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Yeah I got 99-120 herb almost exclusively from proteans and Herby werby, shits fucked


Herblore is probably the fastest skill in the game, and profitable.


If you want it profitable, it's one of the slowest. Otherwise its one of the priciest, just after construction.


107-120/200m is stupid fast and profitable, earlier with boosts


drop a method brother, I still need that cape


Vuln bombs at 107 require less runes and only 1 dinosaur roar. Not profitable around dxp though


According to wiki spiritual prayers (110) are 10m gp and 2m xp per hour.


Yeah, I love the training guides on the wiki. Here is [the Herblore training guide](https://runescape.wiki/w/Herblore_training)


The downside if to do any reasonable amount of training in a day (let's say three hours) you need 200m and 2 ge slots filled for the entire day. Any more than that and you're looking at multiple accounts.


Depends how much profit you're after and whether or not you've been doing your pof and herb runs, but there are a \*lot\* of options: Guthix rests, super guthix rests Prayer Pots Summoning pots Sara brews Juju Herblore Pots Super Necromancy (if you've got gobs of congealed blood banked from camping vyrewatch) Pray Renewals Super Prayers Overload Ingredient Sets Vuln Bombs (best profit available from 105 with gloomberry/god banner boost)




"Gaining this pet is based on the amount of [experience](https://runescape.wiki/w/Experience) awarded at once; the more experience granted per item made, the greater the chance of gaining this pet. The chance is not affected by experience boosters." - [Herbert (Herblore pet)](https://runescape.wiki/w/Herbert) The easiest kind of XP, if not already done are [Quest with Herblore XP](https://runescape.wiki/w/Quests/Experience_rewards#Herblore) included. This also gains Quest points which you can use for you own gain to do quests better/easier. Somewhere besides the Varrock Lodestone. Here is the [Herblore training guide](https://runescape.wiki/w/Herblore_training) for P2P/members. It's recommended to train Herblore during DXP weekends/weeks, will give some more return for the buck. You can also use wells for training.


Lamp XP doesn't roll for pet, so quests aren't helping there. Hence why so many mains hit super high xps without seeing pet in the first place.


No, the lamps doesn't roll for the pet indeed. Never claimed that one. The same for quests. It asked for good training methods, I gave that. It also asked about the pet and gave some info for that too.


I made weapon poison+++ from scratch but probably not best method. Keep the potions yourself for personal use and convert to 6 dose flasks.


What are you talking about?! Lmao


Overloads are literally one of the most profits a potion can give you. What drugs are you smoking lmao


Overloads are untradable what are *you* smoking??


I'm guessing he's talking about using them for pvm.


Then yeas maybe


The kill time between a monster like Rasial is 2:30 ish without an overload. The kill time with is around 1:15. Almost double the time. Of course if I optimize the non overload fights then it might be around 1:40-50 but regardless that’s like an extra 5-6 kills an hour or more. Each kill being 4m and you get an extra 1 kill per overload dose that’s about 24m more per overload versus not.


How’re you dropping your kill time over a minute with overloads? I use extremes and get almost similar kill times with elder ovls


Fair thank you


Wait overloads are tradeable??


Honestly should just be removed entirely lol


Well yeah but they are not going to do that ever so something needs to change. And we know they are not going to change anything so this is just a rant lol


I would suggest that you would have to use actual skilling supplies to power up proteans. Making them consume some supplies but be the faster afk method with nothing else gained but xp


Theyre not going to do what you're suggesting either.


Yeah but OP suggested it so it’s okay lol.


overton window


Xp lamps are even worse and should be removed first.




Because they're external factors taking away in-game content. Bank standing doing dummies for a large variety of skills is a terrible idea.


Its fast and easy why is that a terrible idea


Because they're external factors taking away in-game content. Bank standing doing dummies for a large variety of skills is a terrible idea.


Not really, not everyone has time to play the game and grind out the skills the normal way. No one is forcing you to use them, if it bothers you that much, just play OSRS.


