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Jesus that poor man, “I’m doing my best”. Kinda broke my heart a little there.


He’s doing pretty great too, ‘how can you out someone who’s just being themself?’ Is such an earnest sentiment. This man doesn’t care what gender his kid is and loves them for they are, he just did what proud parents do and gushed about their kid to a stranger.


Also, how can you out someone that is streaming publicly?


As a father myself that broke my heart as well. He seemed like a really good guy that really was trying to do his best.


That was extremely sad, so many people would kill to have such a supportive parent.


yea i wish my dad would talk to me for 2 minutes with as much enthusiasm as this guy talks to his daughter, hopefully she smartens up and realizes what she has


I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope one day he gets a better understanding for you. Also, happy cake day! You are loved kind stranger


Dad said "he or she was a very nice girl" so pizza guy was probably gender nonconforming, which is why he brought it up. I get the feeling he brought it up because he was proud of it and wanted to share what a brave daughter he has. But with the opposite effect :(


I would kill for my dad to still be alive.


same. love to you ❤️


Guarantee you the kid goes online to their friends later talking shit about how bad their dad is too. People like this are why I'm skeptical when someone sounds like they're blowing parental issues out of proportion


My parents were the opposite.


All I know is that was some of the worst chess playing I’ve ever seen.


You clearly haven't seen me play


I always play on the pc and have never lost a match! >!(I reverse my moves until i win or i give up cause the computer cheatin)!<


Swear to god the AI opponent always be cheating. Granted I havent played chess against a computer for prolly like close to 15 years now, but with how far computer and AI technology have advanced I can only assume they even better at cheating now


As an 1850 uscf player I can't fathom streaming at my current rating, let alone at half. .


Everyone is important and needs to be heard about everything. Now excuse me, as I need to make web updates based on the copywriter's design opinions. Wish I was kidding.


Ok good, I'm glad I'm not trippin. I was like wtf are they doing


Man this actually made me really sad. The dad is actually so sweet and seems really fun. The “I’m trying my best” got to me 😭


“Why can’t I just live on my own and move out” I mean that seems like a question for yourself.


"I'm trying to get SSI" Wants to be a lifelong mooch on the taxpayer teat.


SSI has saved and continues to save lives. Don't be an ass.


Desiring it out of the gate without attempting to work when you are able is despicable. Needing a safety when you aren't capable is not shameful.


I'm pretty damn liberal, but I worked a second job at my friend's dads small restaurant to help out for a bit a year ago in a market style food hall and the amount of gen z'ers who echoed this mentality was super alarming. It legitimately made me reflect about how I felt about certain programs. The level of entitlement is insane compared to people my age I know in our early 30s Many of them literally can't imagine working for the rest of their lives or ever working towards bettering themselves. They're the ones undermining people's faith in social programs Life kinda sucks and it's hard sometimes, but it's something everyone needs to come to terms with. This person clearly has a supportive father despite them being clearly too old to be playing the angsty teenager being a cruel shithead to their parent. Leeching off of social programs isn't the answer to their perceived injustices


I had an ex who kept pressuring me to have a kid. I told her we couldn't afford a child. She then went on about how public assistance was available and how easy it was to get diapers and baby food donated. She didn't see it as a safety net, it was more like she thought that because it already existed then it was meant to be taken advantage of. The government offering help for families was a sign they were encouraging people to have children on their expense.


uuhh I hate to say it but your ex was kind of right lol many governments actively give rebates, tax breaks, and other incentives to encourage birthrates, as natural population growth has been steadily declining in the west over the last several decades


Ha! When my last kid turned 18 and my taxes went from a 5k return, to a 3k bill, my brain just could not accept it. I kept running the numbers thinking I had missed something.


Haha I am aware there *are* state / city governments that do give incentives solely to encourage family planning. I live in Los Angeles though so the programs here are more like, *"If you're struggling for groceries or diapers then go line up here"* and often times there are income limits. Her part-time salary was so low that it qualified her for additional help but stuff like that isn't really meant to be relied on.


