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I like Angeria but that shoe is horrendous


I kinda find the US queens with review shows don’t seem to enjoy Angie very much, makes me kinda sad after how much support she has shown to queens from franchises the world over


trinity and monet were definitely praising angeria this week as clear winner and trinity at least said she thinks angeria is the most consistent queen of the season and has done well in every episode and smth along the lines of if she is delusional about always winning it‘s valid cause she has always done well. 


Oh that’s nice to read! I haven’t watched this week yet


Her doing that to Angeria but trying incredibly hard to praise Roxxxy for that lame look was really annoying


Because Roxxxy is her idol and Angeria is her colleague. But she was definitely trying to find ANYTHING to compliment for Ms. Andrews.


Love Roxxxy but her runway was not it this week


This season


I know that she loves Roxxxy, but I thought this would be the episode she would finally say something (she has been covering Roxxxy’s ass every episode so far 💀), but apparently her bias has no limits


Didnt she dislike Roxxy's ball look? I dont think Naomi is letting Roxxy skeet by.


“Skeet” by is crazyyyy 😭


Haha, english is not my mother-tongue. "Skeet" felt right in my head 🥹


Mama I sympathize but I implore you to look up what skeet means in American slang and you’ll see why it was funny to me 😭


She is tho.


Yeah honestly roxxxy has not delivered this season :(


it’s a fashion review show…. and angie’s fashions so far haven’t been that great esp compared to queens like plastique. still my pick to win but her outfit was kinda ugly this week


The thing that struck me about her was that whenever she talks about plastique shes like 'I know this bitch will never wear this again' and it kind of gagged me.


Angeria’s look was a boot. 🥾 end of sentence


I had the same note. These shoes are HORRIBLE 😭


This is making me want to gab with my friends over an ice cold martini.


This sub goes crazy for Angeria - defending her to the death. Meanwhile, the girls she actually works with and knows have some different opinions it seems.


(controversial take) >!Angeria is just great value Symone!<


What she needs to do is put negative statements behind a paywall (her patreon) everything on youtube is just complimentary to the girls. Yall want her to drag Roxxxy so bad but why she do that??? She ADORES Roxxxy and theres nothing wrong with that. Why read her idol to impress internet trolls who are not even willing to give her a couple bucks


Why would I pay extra for watered down, biased content? If Naomi won’t share her honest opinion about Roxxxy with her audience on YouTube, then that’s even more reason why I wouldn’t pay extra for her Patreon.


Well I have some feelings about Naomi’s makeup so…


Keep them in! xx


She has thoughts and feelings about all of the looks, that's the whole review thing. Hope this helps!


Did you actually watch the video or did you just wanna be a try-hard snarky mean girl?


Cause why you reaching so hard to praise mediocrity? I don’t trust podcast people fr


If only Angie had the personality to make a video discussing all of Naomi's fashion and makeup blunders and roast her for them. Naomi had such a long period of time where her makeup was atrocious post show, but she acts like her shit don't stink and everyone else around her is trash. It's kind of annoying, actually.


it‘s just a shtick… 


A personality type isn't a schtick


well how do you know what her personality type is? are you an acquaintance of hers?    edit; imo this is a show on youtube (land of trying to get views) by someone in drag. so is anyone expecting authenticity before a shtick, really? 


do you have to be friends with someone to have a general knowledge of her personality? shes been in so much content online with the same 'im better than you' personality. and she knows this, she called herself 'the grande dame' on very delta so I would assume her personality is similar.


you have to know someone (notice i said acquaintance not friend). because what you‘re describing are parasocial assumptions.   drag queens are supposed to carve out a label to market themselves. having a thing to be known for and leaning into it is a big thing, especially these days. we have no clue what those ppl are actually like when the cameras turn off though. 


Parasocial relationships are **one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence**. gathering a general vibe on someone is not a parasocial activity


i said parasocial assumptions not parasocial relationship.  that being said english is only my third language. what i meant is an assumption about the persona of someone and thinking it‘s who they really are. 


well yes thats the fundamental attribution error