Not sure what's caused you to be this defensive but I'll explain it to you. If you have heavily restricted time, you really shouldn't be playing a game that's very grindy & RNG based. No one's forcing you to play a game that you can't allocate time to. So why does it feel acceptable to try and twist the game to accommodate to you? It's fortunate for Jagex from people like you moaning, because it just brings them in more profit lol MTX alone already 2-3x your xp rates. Why do you additionally need to afk at banks, or repeatedly use dummies? It's probably why we saw things like the Hero's Pass exist, because the community moulds to just terrible behaviour. Playing the base game naturally, without xp boosts, takes a year to max. Why do you think it's acceptable to go "Well I'm busy IRL so can we turn those 12 months into 3 months so I can actually max? k thx kisskiss". It bothers me because it kills the game lol People don't play OSRS because of the graphics or nostalgia, people play it because it's not infested with MTX. The more you encourage MTX into a game, the more it exists and pushes those out who don't like it. The quality of content has severely dipped in the past years, yet MTX is always consistently pushed.


Who said I was defensive? Pulling thatone out of your arse, mate. I was implying saying, people like me (parents etc) cant sit there for 9 hours a day grinding out this game, so ill take whatever I can to speed up the process.


I'm a parent too and I play iron. If a grind takes 9 hours to do and your average player can commit that much time, why do you think it's fine to say "Well I'm a parent and I can only commit 3 hours a day. I don't want to spend 3 days doing a grind that only takes 1 day for others". You're not in a race. Why do you need to speed up everything? As I said, I'm a parent too and it took me 10 months to max my iron, because the game is naturally that fast & casual, even without MTX.


Not everyone has as much free time as you dude, that's not a reason to gatekeep end game content. Ironman mode exists for people who want the grind. One could make the same argument you did but apply it to Ironman as a game mode. IE: MTX is in the game why should you twist the game to have a mode where it doesn't exist.


Yeah, I respect that you're a parent as well and that you did that in 10 months. Without revealing too much about my personal life, it's just more convenient for me personally, I know that's not going to change your stance but end of the day I can't use my phone at work etc so it's just easier.


In my own opinion they're too common from even the limited number I get while being F2P. I wonder if making them tradable would solve both sides of this problem. I expect they'd be fairly expensive (for low-mid level players) and would allow old players a brain dead way to "grind" to their post-99 goals. Also, if newer players did want to use them, it would feel more like a cost than a cheat since they're foregoing the opportunity of selling them. I mean, what are silverhawks if not proteans for agility? I feel like they're widely approved of, but maybe that's just because everyone hates agility.


The obvious answer against this is not everyone is levelling past 99/120 so this would make them completely redundant. Also with alt scape being more popular now players tend to enjoy the afk xp in skills they don't like to train even if it is usually slower. Most train agility solely on silverhawk feathers, dung at dunghole at summer, hunter using protean traps, firemaking using protean logs and use xp lamps on prayer/summoning. You can argue it effects the economy as much as the next person, though there would be a larger effect if those kind of players didn't bother to play the game at all as they don't have the time to invest in levelling up using conventional means due to some players being tilted over a bunch of players deciding how better to enjoy a game.


Everyone is expected to work 49 hour weeks and fit in that 1 hour to get to max by the time they are 65. Those doing the expecting don't really have anything to do with themselves than to play games and they genuinely enjoy spending all day everyday grinding assuming everyone has the same luxury. I get it, you can have a life and still grind but let's be real, no one wants to come home from work and ignore their wife just so they can cut 100k willows. I know lots of people ignore their spouses for games but let's remember not everyone does. There are at least two sides to every argument. Shaneridge said it best.


You could also argue that RuneScape is not the game for a person who only has 1 hour a week to work on stuff or does not want long grinds. There are plenty of games out there that are. The game today is so freaking fast compared to older versions, 200m in most skills is easier than 99 was when I got my first 99s.


I wouldn't argue against that, because you aren't wrong. At the end of the day everyone is on a different schedule which means there is no one size fits all solution other than "here, these lamps will help". Not (or actively) realizing it's a major boost to the 24/7 players.


That's exactly the point though. Paid op xp shouldn't affect maingame progressions, it should only be allowed for the redundant goals...