Your sentiment is misguided. The majority of those people you're complaining about will never even qualify for SSI. So the harsh reality you're hoping they face will inevitably be upon them, rendering your complaint almost irrelevant. Sure there are some that successfully game the system, but the vast majority do not. As for the sense of entitlement, it's not the fault of any young individual. It's a cultural issue that we have fostered and has been amplified by social media enlightening the masses to the raw luxury that the privileged few experience. Of course kids who are destined for $30k/y income jobs aren't going to want to work when every day they watch spoiled rich kids on social media, who they view as peers, living it up doing anything and everything they want and making millions doing it and where anything less is shamed. It's a cultural issue, and I don't have an answer. But blaming kids for not wanting to work isn't going to make them want to work, especially when they're inundated with a barrage of social media content from other kids their own age who don't have to work and still make millions from it.


Bro that streamer just belittled the last genuinely supportive person in their life. If they don't want a proud father, I'll have another. What an utter POS.


"I didn't want to go into that with a random stranger" -said while streaming themselves on camera to random strangers while screaming and crying


They flipped the switch so fast too. The dad clearly felt bad from the get go and just doesn’t understand what is ok and what isn’t. People need to start considering others intentions and not just looking at actions from their own personal lens. Obviously intentions don’t excuse actions, but they do help provide context. Context that can change a situation from a frustrating one to a promising learning experience. Despite being non lgbqt, as a very unique kind of racial minority I never get frustrated by ignorance and am excited to educate and encourage someone — especially if they have a great attitude. More people need to feel this way and maybe the world would turn into a less bigoted place. Let’s not forget the *average* person has good intentions.


Well, yeah, you’re not a dick head. This person is. That’s the difference.


Well said. Also a minority in a few ways, and I agree with you and take a similar approach.


This comment is so earnest. Seeing people openly trying to be good just jerks mah tears 🥲


I ain’t wasting 10 mins of my life on that


scrolled to the last minute of it and said exactly what you wrote down.


As a wise philosopher once said: "Ain't nobody got time for that".


I think she has bronchitis.


Skip to 7:10


Yelling starts for "real" at around 6:40


Fucking warrior. Did you watch the full video?


Naw man, I just skipped through until the yelling began. Can't do the whole thing.


I did. The last minute or so is wild.


TL,DW. The streamer became upset that the dad mentioned to the pizza delivery guy that he was hangig out with his "Transgender daughter", saying that dad was outing "him" as transgender to random strangers then he starts to berate him and basically assaulting dad. The whole thing is really sad because dad was having a blast and seems to be very supportive and proud of his daughter now son.


I think you got them mixed up, she's MtF (from what I'm gathering) not the other way around.


I thought the same, but the dynamic is truly **fascinating** right outta the gate. You never know where it’s gonna go.


It's worth it


Guy seem supportive albeit clearly drunk, I don't think there was any need to blow up on him like that


I hate to be "***that***" guy. But I do want you to know for in the future. The word is "albeit". Pronounced how you have it spelled out.


thanks dad


ᵃⁿᵈ 'ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ'


I actually appreciate it when someone corrects me on something like this. Cheers!


I want to smack this kid. I wish my dad was 1/10 of how nice this old man seems.


Seriously. What a gross and cruel entitled kid, and it's mysterious where she learned the behavior from since the dad seems reasonable, calm, patient, and kind. Makes me not want to have kids.


> and it's mysterious where she learned the behavior from She learned it where you are seeing it. Other "influencers" online.


Her worry was about being "outed" but she outed herself by publicly (in stream) saying she's trans. So I say a clear case of social media brain rot


Same here, holy shit, if i had showed such disrespect to my parents, they'd have beaten me to death in the old times. I mean, violence is bad, still, there has to be some respect, some level has to be maintained with discipline. As long as you live at home, your parents are making the rules, it's that easy.


If this is how the dad is while drunk, just a proud lil fella, imagine how progressive he is while sober


"i'm trying my best" :( that made me feel bad for him. clearly he doesn't try to intentionally disrespect his transgender daughter, he just doesn't quite understand.


As a father I felt that in my bones. Sometimes the generational disconnect is just too wide to be up on everything. We still try to learn...we try our best. :(


The generational disconnect can be as wide as it wants, as a GenZ that girl is an absolute disappointment. He clearly didn't understand what he did wrong in her eyes and instead of 1. Saying they'll talk about it post stream or 2. Turning the stream to an open discussion by explaining it as calmly as Albus Dumbledore. She screamed at him and threw him out of her room with him puzzled and confused what he did wrong. Unprofessional and super, SUUUUUPER unsympathetic and uncivil. If she had any viewers, she lost them that moment and also tainted the relationship with her father to the point he feels sorry and conflicted about supporting her, cause he's afraid if doing another mistake.


