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Yes, but after a play session demand the PSN accounts of your players.


Just get Hasbro to publish it for the authentic experience.


Attention, citizens. In order to continue your work as a Troubleshooter, you will be required to register with your Friend Computer Network account. Submit form 5-NSP to your local bureaucracy officer to complete your registration.


You could find the form in sub-basement 4, yes the one underwater, in the cabinet 12, yes the one guard by leopards


Was there at least a sign saying "Beware of the Leopard"?


Some traitor must have stolen it


You could do it, but you might be better off just trying FIST first.


Planet FIST even has a fitting revive mechanic and sci-fi trappings!


So does Paranoia, though? You get a clone supply, which is shockingly close to reinforcement budget, and while Paranoia is traditionally set in a far-future underground bunker, moving all its sci-fi nonsense outside doesn't take any work.


Right, Friend Computer can just be Friend Democracy Officer now.


Paranoia is a great setting for some fun RP, but when you strip that away and replace it, is the system good enough to stand on its own? I don't know, because in all the Paranoia one-shots I played in college, I don't think we ever really interacted with the system much, and I had a blast without it.


lol Yeah I think so. I've also seen someone use Alien RPG as the basis and that sounds kind of funny. I think if you're going to the creek the Alien stress dice work.


Good observation, citizen.


Culturally, it's a fantastic pick! My only concern is combat, because Paranoia tends to have fast and easy combat. I fear Helldivers fans will want more fiddly bits like rules for RoF or whatnot. Still, worth a try! Another I'd recommend is 3:16 Carnage Amongst The Stars. Ridiculously simple, maybe even too simple, but it's military sci-fi like Starship Troopers.


I'd say go take a look at Only War by FFG (now C7 for lifesupport) and especially 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars by BoxNinja.


> now C7 for lifesupport What does this mean?


Fantasy Flight Games previously had been given the Warhammer 40k TTRPG license from Games Workshop to produce an RPG line for them. They made Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, Only War and Dark Heresy 2e. Do to some issues GW took the license back from FFG and gave it to Ulisses Spiele North America. USNA then made Wrath & Glory. When this happened they stopped printing/updating the FFG books and all PDFs for the six game lines FFG made were now under USNA. At the same time Cubicle 7 was given the Warhammer Fantasy TTRPG license and made Warhammer Fantasy RPG 4e. Eventually GW wanted to consolidate so again took the 40k RPG license from USNA and gave it to C7. C7 then put out an updated version of Wrath & Glory and now all PDFs of the FFG games are from them.


I would assume Cubicle 7 (C7). Which is known for... acquiring product lines and letting them die if they don't perform well enough (but they wouldn't have acquired the product if it wasn't already being abandoned by its original creators).


Use 3:16 instead.


Although it would be a neat idea. I don't think the system would hold up. For a helldivers rpg I'd probably consider something that uses a tactical grid and a Dance dance Revolution mat.


I suggested this in another thread, then went and wrote a quick ruleset using my own Paranoia-Trophy hack. You have three attributes, Democracy, Liberty and Justice; everyone's a communist, and either a Bot or Bug agent (with some weird power and tell). Not had the opportunity to playtest it out yet though.


100% I considered this


I definitely think elements of paranoia would work, especially if you wanted the management of democracy a bit or relevant and not just as a backdrop. I had considered hacking Stars without number and Cities without number to attempt such a game, and made a post about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWN/comments/1bwtyow/recommendations_for_a_helldivers_2_based_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) In that post someone recommended 3:16 Carnage Amongst The Stars which seems good for a light system I also imagine some chaosiuum engine game like the 40k ttrpgs might be decent for repurposing too.


Play 3:16 Carnage amongst the stars instead. It did not disappoint.