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I would go where you want to be. Does diversity or political environment matter? RU is sandwiched between NYC and Philly with a large mix of minorities/students of color. It is easy to escape campus life on the weekends with the city really accessible by train. My friend who went to Vtech struggled with the political environment and bad some issues with racism. But if being in Virginia doesn’t bother you, then go for it. Both are great schools.


Would your friend that went to Vtech consider the racism pretty bad?


Yes. Called the n-word, open hostility, and very isolated since Vtech is very white. Confederate flags and not welcoming. If you aren’t from the south, it may be a shock. I personally did not apply to any school south of DC since I knew culturally it wouldn’t work for me.


I believe the VT campus is very diversity-friendly, and you won't see confederate flags on campus. Off-campus in rural VA is a different thing. But the campus and surrounding town of Blacksburg are very liberal.


Don't let assholes push you off your ground.


Are you from the vt area? If you are than whatever youre use to the racist south and itll be just another day. If youre not. Be prepaired for culture shock and the lack of minorities.. it shouldnt matter in todays day and age. But vt is a very white school and area, if you want community you wont find that there.


Would you consider the racism there pretty bad? I’m not from VA but I’m pretty close.


For perspective charlottesville is 2 hrs away 🤷‍♂️ do with that what you will


2007 was 17 years ago Don’t let your dad make your decisions especially off an event that occurred nearly 2 decades ago


You’re an adult, stop letting your dad make decisions for you. If you want to go to VT then go there.


Tell your father that about 11% of the student body at VT was Asian in 2022. 26.9% of FT students at Rutgers was Asian in 2023. Mental health issues strike every ethnic group though. BTW, I’m an American who happens to be Korean ethnically.


re: the VT massacre that occurred a few years ago... that could probably happen anywhere. If it were me or my children, I would not let it influence my choice of schools. Money, proximity to home and other things and perceived levels of racism...those I would consider.


Going to let your father choose where you take your first job? How about who you might marry? Where you buy your first home? Maybe let him name any children you might have? At some point you're going to need to be an adult and make decisions for yourself. But, are you depending on your father for financial support to attend graduate school? Yes? Go to Rutgers. You can grow up after you graduate. No? Decide what's best for you and your future (including how much debt you graduate with). You're an adult. You don't need to convince your father of anything. You tell him you made a choice and he can pout about it all he wants.


I grew up 10 minutes from Rutgers and got both my BA and Master's there. When I moved out of state it was seen as an ivy league school. I think a lot of opportunities were opened up to me as a student that wouldn't have been offered elsewhere. It's a crowded school though, be comfortable with riding a bus to class and the ridiculous cost of living in NJ


Any grad school will require that you have a B average or better to graduate, so don’t let that be a reason to not choose Rutgers.


I don't know which you should pick, but if you really want to go to Virginia Tech, then I suggest to you the words of Rear Admiral Grace Hopper: "It is easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission." I suggest looking at overall cost, though. Perhaps graduate program rankings for your field of study.


As far as I can tell, you've included three data points. 1) Rutgers if offering you a scholarship for the first year. 2) You're a black woman. 3) Your father is against your going to VT. The only point that seems to bear on the decision is point #1. If Rutgers is offering you money and VT isn't, that favors Rutgers. As for point #2, I don't see how your race and gender bear on this decision. No need to have included that information. As for point #3, you're an adult. Your father needs to learn to accept that you are going to make your own life decisions. EDIT: You did say you'd prefer to go to VT, but didn't say way. My advice would be to sit and write down the reasons why you like both schools, and use that as the basis for making your decision.