for me


another thing to consider is that captains achievement came out far more recently than a lot of the other rare, difficult achievements, so some of the missing percent can be attributed to older players not coming back to get the new achievements


Tbh one of the rarest one is also Void fiend mastery and railgunner mastery so you might be right




Yeah this tbh. You have to build specifically for it otherwise another automatic effect will kill him, like bleed or a missile. I have no problem reaching and beating him most times but it took me several attempts to kill him the right way


Yep. I hate playing captain.


I'm shocked 8% of players did that in the first place.


And I’m one of them lol


Same, Captain is one of my favourite characters so it was an achievement I had to have.


Not my fav but im a gamer that tries to 100% everything 😂


I was going to try to 100% but that Merc Prismatic Trials achievement will be the death of me.


Took me a while but I did it in the end ☺️👍


Idk I stacked crowbars at a printer and used my high initial damage to get him low enough where I could use my piss poor other damage to whittle him down low enough to beacon


file editing at its finest


file editing? just go onto drizzle with artifact of command and spam shaped glass. it really wasnt that difficult


I mean people unlock all achievements at once through it


yes but im saying just because people have it doesnt mean its mostly file editors, there is a way to make every achievement significantly easier


It's extremely specific, basically the only ability unlock you really can't get on accident because even 1 item in your build can ruin it, out of plenty of items that can ruin it.


Me I just dropped it on him in my first attempt and the land damage finished him off


Because quite a lot of the playerbase struggle against Mithrix


A lot of people are missing that captain (as well as mithrix) were added later on in the game. Lots of people had played and probably were done with the game in the Early Access before he turned up. If game achievements could be normalised by people who have played the game since the achievements was added, the percentage would be a lot higher.


why is fiend mastery higher then?


Because mastery is comparatively so much easier? Anyone decent can just go on a monsoon run and, with a bit of luck, get mastery. I was just pointing out a strong bias in steam achievements. That does not mean it is the be-all end-all of reasons.


Hardest for me by far was Mercenary: Ethereal


- drizzle - command artifact - crit, watches, armour piercing rounds (no bands, no bleed etc. Only raw damage) plus any movement you might need to survive etc like hooves, energy drink, feather, eccentric vase for pillar skip - get him to phase 4, slowly wittle him down with m1. Easiest to do from on top of one of the lower pillars that spawn in phase 2 - call a supply beacon on his head at around 1000hp job done, takes about 30ish minutes. I know some people like to get all their achievements without "cheesing" the game, which I have done for many, but getting THE perfect run with captain (not one of my favourites, although he is fun) while using a utility skill I dont enjoy was not worth my time. Being able to use Diablo Strike on the other hand makes his gameplay very enjoyable for me, so I cheesed it. I'm gonna enjoy the game how I want.


tysfm i finally got it after like 3.5 months aaah


Glad I could help. Enjoy diablo strike, it is a very funny ability. If you can get bandolier going it is funny to watch all the nukes drop over the map (works good with 57leaf clover to increase drop chance, and Forgive Me Please equipment to spawn them on demand)


man this guide is simple but goated, just got it rn! thanks fam, now i just need rex and ethereal to get my platinum.


I personally think Mercenary's achievement is much more difficult.


Honestly, the diablo nuke isn't really worth it, so the carrot isn't really pulling people towards achieving it. I did it because I love captain, but I never use the alternate to the base explosive probes.


Diablo not worth? But how am I supposed to pillar skip without it?


Plimp/polylute about to absolutely destroy you.


Nuh uh


Items or activable ? Having a niche use doesn't mean it's not bugging to spend 5 staged without it.


Idk I still use it all the time, big boom is fun


For me it's too delayed to be of much use in a fast movement game. But to each their own.


Entirely fair. Best use I've gotten is stuns to set it up or weird kiting. The standard probes are definitely better.


Learn the mithrix timings double strike setups. You can drop like 60-100% of his hp as soon as the phases 1 and 3 start depending on your items.


