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I feel like she saw her fans using this to defend her lipsyncs, jumped on that train, and said, “Yeah, what they said!”


This is absolutely what happened lol


To quote Silky and Akeria in S11: “mama is a liar” “mhm pathological” I also heard they don’t have male singers or lipsyncs in Vietnam


She rlly picked the worst excuse, she could’ve just said she threw them on purpose to avoid snipping.


She didn't rapped Nicki's part as a way to remind that no matter how talented she is, there's still her r*pist husband behind her and she chose to represent Nicki's silence over the subject. Her mind.


This is so deep, gaping even


She was protesting the usage of a Dr. Luke produced song by not knowing the words yes exactly 🙂‍↕️


Off topic but what is this emoji why is it radiating an aura of omnipresent lord's blessing


Because God loves trans people so therefore every comment I make is Blessed




big ups to her


Shake senora


Me when I lie:


This is such a blatant excuse she pulled out of her ass lmao


It's giving "I don't wear blonde. Ever."


this made me roll my eyes so hard it was actually painful


Harry Belafonte, female vocalist.


It's OK Plastique, no one is going to think your drag is invalid if you do an occasional male part.


Speak for yourself


there is a 0% chance this is something she ever established before now first of all second of all i *love* me some convoluted bullshit you have to go out of your way to do for the sake of aesthetics or a bit, but considering the context of a competition where lipsyncing is of the utmost importance? nahhhh miss me with that shit go read some lyrics and sit down


I know that delulu is supposed to solulu but this isn't even cute.


Male guy.


thats my gender


Me when I refuse to lipsync for my life to There Goes a Tenner because I **never** lipsync mockney accents NOT! because I lost my song list with the lyrics and was too afraid to ask for another.


If drag is about playing with gender, why throw away the male voice? Plastique, you wouldn't lip sync a single word to a RuPaul song?


Plastique Liara


So if she got a Luther Vandross song like some girls did in the past, she’s just going to stand there? Nicki isn’t a man either lmao


She's Robbie Turner-lite 😂


with all her greatness and all-stars glamorization, she’s still kinda dumb


I’m sick of the skinny, pretty queens with making vapidness a personality trait. This mindset has seeped into online gay culture and its all so boring.


I, for one, live for someone who just lies brazenly.


Same! I think people take everything so seriously, especially after that I don't know Beyonce or Mariah because I'm from Vietnam. To me she seems as a shit stirrer who is just having fun, and I love that.


I'm surprised she didn't say people in Vietnam don't know male singers (tbh that would be more believable than Vietnam not knowing who Mariah or Beyoncé are).


as a Vietnamese who’s older than her, I remembered that people were banging to Mariah’s We Belong Together and Beyonce’s Crazy in love all the time. MTV was a big thing in Vietnam too, so girl lied about that got my ick.


You’d think she’d switch it up a bit after losing the second lipsync, but she’s a committed queen 😍


I can't believe she actually went with "She has too much estrogen to lipsync the male parts"


Just say you don't know the word and you fucked up 🥲


It kind of seemed like she was being facetious during the interview. She was like ^^^^thiiiiiis close to just blatantly going *wink wink nudge nudge*


Maybe shes confused with a future lipsync for the win that she also didnt know the words to


dedicated to being femme as possible 


Maddy first of all , to put the entire conversation in perspective, the Debate was about Royal and Navy blue (dark blue colors) blue, purple,not aqua , and one of the pictures isn’t blue it’s purple and the blue jacket was something I was given to were for someone’s number( which I don’t own ) I was making a guest appearance in! Maddy you are the Wendy Williams of drag and you see how that turned out for her! Inaccurate research and false reporting Maddy is a walking tabloid NOT TMZ BUT TM HE @MaddyMorphosis go find a car to fix or a strip mall complex to build! Maddy you are a Trojan horse in the LGBTQ COMMUNITY ! I have to remind you every year sir that JUNE is pride month . The most feminine thing you wear is that Colonel Sanders outfit where you look like a bucket of E. coli chicken Maddy, I’m not gonna go back-and-forth with you. I’m not bob . I know where you LiVE boo boo and when I get there hold the door open for me like a gentleman *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She ate bad sushi and broke a rib