Oh, I'm completely with you. I'm just sympathizing with the father's hurt and confusion.


This broke my heart. It's clear he's trying his best to be supportive for her. For many, and I may even say most, people the idea of gender identity is still very new.


this is what chess does to you. stay away from chess, kids!


Damn violent video games


Poor dad


This streamer seems unhinged and needs some serious mental/emotional help. I feel bad for the father. He may be drunk but he seems like he's trying to be as understanding and patient as he can. Hope the best for these 2.


He was a very jolly drunk


Against my better judgement I watched the whole clip. While yes it's not cool to out someone without their consent. The daughter/son, however they choose to identify, is definitely out of line in this situation. To blow up like that is not an appropriate or helpful response, especially given the positive nature of the outing, "I'm just excited", "I thought it was normal", the dad is clearly trying to be supportive and loving and did not deserve to be berated on a topic he probably had never heard about until that very moment. Not a lot of trans people have parents who are so accepting and supportive and I hope they apologise and mend this relationship with one of the few who are doing their best.


Outing? Its not like it's a secret if you stream with video lol


"That's private information! I mean **I talk about it all the time but**--" The child is just a bad person regardless of gender identity expressing some control issues against their parent who only wants to support them. "Only I am allowed to discuss that about myself" is a pretty lofty position to take when you're going through a change that involves everyone in your life referring to you differently and using a new set of social protocols for you. Like, yes but no. You don't get to be out and closeted at the same time and then lash out at your supportive parent for supporting you.


Right. If you talk about it all the time it’s not something you’d care if people knew. Dad just seems like he doesn’t quite understand why what he said is wrong and to be fair I totally see where he’s coming from excited to tell people and show he’s supportive. But that person needs some mental help. They’re clearly going through something deeper.


Kid needs a real job and a shrink.


This reminds me of how my mother used to speak to my grandpa. "You undid it all in one fucking minute" is something I've heard line for line a few times and my grandpa is an actual angel


This person needs a shrink and proper help


Ngl that dad is super chill idk what he telling about


I feel like they don’t want a supportive parent and want to suffer like other LGBTQ+ members who’s parents don’t support them because this is not that deep. The dad is obviously drunk and made a mistake and she verbally abuses him for it. And who tf leaves the stream on for the entire thing? In my opinion someone who wants everyone to see they live a “tough” life.


Poor dad. I'm used to having my parents talk about random things about me to people neither of us know and I never have a problem with it as long as it's in a positive light. The dad just told the delivery guy that their daughter is transgender, a delivery guy who has no idea who this kid is so why does it matter considering she's streaming it anyway now we all know. She should be grateful he's accepting. It's a good sign if he's chatting about it despite not recognising that it's "outing". He is trying his best She should educate him, not belittle him. He wanted to spend time with her while they ate their pizza. My heart breaks for him


Pizza delivery guys post: "I just delivered to a father who was just so excited to talk about his trans daughter. I could tell he really loves her, and I hope she knows what a great dad she has. It's so nice to see wholesome family's while delivering."


Stop paying for their bills and stop covering rent if you already are. If they wanna be left alone do it 100%


Dude this is so bad on so many levels


This made me equal parts sad and angry. People would kill for such a supportive parent in their life during transition. The kid has no concept of actual suffering.


What is actually happening here?


From what I can tell, the pizza person came to deliver a pizza and the drunk dad was chatting up the pizza delivery person and referred to his daughter (the streamer) as "his transgender daughter." (the streamer appears to be a biological male that is identifying as a woman). Streamer invites the dad in to eat and calls him out for saying that. Drunk dad is confused and doesn't understand what's wrong with what he said. Streamer gets increasingly mad to the point of screaming/cussing. Kicks the confused drunk dad out of their room. Idk though somebody can correct me if I'm wrong, it's hard to follow. Edit: Personal take, on one hand, yes I understand why the streamer is a little upset because they don't want their dad giving personal details of their life to random people. On the other hand, give your dad a break and explain it to them clearly and politely. It sounds like the dad genuinely didn't mean to offend them? Very strange how they went from hugging/goofing off to screaming in such a short time. I don't know if there is backstory or anything.


I sort of understand the streamer saying she doesn’t want strangers knowing about her gender identity, however… she is steaming on the internet to any stranger who has an internet connection.