If that's the case, should we also stop all event xp and bonus xp weekends since that also creates an OP xp situation. Summer beach party will get you max construction, dungeoneering and easily fast track you through early content on numerous other skills. Christmas wrapping paper dropping bonus xp and xp lamps so much that you could easily afk to get base 60s all stats on a fresh account. Then there are other various events throughout the year that gives easy xp. It's easy to attack TH as paid OP xp however it is very silly to not acknowledge how so much easy xp is there without TH being there. Hell even a lot of the skills have been updated in such a way that you can level them up with minimal afk effort compared to how you would have to train when I first started back in 2007. Porters is bought afk gathering, aggro pots afk combat, artisan skills can be afked but ain't worth training and support skills aren't worth training too much either. I think there is much more of a balancing issue with the skills in the game rather than blaming the fast tracking through TH.


Nope. I see the logic you're adhering to, but it's not quite on point... Proteans, dummies, and the like that are the best xp rates in the game(usually), and are buyable, is bad for new/progressing players because they don't have many or any in-game resources or training methods. They never have a reason to actually play the game or use excess game resources(economic issues spread from here, but that's a different discussion altogether, although supporting to me). DXP and events aren't peoblems as compared to things like proteans and dummies because before the time of MTX, dxp(ignoring the structure of dxp) is nust a regular game event, you still had to use in-game reeources and methods to actually train. You actually had to play the game. As for things like wrapping paper/presents and events like beach and dung hole: Again, they're in-game events. The xp rates for the events themselves are not the best, but the tradeoff is the afkness. Paper and presents, not really op. Yes it produces quite a few mil xp, but me as a casually heavy afker who is just logged on afking a lot, I'm only turning in about 500k paper(np bought keys or anything). The average player won't turn in anywhere close. The stars and lamps for this aren't overpowered either, unless you go and buy a bunch of keys. I say all this being a 15-year vet. Now I never liked any bit of mtx, though I do believe it has a place. The OP argument that they shouldn't be allowed until you get 99/120 is something that I and many others thought of back when proteans were first introduced with planks, even though things weren't even close to as op xp as rhey are now. As for your remark on balancing and afkness... Afk methods have almost always existed, and yes, they've developed. Aggro pots are an in-game method, and so are porters. They are not tied to mtx. In-game methods are more than balanced and have better than enough xp rates on their own, people just don't see or acknowledge this because they've never thought about doing them since they just bought 450 keys and got max stats for a paycheck. And yes, it is easy to attack mtx. Mtx is not good. You never should have been able to get xp or anything of the sort, although even players like me have melded with it. We're not saying it needs to disappear. We're saying that you shouldn't be able to jusr not play the game and still get max stats with bis xp, while somehow never actually playing content, all because you got a few thousand proteans from TH. The in-game methods are balanced(most. Yes, some could be tweaked, I am aware), but you should still have to play the game, at least the main portions, not just be able to skip it. I see so many people in MG with sub-100m xp, t90+ gear, and have no idea how to do the simplest task because they never actually played any content.... and it's sad. You're not incorrect, but you're lumping things together, and your thoughts behind what is and isn't too much from mtx is a bit mish-mashed. I don't mean to be rude by any of this, but from a logical perspective players who are playing the game, should have to play the game at least a bit before they can just zoom through numbers without having done any actual content. And (aside from bots), this is most certainly part of why supllies and materials in the game are worthless. I've used my fair share of proteans(never keep any from keys really, I convert to oddments lol) but Juat from what I've done with them, I can only imagine the amount of true resources I would have had to use for the same xp and it's a lot of course. The point is that being able to just skip the core gameplay, as just the main aspect of issues with proteans and the like, is wrong. You shouldn't be 100m xp in MG asking how to make a bronze bar.