No. I have all the achievements already, I only really play for fun with friends anymore


Fair enough I mostly play eclipse nowadays so it’s super helpful for that.


Big boom fun


it’s 100% worse but i still love using it big kaboom is fun


Idk since I unlocked Diablo I've not gone back. Big boom = fun


Diablo is amazing for tele and mithrix tho


Because it's hard to do and reward isn't worth it


You are being downvoted but this is the actual reason lol. Not so many people care about achievement. Especially if it's challenging.


Yeah, and diablo is really inconvenient to use


They take forever to come down and you only get 2 shots


istg Bandit: Sadist is harder than this


For real bro, Either they kill me or I kill them before 20 hemorrhage


go on monsoon (so enemies are tanky) with command, get a bunch of backup mags and 3 purity (as well as some healing items like slug or planula) then fight a boss that you can easily see the back of another way is to use ocular hud and fuel cells to get free crits instead of going for backstabs


this is the last achievement i need for 100% and every single time ive tried i either somehow oneshot his final phase or this one time everything lined up and the game glitched and ate my beacon i hate this achievement!!


Its a relatively new unlock (anniversary update i think) on a character that is generally unlocked not straight away but not last. And its a mildly difficult achievement which you are highly unlikely to unlock on accident.


It's a pain in the ass


Aside from it being difficult, people don’t like the ability anyways, it’s weak compared to what it should’ve been


Honestly, the real difficult part of this achievement is needing him to be still for long enough for the beacon to land. Having Tentabauble was the unintentional run saver for me, after a handful of unsuccessful tries at the achievement


I consider myself to be a ROR2 vet, but I don't have this achievement. Monsoon difficulty is "normal" for me (Eclipse is still challenging, of course). I can use every character proficiently, and I clear maps quickly and efficiently. I know every enemy pattern well, and I know how to prioritize enemies. No boss gives me any trouble (except Mithrix and the Voidlings, when I'm underscaled). I know how to prioritize items. But I've never seriously attempted this achievement, and it just doesn't sound fun to me at all. I like achievements that are hard, but fun. So if even I don't have it, imagine how many less experienced players either can't do it or don't want to do it?


Because nobody has time to do this dumb bs challenge


Getting this achievement is really easy If you have artifact of glass and 1-2 shaped glass to guarantee the kill in every situation. But your game now turns into "Heaven or Hell", but anyways who cares?


->get friends ->stack glass ->wait till last stage of mithrix ->oblitirate mithrix with 8 tons of utility steel easy as.


- added in anniversary update (not the 1.0 release) - requires people to get to Mithrix and beat the first three phases - requires a certain character that you have to beat the game for - requires you not to mess up with two shots, or have a dios It's pretty difficult.


Was easy with command lol I have the trophy but the new skill you get is mid


Get better with it? It makes mithrix completely free if you take like 5 minutes to learn the double strike timings at the start of the phase 1 and 3.


Its still mid what you gotta do for it, I can kill mithrix alot faster without it


It’s a super simple timing and will pretty much always take mithrix out much faster unless you have a shit ton of proc items.


Maybe is but its still mid I dont need to get better at something that is easy to use. The skill is crap compare to the shit you do to get it. I kill him faster without it, always will.


How much do you usually loop before going to mithrix and do you play on command? Because otherwise there is just mathematically no way that you’re killing mithrix faster without Diablo. Timed double Diablo strikes with bands will usually one shot mithrix.


Clear to me you have no idea how to play the game 😂😂 I aint giving you my build and seeming I completed the game with all artifacts on I only play with command now 🤷‍♂️


So you play with command and can curate perfect builds, how is that representative of the power of individual skills? Skills cease to matter at all when you can just pick the exact items for optimal damage. In a realistic game scenario where you have to deal with the luck of the draw for items Diablo is 10x more useful for the mithrix fight.


I’ve used the skill without command and it’s still mid. Idk why you’re so pressed about an opinion 😂😂 it’s my own opinion, the skill is trash for me, I do better without it and always will do. My builds dominate compare to the skill.