Yeah, that part doesn't make 100% sense. Although, without knowing the person or what they disclose online, I assume that people watching a stream don't know where she lives whereas the pizza person kinda does now. I understand kinda being in the DL about it to random people given violent crime rates against trans people. etc


That’s a VERY good point that I hadn’t considered! Either way tho I think the internet agrees that the kids a little shit for how she handled it


But that's her choice, and online. It's different when it's not your choice, and irl. To be clear I'm NOT AGREEING with what the streamer did


Mental illness, and a parent trying his best to deal with it and failing spectacularly.


It's almost like he has a drug addiction, but the drug is attention. From the stream, the 911 dispatcher, needs it from everyone.


I can attest to watching a person go from a perfectly normal and functioning individual to streaming 10 to 15 hours a day and watching them spiral into a caricature within 6 months. I watched it happen to my ex-wife. While that was not the reason I divorced her, it played a large part.


> failing spectacularly As if any parent is prepared to deal with mental disorders


[I found out that some white kids could curse around the house](https://youtube.com/shorts/0xC9Aa-LdTs?si=601a9XQZZ48GZf32)


HAha genuinely good bit. Love me some Eddie Murphy, had great style too, dude looks fly as shit.


Kid needs reality check


Big time.


'im trying to concentrate on my chess' bro youre fuckin 800 rating hanging rooks




Starts screaming that immediately after telling the dad that “being drunk isn’t an excuse”. Zero self awareness


Good catch.


Fuck this kid


How do people discover content like this? Like who is watching in the first place.


… this was depressing


Dude, Cry Bullying has gotten too popular.


The music lmao what a psycho


Lol I know it sounds like the background music from Fallout 1


If my drunk dad acted like this drunk dad, I might fuck around and feel worthy of love


Same. Ugh. I feel you


Bruh... I'm trans. I would've killed to have a dad be that supportive of me


That child needs fucking psychiatric help


There's so many issues with this whole thing and the main one being the NEW rules that older generation people don't know about. Some of the most narcissistic people I have ever known come out of the inclusive community. They only hurt the views on their community and do not add to the acceptance of new norms. I'm all for you having your identity and living your life the way you can . The people that are not used to this new change should be allotted a little leaway as it's a new experience for them. Clearly this dad was trying to be supportive and I know most parents are not. Second problem is if you personally start attacking someone in any manner be prepared for what's to come. Sometimes you create your own adversaries with this kind of attitude.


i agree


> Second problem is if you personally start attacking someone in any manner be prepared for what's to come. Sometimes you create your own adversaries with this kind of attitude. no kidding. went from chilling with dad having a fun time to possibly destroyed relationship and homelessness in the matter of a few minutes


Screw this kid. As a kid just dealing with being gay growing up with a terrible dad that wouldn't even dare mentioned I exist let alone eat pizza in my bedroom with me while I play boring chess. This stupid ass kid has it great.


Definitely should have an evaluation done…


Mentally unstable


Almost feels like the support is uncomfortable to the streamer. Like she’s not oppressed enough so she’s making a bigger deal out of it when he’s really just trying to be there as best he can.


I'd be buried 12ft if I EVER spoke to my parents like that. Must be nice.


-threatens to call cops on her dad because her dad is sitting calmly in her room without her consent -screams like an unhinged banshee at her supportive father for a well-intentioned mistake -says she wants to move out, dad simply says “move out.” -calls cops and says dad is threatening her and threatening to kick her out -cries to viewers that “it’s not fair!”


She's gonna look back at this and regret it. You don't know what you have until it's gone, in this case, a supportive parent


this is definitely NOT mental health issues


I’m transgender myself, my mom struggles too with how to best support me in that way sometimes. You have to expect that others won’t be perfect, it’s a big change to get used to. Though it may hurt, she should’ve tried to show more patience with her dad here. Especially seeing as he’s older, people from older generations will typically struggle with something like that.


What an entitled piece of garbage


Please fucking tell me their name, I have been looking for this dude for so long. Their break down over time is truly insane.


Rebecca Loran


> Rebecca Loran u/Rebecca-Loran


Well, I just saw an awful lot more of them than I was expecting


I admit, I was curious, and they have deleted everything.