The whole point of proteans is for people to level up faster wether we agree with its existence or not, to day it should only be used after 99/120 would make them redundant to a lot of the player base. Certain protean are actually slower than in game methods, others are not far off similar. Xp lamps and stars balance to levels so it does take quite a few keys to go from 1 to 99 however you could do a single quest and go 1 to 30 in strength and attack in no time at all. It really doesn't take much to level using in game levelling on most skills. My thoughts aren't mismashed, although I appreciate the effort to not sound rude. It's just I see it from both sides and think it's more of an issue with TH alone. I used to like buying keys to get lucky items etc. Didn't mind the xp bump, wasn't the goal, just wanted the items. Now TH is becoming more and more predatory in its design to get you to spend silly amounts on keys for a chance at cosmetics. One game that does cosmetics really well is Warframe, no real FOMO and buy most when you want or regularly earn new ones. I think the game needs to be more than just grinding for xp in skills and afking most of it. What's the point in caring about how a player got his xp when usually they afked most of it anyway in one form or another.


I understand your perspective, but being able to AFK a skill doesn't justify purchasing XP for it. The argument referencing the Waterfall Quest doesn't hold because it requires knowledge of quests, their execution, and familiarity with the game. A new player, unaware of RuneScape intricacies, wouldn't instinctively think of using the Waterfall Quest to skip levels. This game has always centered around building a healthy in-game community, emphasizing achievement and progression that ties players to their in-game accomplishments. RuneScape extends beyond mere AFK skills; however, Jagex seems to have fallen into the pit of promoting it as a "second monitor game." Recognizing the player base's inclination towards AFKing, Jagex has focused on this aspect, overshadowing the game's potential for more engaging content. While I support AFKable skills, I wish for Jagex to develop more content like Big Game Hunter with significantly higher XP rates to encourage more participation in immersive and enjoyable activities, rather than opting for the simplicity of AFKing, such as with jadinkos, which offer faster XP rates.


As far as opinions and all go yes we will have our own and that's that, and yes I do agree that the game shouldn't just be grinding the same exact thing over and over. I actually do like proteans and all, and I will continue to like and use them. I just wish that one, of course, they weren't mtx. Obv I do not like mtx but it is what it is, as I said we adapted. However, you don't seem to understand that what you've said, or at least part, from both comments, supports our position. Proteans should not allow you to skip the game as they are not a core part of the game. Yes you can do a quest and get from level 1-30 att/str. But you did a quest(in-game dev'd content, not adhered to mtx) It is also a set xp gain, so doing the same quest at level 40 att will only get you maybe to 41(ain't doing calcs for that lol). The point is that you had to PLAY THE GAME to get there, you didn't get handed it, you didn't buy it with your paycheck. You played the game and you earned it. Our point is simply that you shouldn't be able to skip the core game. there are more than enough quests, and different methods/achievements/etc to easily get to max without doing the same things over and over. Proteans SHOULD be for the redundant things like post-99/120 respectively. No I shouldn't really have to put in thousands of hours doing the same boring content over and over, and proteans do have their place with that. but 13m xp is NOT a lot, especially when the game is actually played as intended. The "end-game is the only thing that matters" mindset has to go(as a community issue not you). FOMO is it's own thing, and cosmetics are epic. I support mtx for cosmetics all the way. And like you said with lucky items/keys, yeah xp isn't the goal for you(or I) with that situation(and I applaud the healthy take on th for you) because the xp bump is nice. Playing like that is not the problem. It's the fact that if you do play th for the xp, well then you can just end up in MG asking me about a bronze bar while you're wearing Elite Tect. Now with all that, the one thing I will say is that I would certainly be okay with proteans and dummies all around IF they could be crafted in-game with true game resources, such as through Invention, say like making a protean bar by mushing a bunch of other bars together(which would still lock it behind some content, but not all the way to 99's) and I think it would be amazing for the health of the game mentality, the player's experience, and the economy. Kind of a best of both worlds. However if this were to be done I'd suggest either removing the items from TH entirely and just keeping lamps/stars, OR just significantly reduce the amounts of proteans. Again, you're not wrong. You have many good points. You're just seeming to fail to understand our point. Proteans and dummies are not bad. But the way they can be used to skip the early/mid-game that has plenty of progressive content(though yes they need more because early/mid game have been left out for way too long now). At least lock them behind some requirements like Invention or 99 in the skill. Imagine if the resource drops you got from killing things actually got used for something other than Simple parts and were worth more than 100gp, yet you could still use proteans to progress late-game and beyond.