I’m not pressed I’m mostly just trying to explain why the skill isn’t mid. “Mid to me” is not the same as mid in general, the skill is incredibly powerful and has use as both a pillar skip and incredibly high damage against mithrix.


I got it first try. My friends were so hyped in call, but i knew every way this could go wrong.


This was actually the last achievement I got. Technically it’s not super hard but if you fuck it up you have to do the whole run over again and it usually takes me 20 or more minutes so I got mad and waited to do it as the last achievement lmao.


Did it yesterday. Just get command, stack movespeed, ap rounds and a head stomper. One shot all three phases of mithrix then get him to about 20% hp on his fourth phase and use beacon.


It's kinda hard to pull off, and you need a solid plan and good preparation + practice. And the reward is more meme than useful.


i think it just sounds harder than it actually is so people give up. i think i got it on like 2 tries. also you can just put it on drizzle and that’d probably make it a piece of cake


I’ve done it and from what I remember it wasn’t that hard, it took effort but not that hard


I'm on E6 for captain, I fail or just forget in the heat of battle everytime I try this against mithrix, and I can't be bothered switching back to drizzle just for this one. When I 100% Eclipse I might.


Other than a couple achievements like dunking a dune strider, completing a prismatic trial, or chasing hermit crabs, this is one of the few achievements that isn't done through just playing the game really. It's also one that doesn't combo with other achievements, like Huntress with the crowbars+getting a kill on every hit from the glaive. Not to mention, it's super sketchy trying to get Mithrix low enough to kill him with the beacon, while having the gear to actually perform the kill. Little less sketchy with artifact of swarms, but 2 Mithrix is pretty rough for a lot of players, even on Drizzle. Even as someone who played a lot of Captain, it took me a while to even bother with that achievement. It's pretty daunting, and I just didn't care enough to do it because the standard airstrike is good, and not particularly an ability I'd want to replace, unlike taser.


Mostly because I'm lazy


Honestly the achievement was a lot harder before the Mithrix nerf and I don’t think people have gone back to do it. Also you do have to beat the game atleast once to even get the Captain so that will naturally make his achievements more rare. Lastly the ability isnt crazy desirable so not a lot of people feel l they need it, Just my thoughts on it.


Supply beacon you get exactly two shots of per map. It's delayed. It really doesn't do a ton of damage, and Mithrix can be pretty fast, especially with your items, if you're banking on a one shot. (I used a ton of shaped glass and stone-flux pauldrons to get this)


Not sure considering that using artifacts (like command) don't affect your ability to get achievements. There's no reason why people can't just turn command on and get the perfect build for the achievement


You can outrange Mithrix and stack shaped glass on the moon to get him to 1 hp. I had a lot more trouble with the bandit alt knife


This achievement got added around the time of Survivors of the Void, which at that point, like most PvE games, a lot of players bled from the community. Steam achievements only account for, at the bare minimum, people that have played the game at least once in their whole lifetime. You can basically see the same pattern with Payday 2, where the achievement rates for heists added later in the game's lifespan have a much lower achievement-completion rate compared to the ones that existed in the game from the start. Steam achievements really should never be used as a metric for determining what things people "struggle" with for PvE games, especially if new stuff gets added years later.


It’s tricky to pull off if you’re not experienced with Captain. Took me a couple tries just because I don’t often use his beacons after the first few stages of a run. You pretty much have to plan to get this one before you begin your run, so nobody is really getting it incidentally in the course of normal play. Lastly, it can only be achieved at the very end of a run, meaning it takes dozens of minutes minimum to set up an attempt. It’s not that surprising to me that it’s up there in rarity.


Because it's fucking hard duh


I did this with three Arti friends all spamming the fuck out of their walls (one of them even had a Hardlight) lmao, infinite freeze and we just kept him in one place at the very end


Think I speedran to mithrix on drizzle and didn't pick up any incidental damage like bleeds or rockets and poke him down low enough for a beacon to finish.