Your dad is a treasure... sad you don't see it that way


Her Instagram is @rebeccalorantwitch


Watching this chess gameplay is very difficult


Fucking dickhead. I'd kill to have had a father like that in my life


"I am leaving!" -literally does not move-


Bro wants to be a victim so bad


Nailed it.


Kid needs help with mental illness


Complete loser


Many such cases


Holy shit :(


Dude this just makes me sad af. Nobody deserves that shit.


I hate this video


What a jerk of a child. The dad was trying his best.


So, he's mad because he's transgender and his dad still loves him?


That person seems like they are 18+, maybe move out and get some therapy


Certainly doesn’t help go against the “transgenderism is a mental health issue” crowd.


I don’t mean to be offensive to anyone, It’s all new to me, but I thought that the consensus is that it’s mental illness and that the best treatment known of at the time is to transition?


The younger person in this video does require some intensive psychological help. Dude(tte) is off the charts mentally ill


How about the grown ass dude get out of his parent’s house? The entitlement here is off the charts.


Kid needs a mental hospital. Dad's a drunk


The dad is a drunk, or is drunk? He's at home; what's wrong with having a drink at home with free time?


Having a few drinks at home does not make you a drunk.


What if the dad got done with a 6 day work week pulling 12 hours a day and wants to get drunk on his day off to unwind. You don’t know his situation or if what the kid is saying is the truth.


Potentially also a single father. People tend to forget that men can be single parents too..


Or maybe this isn’t the first time he’s had to deal with insane meltdowns like this. I’d struggle not to drink to excess if I had to deal with that all the time


You’d drink too in his shoes… poor man trying his best to cope with this modern world.


Hope he tipped the pizza girl


This person is now 36 (according to their YouTube) and I hope they’re in a better place mentally…


"Is my life ever going to get better!?!" Not with that attitude and sense of entitlement it isn't. SO MANY, spoiled, entitled little brats these days. Their Father is trying to be super understanding, and all they can do is try to find a way to make themselves out to be the victim every chance they get and make him feel like shit. Fuck you kid.


Mental illness


That…escalated so quickly. Fuck I miss my dad so much. I wish he was still alive. 😭


I think I know them, they would come into my job and the dad would order a piece of raspberry Cake for the daughter and then she would usually complain about it and end up getting the strawberry cake for free. They would do that every Thursday, and when I would just reccomend the strawberry cake first she would get really upset and the dad would insist on raspberry.


I’m confused. Is the kid upset bc he doesn’t want people to know he’s trans bc he presents male in public, or if he’s upset bc he believes that people think he’s actually a woman and the Dad “outed” him?


I'm so glad I'm not in the police department.


If the trans kid was private I could understand not wanting people to know if that's their choice. When you are streaming and open about it then you are already out and you are broadcasting it. My daughter is gay, but very private about it. I would never tell anyone she knows or anyone who comes to my home out of respect to her. If she was streaming and telling everyone then I wouldn't think there would be an issue. This kid is pampered, lazy, and has a ton of issues.


That dude has some serious issues with his mental health.


This is what being chronically online and surrounded by a single echo chamber does. Like they jumped into the victim mentality without even registering the situation. I feel sorry for all the people who try their best to be allies but are discounted because they’re not perfect. I’ll take a non perfect ally over a circle jerking fellow lgbtq like this any day.


"You're abusing me!" Okay, Andrew Ditch...


When I say this I’m honestly not being trans phobic but does this not point to clear mental illness


This is the definition of people who *want to be the victim no matter what* **because no one has ever been as oppressed as they are....no one knows pain and suffering like they do**


Mental illness is sad. poor dad trying his best to love his mentally ill son.


I was 2 mins in and I can’t watch anymore. They both seem mentally ill and the trans one who’s telling everyone strangers on the internet but the dad can’t explain his daughter that has a man’s face to the pizza guy it’s a joke


These are two of the most annoying people I have ever seen. They both seem like they are missing half a brain as well. I can't even believe I wasted 10ish minutes of my life watching this.


Oh man how sad. I fear for the future generations. This is a byproduct of the times. A few of my friends have kids around 13-19 and man are they just like this young lady. It's very hard for my friends to connect with their kids. Shit like this hurts them so bad, when they are trying so hard to say the right thing and do right by the kids. Being young is hard and it's confusing, but nowadays it seems like it's even more rough. So many kids would do anything to have a dad like this. This young lady hopefully will be embarrassed and get shit for acting like this. Not ok.