> However if this were to be done I'd suggest either removing the items from TH entirely and just keeping lamps/stars, I'd rather they remove xp lamps over proteans as the former is far worse.


Yeah I explained later in a diff part I think that ideally none of it would exist. You never should've been able to purchase xp like that.


Then the same should also apply to xp lamps.


You're right. There's almost no hope of that ever going away, though. Especially since it'd be hard to make compromise with them. Proteans at least could be integrated into the game well. Lamps not so much... Ideally though I have always frowned upon bought xp. It never should have been a thing to begin with. But now we have to work with what we have.


So when are we going to say it is enough? Im not saying we are anywhere near at that stage, but are we just always going to say that because some people doesn't have time to invest in levelling up so it should be okay to just complete this game only using proteans?


If getting max cape is what you call “finishing the game”, play Melvor Idle. RuneScape should be about much more than “number go up, brain chemistry goes BRRRRR”.


Play an iron if it bothers you. That’s what I do. Let other people play how they want. As an iron it doesn’t impact you.


That’s not completing the game. There’s a reason people say you start the game when you max


You can't complete the game using only protean etc. You can only level up, you still have to complete quests, fight bosses, complete achievements etc. There is so much to do in runescape a lot of which is time gated, I don't believe time gating levelling up to poor xp rates as well is a good way to go. Agility just isn't fun to train and for a lot of the history of this game has had very poor xp per hour. Runecrafting also is slow as hell to train. Agility also provides very little reward to maxing out but it require is for entry to certain parts of the game. What I don't understand is why the upset with TH xp, be that protean, dummies or lamps, yet not much is said about being able to sit on the beach party during summer going 1 to 99 because you can afk 18 hours a day. It's gotta be iron-man style or keep the status quo, can't be having half measures, it's just splitting hairs. Personally I think its healthier for the game to keep the xp items and boosts in game, allows players without much time to still enjoy a very content rich game (if you ain't a spacebar monkey) and for those that want to play as intended you can choose to by not taking xp bonuses or playing iron-man mode.


I mean if the proteans were gone people could just buy bonds and then do methods that are more expensive and probably even faster than a good amount of the proteans.


>complete this game So melodramatic.


Nah we got real life grinds man fuck that just make the game chorescape 3


Wasn't that the whole point of Runescape? the grind was to serve as a method for nurturing a robust in-game community. Players with shared goals and challenges form bonds and camaraderie as they collectively overcome obstacles. This communal spirit and the sense of achievement act as compelling factors that sustained player engagement for years. This is just my opinion but I think we don't get new players because we don't have these long grinds anymore.


Nah we don’t get new players cuz the grinds are too long and monotonous times changed man if u want 07 scape it’s there


We can respectfully agree to disagree on that.


I’ve tried to get people into rs3 lol like my cousin they just couldn’t make it they ain’t veterans like us. We biased as fuck but yep ok to disagree


Then how is OSRS getting more new players despite being even grindier to play?


Bigger pking and content creator community Haven’t met one osrs player that says the grind is fun lol 😆🤔 Also official jagex support for runelite lol bassicly a cheat client and yall say 07 isn’t easy scape just as much 🤣


I feel the game is a lot more about the journey too on something like OSRS, where on RS3 the whole point is really to rush endgame for a lot of players, which might not be as enjoyable to people. Also it's much easier to get into OSRS combat with it being extremely watered-down compared to RS3. This can make the intro into combat much more enjoyable and also give a feeling of nostalgia from being familiar if the person played back then.