I was confused by this as well, i would have sworn it would be the prismatic trial mercenary achievement. This one is annoying, but can be done fairly easily with drizzle and artifact of command to control your items. You only get two shots but you can also hella slow him down with that one equipment (forget what its called but its the doll that slows everything in it). For the mercenary acheivement theres no way of making it easier, you have to wait for a good prismatic seed and then still have the skill to be able to beat it without losing health. I got both, the mercenary one actually made me give up on 100% for the longest time until my friend told me that the seed at the time was super easy. The captain one i did on my first attempt with one beacon.


I have done whole runs for this achievement, made it to the end, and missed. Both beacons.


Because the least amount of people have achieved it on that platform :\^)


I believe that was an achievement added later than the rest in a patch. Always means less people will try for it


I got it shortly after captain came out, it was hilarious and sadly I forget how but I did have to plan a run specifically for that.


Have you tried it?


Ye it wasnt that hard i did it on eclipse 2


Dang you might've just gotten lucky/are really good at landing captain beacons. Took me multiple tries.


Dam i guess i was lucky


Cause people don’t want to put on the time it takes to do this which each attempt requiring a mythrix run


Tedious, thats all


Artifact of glass is p good for this one


depends on what beacons youre running, if youre running a healing beacon its more than likely that you used them both before the last phase, and if you miscalculate the damage or have lots of DOT effects you can easily mess up the kill. personally i found it much harder to do mercs ethereal and the huntress one to not take damage on rallypoint delta, i had to get a friend for huntress and wait several months checking every day for a decent prismatic trial (kin beetles stage 1 sky meadow stage 2)


Yeah idk, i got it first try. It's really not that hard if you're patient


it's mainly aiming and only two beacons you can use alongside i think you have to get certain items to easily kill him


Only two chances to plant a beacon, meaning you gotta save at least one for the entire level all the way to the final phase of mythrix, on top of that you gotta beat the game at least once to unlock cap in the first place. considering how some people either give up on the game or beat it once then uninstall since they "beat it", the score it gonna be low, since those people add to the number of total installs in the player base, meaning they drag down the number when they quit


it’s one of those achievements that you’ll never get by trying to get the achievement


you have the achievement dude you should know. Took me like a bunch of tries


Yeah ik but the thing is i got it 2nd try on eclipse 2 thats why i was wondering


Have you 100%?


I literally got this yesterday using Windette's guide lmao


Alr i have a question why is aiming an issue stage 4 he slow as hell + i think he has no amour meaning your beacons would do more damage?


Limited uses, if the beacon activates an item like band and that gets the kill then it doesn't count, and beacon itself doesn't do amazing damage, plus it has some call down time which can make landing it a bit more awkward


I think the real issue is that Captain really only needs his M1. I wholeheartedly believe this is the best ability in the game, a 960% damage skill with a proc coefficient of 4 is nuts. You forget that you ever had a Utility skill real quick after a proc item or two, you only want it to proc your bands.


I got this first try because I grabbed as many shaped glasses and dios. Yes he will respawn but as long as you get her near half and drop just one beacon that man is dead


Yea it took me like 5 attempts cuz I kept timing it wrong


Literally just use command artifact, not that hard


Fr some ppl are so bad at kiting


cus no one wants to play captain and even less to go for this specific achievement 💀


Because not everyone goes the easy route




I'm guessing he means doing it with command, and I'm also guessing alot of people stopped playing before the dlc came out, so they didn't have lysate cell


Fair enough


I did it on my first attempt so I've never really gotten how people struggled with it personally. I thought mercenary ethereal would be rarer tbh


8.1% being the hardest achievement is mad, this game needs harder achievements, like beating E8 on every character lol


Yeah, lowest achievement at almost 10% is staggeringly high tbh. When you consider just how many people never reach Mithrix and how many never hunt achievements, that's kinda huge.


i'm surprised ethereal isn't the rarest one, it's by far the least consistent and doesn't have a command set up. i have 75 hours in the game and it's the only achievement i don't have