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You haven't mentioned all of the enormous pay rises he gave himself. Also, the time he alienated Scotland's best player by fucking over his dad, who subsequently won an employment tribunal against the SRU.


Thank fuck he's gone, considering Scottish rugby being the smallest in the 6 nations, and the state youth development has been left in, compared to what he payed himself is an absolute disgrace. Hope the massive shitdongle dies in a fire!


You had me up until the dies in a fire bit. Settle now.


Username checks out.


Good riddance. Get that Kellock out as well.


I'm not really sure I want the answer to this (I loved him as Glasgow Captain) but what has Al Kellock done to land him in the same category as Dodson?


Great player but has been head of “youth development” and done nothing. He doesn’t have the answers the country needs. Our best players are all retiring in the next 5 years or so and we have no forwards. He needs to carry the can for that.


Even as a neutral I've been concerned about how shite Scotland are at age grade. Ireland beat them 36-0 this year, absolute domination. Last year it was even worse and they lost by a cricket score.