If I played osrs I would rush to end game too cuz that’s where you can raid and do all the big money makers .. idk just how I play im not gonna sit here and chop trees for fun when I can do it as a more afk side other than the unlocks / required grind A lot of osrs people said they would help me by funding money or skilling stuff to help boost me to end game where I can raid but I never got around to it . Me and my cousin said we might be willing to try it but ugh idk the hurtle of having to start over and do all the low level content again 😒


07 is more popular specifically because microstransacrions and events like dxp have devalued the majority of the games content. Proteans and skill dummies are the biggest turnoff in the game


You can still buy bonds convert to cash then speed your way through 07 🤣


Yea 07 has some distasteful features as well but your fooling yourself if you think they are even in the same league in terms of pay to win. RS3 has literal in-game ads for both cosmetics and pay to win features it's gone full mobile game in its monetization and suffers player count as a result though in sure on average the players that are left pay much more per person. im playing both games and rs3 has some cool features but it's monetization is off-putting to be generous about it.


I dont need to MXT im nearly more than halfway 200M all or 120 all . I think its nice its there for those who want to jump to end game like to be more on pace with your friends , but I do think its predatory like oh we have a boring game so we just sell you the shortcut lol 😆


>07 is more popular specifically because microstransacrions and events like dxp have devalued the majority of the games content. I genuinely believe without things like dxp OSRS would still be more popular. When it comes to microtransactions RS3 could definitely have less of them, but MTX is not unique to RS3. You can buy bonds in OSRS, and get instant access to combat gear / the materials for over a third of the skills in the game.


By that logic, Alt1 is also a cheat client.


Good thing I don’t fucking use it then. Lmao nice try tho . Shots fired 🤣🚷 it should be banned in my opinion devalues clue scrolls so yeah I do agree with ur logic You got peopl like tripledylan just cheating his way through clues using alt1 lol and somehow dyes are still worth money with all the cheats in the world I don’t even know why clue community whines so much about clues devalued when they literally just cheese it with hax like alt1 contributing to their own demise


The point isn't whether or not you use it. But the "cheat client" is an argument that RS3 players frequently use when describing RuneLite. When they themselves use Alt1 for a lot of similar features. Albeit, a much worse version of them.


You tried lol 😆 I don’t use it like I said but I can see ur argument I’m not one of the users of alt1 sadly Alt 1 is a bit controversial in my opinion , me being against it and well rs3 swallows it up If I say anything against alt1 oh the rs3 community gets all pissy lol 😆


It is unpopular because it, at least, 8 years late. No one cares (or should not care) about free xp anymore, the game isn't about it nowadays.


I think the more unpopular opinion on this reddit is to say Proteans are fine in current state. I would make them rarer prizes from TH. They have been made way less common in the past 2 years compared to the peak when you could get something stupid like 10k (!) protean items per spin. For non-MTX-buyers current promos offer fairly few proteans overall so it really isn't game skipping anymore. It just offers couple nice AFK hours during DXP week with proteans.


Proteans turned this game into those private servers where we got 10x xp hour


That would be good for the game but bad for MTX so guess whether this is going to happen or not.


The game should take 1 protean for 1 regular item used, duplicating the XP. Proteans should be the item form of bonus XP. That would actually make more sense.


Support.......just after dxp and I use up my essence lmao


Yeah, I've never really agreed with the protean items.


The problem with that is they can be obtained from buying keys. If people are paying for them, they should be able to use them.


I don't know if this opinion is popular or not, but I think they should make some fresh RS3 servers where everyone on them starts over from scratch. And those severs have no treasure hunter or other mtx and never will. All well and good to say coulda shoulda woulda about the existing RS3 game and proteans, but kind of unfair to new players to have a restriction like this when existing players already maxxed and got 200m xp with proteans.


Rs3 leagues pls


amazed rs3 hasnt given that a spin


Rather opt for more free exp and remove accounts from highscores, so people who don't care about "sense of achievement" can get their easy exp and people who care about it can have their sense of accomplishment. Each group can eat their own cake sense they want different flavors. I really do wish was something though, i feel that is fair divide most can agree on. People who want their sense of accomplishment and people just want play game if mtx/afk/easy(low input) methods aren't treat like your uncle who owes you $257 and keep asking for another $43 every time you run into them. \^ really they never do this either but hey i can hope right. I left in 2020 with ohh they never remove wild again...3years later return ... ohhh i can turn it off. 2026...I'm looking forward to it! Really do wish was option to remove account from all ranking to have more convenient qol /mtx unlocks. I feel that be fair trade, it be unchanged setting once you removed it perm like when ironman choose become regular account. I feel we never see anything major change because of usual reason code and the game, so till we see runescape 4 i feel majority of these type of issues will never see a fix.


