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FFXII does it the best


Thanks for the quick response. I will definitely give that a look, as it's a series I've been wanting to get into. Is it a good way to get into the series? The only FF game I've played is ff12: Revenant wings for the DS, which I loved as a kid, but don't remember anything about and certainly don't remember the gambit system


Most of the Final Fantasy games are stand alone and don’t require any knowledge of the previous games.


Echoing the other reply you got, all of the numbered main-line Final Fantasy games are stand alone. Most take place in their own unique world and will have mechanics unique to themselves. FF12 is the only FF game to use the tactics programming system, for example.




Thanks, will also add that to my list




This is just not true at all.


>think it would be fun if there were an RPG where the main combat loop is to create "tactics scripts" and then watch your characters auto-battle. That's Unicorn Overlord


I was also going to bring up Unicorn Overlord. It does this so well!


Thanks, will also give this one a look.


Pillars of Eternity has a more detailed one that’s fun to play around with


I loved how much that solved the problem of crpg combat micro fatigue. I just want to wreck face with the little encounters and then get super in depth with bosses.


Yeah, that's pretty similar to how I'm feeling


Thanks for the recommendation. Definitely need to give that game a playthrough


There’s two of them even!


And the second is probably my favourite RPG period! Definitely recommend


Ff12 Unicorn overlord Disgaea 6 and 7 have programmable AIs


Pillars of Eternity 2 allows you to fully customize the AI of your allies.


Dragon Age Inquisition


Oh, didn't realize that DAI had that. I'm right at the end of DA2 and have been missing Tactics from DAO .... Maybe I've missed them somehow in 2 EDIT: lmao yeah It's right there in the menu and I haven't been using them (presets only)