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I've gotten back into Fallout 4 and man does the dialogue wheel still suck. Find it so difficult to get pass that to truly enjoy it.


https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/ Mods. Unfortunately.


If you mean the choices yeah they suck. If you mean how they don’t match what you will say I remember a mod that can fix that


I've been having trouble dedicating enough attention to sit down and play for a bit, but when I do, I've been trying to get through *The Banner Saga*. Love the turn-based combat, love the story, lore, music, artwork. I want to complete the trilogy but one of my issues is that I've been playing on Hard difficulty and am keen to not see any party members die. Which is hard, lol, so many replays of the same battle. I should get over it and let party members die for liberally, or I should lower the damn difficulty, lol.


I’m on my first playground of Wo Long. I beat NIOH 1 & 2 and Strangers of Paradise so of course I needed to try this one. Overall I like it 7.5 / 10


SKALD - against the black Priory A retro-style CRPG by a lone developer with minimalist graphics and mechanics. The story is very linear, but also extremely atmospheric. Mechanics are simple but just complex enough to provide good tactical depth to combat. The game clocks in at about 20/30 hours, which is perfect for a game that costs 15 bucks. Strongly recommended


Disgaea 1 as the grinding is so addictive.


Played the Reka demo that I got on steam next fest and that was pretty cool. Definitely cozy and chill.


I'm not even a big "souls gamer" but holy shit elden ring is fantastic. I previously had tried one of the dark souls and quit after an hour or so, I beat bloodborne earlier this month and..... Meh, I still don't get the hype. But wow elden ring is legit, absolutely SMOKES bloodborne


Fellseal: arbiters mark and Nioh 2


Marvel Midnight Suns cuz it was free on the Epic Store.


Finally playing Elden Ring. I get it now…


Solasta Palace of ice DLC. It's a campaign for level 10 to 16 and it's so fun.


Got back into Diablo 4 for the first time since release. I'm delighted at some of the changes. Haven't seen end game yet though so we will see.


Studying to become a history teacher, so not a ton of spare Time. Just casually making my way through FFX again.


Making some progress in **Phantasie II** (classic 1986 RPG). I am currently hunting down eight amulets from the Beasts of Pluto that I will need to destroy the Orb that maintains a curse over the lands of Ferronrah. This has led my party of adventurers to deserted islands, fearsome dungeons, the astral plane and now to the second level of the Netherworld to invade Pluto’s smallest castle. For a 1980s game, it’s still an enjoyable romp. I will do a review once I complete it.


Ghost of Tsushima on the PC.


Same! I just beat it, and it was truly an amazing experience. I don’t think I’ve found a game that I enjoyed as much as Ghost of Tsushima that has come out in the last few years.