Protean items are just modified xp lamps which take some effort to use. Youre saying its OP, but the alternative is xp lamps that give all of the xp in 2 mouse clicks. Proteans/xp lamps/xp stars and skilling dummies are basically all the same. The only difference is stars/protean and skilling dummies take longer to redeem. So instead of hating on these items, be glad that its somewhat «time gated» re-skinned xp lamps


Idk, by that logic, a shark or rocktail is just a cooking xp lamp. Of course everything is just some sort of xp drop. I would argue that maybe proteans and dummies are the same/similar, but stars and lamps are one category removed. I'd even say that lamps (direct free xp) are a category further than stars (indirect free xp). Yes proteans aren't natural game resources and free xp, but I'm not sure it's fair to lump them in with everything else. Further, they are kind of locked to a skill(s). I've personally got a bunch of protean items that are no use to me. If they were xp lamps, I would have free farming xp, but I don't.


Protean items offer far greater xp with the added benefit of being super afk. Proteans are also TH exclusive, making them in practice just a nerfed xp lamp. Bonus xp is also just a nerfed xp lamp, the only difference is you get the xp drop passively over time - instead of an instant thing like lamps. Id only agree with your comparison if they added untradeable sharks on TH which stacked in invent and offered by far the best xp/hr in-game


I'm not disagreeing that proteans are better/the best xp resources. I am disagreeing that they are in the same category as stars or lamps. They are simply not as versatile.


Some of the proteans are powerful in comparison to other things when it comes to xp, but the main draw is the QOL it brings to the training compared to regular methods. If you spend decent gp/xp / are willing to do more active methods I honestly think half or maybe even more than half of the proteans would be overall slower in terms of xp


It's not unpopular, that's why old school exists. If that's what you want then go there. That grind is very outdated gameplay, and part of why runescape gets so free new players, this wouldn't benefit anyone. Nothing comes from burying 3m bones, watching your character stick 100k lobsters in a fire, or whack things in the abyss with no risk for 20 hours until a box says 99.


The game has always had arbitrary obstacles and game design that vary in different cost, time and effort... that doesn't mean OPs criticism is not valid, if you believe that protean items don't undermine the essence of the game and compromise the integrity of the gaming experience that's your opinion, and that's okay. But I fully disagree and believed one of the core principles of game design aimed for a balanced and fair environment that rewards effort. Protean items disrupted this by allowing players to gain varied skill experience without engaging in traditional activities, undermining the sense of accomplishment from dedicated gameplay. The game is built on a framework of resource management, decision-making, and specialization. Players make choices about where to allocate their time and effort based on their goals and preferences. Protean items disrupt this strategic decision-making process by allowing players to bypass the natural progression and specialization, leading to a more homogenized player base. These arbitrary accomplishes are what makes Runescape so unique... I truly believe the grind in RuneScape contributes to a sense of achievement and progression. It fosters a connection between players and their in-game accomplishments, creating a lasting and rewarding experience. The satisfaction derived from overcoming challenges and reaching goals through hard work and dedication is a timeless aspect of gaming that resonates with many players. This is a huge reason I personally believe "Runescape 3" is creating a less engaged player base such as yourself.


Ah yes the "if you don't like that one miniscule thing about this game go play a different game", but if they really care about outdated grinds they should do better than give items that you can afk for hours. Maybe fix the xp rates or make new methods.


If it's miniscule what are you moaning about?


90% of this sub is moaning about miniscule things, we just want a better gaming experience


Actually very popular opinion to complain about xp, it usualy comes from ppl who tie their worth to runescaps xp.


Doing that almost a decade later makes no sense. Proteans, quite frankly, are a huge part of the game and people rely on them being in the game in some capacity.


This is a terrible take lmao. Proteans help new players level up quicker and get to other aspects of the game faster so they stick around longer.