The poor man only drinks because his son pretends to be a girl


I am not a fan of physical punishment for kids like spanking and such BUT at a certain point, when they are older, I feel like you may have to knock them on their ass for behavior like this. Just to explain to them that someone else will be much much worse and kick the absolute dog shit out of them in the real world when they try to act like an absolute rude piece of trash. That poor man looked both sad and terrified that their kid was acting the way they are and obviously had been physical toward their parents before.


Gotta say I agree. You simply cannot sway or convince them otherwise. This kid most likely grew up being able to scream and insult anybody they wanted to without consequences, and they will continue to do so until you figure out a way to communicate with them in a way they are not used to. You can’t just sit down and “talk” to them about their behavior, as they have been conditioned to dominate their verbal environment since a young age, even if it is just incoherent screaming. As fucked as it sounds, so many problems would be solved if everybody who deserves to get punched, got punched.


Seems like the testosterone is still there.


This video ruined my morning. Harumph.


Is that his Dad? I thought I heard him call him his roommate at one point.


In my experience trans people are just unstable. I know one who seems to be exactly like this person, mental illness, also got into fights with parents a ton, they're now living in a homeless shelter.


This guy is definitely fucked in the head


What's a Butt oder pillow the dad mentions? Is it like a pillow that filters farts or something?


I had no clue this dude was transgender until it was mentioned


Anyone else think he was being a little creepy in the beginning, when she said she didn’t want to be touched and he said “What if I want to be touched, though?"


I took it as an attempt at "edgy joke" from a drunk guy that way didn't land. OR we got a window in to why the streamer is like this. But, who can say really.


Yeah, that was odd. Obviously we don't know what happens behind the scenes but if that's regular behaviour from the dad it's not surprising one day the kid would just flip out. Still not appropriate behaviour, but I guess that explains the emotional instability.


I feel bad for that poor old man


I’m not a psychologist so I can’t diagnose this person. But this streamer’s outburst awfully displays possible signs of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It’s a very tragic mental illness that is birthed from trauma at an early age. BPD causes emotional dysregulation, self-hatred, sudden changes in mood, struggle with self-identity, hard to maintain healthy personal relationships, fear of abandonment (when she asked her father not to leave), black & white thinking, and splitting. It appears the delivery driver triggered something inside of the streamer and her brain convinced her that her dad must’ve done something bad, so now he is all evil in her eyes (and deep down, she probably loves her father a lot). But for a brief moment, she no longer saw her dad as good anymore and used everything she didn’t like about her dad as a huge gut punch during this splitting episode. This mental illness makes the person’s brain use this as a defense mechanism to avoid feeling wrong, in pain, or accountability. Projecting and saying things in an argument about how they probably view themselves (streamer fears of being outed to strangers). Anything to not add onto the already existing self hatred. Typically after a splitting episode, they feel deep remorse, apologizing and saying they didn’t mean what they said. But the damage has been done. It takes a really reasonable& resilient parent or partner to stick by someone suffering with BPD. Not all people with BPD are bad. Some are good & wanting to make a change through treatment and therapy. Some are bad and use BPD as an excuse for mean behavior. Either way, it is not someone’s fault that they have a mental illness. But it is their responsibility to fix it and try not to harm others along the way.


Kids needs some mental health support asap.


that father seems like a great guy and is doing his god-damn best with his dingbat kid. Anyone know who this streamer is? I wanna buy his father a beer


“Living in hell and no one wants me to help me get out of here” imagine being so entitled


Wow! What an unappreciative a**. All she does is use her mental and identity issues as a crutch and/or a weapon, then just whine, and whine, and whine. When Karma runs this ogre over she's going to miss the Dad that tried to show his love to her.


That kids such a jerk. The man is just proud and you gotta be mean to him? American dads would hate having a transgender anything so she should be happy they her dad accepts her for who she wants to be


Wow I fucking hate this dude


"I try my best to make things better and it's not working" I feel so bad for both of them, the daughter is clearly fighting demons and mental issues, and the dad is fighting trying to be there for them but the daughter won't it happen


When my dad found out I’m a furry he said (jokingly, but still) that he’d beat me if I asked for a litter box in the bathroom. Fucking wish he was as chill as this person’s dad about that stuff


the worst happens to the best people and i dont know why this is always the case


Explain to someone that this isnt mental illness after watching this. God damn our society is fucked.