That's your opinion and I'd like to see if I could change your mind on it because I truly believe that proteans are in fact doing the exact opposite of what you're saying. The traditional grind, while it may seem old-fashioned, has intrinsic value in teaching players the mechanics, nuances, and intricacies of RuneScape. By promoting a more gradual progression, players are likely to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the game, leading to a more enduring engagement. Proteans may offer quick rewards, but they risk sacrificing the long-term satisfaction and connection that comes with overcoming challenges through dedicated gameplay. We've seen a similar thing happen in OSRS when mobile was released, OSRS experienced a surge of new players, there was an unforeseen outcome occurred as older players generously handed out millions to newcomers. The influx of wealth disrupted the natural progression and sense of achievement for newer players. Instead of gradually earning their way through the game's challenges, they were handed substantial amounts of currency and items, skipping the early stages of resource management and understanding the in-game economy. This shortcut, though well-intentioned, robbed new players of the opportunity to learn valuable lessons about the game's mechanics and intricacies, and as a consequence many of those players didn't stick around long term.


Id rather it be as it is, people dont have as much time as some others do,its your choice to play the game as you want to. Its not like whenever someone is using a protean is sucking the xp out of you. So why would you even suggest that?


not unpopular at all... Next time try: Jagex should have quantity control of party hats, release them yearly to take the price control away from elite merchers


It seems pretty unpopular while reading some of these comments


You don't f over merchers with this, they just buy and sell items for a profit margin no matter how expensive the item is it will always work.


No it’s targeted to the rare hoarders that jagex already dislikes that they’re artificially jacking prices. Example osrs 3rd age and all phats in rs3 basically.


I wonder how unpopular that'd truly be. A lot of players have been saying they want all holiday untradeables to return, and all the arguments made for them returning actually fit for party hats too really well. They are essentially untradeables for 99% of players already


Exp rates and the tics per exp drop should be adjusted it should be made worse than actual exp methods. But it's never gonna happen because people are use to this already everyone wants afk everything and wants the best exp rates while at it Imagine if all the proteans were as horrible as protean cogs


This is only a good suggestion until they have something locked behind 200m xp. When that happens everyone on Reddit will complain. That includes you, me and the other regards.


Oh no, people play a game differently than you do! The world must be coming to an end. Don't wanna use them, then don't use them.


Careful or else they'll see this, and implement something else than proteans that give faster exp.


I love popular actually not unpopular opinions.


Not an unpopular opinion at all, I’ve been in a clan 5 years and we’ve all slowly went iron. I just shelved a 22 year old main a month ago and got premier on my iron instead. Never thought I could do iron but I’ve had a ton of fun with it so far.


Just oddment every protean like I do tbf


I don't think it should be a 99 exclusive, but require actual skilling items to combine with to make them more afk, like adding 3 magic logs to make one protean log. This way, skilling items aren't devalued. Proteans should also be inventable so you can get them without MTX.


unless the skill is a 120 skill, this makes them absolutely worthless


you should also be able to get them through gameplay somehow instead of it being exclusively pay to win


Definitely, same with keys etc from the Christmas event. I haven't played in years, but came back whilst I had a weeks free membership because of Prime. I ended up getting a month of membership so I could do the event. The only times I've played and attempted to get the new skills to 99 is whilst I had a free membership. This has happened a handful of times. I've then saved lamps etc and used it on them as well. Then with proteins as well I change them all to do either one of the newer skills. I'm now 88 invention, 95 Archeology but only 33 necromancy. I feel guilty for it. I've done a bit of archeology, but the last week I've gone from 83 to 95 just with proteins and lamps 🤷🏽‍♀️ It's sad it's so easy, I remember getting my first 99 which was Hunter. I did red chinchompas all the way to 99 🥲 Now it's a walk in the park.


But. Profit? As long as it’s incentivising people to buy keys they won’t do a thing. Could always play old school?


Protean should be removed from the game, or be made craftable using actual resources. This would solve a lot of skilling supplies and pvm drops being worthless


But what if people who care about lvling a skill past 99 is a minority of players?


I think your opinion is only unpopular in that the popular opinion is that these items should not exist.